Knife Rights News Slice Vol. 1 Number 6 – HAPPY NEW YEARS…

...and best wishes for a healthy, prosperous and very sharp 2008! It’s been a while since our last newsletter, for which I must apologize. My wife’s stay in the hospital, including three days in ICU, shortly after Blade Show West put everything behind and I am just now starting to catch up. So, having got that out of the way, here’s where things stand with Knife Rights. A lot has happened in the past few months and more exciting things are in store for the New Year We attended Blade Show West in Portland, Oregon, and enjoyed meeting many of you who attended. It was a good show for us, in that we signed up a good number of members, handed out a lot of Knife Rights buttons and explained to many knife owners that, yes indeed, they are out to take away our knives. Thanks very much to Chuck Gollnick and Pete Conway who helped man the booth.... Read More