Knife Rights News Slice Vol. 2 Number 1
A Boy Scout Chooses A Sharper Future Knife Rights had a booth at the NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits in Louisville, Kentucky this past week. Bill Manger volunteered his time to help man the booth and we gave out thousands of handouts and spoke to many of the attendees. We signed up a few dozen new members and we've had additional signups online, including one $250 Cornerstone membership since we returned. One of our new members from the show, however, stands out. On Saturday, a young Boy Scout stepped up to the booth with mom in tow. He asked what Knife Rights was and why we were there. It took only a brief moment for him to grasp the issues. At that point we had a somewhat upset and concerned Boy Scout on our hands, one who obviously had a love of knives as well as firearms and one who wasn't pleased to discover that his knife rights were as threatened or more threatened. The young man asked about memberships and we told him about out $15 Student Membership. He looked to mom, who sagely told him he'd have to make a choice. Seems he had a limited budget and already had his eye on a new knife at a price that would use up every penny. Mom was not going to bail him out, a position we both silently applauded.... Read More