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URGENT ACTION ALERT: Email in Support of Washington “Spring Blade” Ban Repeal Bill – Knife Rights

UPDATE: URGENT ACTION ALERT: Email in Support of Washington “Spring Blade” Ban Repeal Bill

Knife Rights Director of Legislative Affairs Todd Rathner was in Olympia, Washington this week to testify on SB 5782 before the Senate Committee on Law & Justice. It would repeal the ban on sales and civilian possession of “spring blade” knives, as well as specifically exclude them from the definition of “dangerous weapon.”

Also testifying were Knife Rights’ friends Mike Vellekamp of V Nives, Spencer Frazer from SOG Knives and Jeffery Swanson from Blade Gallery, a Washington knife retailer.

As we have in other states, Knife Rights was successful in securing support for the bill from the Washington Chapter of the ACLU. Todd testified to the critical Criminal Justice Reform aspects of this bill and pointed out to the Committee that a disproportionate number of minorities are the targets of law enforcement for simply carrying a pocket knife. It was apparent this was of concern to the Committee.

SB 5782 will be voted on by the Committee as soon as Thursday February 21st. If you are a resident of Washington or have business in the state or travel to or through Washington, please IMMEDIATELY contact Committee members and respectfully request that they vote YES on SB 5782.

EMAIL TODAY! CLICK HERE to contact the Judiciary Committee members using Knife Rights’ Legislative Action Center.