Indiana Knife Rights Switchblade Ban Repeal Signed Into Law

April 25, 2013: After two years of effort by Knife Rights and our sponsors, the Indiana legislature has repealed the state’s irrational ban on switchblade knives. Senator Jim Tomes and Senator Johnny Nugent have worked tirelessly with Knife Rights to pass this repeal.

Initially passed unanimously by the Indiana Senate, passage of the bill has been thwarted two years in a row by a single House committee chairman who refused to hear the bill. Senators Tomes and Nugent were able to bypass the obstinate chairman by adding the repeal language to a Conference Committee Report on HB1563 dealing with related matters. This Report was passed by the Indiana House 78-19 on Wednesday and the Indiana Senate 50-0 today.

HB1563 with the included Switchblade Ban Repeal language now goes to Governor Mike Pence. Please contact Governor Pence and ask him to sign HB1563.

His phone is: 317-232-4567
To email him, you must use the online form at:

When you call and email, keep it polite, short and to the point. Simply ask Governor Pence to please sign HB1563. That’s it!

March 28, 2013: The Indiana Knife Rights bill, SB181, that would repeal the state’s ban on switchblades, and which passed the Senate unanimously, has stalled in the House Public Policy Committee where Chairman Rep. Bill Davis has not scheduled the bill for a hearing.

If you live , work or travel in Indiana, please call and then follow-up email Rep. Davis and politely request that he move SB181 to a vote as soon as the calendar allows. Call: 1-800-382-9842 and ask for Chairman Davis’ office. Email him at:

When you call and email, keep it short and to the point, as noted above.

January 24, 2013: By a unanimous 47-0 vote, the Indiana Senate has passed Senate Bill SB181, a Knife Rights requested bill that would repeal Indiana’s antiquated and irrational ban on the sale and possession of automatic knives.

SB181 now moves to the House where it is sponsored by Representative Jud McMillin and co-sponsored by Representatives Sean Eberhart and Jim Baird. We sincerely thank Senate sponsor Senator Jim Tomes and co-authors Senators Steele, Nugent, Arnold, Hume, Randolph and Taylo for their successful efforts to pass the bill in the Senate.

If you live, work or travel in Indiana, please contact your Representative and ask them to support SB181. Click here to locate your Representative, and/or the Representative who represents where you work or travel.

January 12, 2013: Indiana State Senator Jim Tomes has presented us with a welcome start to the new year, Senate Bill SB181, a Knife Rights requested bill that would repeal Indiana’s antiquated and irrational ban on the sale and possession of automatic knives. The bill is co-sponsored by Senator Brent Steele, Chair of the Corrections, Criminal and Civil Matters Committee that will hear the bill, and Senator Johnny Nugent.

SB181 is identical to the bill that was passed overwhelmingly last session in the Senate by a bipartisan vote of 46-1. That bill got wrapped up in election year politics and was never heard by the Indiana House. We have high expectations that it will fare better this year.

SB 181 represents the first of a number of Knife Rights legislative initiatives that you can expect to hear about in the coming weeks and months. These difficult times only make these efforts to protect our knives all the more important. Please support Knife Rights as we fight for a Sharper Future for all Americans™.