Maryland Ivory Ban Bill Defeated

March 5, 2015: The Maryland House Judiciary Committee yesterday held a hearing on HB713, a terribly drafted bill that would ban the sale or purchase of any ivory in the state. This legislation is so ambiguous and all inclusive that it would effectively ban the sale of any wildlife teeth, including game and domesticated feed stock. Sale pf mammoth ivory and many other fossils that include teeth would also be criminalized. It criminalizes “possession with intent to sell,” a phrase that is easily abused by prosecutors, and makes ivory sale a felony for second offenses if the value exceeds $250. There are no exceptions at all to the ban.

If you are a Maryland resident or travel or work in Maryland, we encourage you to email or call the members of the committee and ask that they oppose HB 713 that will only serve to punish law-abiding citizens of Maryland and which won’t save a single living elephant. This is “feel good – do bad” legislation at its worst! Click on “Read More>>>>” for additonal information and contacts for the committee members.

The members of the committee listened to the proponents of the ban misinform them of the facts and reality of the poaching problem and their bogus claims that the U.S. is a significant part of the problem. The sponsor claimed he was willing to amend the bill to ass exemptions for certain ivory goods, but even these would have limited applicability for the majority of ivory owners, including those who own ivory handled and decorated knives.

Opposing the bill was a panel composed of Doug Ritter, Chairmen of Knife Rights, along with representatives from the NRA, the Baltimore Association of Gun Clubs and our good friend Rob Mitchell from the Elephant Protection Association. Together we were able to correct much of the misinformation that had been presented in support of the bill. Hopefully, now that the committee members have the true facts, they will not move this ridiculous and harmful bill forward.

We were very pleased to have David, and 8-year-old student and avid fossil collector, testify in opposition to the HB 713, showing off parts of his impressive collection of shark’s teeth and mammoth ivory fossils that would be rendered valueless by this ill-considered bill, a ban which would also prevent him from continuing to collect many of the fossils he prizes most.

If you are a Maryland resident or travel or work in Maryland, we encourage you to email or call the members of the committee and ask that they oppose HB 173 that will only serve to punish law-abiding citizens of Maryland and which won’t save a single living elephant. This is “feel good – do bad” legislation at its worst! See below for members’ contacts.

Knife Rights abhors the poaching of all species. The proven solution is to attack poaching at the source, not punish those who cannot have any effect on poaching. Successful anti-poaching programs have demonstrated that an integrated comprehensive approach that encourages the locals to fight poaching does work. This is the sort of solution that should be expanded and encouraged by the U.S. and by all who really want to end poaching.

Historically, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service maintained the position that virtually all ivory in the U.S. has been legally imported and, most importantly, that its sale in the U.S. did not materially contribute to the illegal ivory trade. Nevertheless, under HB713, the purchase, sale, offering for sale, possessing with the intent to sell, or importing with the intent to sell of any ivory would be prohibited. Virtually any lawful item containing any amount of ivory would be rendered valueless.

This ban would irreparably harm owners of ivory-handled and fossil ivory-handled knives, firearms, many antiques, many musical instruments and any items containing ivory legally imported into this country decades ago by stripping their value – a taking of millions of dollars from law-abiding Maryland citizens.

The ban would criminalize legitimate business owners and cause immediate ruinous financial loss for them. It will cost the state millions of dollars in lost sales tax revenue and not save a single elephant.

If you are a Maryland resident or travel or work in Maryland, we encourage you to email or call the members of the committee and ask that they oppose HB 173 that will only serve to punish law-abiding citizens of Maryland and which won’t save a single living elephant. This is “feel good – do bad” legislation at its worst!  

The Associated Gun Clubs of Baltimore has kindly offered the use of the legislative emailing page. Their page makes it very easy to email all the House Judiciary Committee members at once, Each receives a separate email personally from you. There is nothing in the email indicating it came via the AGCB site. Click here for the AGCB Legislative Email Page. Alternatively use the contacts below.

Click here for a model letter opposing HB 713

Maryland House Judiciary Committee:

Delegate Joseph F. Vallario, Jr. (Chair)(District 23B)
Toll-free in MD: 1-800-492-7122 ext. 3488

Delegate Kathleen M. Dumais (Vice-Chair)(District 15)
Toll-free in MD: 1-800-492-7122 ext. 3052

Delegate Curt Anderson (District 43)
Toll-free in MD: 1-800-492-7122 ext. 3291

Delegate Vanessa E. Atterbeary (District 13)
Toll-free in MD: 1-800-492-7122 ext. 3471

Delegate Will Campos (District 47B)
Toll-free in MD: 1-800-492-7122 ext. 3340

Delegate Jill P. Carter (District 41)
Toll-free in MD: 1-800-492-7122 ext. 3268

Delegate John W. E. Cluster, Jr. (District 8)
Toll-free in MD: 1-800-492-7122 ext. 3526

Delegate Frank M. Conaway, Jr. (District 40)
Toll-free in MD: 1-800-492-7122 ext. 3189

Delegate William Folden (District 3B)
Toll-free in MD: 1-800-492-7122 ext. 3240

Delegate Glen Glass (District 34A)
Toll-free in MD: 1-800-492-7122 ext. 3280

Delegate Jay Jalisi (District 10)
Toll-free in MD: 1-800-492-7122 ext. 3358

Delegate Trent Kittleman (District 9A)
Toll-free in MD: 1-800-492-7122 ext. 3556

Delegate Susan K. McComas (District 34B)
Toll-free in MD: 1-800-492-7122 ext. 3272

Delegate David Moon (District 20)
Toll-free in MD: 1-800-492-7122 ext. 3474

Delegate Marice Morales (District 1)
Toll-free in MD: 1-800-492-7122 ext. 3528

Delegate Neil Parrott (District 2A,)
Toll-free in MD: 1-800-492-7122 ext. 3636

Delegate Deborah C. Rey (District 29B)
Toll-free in MD: 1-800-492-7122 ext. 3227

Delegate Samuel I. Rosenberg (District 41)
Toll-free in MD: 1-800-492-7122 ext. 3297

Delegate William C. Smith, Jr. (District 20)
Toll-free in MD: 1-800-492-7122 ext. 3493

Delegate Charles E. Sydnor, III (District 44B)
Toll-free in MD: 1-800-492-7122 ext. 3802

Delegate Geraldine Valentino-Smith (District 23A)
Toll-free in MD: 1-800-492-7122 ext. 3101

Delegate Brett Wilson (District 2B)
Toll-free in MD: 1-800-492-7122 ext. 3125

Feb. 17, 2015: A hearing on a Maryland bill that would ban the sale or purchase of any ivory in the state, HB713, is scheduled for hearing on March 4th at 1:00 pm.

This legislation is ambiguous about whether it applies to mammoth ivory, but likely would be applied to do so, contains no commercial use exemptions for knives, firearms, musical instruments, antiques or other items, criminalizes “possession with intent to sell,” a phrase that is easily abused by prosecutors, and makes ivory sale a felony for second offenses if the value exceeds $250.

If you are a Maryland resident or travel or work in Maryland, we encourage you to attend and testify against this bill that will only serve to punish law-abiding citizens of Maryland and which won’t save a single living elephant. If you cannot attend the hearing, please email or call the members of the Judiciary Committee. Click on “Read More>>>>” for a model letter and contacts for the committee members.

Knife Rights abhors the poaching of all species. The proven solution is to attack poaching at the source, not punish those who cannot have any effect on poaching. Successful anti-poaching programs have demonstrated that an integrated comprehensive approach that encourages the locals to fight poaching does work. This is the sort of solution that should be expanded and encouraged by the U.S. and by all who really want to end poaching.

Historically, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service maintained the position that virtually all ivory in the U.S. has been legally imported and, most importantly, that its sale in the U.S. did not materially contribute to the illegal ivory trade. Nevertheless, under HB713, the purchase, sale, offering for sale, possessing with the intent to sell, or importing with the intent to sell of any ivory would be prohibited. Virtually any lawful item containing any amount of ivory would be rendered valueless.

This ban would irreparably harm owners of ivory-handled and fossil ivory-handled knives, firearms, many antiques, many musical instruments and any items containing ivory legally imported into this country decades ago by stripping their value – a taking of millions of dollars from law-abiding Maryland citizens.

The ban would criminalize legitimate business owners and cause immediate ruinous financial loss for them. It will cost the state millions of dollars in lost sales tax revenue and not save a single elephant.

This bill will not save a single elephant! This is “feel good – do bad” legislation at its worst!

If you are a Maryland resident or travel or work in Maryland, we encourage you to attend and testify against this bill that will only serve to punish law-abiding citizens of Maryland and which won’t save a single living elephant. If you cannot attend the hearing, please email or call the members of the Judiciary Committee. A model letter and contacts for the committee members can be found below.


Click here for a model letter opposing HB 713

Maryland House Judiciary Committee:

Delegate Joseph F. Vallario, Jr. (Chair)(District 23B)
Toll-free in MD: 1-800-492-7122 ext. 3488

Delegate Kathleen M. Dumais (Vice-Chair)(District 15)
Toll-free in MD: 1-800-492-7122 ext. 3052

Delegate Curt Anderson (District 43)
Toll-free in MD: 1-800-492-7122 ext. 3291

Delegate Vanessa E. Atterbeary (District 13)
Toll-free in MD: 1-800-492-7122 ext. 3471

Delegate Will Campos (District 47B)
Toll-free in MD: 1-800-492-7122 ext. 3340

Delegate Jill P. Carter (District 41)
Toll-free in MD: 1-800-492-7122 ext. 3268

Delegate John W. E. Cluster, Jr. (District 8)
Toll-free in MD: 1-800-492-7122 ext. 3526

Delegate Frank M. Conaway, Jr. (District 40)
Toll-free in MD: 1-800-492-7122 ext. 3189

Delegate William Folden (District 3B)
Toll-free in MD: 1-800-492-7122 ext. 3240

Delegate Glen Glass (District 34A)
Toll-free in MD: 1-800-492-7122 ext. 3280

Delegate Jay Jalisi (District 10)
Toll-free in MD: 1-800-492-7122 ext. 3358

Delegate Trent Kittleman (District 9A)
Toll-free in MD: 1-800-492-7122 ext. 3556

Delegate Susan K. McComas (District 34B)
Toll-free in MD: 1-800-492-7122 ext. 3272

Delegate David Moon (District 20)
Toll-free in MD: 1-800-492-7122 ext. 3474

Delegate Marice Morales (District 1)
Toll-free in MD: 1-800-492-7122 ext. 3528

Delegate Neil Parrott (District 2A,)
Toll-free in MD: 1-800-492-7122 ext. 3636

Delegate Deborah C. Rey (District 29B)
Toll-free in MD: 1-800-492-7122 ext. 3227

Delegate Samuel I. Rosenberg (District 41)
Toll-free in MD: 1-800-492-7122 ext. 3297

Delegate William C. Smith, Jr. (District 20)
Toll-free in MD: 1-800-492-7122 ext. 3493

Delegate Charles E. Sydnor, III (District 44B)
Toll-free in MD: 1-800-492-7122 ext. 3802

Delegate Geraldine Valentino-Smith (District 23A)
Toll-free in MD: 1-800-492-7122 ext. 3101

Delegate Brett Wilson (District 2B)
Toll-free in MD: 1-800-492-7122 ext. 3125