Knife Law Preemption is Knife Rights’ signature legislative initiative and is the essential foundation for improving knife laws and protecting knife owners. Knife Rights passed the nation’s first Knife Law Preemption bill in Arizona in 2010 and has since passed preemption bills in Alaska, Georgia, Kansas, New Hampshire, Tennessee and Utah.
March 11, 2015: Knife Rights’ Idaho Knife Law Preemption bill, SB 1092, was passed out of the Senate State Affairs Committee by a unanimous vote. SB 1092 now move the full Senate for a vote.
SB 1092 would repeal all existing local knife regulations and prohibit any future knife regulations, making state knife law supreme over the entire state. Our research discovered numerous local ordinances that restrict knives in Idaho, but we were especially taken aback by the prohibition on concealed carry (without a permit) of a “buck knife” in Twin Falls (Chapter 2, 6-2-1(B)). That’s particularly ironic given that Buck Knives is headquartered in Idaho.
If you live, work or travel in Idaho, please contact your state Senator or the Senator where you work or travel and ask them to please support SB 1092. CLICK HERE to find your Idaho Senator.
Knife Law Preemption is Knife Rights’ signature legislative initiative and is the essential foundation for improving knife laws and protecting knife owners. Knife Rights passed the nation’s first Knife Law Preemption bill in Arizona in 2010 and has since passed preemption bills in Alaska, Georgia, Kansas, New Hampshire, Tennessee and Utah.
March 5, 2015: Idaho State Senator Lee Heider has introduced SB 1092, Knife Rights’ Knife Law Preemption bill. This is the ninth Knife Law Preemption bill filed this year. SB 1092 would repeal all existing local knife regulations and prohibit any future knife regulations, making state knife law supreme over the entire state
If you live, work or travel in Idaho, please contact your state Senator or the Senator where you work or travel and ask them to please support SB 1092. CLICK HERE to find your Idaho Senator.
Knife Law Preemption prevents a patchwork of local ordinances more restrictive than state law which only serve to confuse or entrap law-abiding citizens traveling within or through the state. Preemption ensures citizens can expect consistent enforcement of state knife laws everywhere in a state.
Knife Law Preemption is Knife Rights’ signature legislative initiative and is the essential foundation for improving knife laws and protecting knife owners. Knife Rights passed the nation’s first Knife Law Preemption bill in Arizona in 2010 and has since passed preemption bills in Alaska, Georgia, Kansas, New Hampshire, Tennessee and Utah.