Oregon Ivory Ban Hearing – Attend or Contact Committee Members

Knife Rights abhors the poaching of all species. The proven solution is to attack poaching at the source, not punish those who cannot have any effect on poaching. Successful anti-poaching programs have demonstrated that an integrated comprehensive approach that encourages the locals to fight poaching does work. This is the sort of solution that should be expanded and encouraged by the U.S. and by all who really want to end poaching.

Historically, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service maintained the position that virtually all ivory in the U.S. has been legally imported and, most importantly, that its sale in the U.S. did not materially contribute to the illegal ivory trade. Nevertheless, under SB 913, the purchase, sale, offering for sale, possessing with the intent to sell, or importing with the intent to sell of any ivory would be prohibited. Virtually any lawful item containing any amount of ivory would be rendered valueless.

This ban would irreparably harm owners of ivory-handled and fossil ivory-handled knives, firearms, many antiques, many musical instruments and any items containing ivory legally imported into this country decades ago by stripping their value – a taking of millions of dollars from law-abiding Oregonians.

The ban would criminalize legitimate business owners and cause immediate ruinous financial loss for them. It will cost the state millions of dollars in lost sales tax revenue and not save a single elephant.

This is “feel good – do bad” legislation at its worst!

If you are an Oregon resident or travel or work in Oregon, we encourage you to attend and testify against this bill that will only serve to punish law-abiding citizens of Oregon and which won’t save a single living elephant. If you cannot attend the hearing, please email or call the members of the Judiciary Committee. A model letter and contacts for the committee members can be found below.


Click here for a model letter opposing SB 913

Oregon Senate Judiciary Committee:

Senator Floyd Prozanski (Chair)(District 4)
Phone: 503-986-1704

Senator Jeff Kruse (Vice-Chair)(District 1)
Phone: 503-986-1701

Senator Ginny Burdick (District 18)
Phone: 503-986-1718

Senator Sara Gelser (District 8)
Phone: 503-986-1708

Senator Kim Thatcher (District 13)
Phone: 503-986-1713