Knife Rights Louisiana Switchblade Ban Repeal Bill Passes House Unanimously!

Knife Rights’ bill to repeal Louisiana’s antiquated ban on the possession of switchblade knives, HB 892, was unanimously passed by the House today by a vote of 83-0. The bill now moves to the Senate for consideration.

Thanks to all of you who called and wrote your representative to ask them to support the bill. This unanimous vote in the House is testament to the hard work by Knife Rights Director of Legislative Affairs, Todd Rathner, who spent significant time at the Louisiana state house this month. That included negotiating an amendment to the bill with the Louisiana Sheriff’s Association and the Louisiana State Troopers in order to move the bill forward.

HB 892 repeals the total ban on switchblade knives in Louisiana and allows for the possession of a switchblade knife provided it is not “intentionally concealed on one’s person.” That provision was necessary to gain the neutrality of the Sheriffs and the State Police.

Allowing for the concealed carry of a switchblade in Louisiana is complicated because it would require a significant change to Louisiana’s concealed carry law. Knife Rights will continue to look for opportunities to fix this aspect of the law in the future.

Knife Rights would like to thank Dan Zelenka, President of the Louisiana Shooters Association, for his efforts in laying the groundwork for this bill. We’d also like to thank bill sponsor Representative Mark Wright for his tireless work to get us to this point. We are also grateful to Knife Rights board member and Louisiana resident Tom Gresham and Knife Rights member Clifford Grout for their roles in assisting us in this effort.

We will let you know when it’s time to fire off those emails and call for the Senate hearing on the bill.

Knife Rights’ record of 28 bills repealing knife bans at the state and local levels in 20 states in the past 8 years is unrivaled. With your support, Knife Rights is rewriting knife law in America™.