How To Find Local Knife Laws
Information on knife laws, including those of a number of cities, can be found on Knife Rights’ LegalBlade App. However, because there are hundreds, if not thousands, of local knife regulations, it is impossible to list them all. In most cases, if you want to know local knife restrictions and bans, you will need to either locate the regulations online or contact the jurisdiction.
12 states have enacted Knife Rights’ signature Knife Law Preemption statute which nullifies any local knife regulations more restrictive than state law. Knife Rights passed the nation’s first Knife Law Preemption bill in Arizona in 2010 and has since passed preemption bills in Alaska, Georgia, Kansas, Montana, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia and Wisconsin. In addition, New Mexico and Wyoming have constitutional preemption. In these states, once you know the state law from the Knife Rights’ LegalBlade App, you know the law throughout that state.
(NOTE: Colorado has limited preemption for knife owners traveling in a private vehicle or other private means of transportation. However, in any other circumstances local laws may be enforced.)
In the states without preemption, municipalities or jurisdictions in the state may have knife laws or regulations more restrictive than state law, creating a patchwork of laws that can trap the unwary knife owner. To check online you need to check the municipal or county criminal codes for that specific municipality or jurisdiction. Some municipalities or jurisdictions provide a link to their criminal codes on their websites. For others, here are two good sources. Try one and then the other since they service different jurisdictions:
Or, use a search site like Google and search for “Municipal Code” or “Criminal Code” and the name of the municipality or jurisdiction.
Another option is the local library which often carries the town municipal code. Speak to the research librarian, who is generally very helpful.
In our experience law enforcement personnel are generally not a reliable source for accurate information on knife laws. You would want to inquire at the office of the District Attorney or equivalent, for the jurisdiction. Ask them to provide the actual language of the prohibition or restriction, as even they may be misinformed.
The above information is not legal advice and should not be relied upon as legal advice. Knife Rights cannot provide legal advice. You should consult an attorney for legal advice, ideally one licensed in the jurisdiction in question.