Alabama Representative Shane Stringer and 36 of his colleagues have introduced HB 272, a bill to enact Constitutional Carry in the state. Knife Rights supports Constitutional Carry and particularly bills such as this that rid the state of knife bans that we have long tried to repeal. We are pleased that HB 272 includes repeal of Alabama’s ban on concealed carry of a “bowie [sic] knife, or other knife or instrument of the like kind or description”
The vague clause, “of the like kind or description,” has been broadly defined by Alabama courts to include, for example, a 6-inch kitchen knife. As such, concealed carry of any similar sized fixed blade could be held to be illegal. Vague laws such as this only serve to entrap innocent knife carriers with no intent to break the law.
The Senate Judiciary committee earlier this week voted out its own version of a Constitutional Carry bill, SB 1. This bill does not include removal of the Bowie knife ban.
Knife Rights will continue to work with HB 272 sponsors to help pass this bill or to add similar language to SB 1. We will let you know when it is time to contact your legislators to support HB 272 or SB 1.