Clinton vs. Trump vs. Your Knife Rights

Clinton vs. Trump vs. Your Knife RightsWhat are the candidates’ views on your knife rights? As a nonpartisan organization with members and supporters of all political persuasions we have made it our policy not to endorse candidates, but we still have an interest in politicians being friendly to knives and our interests. Shortly, one of the most critical presidential elections in our lifetimes will be held. The outcome could affect knife owners on many levels. As such, I think I owe it to our members and supporters that we review the two major party presidential candidates’ stances on two issues that will likely impact many Americans’ knife rights.

These stances may or may not weigh into your decision, but you deserve to understand where they stand in this regard and what are, in my opinion, the potential consequences for knife owners. I will state the facts regarding these issues as I know and understand them, knowing all too well that some folks will take offense, regardless. — Doug Ritter, Chairman

Click here to find how the candidates’ views might impact your knife rights?