Illinois Bill Would Allow Switchblades with CCW License – CALL or WRITE TODAY!

February 5, 2015: Illinois State Senator Tim Bevins has introduced legislation, SB 711, that would legalize switchblade (automatic) knives for anyone who holds an Illinois concealed carry license, as well as for peace officers. It includes legalization to manufacture and sell to these individuals.

Given the long-standing prohibitionist environment in Illinois where weapons bans have been the legislature’s solution to every crime problem, Knife Rights believes that this bill is an incremental step in the right direction.

Illinois currently has a complete ban on switchblade (automatic) knives, including manufacture and possession by anyone. Illinois was the last state to allow concealed carry of firearms, in 2013, and remains one of the most restrictive states in terms of Second Amendment rights.

Knife Rights has been successful in six states in repealing bans on specific types of knives, including allowing possession and carry of automatic (switchblade) knives by all citizens without restriction.

If you live or work in Illinois, we encourage you to write or call your state senator and politely ask them to support SB 711. Click here to locate your Senator.