More Firearms Owners ID Act Repeal bills have been introduced in Illinois. These are identical to bills previously filed in the 2021-2022 session. The Prairie State allows multiple identical bills. Knife Rights supports these bills that would do away with the Illinois FOID card, including repealing the requirement that a person needs a FOID card in order to possess a switchblade (automatic) knife in the state.
When Knife Rights repealed Illinois’ total ban on switchblades in 2017, the requirement to have a the relatively easy-to-get and affordable FOID card was a compromise to get it passed in lieu of an Illinois Concealed Carry License being required. There is now a multi-month’s long wait to get a FOID card or renewal application processed, which makes it impossible for anyone not already possessing a valid one to purchase a firearm or automatic knife.
Several pending lawsuits in federal and state court have challenged the constitutionality of the state’s FOID card law. Passage of HB 4376 would remedy the issue by eliminating the redundant and unnecessary requirement altogether.
Knife Rights will let you know when it is time to contact your legislators to support FOID card repeal in Illinois.