UPDATE: Knife Rights’ IL Switchblade Ban Repeal Passed Call/Email Gov. Today!


Knife Rights’ bill to mostly repeal Illinois’ switchblade ban, SB 607, was passed today in the House by a vote of 61-45. It now goes to Governor Rauner for his consideration.

If you live, work or travel in Illinois, please email or call the Governor and ask him to sign SB 607.

Click here to Email the Governor via Knife Rights Legislative Action Center.
Click here to Phone the Governor via Knife Rights Legislative Action Center

Congratulations to our sponsor Rep. Brian Stewart on his success in shepherding the bill through the House. Thanks also to our Senate sponsors, Sen. Tim Bivins, Neil Anderson and Dan McConchie. Together we are forging a sharper future for everyone in Illinois.

SB 607 allows possession of automatic knives by those who have a Firearm Owner’s Identification (FOID) Card, which allows the individual to purchase firearms and ammunition. This is not a possession with CCW bill, as some have suggested. The bill also allows for manufacture and sale of automatic knives by those not holding a FOID card.

Illinois currently has a complete ban on switchblade (automatic) knives, including manufacture and possession by anyone. Illinois was the last state to allow concealed carry of firearms, in 2013, and remains one of the most restrictive states in terms of Second Amendment rights.

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