The Georgia House has overwhelmingly passed HB 292 that includes the language from Knife Rights’ Georgia Knife Law Reform bill, SB 49. It is now headed to the Governor for action.
This bill would increase the legal carry length of a knife blade in the state from 5 inches to 12 inches (see Section 3 of HB 292). HB 292 is this year’s “omnibus” gun bill in Georgia.
If you live, work or travel in Georgia, like to attend BLADE Show in Atlanta, please contact Governor Deal and ask him to “please sign HB 292.”
You can easily email the Governor using Knife Rights new Legislative Action Center. Click here to email the Governor.
Or, you can phone the Governor at: 404-656-1776
We would like to again recognize our sponsor, Senator Bill Heath, for his tenacity in working to get this done this session and we’d also like to again thank our friends at NRA-ILA for their assistance.
Efforts to completely eliminate the carry length limit have been stymied due to the manner in which a knife is defined in Georgia law. This will make life much better for knife owners in Georgia without hampering future efforts to completely eliminate the carry length limit at some future opportunity.