Originally conceived and authored by Knife Rights in 2010 and first introduced in 2013, the Knife Owners’ Protection Act of 2021, H.R. 60, (“KOPA”) was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives on the first day of Congress by Arizona Representative Andy Biggs. KOPA will remove the irrational restrictions on interstate trade in automatic knives that are legal to one degree or another in 44 states, while also protecting the right of knife owners to travel throughout the U.S. without fear of prosecution under the myriad patchwork of state and local knife laws.
Getting this bill introduced is only the first step. We need your help to gain additional co-sponsors. Please email your Representative and urge them to co-sponsor this commonsense legislation. You can use Knife Rights’ Legislative Action Center to easily email your Representative in Congress at: http://www.congressweb.com/KnifeRights/23
Knife Rights is America’s grassroots knife owners’ organization; Rewriting Knife Law in America™ and forging a Sharper Future for all Americans™. Knife Rights efforts have resulted in 32 bills enacted repealing knife bans in 22 states and over one hundred cities and towns since 2010, as well as numerous litigation victories.