Knife Rights’ Michigan Switchblade Ban Repeal Bill Sent to Governor – CALL/EMAIL Today!

Knife Rights’ Michigan Switchblade Ban Repeal bill, SB 245, has been sent to Governor Rick Snyder.  The governor must sign or veto the bill  within 14 days or it becomes law without his signature.

If you live, work or travel in Michigan, please contact Governor Snyder and politely ask him to “please sign SB 245.”  That’s all you need to do, short and simple.

SEND AN EMAIL to Gov. Rick Snyder using Knife Rights Legislative Action Center.

CALL Gov. Rick Snyder using Knife Rights Legislative Action Center. 

SB 245 simply repeals Section 226a (switchblade ban) of the Michigan penal code.

Knife Rights has repealed switchblade bans in Alaska, Colorado, Indiana, Kansas, Maine, Missouri, New Hampshire, Nevada, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas and Wisconsin.

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