Knife Rights’ Nevada Knife Law Reform Bill Signed Governor

May 22, 2015: Knife Rights’ Nevada Knife Law Reform Bill, SB 176/a>, was passed by the Assembly by a vote of 44-0-1. The bill now heads to Governor Sandoval for signature.

If you live work or travel to Nevada (for instance to SHOT Show, USN Gathering, etc.) ask Governor Sandoval to “please sign SB 176.” That’s it, keep it short and to the point.

The Governor’s phone is (775) 684-5670 and his email contact form can be found at: Under Topic/Issue, select “Legislation”

May 13, 2015: Knife Rights’ Nevada Knife Law Reform Bill, SB 176 was voted out of the Assembly Judiciary Committee with a “do pass” recommendation.

If you live work or travel to Nevada (for instance to SHOT Show, USN Gathering, etc.) CALL and EMAIL your Representative and ask him or her to “please vote YES on SB 176” That’s it, keep it short and to the point. Click here to locate your Representative:

If emailing, include your name and where you live, and if not a Nevada resident, why you travel to Nevada.

May 5, 2015: Knife Rights’ Nevada Knife Law Reform Bill, SB 176, appears to be stalled in the Assembly Judiciary Committee after easily passing in the Senate. For some reason Judiciary Committee Chairman Ira Hansen has not called for a vote on SB176 despite the bill being heard with no opposition in his committee two weeks ago. It s time for a vote on SB176 and Chairman Hansen needs to hear from you ASAP!

If you live work or travel to Nevada (for instance to SHOT Show, USN Gathering, etc.) we need you CALL and EMAIL Judiciary Chairman Ira Hansen and politely request that he “please bring up SB 176 for a vote of the committee.” That’s it, keep it short and to the point.

Phone: 775-684-8851

If emailing, include your name and where you live, and if not a Nevada resident, why you travel to Nevada.

April 21, 2015: Knife Rights’ Nevada Comprehensive Knife Law Reform Bill, SB 176, has been scheduled for a hearing on Tuesday morning, April 22.

Please CALL or EMAIL the Committee members and ask them to please vote to pass AB 176. That’s all you need to say or email, keep it polite, simple and to the point.

Nevada Assembly Judiciary Committee:

Assemblyman Ira Hansen (Chair) – 775-684-8851
Assemblyman Erven T. Nelson (ViceChair) – 775-684-8833
Assemblywoman Michele Fiore – 775-684-8829
Assemblyman David M. Gardner – 775-684-8549
Assemblyman Brent A. Jones – 775-684-8573
Assemblyman Philip “P.K.” O’Neill – 775-684-8825
Assemblywoman Victoria Seaman – 775-684-8847
Assemblyman Glenn E. Trowbridge – 775-684-8505
Assemblyman Elliot T. Anderson – 775-684-8835
Assemblyman Nelson Araujo – 775-684-8599
Assemblywoman Olivia Diaz – 775-684-8553
Assemblyman James Ohrenschall – 775-684-8819
Assemblyman Tyrone Thompson – 775-684-8569

April 8, 2015: After much wrangling back and forth, the Nevada Senate unanimously passed a watered-down version of Knife Rights’ comprehensive knife law reform bill, SB 176. Given the controversy over dirks and daggers, as previously reported, it is no small accomplishment that we were able to maintain the repeal on the ban of dirks and daggers in the bill, along with repeal of the ban on switchblade (automatic) knives, which is a big step forward in Nevada. Be assured that your calls and emails helped make a difference in preventing dirks and daggers from being deleted from the bill.

Unfortunately, the controversy over dirks and daggers slowed the bill down and provided time for opponents of knife law preemption to apply political pressure, resulting in the preemption section of the bill being stripped out.

The bill now moves over to the House. As soon as it is appropriate, we will let you know that it is time to call or write House members on SB 176.

March 2, 2015: Last Friday the Nevada Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing on repealing knife bans in the state. Things didn’t go smoothly due to testimony that bolstered law enforcement opposition to repealing the ban on dirks and daggers.

We need your URGENT support to help get knife ban repeal passed in Nevada. Millions travel to Las Vegas every year, SO THIS IS OF CONCERN TO ALL OF US. Click on Read More>>>> below for model letter, contacts and emails.

SB 176 is a Knife Rights requested bill that repeals the ban on switchblade, dirks daggers and belt-buckle knives and would also enact Knife Rights’ signature knife law preemption to ensure that local jurisdictions cannot then outlaw such knives themselves. 

Click on Read More>>> for additional details on the hearing including extraordinary video, a model letter and emails and phone numbers of the committee members.

SB 141 is a similar bill, but does not include preemption, so that local jurisdictions could (and cities like Las Vegas and Reno likely would) enact restrictions on some knives that would otherwise be legal at the state level. This would create a patchwork of local laws more restrictive than state law that would trap unwary knife owners.


While the bills have generally garnered support from a wide range of interested parties, a number of law enforcement and prosecutors’ organizations and associations lobbied to amend the bills to retain the existing ban on dirks and daggers, neither of which are defined under Nevada law. Their fallacious claim was that these particular type knives present a specific threat to officers in body armor.


This is a tired old canard that we have seen in other states where we have repealed the bans on these knives. We have repeatedly shown this sort of argument to be utterly false. The reality is that many common knives of a certain length, profile, and thickness will penetrate some modern body armor, including most common kitchen knives. Mere possession of these tools is not what should be banned – criminal misuse of any knife is all that needs to be targeted, and that is already a crime.


Knife Rights’ Todd Rathner Testifying Powerfully in 
Support of SB 176 at the Nevada Hearing 

Knife Rights Director of Legislative Affairs, Todd Rathner, was there to testify in support of Knife Rights’ bill that includes preemption.

The hearing went sideways when there was testimony that explained that dirks and daggers were designed in the days of knights and kings to defeat body armor, clearly bolstering the anticipated law enforcement and prosecutors’ argument to amend the bill to retain the ban on dirks and daggers. This testimony was exploited by both the representative of the Las Vegas Police and a lobbyist representing Las Vegas Police Protective Association and the Combined Law Associations of Nevada, supporting the continued ban on dirks and daggers. In the end, the dirk and dagger issue derailed the hearing and not only imperiled repeal of the ban on those particular knives, but hurt the chances of any pro-knife bill moving forward.


Todd finally got his chance at the microphone and immediately tackled to the issue of retaining the ban on daggers and dirks. Todd’s arguments were effective enough to keep the bills alive.


 You can review the video of the hearing at:


Millions travel to Las Vegas every year, SO THIS IS OF CONCERN TO ALL OF US.


Please CALL Judiciary Committee Chairman Senator Greg Brower at 775-684-1419 AS SOON AS POSSIBLE and politely request that he bring up SB176 (our bill that includes preemption) for a vote as soon as possible and also to vote yes to move it to the floor without any amendments retaining the ban on dirks and daggers and retaining preemption.


It is also critical that you contact the rest of the Judiciary Committee Members (listed below) AS SOON AS POSSIBLE and politely ask them to support SB176 and to oppose any amendments retaining the ban on dirks and daggers.


We have listed the contact for the Committee Members below. Here’s a sample email you can send, or better yet, CALL THEIR OFFICES and politely let them know how you feel. When calling you can simply tell the person what is in the model email below:





Dear Senator __________:


I am writing to ask you to vote YES on SB 176 when Chairman Brower brings it to a vote. Nevada’s knife laws are so restrictive and convoluted that their reform is long overdue. Knife law preemption that is included in SB 176 is also critical to ensure that citizens don’t face a patchwork of local laws more restrictive than state law. Nobody should be subject to arrest because their knife is legal on one side of a city line, but not on the other side.


I am also writing to ask you to reject any amendments to the bill which would maintain the ban the possession of dirks or daggers. As was correctly pointed out in the hearing before the Judiciary Committee, with no definition in the law, and it being unlikely that one which is useful can be constructed, virtually any knife can be claimed to be a “dirk” or “dagger,” leaving entirely too much discretion to law enforcement and prosecutors. A continued ban on dirks and daggers could result in arrests of anyone in possession of any knife, claiming it is a “dirk” or “dagger, and then that person would have to prove in court that it is not a “dirk” or “dagger.”  I urge you to reject the premise that we must ban dirks and daggers.


Beyond that, those pressing to not repeal the ban on dirks and daggers have falsely claimed they pose a special threat to officers in body armor. The reality is that many common knives, including most kitchen knives, are just as potentially threatening to officers, and a lot cheaper and more readily accessible. This is nothing more than a red herring to try to maintain a ban that is unwarranted. Again, I urge you to reject the premise that we must ban dirks and daggers.


Please to vote YES on SB 176 and reject any amendments.








Judiciary Committee Members:


Senator Greg Brower (Chairman)



Senator Becky Harris (Vice-Chairman)



Senator Michael Roberson



Senator Scott Hammond



Senator Ruben Kihuen



Senator Tick Segerblom



Senator Aaron Ford



Feb. 20, 2015: Nevada State Senator James Settelmeyer has introduced SB176, a Comprehensive Knife Law Reform Bill that Knife Rights requested which would repeal the existing bans on switchblade knives, dirks, daggers and belt buckle knives and would also enact Knife Rights’ Knife Law Preemption. Nevada has come a long way since Knife Rights killed a ridiculous bill in 2011 which would have declared any knife with blade over two inches long to be a “dangerous knife.” SB 176 has been assigned to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

The hearing on SB176 is scheduled for Feb. 27th. Millions travel to Las Vegas every year, so this is of concern to all of us. Please contact the Judiciary Committee Members (listed below) AS SOON AS POSSIBLE and politely ask them to support SB176.

SB 176 is particularly important in Nevada which is home of the annual Shooting, Hunting & Outdoor Trades (SHOT) Show where thousands of knives are displayed every year, many of which are illegal to possess by anyone without a local manufacturing permit.

Knife Law Preemption repeals and prevents local ordinances more restrictive than state law which only serve to confuse or entrap law-abiding citizens traveling within or through the state. Preemption ensures citizens can expect consistent enforcement of state knife laws everywhere in a state.

Knife Rights passed the nation’s first Knife Law Preemption bill in Arizona in 2010 and has since passed preemption bills in Alaska, Georgia, Kansas, New Hampshire, Tennessee and Utah.

Knife Rights passed the nation’s first repeal of a state knife ban in New Hampshire in 2010, legalizing switchblades, dirks, daggers and stillettos. Since then Knife Rights has passed repeals of switchblade bans other knife restrictions in Alaska, Indiana, Kansas, Missouri, Tennessee and Texas. In Washington state knifemakers can now legally manufacture automatic knives.

Automatic knives are legal in 38 states, 26 with no restrictions whatsoever. Seven of those 26 states have been added by Knife Rights since 2010.

Judiciary Committee Members:

Senator Greg Brower (Chairman)

Senator Becky Harris (Vice-Chairman)

Senator Michael Roberson

Senator Scott Hammond

Senator Ruben Kihuen

Senator Tick Segerblom

Senator Aaron Ford