UPDATE: The Ohio legislature kicked the State Budget can down the road 17 days with a Budget Extension that maintains the status quo and continues funding state government. Senate and House leadership still appear far apart on certain critical parts of the budget. For now, not much to do but wait and see what happens.
As far as Knife Rights’ knife law reform language included in the Senate version goes, it’s anybody’s guess until they sort out much bigger issues. We’ll let you know as soon as we know.
From Friday: Admittedly this gets a bit confusing, but bear with us here, it is all good… As noted previously, the key language in Knife Rights’ Ohio knife law reform bill, SB 140, was included in the Senate’s amendment to the State Budget, which passed the Senate last week and which is currently in a Senate/House Conference Committee. If it is retained in the final budget bill, then it would go to the governor as part of the budget.
Meanwhile, SB 140, the bill, was just passed by the Senate on an overwhelming bipartisan vote of 32-1. In the process, 10 more Senators joined our longtime friend Sen. Joe Uecker as bipartisan co-sponsors. So, even if our language is stricken from the Budget bill in Conference, the bill itself is ready to move in the House.
SB 140 and the budget amendment language addresses the often abusive and discriminatory application of the existing Ohio weapons law against knife carriers, clarifying that unless the knife/edged tool is actually used as a weapon, it is legal to be carried.
They also remove from state statute the irrational prohibition against manufacture and sale of a switchblade knife and gravity knife. Possession and carry of these knives are already legal in Ohio.
Knife Rights is Rewriting Knife Law in America!™ with your help. 31 bills enacted in 22 states since 2010! Support Knife Rights’ efforts to Forge a Sharper Future™ with a donation in the Ultimate Steel™ Spectacular and get a chance to WIN from OVER $165,000 in Custom Knives, Guns & More! $25,000 in TAIL END BONUS Prizes Added. DONATE NOW to ALSO get in the TAIL END BONUS DRAWING! www.UltimateSteel.org