Plaintiffs in our lawsuit challenging California’s ban on switchblade (automatic) knives with a blade 2-inches and greater on Second Amendment grounds have filed a Notice of Appeal of the Court’s terribly flawed decision against us. This is the first procedural step in the process of appealing that decision.
It was always inevitable that this case was going up to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. These Second Amendment cases are generally marathons, not a sprints. The Court’s ludicrous opinion, which has added new language and conditions to the plain text of Second Amendment, sets us up for a strong appeal.
Stay tuned for the next installment of Knife Rights Unconstitutional Switchblade Bans Chronicles.
These court battles are primarily funded by the 501(c)(3) Knife Rights Foundation. Please consider making a TAX-DEDUCTIBLE donation to the Foundation to help us out. If you’d like to help support these lawsuits, please donate at KnifeRights.org/donate or call us toll-free at 866-889-6268 (10:00 AM – 5:00 PM Pacific).