Knife Rights, America’s foremost advocacy organization for knife owners, is proud to team up with U.S. LawShield which offers legal defense protection for those who have a justified self-defense or bogus weapons charge incident regardless of the legal weapon used or carried; knife, gun, club, or any other.
What if you used your knife for self-defense instead of, or back-up to, a firearm? What if a knife was the only legal choice available to carry for self-defense? What if your spouse or child grabbed a knife off the kitchen counter or a firearm to defend against an armed intruder? U.S. LawShield provides legal defense for self-defense and legal carry.
Get 10% off monthly memberships or 14 months for an annual membership (a 15% discount), PLUS waived sign-up fee, PLUS Platinum Plus Membership (your rate will never increase for the life of your active membership) when you sign up for U.S. LawShield. Go to: www.KnifeRights.org/USLawShield (Promo Code: krlawshield2020) in order to receive your discount.
Knife Rights Chairman Doug Ritter explained, “if you were forced to protect yourself or your family from an assault, break-in or other illegal act, could you afford to defend yourself in court against inappropriate, perhaps even politically motivated criminal charges or a civil lawsuit? Viewing the violence playing out on the news every day, that’s a question more and more folks are asking themselves. With some jurisdictions viewing your perfectly legal EDC knife as a weapon, not a tool, what would you do if arrested on a weapons charge? These are serious concerns and I am so excited that Knife Rights can now address these real-world concerns through its relationship with U.S. LawShield.”
When your life or that of loved ones is on the line, the last thing you should have to worry about is the potentially ruinous legal aftermath. Regardless of the legal weapon used, U.S. LawShield provides you and your family with essential coverage, peace of mind, and a simple-to-understand plan that’s very affordable.
Through U.S. LawShield, your coverage includes:
- 24/7/365 Attorney-Answered Emergency Hotline
- Non-emergency access to Independent Program Attorneys
- Unlimited civil & criminal defense litigation coverage
- Coverage for all legal weapons
- Educational materials to empower responsibly armed persons
- And, many more benefits
When law enforcement shows up after a violent encounter, they will often treat you as a criminal. Recall the SAC mnemonic if accosted by law enforcement: S – Remain SILENT – “I assert my right to remain silent;” A – ASK for your Attorney – “I want my/an attorney;” C – Do NOT CONSENT to any search. Do not make or sign any statements without your attorney’s approval. Having a lawyer at your beck and call, no matter the time or day, is invaluable in such circumstances and can often de-escalate the situation. Just imagine finding yourself in a situation where you are telling an officer, “I want to speak to an attorney,” with no clue even how to find that attorney, hopefully competent, that you desperately need to speak to? For a modest monthly sum, U.S. Law Shield solves that problem and ensures you don’t have to risk bankruptcy to be represented by an experienced criminal defense lawyer. If you need to speak to an attorney, you’ll have a membership card with a U.S. LawShield Independent Program Attorney to talk to right then when needed the most, any time, any day, 24/7/364.
NOTE: Following up on our U.S. LawShield announcement, Knife Rights has published “The Aftermath of Self-Defense – What to Do & What NOT to Do.” This builds on the SAC mnemonic with specific steps to take prior to and after the use of deadly force. Some of the advice will surprise you, but it is are all based on years of experience by first responders and criminal defense attorneys. Authored by Evan F. Nappen, Attorney at Law (www.evannappen.com), Knife Rights’ Criminal Law Advisor, an experienced and accomplished criminal defense attorney, author of numerous articles and books on self-defense, knife law, and Second Amendment law, and one of U.S. LawShield’s Independent Program Attorneys: www.KnifeRights.org/aftermath
In some cases, the “nightmare” doesn’t end with the prosecutor dismissing the charges or your acquittal in criminal court — there may be appeals, retrials, or even a civil lawsuit brought against you. Your U.S. LawShield membership will support you with representation throughout the full legal process for any covered incident.
The basic U.S. LawShield plan is designed to cover you in the state in which you reside**. For those who travel, you can get the multi-state option for only a few dollars more per month with coverage for all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. You can also add coverage for a spouse and minor children (who might have to defend themselves at home, for example). It normally all starts at $10.95 per month with a $19.95 set-up fee, but through Knife Rights teaming up with U.S. LawShield you can get an even better deal!
Get 10% off monthly memberships or 14 months for an annual membership (a 15% discount), PLUS waived sign-up fee,PLUS Platinum Plus Membership (your rate will never increase for the life of your active membership)when you sign up for U.S. LawShield. Go to: www.KnifeRights.org/USLawShield (Promo Code: krlawshield2020) in order to receive your discount. After the fact is too late. Protect yourself and your family today! www.KnifeRights.org/USLawShield
Wondering what the knife law is where you live or travel? Knife Rights has an upgraded FREE LegalBlade™ app for that: www.LegalBlade.org
Ritter notes, “we’d also be happy to have you join up with U.S. LawShield even if you’re primarily looking for legal defense protection because you carry a firearm or keep one at home for self-defense. It’s the same policy. Signing up helps support our efforts to forge a Sharper Future for all Americans, while you protect your life and livelihood, and those who rely upon you.”
*Knife Rights is not an insurance provider, is not a licensed insurance agent, and nothing herein should be construed as such. All memberships are sold by and through U.S. LawShield.
**At this time U.S. LawShield is not available in certain states. Visit www.KnifeRights.org/USLawShield to check on availability in your state. The multi-state option extends coverage to all states when traveling.
About U.S. Law Shield
The U.S. LawShield organization was founded in 2009 with the goal of providing the best possible Legal Defense for Self Defense at the most affordable price. Built from an attorney-led grass roots beginning, U.S. LawShield is America’s largest self-defense minded community, empowering more than 500,000 Americans across the country.