The single most common questions and complaints I get revolve around social media censorship. Under newly appointed Chairman Andrew N. Ferguson, the Federal Trade Commission just issued a “Request for Public Comment Regarding Technology Platform Censorship.”
Friends, it’s time to put up or shut up! Here is your chance to make a difference and tell your story. You are being given the opportunity we have all been asking for. JUST DO IT!
They have made it relatively easy, just follow the directions to fill out the online form. I sincerely hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to share your censorship experiences.
Knife Rights will be adding our own comment about our censorship experiences, as will I personally, but they need as much ammo as we all can give them. Let’s all give them what they and we need!
To read the FTC’s media release go to: https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2025/02/federal-trade-commission-launches-inquiry-tech-censorship (If you choose to make an anonymous comments, instructions and a link on how to do so are in this release)
To download the document with instructions and link to provide your comment, go to: https://downloads.regulations.gov/FTC-2025-0023-0001/content.pdf
PLEASE share this far and wide! The more the better!
— Doug Ritter
Knife Rights