Whether you are holiday shopping or otherwise before or during Black Friday or Cyber Monday, through the holidays, you can support Knife Rights Foundation when you shop at Amazon Smile with Knife Rights Foundation as your supported charity or you shop via Good Shop. If you bookmark these pages, you can continue to support Knife Rights throughout the year when you shop.
Amazon donates 0.5% of your eligible Amazon Smile purchases to Knife Rights Foundation when you shop via Amazon Smile. As long as it says “Eligible for AmazonSmile donation,” then a donation will be made upon purchase. Amazon Smile is the same Amazon you know; same products, same prices, same service – with the added benefit of supporting Knife Rights Foundation.
Good Shop works with more than 5,000 stores to provide coupons and promo codes with special deals and discounts. Stores also donate up to 20% of your purchase to Knife Rights Foundation. Each coupon and promo code indicates how much Knife Rights Foundation receives.