Knife Rights’ Virginia Switchblade Ban Repeal Bill & Bill to Repeal Ban on Weapons in Places of Worship Introduced

At the request of Knife Rights, Virginia Representative Michael Webert has introduced HB 890 that would allow the possession of switchblade knives with a CCW permit. Given the difficult political situation in Virginia at this time, this bill is not expected to move anytime soon. Filing at this time ensures the bill is in the queue, ready to go. If and when circumstances change, there will be an amendment to improve some troublesome language that was inadvertently included.

As a likely response to the tragic Texas church shootings last November, Senator Ben Chafin introduced SB 372 that would repeal Virginia’s ban on carrying “a gun, pistol, bowie knife, dagger, or other dangerous weapon” to a “place of worship while a meeting for religious purposes is being held.” 

Stay tuned and we’ll let you know to contact your legislators if and when appropriate.