Custom Dan Eastland 6-Piece Steak Knife Set
Retail Value: $570.00
Donated By: Dogwood Custom Knives
**** Chosen by Winner: Eileen K.

Custom Dan Eastland 6-Piece Steak Knife Set
Dan Eastland has worked with a blade of one type or another nearly all of his life. As a young boy, he followed his dad around the North Georgia woods clutching a new Barlow knife. He then spent time as a landscaper, an infantryman in the US Army, a carpenter, a furniture maker and all this time continued to be an avid outdoorsman. Dan used a wide variety of blades in these careers and applies this experience while designing and making his knives.
Dan will argue that his path to knife making started at birth because he views it as a calling. In fact, he will often say, “I go to bed at night reading about knives and wake up thinking about knives.”
It started in early 2002 when his first son was born. Dan was a full-time engineering student and was flipping houses in Atlanta when he had to make what he calls “the easiest but most important choice of his life.” His first son was born prematurely and after a week in the NICU was going to need constant care.
With his wife having to travel with work, he withdrew from school, sold off all the properties he could, and became a stay-at-home dad. After a lifetime of working with his hands, he was slowly going crazy at home, so a friend and his wife conspired to get him into woodworking because he could do that in the basement at night and at nap times. After 10 years of woodworking he found himself standing in a blacksmith shop listening to a siren’s call. In the end, he worked a deal with the smith to teach him to make knives. One working bowie later he was addicted!
When the smith moved his shop, Dan started running down Georgia Knife Makers Guild members and begged for help. Andy Roy of Fiddleback Forge invited him to the shop on a trial basis, and then could never get rid of him. Sanding, sweeping, what ever grunt work came along, nothing would run him off and he spent part of his time working in Andy’s shop to pay off his apprenticeship and the rest making knives. When Dan graduated from his apprenticeship he continued to work alongside Fiddleback Forge and Fletcher Knives, learning valuable lessons about quality knife making, customer service and running a small business.
In 2013, Dan and his family relocated to Bucks County, PA due to a job change for his wife and the business has continued to expand and thrive. Following another relocation in 2015, he now runs his knife shop in Greenville, SC.
When asked what he would consider success in knife making, he replies, “If one day a grandfather hands his grandson one of my knives and says ‘My Dad gave me this knife when I was your age,’ then I will consider myself a success.”
Eligibility Prize winners must be U.S. residents at least 18 years of age who have made one or more qualifying contribution of at least $20 each to Knife Rights, Inc. (“KR”) during the eligibility period or who have submitted an entry in accordance with the published rules. Winners of firearms, suppressors or knives must not be prohibited from owning or possessing them under applicable laws. Return to Donation Form Rules Offer void where prohibited. No more than two (2) prizes will be awarded to any one person in each of the Early Bird Bonus Drawing and Main Drawing. No more than one (1) prize will be awarded to any one person in the Tail End Drawing, if held. A Tail End Drawing is not guaranteed to be held. You can donate as often as you like, but each donation is separate and independent from previous donations and will only entitle you to the number of entries specified at the donation level you have selected at the time of each donation. Each donation must include full name, donation amount, address and phone number to be valid. Winners need not be physically present at the drawing to win. Firearms and suppressors will not be shipped directly to winners, but rather to Federal Firearms Licensees (“FFLs”) specified by winners (or selected by KR or Hill Country Class 3 LLC d.b.a. Silencer Shop (Silencer Shop), in KR’s and Silencer Shop’s sole discretion). Winners can only take possession of firearms and suppressors from the FFLs. Optional suppressor included with some firearms prizes can be excluded if the winner is ineligible for any reason or prefers not to become subject to the requirements of the National Firearms Act (NFA). Current wait times for NFA transfers conducted by the BATFE are nine to twelve months and could be longer. KR is not responsible for tracking such wait times. Winner is responsible for compliance with the NFA and all state and local laws governing the possession of NFA items in the winner’s jurisdiction. Neither KR, nor KR Affiliates (as defined below), nor their successors or assigns, nor the supplier of the suppressor prize, are responsible for failure to complete delivery of such prize for any reason, including without limitation the prize winner’s failure to comply with any legal requirements. Declining to accept a suppressor prize, or failure to satisfy the legal requirements for a firearms or suppressor prize selected, forfeits any claim to that firearm or suppressor prize and no replacement, alternative prize, or cash equivalent will be provided. Automatic knives will not be shipped directly to winners unless a legal recipient under 15 U.S.C. §§ 1241-1245 and 18 U.S.C. § 1716(g), but rather to an authorized dealer in eligible winner’s state from which winner can claim prize. Some prizes are subject to additional limitations that are included in prize description. Claim to prizes is not transferrable with the exception that delivery of a suppressor prize can be received by a trust of which the winner is a responsible person qualified to receive an NFA item. The odds of winning vary based on the number of donations and amounts donated. Winners will be drawn on or after August 1, 2018, for the Main Drawing. Early Bird winners will be drawn on or after May 15, 2018. If held, Tail End Drawing winners will be drawn on or after August 1, 2018, immediately prior to the Main Drawing. A minimum of the first 75 winners drawn in both the Early Bird and Main Drawings, and the first 5 winners in the Tail End Drawing, if held, will have first choice of prizes available after any prior winner(s) have selected, in the order in which such winners were drawn (“Winner’s Choice”). At KR’s option, additional Winner’s Choice prizes may be awarded. Accordingly, the final posting of winners may take up to 180 days post drawing. Winners must comply with all applicable legal requirements prior to taking possession of firearms, suppressors or knives. Winners are solely responsible for determination of legality. If for any reason winners cannot comply, prizes will be held for 30 days and then will be forfeited and returned to KR. Winners of firearms are responsible for shipping charges, transfer fees to FFLs and any other applicable fees and may be required to prepay such expenses by valid credit card or other method to be determined in KR’s sole discretion. NFA prizes (silencers/suppressors) will be transferred via the “Powered By Silencer Shop” dealer network. Winner will not incur any additional charges unless exceptions are made. Exceptions include but are not limited to: changing SOT dealers after paperwork is filed, changing registration type, facilitating a dealer outside of the “Powered By Silencer Shop” dealer network. In most cases, Silencer Shop will handle the transfer from start to user receipt and will require contact with the winner to insure registration information is valid and complete. If communication cannot be facilitated between Silencer Shop and the winner, NFA Prizes will be held for 30 days before return transfer to the manufacturer is initiated. All prizes other than firearms will be shipped at KR’s expense via a shipping method of KR’s choice, signature required at KR’s option, to the addresses provided by winners, insured. If delivery is not completed on original shipment, regardless of fault, winner is responsible for any redelivery charges. Winners are hereby warned not to sign for delivery without the package in hand and undamaged. Winners who do not respond to a delivery notice, regardless of reason, are responsible for any redelivery charges. Winners of prizes after the Winner’s Choice prizes are selected will be sent their prizes without prior notification to the address provided. It is donor’s responsibility to notify KR of any change in address. KR is not responsible for lost, damaged, stolen or undelivered prizes, regardless of cause, and winners agree to look solely to insurance with regard to same. KR is not responsible for reimbursement of any insurance deductible, which may be in an amount of up to $500. Risk of loss or damage is solely with winners. KR will attempt to notify all Winner’s Choice winners using the contact information supplied. It is donor’s responsibility to notify KR of any change in contact information. Any prize not claimed by a Winner’s Choice winner within 48 hours from KR’s first attempt to notify the winner will be forfeited and all other winners drawn will move up one place in priority. If a Winner’s Choice winner that does not respond within the 48 hours later contacts KR, they will be offered the choice of prizes then currently available if within the Winner’s Choice draws, if any, after the current notified winner selects a prize. All entries and donations are non-refundable and will become the sole property of KR once submitted. Acceptance of a prize constitutes winners’ permission for KR to use winner’s name and likeness for KR promotional purposes without additional consideration. If payment of any donation is rejected, denied, returned for insufficient funds, refunded for any reason or otherwise not made, and the responsible party does not subsequently make full payment plus processing fees of $25.00 that clears no later than 7 (seven) days prior to drawing, the entries related to that donation will be removed from the drawing. Winners of “Early Bird” prizes are eligible for (and their winning entry will be automatically entered in) the Main Drawing. If held, winners of “Tail End” prizes are eligible for (and their winning entry will be automatically entered in) the Main Drawing. Once an individual winner has been selected as a prize winner in the Main Drawing, that winning entry is removed from subsequent drawings. There is no cash substitution for any prizes. Winners Choice winners will be notified using the contact information supplied and informed how to claim prizes. Only those named as the entrant on a valid winning entry form are eligible to claim a prize, and such persons may be required to provide proof of identification acceptable to KR in KR’s sole discretion. KR shall not be liable for failure of notification arising from incorrect or illegible contact information supplied, or email or voice mail induced failures, or failure of entrants to respond to communications (or failure of KR to actually receive such responses regardless of cause) within 48 hours of KR’s first attempt to notify the winners. KR’s obligation is limited to making good faith efforts to notify winners. Once all winners are drawn and notified, names of winners (given name initial and surname) will be posted at the Knife Rights Ultimate Steel web site: All prize winners are subject to applicable drawing procedures, restrictions, rules, directives, applicable laws and regulations, and are solely responsible for all applicable taxes, fees, assessments and charges relating to the prizes. Your participation in this fundraiser (including without limitation the act of submitting a donation and/or winning a prize) signifies and is conditioned upon your acknowledgement, agreement, covenant, representation and warranty to KR, based on good and valuable consideration, receipt of which you acknowledge, that (i) KR, its officers, directors, affiliates, professionals, personnel, representatives and members, together with Silencer Shop and its officers, directors, affiliates, professionals, personnel and representatives (collectively, “KR Affiliates”) shall have no liability whatsoever in connection with this fundraiser, the prizes (or their acceptance, possession, use, or misuse), or anything arising out of or relating thereto; (ii) you waive and release any and all claims you may now or ever have against KR Affiliates; and (iii) you will not make any claims against KR affiliates and shall be estopped from so doing. KR makes no claim regarding the actual value of any prize and is not responsible for the accuracy of any value estimate provided by prize donors or anyone else. Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price listed for production items which may be purchasable for a lower price. KR does not guarantee the accuracy of the prize descriptions published. Prizes are in as-is condition. KR makes no warranty as to merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, suitability or condition of the prizes. Prizes donated by individuals may have been previously used. Prizes incorporating Mammoth, Mastodon, or Fossil Walrus ivory, tooth or tusk (and/or other materials that may become prohibited or regulated) are prohibited from being claimed by residents of some states, including but not limited to New York, New Jersey, California, Oregon and Hawaii. Prizes subject to change without notice. Production prizes may be substituted with prizes of equal or greater value prior to prize selection. Some prizes were not received by KR prior to the start of the fundraiser and KR is not responsible for the failure of any prize donor to fulfill the obligation to deliver the prize by the drawing date. If a winner chooses to accept a prize for future delivery, KR shall be deemed to have fulfilled its prize delivery obligation to that winner and KR shall not have further responsibility for prize delivery thereafter. A donation is not required to be entered in the drawing. To enter without making a financial donation, send a postcard with your name, phone number, email and address to: Knife Rights 2018 Ultimate Steel, PO Box 657, Gilbert, AZ 85299. Your postcard must be received no later than July 31, 2018 to be considered a valid entry. Only one postcard per person is allowed. KR is not responsible for undelivered or illegible postcards. Knife Rights is a 501(c)(4) exempt organization. Donations to Knife Rights are not tax deductible charitable contributions. Check with your tax professional for additional information.