About Tira Mitchell & Engraver.com
Engraver.com brings tools and training to jewelers, hand engravers and stone setters around the world.

Tira Mitchell is the backbone of Precision Artistry LLC, the owner of Engraver.com. A hand engraver for over 20 years, Tira translated her love of engraving and stone setting into a business that helps jewelers, hand engravers and stone setters find and use the best tools.
Our Tools
Carrying tools from Syenset S.L. since 2008, Tira helped the EnSet’s inventor, Christian DeCamillis, with testing and feedback for the EnSet Original, EnSet Plus, and various other tools offered by Syenset S.L. The EnSet’s single-strike pneumatic engraving system stands out for its level of precision, control and power, especially when working with valuable stones, tough metals, and intricate designs.
We have also carried the industry-leading Leica A60 microscopes since 2012 – first identifying and introducing the microscope to jewelers, engravers and stone setters, then delivering it to them at fantastic prices world-wide.
In 2015 we partnered with Usines Métallurgiques de Vallorbe SA, the makers of Glardon® Vallorbe Swiss gravers and files. These Swiss-made high quality tools perfectly complement the EnSet line. Vallorbe also developed unique files for the EnSet Finishing Hand Piece, giving jewelers and hand engravers a brand new way to finish 3D rendered castings and pieces with difficult-to-reach areas.
In 2016 we introduced our Engraver.com Workbench. The first workbench designed to maximize the use of the Leica A60-F microscope, this bench features adjustable legs and an adjustable depth work-holding box that relieves neck, shoulder and back stress for jewelers, hand engravers and stone setters who work under microscopes.
Our Training
Anybody can buy a tool. The key is knowing how to use the tool to bring out your full potential as an artist.
We take great pride in teaching people to use the tools we sell. Employing all of the latest technology available, Tira personally walks people through the basics of tool use, demonstrates tools at shows world-wide, and produces videos and live-streaming events.
We offer instructional aids and videos from Christian DeCamillis and Lee Griffiths. Videos can be purchased as Downloads/Streams or DVDs. Castings and kits are available for close inspection and skill development.
Return to Donation Form
Prize winners in the 2023 Ultimate Steel Knifemaker Donor Drawing must have donated a knife with a “Retail Value” of at least $500 to Knife Rights, Inc. (“KR”) during the eligibility period.
Offer void where prohibited. Knife Rights, Inc., is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt corporation. Contributions to KR may be deductible as a business expense, but are not tax deductible as a charitable donation because of its political and legislative advocacy. Contact your tax advisor for guidance.
- For EACH donation worth at least $500 you get one entry
- For EACH donation worth at least $750 you get two entries
- For EACH donation worth at least $1000 you get three entries
- For EACH donation worth at least $1500 you get four entries
Engravers also get a chance to win if they have donated their engraving on a knife.
No more than one (1) prize will be awarded to any one person in the 2023 Ultimate Steel Knifemaker Donor Drawing.
Some prizes are subject to additional limitation(s) that is/are included in prize description and by selection of such a prize the winner automatically accepts and is bound by the stated limitation(s) and rules regarding selection and delivery as if the limitation(s) was/were included herein. Claim to prizes is not transferable without the express written permission of KR and the prize donor. No prize may be sold under any circumstances.
The odds of winning vary based on the number of donations and value of the donations. Winners will be drawn on or after July 31, 2023. Winners drawn will have first choice of prizes available after any prior winner(s) have selected, in the order in which such winners were drawn (“Winner’s Choice”). Accordingly, the final posting of winners may take up to 60 days post drawing.
Some prizes my require Winner to pay for the cost of shipping the prize, which will be disclosed on the prize listing. If winner declines signature required delivery, they accept all risk for non-delivery regardless of cause. If delivery is not completed on original shipment, regardless of fault, winner is responsible for any re-delivery charges. Winners are hereby warned not to sign for delivery without the package in hand and undamaged. Winners who do not respond to a delivery notice, regardless of reason, are responsible for any re-delivery charges.
KR or prize donor is not responsible for lost, damaged, stolen or undelivered prizes, regardless of cause, and winners agree to look solely to insurance provided by prize donor’s chosen shipping provider with regard to same.
KR will attempt to notify all Winner’s Choice winners using the contact information supplied when their knife donation is received. It is donor’s responsibility to notify KR of any change in contact information. Any prize not claimed by a Winner’s Choice winner within 48 hours from KR’s first attempt to notify the winner will be forfeited and all other winners drawn will move up one place in priority. If a Winner’s Choice winner that does not respond within the 48 hours later contacts KR, they will be offered the choice of prizes then currently available if within the Winner’s Choice draws, if any, after the current notified winner selects a prize. Otherwise, prize will be forfeit. All entries and donations are non-refundable and will become the sole property of KR once submitted. Acceptance of a prize constitutes winners’ permission for KR to use winner’s name and likeness for KR promotional purposes without additional consideration.
KR is not responsible for delivery of any prize, including any instruction/shop time prizes. There is no cash substitution for any prizes. Winner and Prize Donor are solely responsibly for arrangements for delivery of prize, including of instruction.
Winners Choice winners will be notified using the contact information supplied and informed how to claim prizes. KR shall not be liable for failure of notification arising from incorrect or illegible contact information supplied, or email or voice mail induced failures, or failure of entrants to respond to communications (or failure of KR to actually receive such responses regardless of cause) within 48 hours of KR’s first attempt to notify the winners. KR’s obligation is limited to making good faith efforts to notify winners. Once all winners are drawn and notified, names of winners (given name and surname initial.) will be posted at the Knife Rights Ultimate Steel Knifemaker Donor web site: https://kniferights.org/ultimatesteel/2023-us-knifemaker-donors/
All prize winners are subject to applicable drawing procedures, restrictions, rules, directives, applicable laws and regulations, and are solely responsible for all applicable taxes, fees, assessments and charges relating to the prizes. Your participation in this fundraiser (including without limitation the act of submitting a donation and/or winning a prize) signifies and is conditioned upon your acknowledgement, agreement, covenant, representation and warranty to KR, based on good and valuable consideration, receipt of which you acknowledge, that (i) KR, its officers, directors, affiliates, professionals, personnel, representatives and members, together with Prize Donor(s), its(their) officers, directors, affiliates, professionals, personnel and representatives (collectively, “KR Affiliates”) shall have no liability whatsoever in connection with this fundraiser, the prizes (or their acceptance, possession, use, or misuse), or anything arising out of or relating thereto; (ii) you waive and release any and all claims you may now or ever have against KR Affiliates; and (iii) you will not make any claims against KR affiliates and shall be estopped from so doing.
KR makes no claim regarding the actual value of any prize and is not responsible for the accuracy of any “Retail Value” provided by prize donors. KR does not guarantee the accuracy of the prize descriptions published. Prizes are in as-is condition. KR makes no warranty as to merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, suitability or condition of the prizes.
Prizes subject to change without notice. KR is not responsible for the failure of any prize donor to fulfill the obligation to deliver the prize they pledged.