Michael Janich Martial Blade Concepts Distance Learning Program Annual Subscription
Retail Value: $500.00
Donated By: Martial Blade Concepts
**** Chosen by Winner: Teresa L.

The MBC Distance Learning Program is an online program of video lessons and other materials that is the next-best thing to hands-on instruction with a certified MBC instructor.
I developed the Distance Learning Program (DLP) to bridge the gap between the conventional training perspective and the ideal learning environment—a private lesson. Think about it—when you attend a traditional seminar or watch an instructional video, you stand back and observe the instruction from a “third-party” perspective. While you may understand the basic concept and mechanics of the technique, you see it with a distant, two-dimensional view that’s difficult for your brain to process and your body to replicate. In a private lesson, however, you’re up close and personal. You not only get a closer view of the action; you also see it from more revealing angles and perspectives that allow you to appreciate depth and angles of motion much more clearly. And when you see things clearly, you understand them clearly and can replicate them much more easily. The DLP does exactly that.
The MBC DLP is a living, constantly evolving library of online instructional videos that provide the detailed, private-lesson perspective you need to learn most effectively. Every DLP video is dedicated to a specific topic and provides a focused, step-by-step lesson on that skill. As virtual private lessons with me, DLP videos not only show you the intricate details of MBC technique, they also include fine points and additional teaching elements that are typically reserved for my private MBC students.
The DLP also goes far beyond the information available in my Martial Blade Concepts series and my other instructional videos by addressing many other self-defense topics—including special interest topics that are often too narrow to justify a traditional instructional video. To make the DLP even more focused and responsive, students enrolled in the program also have the opportunity to request specific topics to be included in the DLP library. If the current videos aren’t complete enough or don’t address a particular skill, I’ll produce a video lesson to fill that void and give you the information you need.
Currently, the MBC DLP library includes more than 80 hours of instruction and more than 400 lessons, with new lessons added every month!
There are two different ways to become involved in the DLP: the Monthly Subscription and the Annual Subscription.
For only $24.95 per month, the Monthly Subscription allows you to have full access to all the DLP’s private-lesson instructional videos, additional training materials, a subscription to The Plan monthly e-newsletter, and access to MBC’s exclusive internet forum. You can also cancel your subscription at any time.
If you’re really serious about your self-defense training goals, the Annual Subscription (THIS IS THE DONATED PRIZE) offers an elite package of the following resources:
A one-year subscription to the MBC online Distance Learning Program library, which currently includes more than 80 hours of unique instruction with new material being added every month.
Access to the full-length Stay Safe videos Martial Blade Concepts Volumes 1–6—a $179.70 value.
Access to the full-length instructional videos Practical Unarmed Combatives Volumes 1 – 3, Counter-Blade Concepts, and Junkyard Aikido—an additional $179.75 value.
Access to a complete digital version of the now-rare, out-of-print book Contemporary Knife Targeting, which debunks W.E. Fairbairn’s legendary “Timetable of Death.”
Access to exclusive non-video instructional materials, including MBC training guides, rare, out-of-print books, and reprints and expanded versions of many of my published articles. This access alone can save you hundreds of dollars at the newsstand.
A one-year subscription to the official MBC e-mail newsletter, The Plan.
Permanent access to the MBC internet forum and the MBC training community. This closed forum is reserved only for serious students of MBC and was previously restricted only to those who had personally trained with me. It is a tremendous resource for asking questions, establishing training networks, and exchanging information.
The right to request the production of videos on specific topics for inclusion in the DLP library.
A personalized video review of your MBC skills. You shoot and submit a video of you demonstrating your MBC skills and I will personally review and critique it, providing specific feedback to help you refine your technique and training goals.
A $150.00 discount off tuition to one Martial Blade Camp—the premier MBC training event of the year.
Special discount offers available exclusively to members of the DLP.
The combined value of all these materials and benefits is well over $1,000. Serious students of MBC have paid more than that for a single day of private training with me. The MBC Distance Learning Program makes it all available to you for $500. If you’re truly serious about learning Martial Blade Concepts—as well as a broad range of other personal-defense skills and knowledge—the MBC Distance Learning Program annual subscription is definitely for you.
It is important to understand that the MBC Distance Learning Program is NOT a distance certification program. There’s only one way to become certified as an MBC instructor, and that’s to prove your skills and knowledge of the system during formal testing at my annual Martial Blade Camp in Colorado. If you want a mail-order certificate or want to be an instructor after a weekend of training, this is NOT the program for you. If, however, you want to learn a logical, practical system of edged-weapon self-defense that is scientifically sound, ethically responsible, and consistent with the self-defense laws of modern society, the MBC DLP is the ideal solution.
The delivery system for the DLP is an online platform called Platform Purple. This platform is the preferred choice of many suppliers of online instructional videos, including Black Belt magazine video division and Paladin Press. When you purchase the MBC DLP, you purchase from Platform Purple. Your credit card will be processed by them and all technical support will also be provided by them. Purple works by having you download a video player application that works with your laptop computer, desktop computer, tablet, or phone and allows you to view videos on any of these devices (including multiple devices per buyer). You also have the option of streaming your videos while you have access to an internet connection or storing them on your device for offline viewing.
To get a better idea of what the DLP will look like and learn a little more about it, please take a look at the introductory video.