The recent diametrically opposed decisions in Second Amendment cases involving switchblades continues to generate interest. Below please find two articles, one by a leading 2A journalist and the other by an exceptional 2A scholar.
The first article published on Ammoland is by Dean Weingarten who provides a layman’s explanation of the decisions and a warning for us all.
Two Courts Disagree on Knives Under the Second Amendment
The second article published on The Volokh Conspiracy is by noted constitutional law scholar David Kopel. Kopel is also co-author of the seminal law review article, “Knives and the Second Amendment.”
Kopel’s article is a bit more wide ranging and deals with a number of court decisions that have been, “evading the ‘plain text’ of the Second Amendment.” He uses the two recent Switchblade decisions as examples. It is aimed more at lawyers, but will definitely increase your understanding of recent Second Amendment jurisprudence after the U.S. Supreme Court’s Bruen decision.