Maryland Ivory Ban Bill Defeated

. Legislative Updates

March 16, 2015: The Maryland House Judiciary Committee has voted to give an unfavorable report on HB 713, a draconian bill that would have banned the sale or purchase of any ivory, including mammoth ivory, in the state. The unfavorable report came after an alliance of organizations opposed to the bill, including Knife Rights, helped make it clear to the committee members that it was terribly problematic for honest, law-abiding Marylanders, stealing millions in value from them, and that it would not save a single living elephant in Africa. We would especially like to thank David, an 8-year-old student and avid fossil collector, for testifying in opposition to HB 713, showing off parts of his impressive collection of shark's teeth and mammoth ivory fossils that would be rendered valueless by this ill-considered bill, which would have also prevent him from continuing to collect many of the fossils he prizes most. When we are allowed the opportunity to explain the facts involved and the reality of the illicit trade in elephant ivory, in which Americans have virtually no involvement whatsoever, we have a good chance of changing the minds of those who have been mislead by emotionally charged, politically and financially motivated efforts to ban legal elephant ivory that's been in the country for decades and mammoth ivory that's 10,000 years old. The bright light of the truth and facts can carry the day given half a chance. Like all Americans, we find the poaching of African elephants appalling and reprehensible. Unfortunately, instead of going after poachers, smugglers and traders of illicit ivory, Ivory Ban bills only attack innocent Americans without any likelihood of having an impact on the poaching problem.... Read More

Model Ivory Ban Letter to Maryland Legislators

. Legislative Updates

Subject: OPPOSE HB 713 Dear Delegate _________________________, I am writing to respectfully request that you please OPPOSE HB 713, the Ivory Ban Bill just introduced. I, like all Americans, find the out-of-control poaching of African elephants appalling. Unfortunately, instead of going after poachers, smugglers and traders of illicit ivory, this bill only attacks innocent Washingtonians by passing an absurd Ivory Ban that will not save a single living elephant. … Continued... Read More

Zeeland, MI, Cops Misleading Students About Knife Law?

. Legislative Updates

There was once a time in America when just about every kid attending school carried a pocket knife. Few kids would be caught without one. Times have changed and most schools have strict "zero tolerance" (zero common sense) policies on knives. It now appears that in at least one instance, a Zeeland, Michigan, police officer presenting a class in school may actually be misinforming students about knife law.   Knife Rights was recently alerted to a school in Zeeland, Michigan, that may have intentionally misled its students about the knife laws in Michigan. What is worse is that it appears to be the result of a program run by the Michigan State Police that does not require the use of a standardized lesson plans and study sheets, which means that this may just be one instance of a wider problem in Michigan schools. Did the Zeeland cop mislead students? Is this Michigan State Police program inherently flawed because it allows individual police officers to make up their own curriculum with no controls? Click on "Read More >>>>" below for the rest of the story.... Read More

Knife Rights’ Kentucky Knife Law Preemption Bill Introduced – CALL & WRITE TODAY!

. Legislative Updates

Kentucky State Senator Robin Webb has introduced Knife Rights' Knife Law Preemption bill, SB 146. SB 146 would repeal all existing local knife regulations and prohibit any future knife regulations, making state knife law supreme over the entire state. It also specifically provides that parties may sue to enjoin any violations of the new preemption law and be awarded reasonable attorney's fees and costs. If you live, work or travel in Kentucky, please contact your state Senator or the Senator where you work or travel and ask them to please support SB 146. CLICK HERE to find your Kentucky Senator.... Read More

Knife Rights’ Vermont Knife Law Preemption Bill Introduced – CALL & WRITE TODAY!

. Legislative Updates

Feb. 10, 2015: Vermont State Representative Patrick Brennan,Co-Chairman of the Vermont Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus, has introduced a Knife Rights requested bill H.165 that would enact Knife Law Preemption in Vermont. H.165 has been assigned to the House Committee on Fish, Wildlife and Water Resources. If you live, work or travel in Vermont, please contact your Representative AND the Committee Members and ask them to support H.165. Click the link to locate your Legislator and/or the Legislator who represents where you work or travel: Click "Read More >>>>" below for the contacts of the Committee Members. Vermont already has pretty reasonable knife laws, but preemption prevents a patchwork of local ordinances more restrictive than state law which only serve to confuse or entrap law-abiding citizens traveling within or through the state. Preemption ensures citizens can expect consistent enforcement of state knife laws everywhere in a state. Knife Rights passed the nation's first Knife Law Preemption bill in Arizona in 2010 and has since passed preemption bills in Alaska, Georgia, Kansas, New Hampshire, Tennessee and Utah.... Read More

African Elephant Conservation and Legal Ivory Possession Act of 2015 – CALL & WRITE TODAY!

. Legislative Updates

July 16, 2015: Senators Steve Daines (MT) and Lamar Alexander (TN) have introduced S. 1769, the African Elephant Conservation and Legal Ivory Possession Act of 2015. This is companion legislation to HR 697 in the House of Representatives. These bills would end the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's unilateral moratorium on the trade in lawfully owned ivory, including ivory handled knives. It also strengthens measures to stop elephant poaching in Africa and punishes countries that smuggle illicit ivory. Please CALL or EMAIL your Representative and Senators and ask them to Co-Sponsor the African Elephant Conservation and Legal Ivory Possession Act of 2015 (H.R. 697 or S.1769, respectively) to protect both elephants and Americans. You can find your U.S. legislators and send them all an email here: This bill is carefully tailored to allow the Administration to combat African elephant poaching and criminal organizations that sell illicit ivory in China. The bill protects innocent Americans who have complied with existing import prohibitions on ivory and the large stocks of ivory that have been in the United States for over 25 years. It protects the owners of knives, firearms, musical instruments, canes and a multitude of other items that include this decades-old legal ivory. For additional details, click on Read More >>>>... Read More

Illinois Bill Would Allow Switchblades with CCW License – CALL or WRITE TODAY!

. Legislative Updates

February 5, 2015: Illinois State Senator Tim Bevins has introduced legislation, SB 711, that would legalize switchblade (automatic) knives for anyone who holds an Illinois concealed carry license, as well as for peace officers. It includes legalization to manufacture and sell to these individuals. Given the long-standing prohibitionist environment in Illinois where weapons bans have been the legislature’s solution to every crime problem, … Continued... Read More

Rewriting Knife Law In America™ – Knife Rights 2016 Legislative Agenda

. Legislative Updates

Federal: Knife Rights’ Knife Owners’ Protection Act Re-Introduced – CALL/WRITE TODAY! Federal: African Elephant Conservation and Legal Ivory Possession Act Re-Introduced – CALL/WRITE TODAY! Georgia: Knife Law Reform Illinois: Switchblade Ban Repeal – Passed Senate – in House Kentucky: Knife Ban Repeal & Preemption Louisiana: Switchblade w/ CCW Maryland: Knife Law Preemption Maryland: Knife Ban on College Campuses – “Knives” … Continued... Read More

Texas Knife Law Preemption Bill NEEDS YOUR HELP NOW!

. Legislative Updates

May 15, 2015: Knife Rights' Texas Knife Law Preemption bill, HB 905, that would rid Texas of its patchwork of local knife laws more strict than state law, has been assigned to the Senate Committee on Criminal Justice. Time is short and we need your help to get this bill heard and passed out of this committee. If you live, work or travel in Texas, we need you to ask Chairman Whitmire to hear HB 905 as soon as possible and we need you to also CALL and WRITE the committee members and politely ask them to support HB 905. Click on "Read More >>>>" below for a list of committee members with contacts.... Read More

Switchblade (Automatic) Knives Now Legal in Maine

. Legislative Updates

October 15, 2015: Maine' LD 264, "An Act To Restore the Right To Possess Certain Knives That Are Used by Many Citizens as Tools," repealing the state's ban on switchblade (automatic) knives is now in effect. Maine is the ninth state to allow switchblades since Knife Rights started it Sharper Future™ campaign six years ago. Automatic knives are now legal for civilians without restriction in 28 states, and legal with various restrictions in 10 more. Nine of those 28 states have been added by Knife Rights since 2010. Knife Rights passed the nation's first repeal of a automatic knife ban in 2010 in New Hampshire and has since passed repeal of automatic knife bans (and repealed other knife restrictions) in Alaska, Indiana, Kansas, Maine, Missouri, Nevada, Tennessee and Texas. In Oklahoma,this year Knife Rights' legalized concealed carry of an switchblade (automatic) knife which goes into effect on November 1st.... Read More

Ivory Ban Bill Defeated in VA – WA Hearings Report: Call & Write TODAY!

. Legislative Updates

Jan. 30, 2015: The Virginia Senate Committee for Courts of Justice voted 13-0 to strike the recently introduced Ivory Ban bill, SB 1215, at the request of sponsor Senator Adam Ebbin (D-30). Ebbin made the request after an alliance of organizations opposed to the bill, including Knife Rights, helped make it clear to the committee members that it was terribly problematic for honest, law-abiding Virginians, stealing millions in value from them, and that it would not save a single living elephant in Africa. Earlier this week Knife Rights' Director of Legislative Affairs, Todd Rathner, was in Olympia, Washington, to testify at hearings on two draconian Ivory Ban bills, House Bill 1131 and Senate Bill 5241. Both hearings were well attended and numerous individuals and organizations were present from our side to oppose the bills. Nothing in either bill would save a single living elephant, but both would do serious harm to honest, law-abiding Americans. We were encouraged by the questions and reactions of the committee members and hope that their obvious skepticism will lead to major changes in the text of the bills or their outright defeat. Please contact the members of both committees and politely urge them to oppose House Bill 1131 and Senate Bill 5241. Click here for contact information for bill sponsors, members of both committees and a model letter.... Read More

Knife Rights’ Oklahoma Knife Law Preemption and Switchblade Carry Bills Take Effect Today!

. Legislative Updates

November 1, 2015: Knife Rights' Oklahoma Knife Law Preemption bill, HB 1460, takes effect today. Combined with Knife Rights' Oklahoma Switchblade Carry Ban Repeal bill, HB 1911, that also takes effect today, preemption ensures that switchblade (automatic) knife carriers will not have to deal with local restrictions on automatics and that possession of all knives will be legal throughout the state. Knife Law Preemption repeals and prevents local ordinances more restrictive than state law which only serve to confuse or entrap law-abiding citizens traveling within or through the state. Preemption ensures citizens can expect consistent enforcement of state knife laws everywhere in a state. Daggers, Bowie knives and dirks are still prohibited from general carry in Oklahoma. Knife Rights still has some clean-up work to do in Oklahoma, but enactment of these two bills this year is a huge step forward for Oklahomans.... Read More

Washington Ivory Ban Hearings Contact List

. Legislative Updates

Click here for a model letter opposing HB 1131 and SB 5241 Toll-Free Legislative Hotline:1-800-562-6000 Senate Natural Resources and Parks Committee: Senator Kirk Pearson, Chair (R-39)Email(360) 786-7676 Senator Brian Dansel (R-7), Vice ChairEmail(360) 786-7612 Senator Brian Hatfield (D-19)Email(360) 786-7636 Senator Maralyn Chase (D-32)Email(360) 786-7662 Senator Mike Hewitt (R-16)Email(360) 786-7630 Senator Rosemary McAuliffe (D-1)Email(360) 786-7600 Senator Judy Warnick (R-13)Email(360) 786-7624 Sponsors of SB 5241 Email Senator Joe Fain Email Senator Jamie Pedersen Email Senator Brian Hatfield Email Senator Steve Litzow Email Senator Christine Rolfes Email Senator Carolyn Schaefer House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee: Representative Brian Blake, … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Knife Owners’ Protection Act Introduced in U.S. House

. Legislative Updates

Jan. 21, 2015: Knife Rights' Knife Owners' Protection Act, H.R.419 (KOPA), has been re-introduced for the new session of Congress in the U.S. House of Representatives by sponsor Rep. Matt Salmon (R-AZ). Knife Rights Chairman Doug Ritter explained, "KOPA will protect law-abiding knife owners traveling throughout the U.S. from the vagaries of restrictive state and local laws. As long as possession of the particular knife is legal in the state where the journey starts and ends, and provided the knife is secured in accordance with KOPA, a knife owner would no longer be threatened with arrest simply for traveling from one place to another." KOPA is the first proactive pro-knife federal legislation introduced in the nation's history. TAKE ACTION TODAY! Getting this bill introduced is only the first step. We need your help to gain additional co-sponsors. Please call or email your Representative TODAY and urge them to co-sponsor this commonsense legislation. You can find your Representative at: Or, you can use the Open Congress website at: Here's a model email that you can use. We strongly suggest you keep it simple and to the point: I support H.R.419, the Knife Owners' Protection Act of 2015. I urge you to become a co-sponsor of this commonsense legislation that will protect my rights and the rights of all knife owners to travel throughout the U.S. without fear of prosecution under the myriad of state and local knife laws. For complete details, click on "Read More>>>>" below.... Read More

Anti-Ivory Groups Take Aim at WA, IA & CA (Mammoth Ivory Included) + Fed Update

. Legislative Updates

Anti-Ivory forces are hard at work trying to enact more draconian state Ivory Bans. With the success we have had to date slowing down the publication of a Federal Ivory Ban (see below) and with at least the possibility we may get something done in Congress to stop the Feds completely, Clintons, HSUS, et al, have turned to the states. They passed draconian Ivory Bans in NY and NJ last year (which also included Mammoth Ivory - something the Feds aren't touching). Bill have already filed this year in Washington, Iowa and California (For full details, click on "Read More>>>>" below).... Read More

Model Ivory Ban Letter to Iowa Legislators

. Legislative Updates

Subject: OPPOSE Senate File 30 Dear Senator _____________, I am writing to respectfully request that you please OPPOSE Senate File 30, the Ivory Ban Bill just introduced. I, like all Americans, find the out-of-control poaching of African elephants appalling. Unfortunately, instead of going after poachers, smugglers and traders of illicit ivory, Senate File 30 only attacks innocent Iowans by passing an absurd Ivory Ban that will not save a single living elephant. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ South Carolina Preemption Bill Passes House 88-0! Now on to Senate

. Legislative Updates

March 31, 2015: Knife Rights' South Carolina Knife Law Preemption bill, H.3115, has passed the SC House by a vote of 88-0! It now moves to the Senate. South Carolina already has pretty reasonable knife laws, but preemption prevents a patchwork of local ordinances more restrictive than state law which only serve to confuse or entrap law-abiding citizens traveling within or through the state. Preemption ensures citizens can expect consistent enforcement of state knife laws everywhere in a state. Knife Rights passed the nation's first Knife Law Preemption bill in Arizona in 2010 and has since passed preemption bills in Alaska, Georgia, Kansas, New Hampshire, Tennessee and Utah . If you live, work or travel in South Carolina, please contact your Senator and ask them to support H.3115. Click here to locate your Senator and/or the Senator who represents where you work or travel.... Read More

Busy Week in New York Battleground for Knife Rights

. Legislative Updates

This week Knife Rights was busy fighting New York City’s persecution of knife owners on two fronts. Oral argument in the appeal of Knife Rights’ Federal Civil Rights case against New York City and District Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr., which was dismissed on standing grounds, was held on January 13 in New York City. At the same time, Knife Rights was working with Manhattan Assemblyman Dan Quart to introduce legislation that could go a long way towards addressing the problem in New York City. … Continued... Read More

New York Gravity Knife and Switchblade Reform Bill Passes Senate – Next to Governor

. Legislative Updates

June 15, 2016: Knife Rights' Gravity Knife and Switchblade Reform Bill, S6483-A/A9042-A, passed the New York Senate today on a unanimous vote of 61-0. Knife Rights' Director of Legislative affairs, Todd Rathner, has spent many weeks on the ground in Albany this session working closely with our friends there to shepherd this bill through politically treacherous territory. All that extraordinary personal attention has paid off with this unanimous vote. The Assembly previously passed this bill 99-12. However, it is not over yet. S6483-A/A9042-A still needs to be signed by Governor Andrew Cuomo. The Governor will not officially receive the bill for his consideration until it is transmitted. Transmission of the bill could take a few weeks, so please be patient with the process. When the time is ripe, we'll ask for your help, but until then there's no benefit to contacting the Governor about this bill. Knife Rights would like to thank the following people who played a key role in helping to get this legislation through the legislature. Assembly Member Dan Quart (D) our primary sponsor in the Assembly, Senator Diane Savino (D) our primary sponsor in the Senate, Senator Michael Nozzolio (R) who made passing this bill a priority this session and Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan (R) whose staff worked closely with us to get the bill to the floor for a final vote. Knife Rights would also like to acknowledge the invaluable assistance and support of The Legal Aid Society of New York, as well as the many other organizations that supported this bill. We'd also like to thank all of you who called or emailed Leader Flannigan asking for a vote on this bill. Your calls and emails make a difference.... Read More

Model Ivory Ban Letter to Washington State Legislators

. Legislative Updates

Subject: OPPOSE [SB 5231 or HB 1131 – as appropriate] Dear [Senator or Representative – as appropriate]_________________________, I am writing to respectfully request that you please OPPOSE [SB 5231 or HB 1131], the Ivory Ban Bill just introduced. I, like all Americans, find the out-of-control poaching of African elephants appalling. Unfortunately, instead of going after poachers, smugglers and traders of illicit ivory, this bill only attacks innocent Washingtonians by passing an absurd Ivory Ban that will not save a single living elephant. … Continued... Read More

The FORCE is with Knife Rights! An Extraordinary Record of Success!

. Legislative Updates

December 29, 2014: With 2014 fading away, we look forward to the new year with great anticipation. In the waning months of this year we’ve been working hard getting ready for the 2015 legislative session. The coming weeks and months will see a record number of Knife Rights bills filed, building on the momentum we have achieved in the past six years. Knife Rights’ … Continued... Read More

The FORCE is With Knife Rights! Continuing to Forge a Sharper Future™ in 2015

. Legislative Updates

December 29, 2014: With 2014 fading away, we look forward to the new year with great anticipation. In the waning months of this year we’ve been working hard getting ready for the 2015 legislative session. The coming weeks and months will see a record number of Knife Rights bills filed, building on the momentum we have achieved in the past six years. Knife Rights’ … Continued... Read More

The FORCE is With Knife Rights! Continuing to Forge a Sharper Future in 2015

. Legislative Updates

December 29, 2014: With 2014 fading away, we look forward to the new year with great anticipation. In the waning months of this year we’ve been working hard getting ready for the 2015 legislative session. The coming weeks and months will see a record number of Knife Rights bills filed, building on the momentum we have achieved in the past six years. Knife Rights’ … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights Joins Coalition Brief in Peruta v. San Diego Federal Right-to-Carry Lawsuit

. Legislative Updates

December 26, 2014: On Christmas Eve, attorneys for a coalition of 22 pro-Second Amendment organizations and individual plaintiffs filed an amicus curiae (friend of the court) brief to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in the matter of Peruta v. San Diego, a lawsuit challenging the discretionary "may issue" handgun carry permit policies of San Diego Sheriff William Gore. Knife Rights Foundation elected to join this brief because the Peruta decision is of great importance to the analysis and outcomes of both future Second Amendment issues as well as current and potential Knife Rights cases. Click on "Read More >>>>" for additional details including a link to the brief.... Read More

Connecticut Supreme Court Decision in Knife Case Affirms Second Amendment Status and Rights

. Legislative Updates

December 16, 2014: Since its inception, Knife Rights has had as a foundational position that knives are arms protected by the Second Amendment. While generally used as tools daily by millions of Americans, knives are also occasionally used as an "arm" to defend a person's life. Our logo declares these are "Essential Rights." However, actual court rulings on this issue are always appreciated. Recently the Connecticut Supreme Court has affirmed that knives are arms protected by the Second Amendment in a case with potential wider implications. In its decision overturning a prior conviction, the Court held that "the second amendment protects the defendant’s right to possess the dirk knife … in his home and, second, that the statute’s complete ban on transporting those items between residences unduly burdens that right." The Court further said, "[t]hus, the safe transportation of weapons protected by the second amendment is an essential corollary of the right to possess them in the home for self-defense when such transportation is necessary to effectuate that right."... Read More

New York City Pays $7,500 to Falsely Arrested Knife Owner!

. Legislative Updates

Oct. 31, 2014: The City of New York has agreed to pay $7,500 to a falsely arrested knife owner in a Knife Rights supported case. The embarrassing settlement shows that the city would rather pay than try to justify its illegal conduct after police declared his knife an illegal "gravity knife" even though the blade did not lock open. The knife owner (a sculptor who uses a knife for his work) was arrested, handcuffed, booked, and placed in a holding cell like a common criminal. "New York City's outrageous persecution of those with common pocket knives must end. This is just one of thousands of similar outrageous excesses by the City and DA. Knife Rights will continue to fight these unconstitutional abuses by the City until we win" said Doug Ritter, Chairman of Knife Rights. VIDEO: Many Knife Arrests in New York City, Few Convictions - WNBC New York I-Team Investigation. Includes Knife Rights' attorney Richard Holzberg and his client who received a $7,500 settlement from NYC after being falsely arrested.... Read More

Knife Rights First Annual Ratings of Worst Anti-Knife Cities and Best States for Knife Owners

. Legislative Updates

November 19, 2014: In the past five years Knife Rights has significantly improved knife ownership and carry in the United States, passing 15 pro-knife bills in 11 states. This first annual review of the worst and best knife laws in America contrasts places where law-abiding knife owners enjoy complete or substantial freedom with those places which restrict the freedom of honest citizens by imposing arbitrary and irrational restrictions.The ratings were released at the National Assembly of Sportsmen’s Caucuses Sportsman – … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ First Annual Ratings of Worst Anti-Knife Cities and Best States for Knife Owners

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ First Annual Ratings of Worst Anti-Knife Cities and Best States for Knife Owners November 19, 2014: In the past five years Knife Rights has significantly advanced the rights of law-abiding knife owners in the United States, passing 15 pro-knife bills in 11 states. Knife Rights Chairman Doug Ritter explains, “This first annual Knife Rights review of the worst and best knife laws in America contrasts places where law-abiding knife owners enjoy complete or substantial freedom with those places which restrict the freedom of honest citizens by imposing arbitrary and irrational restrictions. … Continued... Read More

New York’s Village Voice Slams NYC Gravity Knife Enforcement

. Legislative Updates

Oct. 8, 2014: New York City’s The Village Voice newspaper has published a front-page article, “Blade Stunner,” slamming the City’s persecution of knife owners. Journalist Jon Campbell’s in-depth research provides a historical perspective and personalizes the unfortunate and serious impact the City’s irrational and unconstitutional enforcement has had on citizens arrested and prosecuted for simply carrying a common folding knife. One of the most shocking revelations in this article confirms Knife Rights’ … Continued... Read More

State Switchblade/Automatic Knife Legality

. Legislative Updates

As of July 1, 2016: Alphabetical listing of states where civilian possession of switchblade/automatic knives are legal with any limitations noted. * = Concealed Carry also legal States where Knife Rights has enacted Knife Law Preemption are in Bold with Date States where Knife Rights has enacted Repeal of a Switchblade Ban are Italics with Date This information IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY and DOES NOT PROVIDE LEGAL ADVICE. … Continued... Read More

NY Court Sets Aside Gravity Knife Charge: WARNING! DOESN’T CHANGE ANYTHING for Now

. Legislative Updates

July 25, 2014: In a remarkably commonsense decision, a New York court has set aside a Gravity Knife prosecution "in the interest of justice." Click to read the Judge's decision. This decision is getting a lot of attention, which is good, however... WARNING! Residents of New York City and those traveling there should NOT take this as meaning that they can now carry any folding knife they want. (Click Read More >>>> below for details)... Read More

Other Than NJ Residents: Ivory Ban Letter to Gov. Christie

. Legislative Updates

Email Governor Christie at: Call the Governor at: 609-292-6000 Subject: VETO S.2012/A.3128 Dear Governor Christie, I am writing to respectfully request that you VETO S.2012/A.3128, the Ivory Ban Bill just passed by the New Jersey legislature. I am a resident of [INSERT YOUR STATE], but this outrageous bill sets a very bad precedent and I hope you will stop this ill-conceived and unconstitutional scheme to deprive citizens of property without any good cause. … Continued... Read More

Ivory Ban Letter to Gov. Christie from NH Residents

. Legislative Updates

Email Governor Christie at: Call the Governor at: 609-292-6000 Subject: VETO S.2012/A.3128 Dear Governor Christie, I am writing to respectfully request that you VETO S.2012/A.3128, the Ivory Ban Bill just passed by the New Jersey legislature. I am a resident of New Hampshire, but this outrageous bill sets a very bad precedent and I hope you will stop this ill-conceived and unconstitutional scheme to deprive citizens of property without any good cause. … Continued... Read More

NJ Gov. Christie Ignores Property Rights and Reality, Signs Draconian Ivory Ban Into Law

. Legislative Updates

August 5, 2014: Knife Rights was shocked and saddened that New Jersey Governor Chris Christie bought into the irrational emotional pleas and outright lies of the radical ivory banners and signed into law the nation's most draconian ivory ban, ignoring New Jersey's constitutionally protected personal property rights. This ban will cost New Jersey citizens millions of dollars, seriously hamper many from making a living, adversely affect everyone from gun and knife collectors to musicians and antique collectors and will not save a single elephant in Africa. Many veterans and elderly who have invested in perfectly legal items containing ivory that have been in this country for decades will lose their investments. Some will sell at fire sale prices during the six-month grace period, but most will never even hear about the ban until down the road when they try to sell to cover medical expenses or some other emergency. For more details, click on Read More >>>> below.... Read More

Model Ivory Ban Letter to NJ Governor Christie

. Legislative Updates

(Subject: VETO S.2012/A.3128) Dear Governor Christie, I am writing to respectfully request that you please VETO S.2012/A.3128, the ivory Ban Bill just passed by the legislature. I, like all Americans, find the out-of-control poaching of African elephants appalling. Unfortunately, instead of going after poachers, smugglers and traders of illicit ivory, the New Jersey legislature has decided to attack innocent New Jerseyans by passing an absurd Ivory Ban that will not save a single living elephant. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights LegalBlade™ App Introduced – World’s First Knife Law App!

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights Foundation is pleased to announce its groundbreaking LegalBlade™ App - Knife Laws in America™. LegalBlade™ is the world's first knife law app! LegalBlade™ provides guidance at your fingertips to the knife laws of all 50 states as well as over 40 cities and local jurisdictions in the United States. Knife Rights Founder and Chairman Doug Ritter said, "While Knife Rights will continue to aggressively work to repeal bad knife laws, knowledge of the law is the first step in avoiding an unfortunate arrest, loss of your knife or other legal complications." The LegalBlade™ App is available now in the App Store and on Google play    Click on "Read More >>>>" for additional details.... Read More

Model Letter to Congress Opposing the Ivory Ban

. Legislative Updates

Dear Congressman/Senator _______________: I, like all Americans, find the out-of-control poaching of African elephants appalling. Unfortunately, instead of going after poachers, smugglers and traders of illicit ivory, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has decided to take its frustrations out on innocent Americans and small businesses through a Domestic Ivory Ban that will not save a single living elephant. A Domestic Ivory Ban would irreparably harm owners of antiques, musical instruments and any items containing ivory legally imported into this country decades ago by stripping their value – … Continued... Read More

Standing Our Ground – Collaboration Ivory Handled Bowie Benefiting Knife Rights

. Legislative Updates

“Standing Our Ground” AUCTION CLOSED WINNER: billybob-39 HIGH BID: $13,050 An Extraordinary Custom Collaboration Ivory Handled Bowie Crafted by Acclaimed American Artisans Raising Funds to Support Opposition to the U.S. Government’s Domestic Ivory Ban Stop the Government from Taking Billions of Dollars from Law-Abiding Americans Save the Elephants – Stop the Illegal Ivory Ban Click photo for higer resolution image. Custom Leather Maker Paul F. … Continued... Read More

Stupidity Reigns in Ocean City, MD – Bans Assisted Openers in “Emergency” Ordinance

. Legislative Updates

Why Knife Law Preemption is Knife Rights’ Priority: Stupidity Reigns in Ocean City, MD – Bans Assisted Openers in “Emergency” Ordinance May 20, 2014: The Ocean City, Maryland, City Council unanimously passed an ordinance banning assisted openers on Monday, May 19, at the request of Police Chief, Ross Buzzuro. We had to double check the spelling — it seems it should be “Bizarre-O.” The “emergency” ordinance banning assisted openers is effective immediately. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights Chairman Doug Ritter Receives Carter-Knight Freedom Fund Award

. Legislative Updates

(L-R) NRACRDF Vice-Chair Carol Bambery, Knife Rights Chairman Doug Ritter, Past NRA President Sandy Froman, NRACRDF Chairman Bill Dailey May 1, 2014: Knife Rights Founder and Chairman Doug Ritter was presented with the Carter-Knight Freedom Fund Award from the NRA's Civil Rights Defense Fund at the NRA's Annual Board of Directors Meeting held in Indianapolis, Indiana on April 28, 2014. The Carter-Knight Freedom Fund Award is the most prestigious honor bestowed by the NRACRDF and was presented by NRACRDF Chairman and NRA Director William H. Dailey. Dailey said, "Doug's dedication and tireless effort to establish and protect the Second Amendment rights of knife owners has provided NRACRDF ample cause to recognize him for his significant achievements."... Read More

Knife Rights Testifies at Texas Senate Homeland Security Committee Hearing – Looking Toward 2015

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights Testifies at Texas Senate Homeland Security Committee HearingLooking Toward 2015 Session Knife Rights Director of Legislative Affairs, Todd Rathner, testified on Monday at a hearing before the Texas Senate Committee on Agriculture, Rural Affairs & Homeland Security. The Committee was charged by Lt. Governor David Dewhurst to “study and make recommendations on removing barriers to Second Amendment Rights…” Last year Knife Rights succeeded in repealing the ban on switchblade (automatic) knives in Texas, … Continued... Read More

Knife Community Ivory Ban Coalition Letter

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights Leading Ivory Ban Knife Community Coalition Letter Effort Knife Organizations are Encouraged to Sign onto Letter Opposing Administration’s Ivory Ban On April 4, 2014, a coalition letter was sent to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Director Daniel Ashe from 31 organizations representing a wide variety of impacted communities opposed to this ban. The purpose of this letter was to put the Administration, the Fish and Wildlife Service and the House Appropriations Committee, … Continued... Read More

Locate your Kansas Legislators

. Legislative Updates

Locate your Kansas Legislators by using the form below: After SEARCH, scroll down results to “STATE” to find your Representative and Senator           … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights 2016 Ultimate Steel™ – Over $170,000 in Prizes!

. Legislative Updates

Donate to get chances to WIN from OVER $170,000 in Prizes! Donate before July 31, 2016 and you are also eligible for our TAIL END BONUS DRAWING with OVER $8,500 in ADDITIONAL prizes just for Tail End Donors! ULTIMATE STEEL™ andTAIL END BONUS DRAWING Countdown … Continued... Read More

Ivory Ban Update: Report on ACWT Meeting 3/20/2014

. Legislative Updates

Robert Mitchell, an attorney from Pennsylvania, attended the Advisory Council on Wildlife Trafficking meeting held yesterday, March 20, 2014. Rob delivered Knife Rights’ statement (Click to read) to the Council. He reports below on the meeting’s low and high points. For an opening salvo, to make a statement and get opposition to the ivory ban on the record, this showing was a success. However, it was just that, … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights Statement Delivered to the Advisory Council on Wildlife Trafficking Meeting 3/20/2014

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights Statement Delivered to the Advisory Council on Wildlife Trafficking Meeting.March 20, 2014. Knife Rights represents America’s millions of knife owners, knifemakers, scrimshaw artists, knife retailers and suppliers to knifemakers and scrimshaw artists, many of whom own legally acquired ivory or knives with ivory components. Knife Rights opposes the ban on commercial sales and trade in ivory within the U.S. This action unfairly and illegally persecutes honest ivory owners who find their investment in legally acquired ivory “taken” … Continued... Read More

Re: Request for Public Input – Advisory Council on Wildlife Trafficking Public Meeting Mar. 20, 2014

. Legislative Updates

March 16, 2014 Mr. Cade London Special Assistant, USFWS International Affairs Advisory Council on Wildlife Trafficking 4401 North Fairfax Drive, Room 110 Arlington, VA 22203 VIA EMAIL: Re: Request for Public Input – Advisory Council on Wildlife Trafficking Public Meeting March 20, 2014 Knife Rights represents America’s millions of knife owners, knifemakers, scrimshaw artists, knife retailers and suppliers to knifemakers and scrimshaw artists, … Continued... Read More

Completed 2013 Ultimate Steel™ Knives, Guns & More Spectacular!

. Legislative Updates

Click for the 2016 Ultimate Steel™Over $200,000 in Prizes! Our special thanks to Eric Eggly for the incredible photography he donated to this year’s Ultimate Steel™You can learn The Art of Knife Photography yourself with Eric’s DVD set   … Continued... Read More

Legislation Introduced in Congress to Protect Owners of Legal Ivory Handled and Decorated Knives

. Legislative Updates

July 11, 2014 (Updated July 15): Legislation to stop the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) from seriously harming millions of Americans by unnecessarily restricting interstate commerce of legal ivory and products containing legal ivory, such as ivory handled and decorated knives, was introduced in both the House and the Senate. Representatives Steve Daines (MT) and Jeff Miller (FL) sponsored H.R. 5052, and Senator Lamar Alexander (TN) sponsored S. 2587. These bills complement the FY2015 Interior (Department)and Environment Appropriations Bill, passed out of the House Appropriations Committee by a 29-19 vote on July 15, that would defund USFWS enforcement of its new ivory policy that needlessly punishes innocent Americans, while allowing the Administration to protect African elephants and other wildlife from poaching. Please CALL or EMAIL your Representative and Senators and ask them to Co-Sponsor H.R. 5052 and S. 2587. Find your Representative here: Find your Senators here: Both bills are carefully tailored to allow the Administration to combat African elephant poaching and criminal organizations that sell illicit ivory in China. The bills protect innocent Americans who have complied with existing import prohibitions on antiques and the large stocks of ivory that have been in the United States for over 25 years. It protects the owners of musical instruments, knives, firearms, canes and a multitude of other items that include this decades-old legal ivory.... Read More

Knife Rights Freedom’s Steel II – Never Forget – 2013

. Legislative Updates

Freedom’s Steel™ II – Never Forget™ Knife Rights’ Extraordinary Custom Collaboration Knife Honoring Sacrifices for America’s Freedoms Supporting NRA-ILA and the Second Amendment!   A One-of-a-Kind Custom Knife Crafted by Acclaimed Artisans Incorporating Historically Significant Steel and Materials (Click images and links for higher resolution photographs.) Knife Rights has donated Freedom’s Steel™ II – … Continued... Read More

Government Ivory Ban – Are Your Ivory Handled Knives Now Worthless?

. Legislative Updates

Government Overreaching With Pernicious Ivory Ban Is Your Ivory Handled Knife Now Worthless?More Elephant Poaching, Not Less On February 11, 2014, the White House and Department of Interior (DOI) declared by executive fiat that virtually all elephant ivory in  the U.S., including ivory handled knives, could no longer be sold, claiming that by doing so they were saving the elephants. "Saving the elephants" is an admirable goal that most all can support, however many experts, and indeed, the African ivory producing nations as well, are convinced that not only will this ivory ban not save any elephants, it may increase their slaughter by poachers. Many believe that the Administration's new policy is a solution to a problem for which there is no U.S.-centric solution (more on that in the full article). And, the adverse consequence for ivory owners is significant and potentially devastating. Are Your Ivory handled Knives Now Worthless?  By banning the sale of ivory, this new draconian policy makes knives with ivory handles or fittings essentially worthless! The only exceptions that would allow sale of these items are virtually impossible for most owners to comply with, leaving members of the knife community who own, buy or sell knives with ivory handles or fittings with no viable recourse. And, the onus is on the owner, not the government, treating them guilty until they prove their innocence! CLICK HERE to read the full article with details on the new policy and its significant adverse impacts. Knife Rights is actively engaged in developing an effective response to this new policy. We do not intend to roll over without a fight.  Please read the full article for detailed analysis and stay tuned for developments.... Read More

Automatic (Switchblade) Knives & Carry Over 4-inches Now Legal in Tennessee

. Legislative Updates

July 1, 2014: July 1st is Knife Freedom Day in Tennessee. Knife Rights' repeal of the ban on automatic (switchblade) knives and the carry of knives over four inches in length "with intent to go armed," a vague law subject to abusive interpretation, goes into effect today. Combined with Knife Law Preemption that Knife Rights passed in Tennessee last year, which rendered null and void all local laws more restrictive than state law, this means that all law-abiding citizens of the Volunteer State can now own and carry the knife of their choice. Knife Rights cautions that not all law enforcement officers may be aware of the change in the law, so be respectful, polite and cooperative if stopped, but suggest they may want to check before trying to enforce a law no longer on the books. All Knife Rights members should review attorney Evan Nappen's recently updated article, "Knife Arrest! How Knife Owners Can Protect Themselves"... Read More

Knife Rights’ Knife Owners’ Protection Act Introduced in U.S. Senate!

. Legislative Updates

Jan. 18, 2014: Senators Mike Enzi (R-WY) and Mike Lee (R-UT) have introduced a complimentary Senate version of Knife Rights' Knife Owners' Protection Act, S.1955 (KOPA), This follows the introduction of Knife Rights' KOPA bill in the House last November. The Senate bill is based on the House bill as conceived and developed by Knife Rights, although it is formatted according to Senate rules. Knife Rights worked diligently with the Senate sponsors to ensure the Senate bill was fully aligned with the original House KOPA bill. TAKE ACTION TODAY! Getting this bill introduced is only the first step. We need your help to gain additional co-sponsors. If your Senator is not already a co-sponsor, please call or email your Senator TODAY and urge them to co-sponsor this commonsense legislation. You can find your Senator at: Or, you can use the Open Congress website at: For additional details, including a model email, click on "Read More>>>>" below.... Read More

South Carolina Preemption Bill Added for Total of 5 Bills Pre-filed for 2014!

. Legislative Updates

Dec. 19, 2013: South Carolina state Senator Kevin L. Bryant has introduced a Knife Law Preemption bill, S.885, for the 2014 session. This is the fifth Knife Rights backed bill pre-filed for the 2014 legislative session! If you live, work or travel in South Carolina, we need your help. Please click on "Read More>>>>" below.... Read More

Knife Rights Gets a Jump on 2014 Legislation in Florida & Tennessee

. Legislative Updates

Dec. 5, 2013: Building on Knife Rights' unprecedented 2013 legislative success with 5 more pro-knife bills passed, we are getting a jump on 2014 by filing two bills already in Florida and Tennessee. The Florida bill would enact Knife Law Preemption and the Tennessee bill would repeal the ban on automatic knives and on carry of knives over 4-inches in length "with the intent to go armed," a vague term subject to abuse by authorities. And, we've just only gotten started! If you live, work or travel in Florida or Tennessee bills, we need your help. Please click on "Read More>>>>" below.... Read More

“Knives and the Second Amendment” Law Review Article Published

. Evergreen . Legislative Updates

The first detailed scholarly analysis of knives and the Second Amendment has been published in the University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform (vol. 47, pages 167-215). Authored by noted Second Amendment scholars Dave Kopel, Clayton Cramer and Joe Olson, the paper makes the case for knives as "arms" protected by the Second Amendment, supporting one of Knife Rights' foundational tenets. Knife Rights applauds these scholars for this long-overdue effort. This is a great start on the sort of scholarly work that needs to be done to assist in potential legal cases down the road. The arguments made and supported in this article will also support our legislative efforts to roll back knife bans and oppose proposed new restrictions on knives. For more details and a link to the complete article Knives and the Second Amendment, click on "Read More>>>>" below.... Read More

Knife Rights’ Knife Owners’ Protection Act Introduced in Congress

. Legislative Updates

Nov. 14, 2013: Knife Rights' Knife Owners' Protection Act, H.R.3478 (KOPA), has been introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives by sponsor Rep. Matt Salmon (R-AZ). Knife Rights Chairman Doug Ritter explained, "KOPA will protect law-abiding knife owners travelling throughout the U.S. from the vagaries of restrictive state and local laws. As long as possession of the particular knife is legal in the state where the journey starts and ends, and provided the knife is secured in accordance with KOPA, a knife owner would no longer be threatened with arrest simply for traveling from one place to another." KOPA is the first proactive pro-knife federal legislation introduced in the nation's history. TAKE ACTION TODAY! Getting this bill introduced is only the first step. We need your help to gain additional co-sponsors. If your Representative is not already a co-sponsor, please call or email your Representative TODAY and urge them to co-sponsor this commonsense legislation. You can find your Representative at: Or, you can use the Open Congress website at: Here's a model email that you can use. We strongly suggest you keep it simple and to the point: I support H.R.3478, the Knife Owners' Protection Act of 2013. I urge you to become a co-sponsor of this commonsense legislation that will protect my rights and the rights of all knife owners to travel throughout the U.S. without fear of prosecution under the myriad of state and local knife laws. For complete details, click on "Read More>>>>" below.... Read More

Knife Owners’ Protection Act of 2015- Text

. Legislative Updates

Text of H.R.419-114 – Knife Owners’ Protection Act of 2015 114TH CONGRESS 1ST SESSION H. R.419 To protect the right of law-abiding citizens to transport knives interstate, notwithstanding a patchwork of local and State prohibitions. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NOVEMBER 13, 2013 Mr. SALMON (for himself, Mr. FRANKS of Arizona, and Mr. MASSIE ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary A BILL To protect the right of law-abiding citizens to transport knives interstate, … Continued... Read More

Knife Owners’ Protection Act FAQ

. Legislative Updates

This Knife Owner’s Protection Act FAQ can also be downloaded as a PDF document. Why do we need KOPA? Those who travel across the country with common knives for work, recreation, and self defense are presently subject to arrest and prosecution under a confusing patchwork of inconsistent state and local laws and regulations. What is perfectly legal in one place may be a serious crime in another, carrying significant penalties including jail time. … Continued... Read More

TEST Tax Deductible

. Legislative Updates

 DOUBLE the VALUE of YOURTax DeductibleYear End Knife Rights FoundationDONATION!PLUS Double Winner’s ChoiceGift Certificate Bonanza!*$7,295 in Prizes!A Knife Rights supporter willMATCH your donation DOLLAR for DOLLARthrough END of 2013* A generous Knife Rights supporter has issued a Matching Challenge. He will match, … Continued... Read More

2017 Ultimate Steel™ Knives, Guns & More Spectacular! Donation Confirmation

. Legislative Updates

<tr     Thank You for Your Donation to Knife Rights Together We are Rewriting Knife Law in America™ • If your donation was $60 or more, your membership materials will be sent within 120 days. • If your donation is eligible for a Bonus Donation Knife, please allow 16 weeks for your knife to ship, 24 weeks if a Damascus Hogue knife. … Continued... Read More

Double Winner’s Choice Gift Certificate Bonanza – Double Your Donation Year End Fundraiser 2013

. Legislative Updates

Thank You for Your Donation! THIS FUNDRAISER IS CLOSED Winners are posted below. You can still make a donation and it will be doubled,but the drawing for prizes is closed. Make a TAX DEDUCTBLE Donationby December 31, 2013You Could WIN YOUR CHOICE of theseINCREDIBLE GIFT CERTIFICATES!*$7,515 in Prizes! Choose Your Gift CertificatethenChoose What You Wantfrom the Retailer’s Store/Website*DOUBLE WINNER’S CHOICE! … Continued... Read More

Appeals Court Victory in Knife Rights’ Federal Civil Rights Lawsuit Against New York City

. Legislative Updates

Sept. 22, 2015: U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit unanimously ruled today that Knife Rights' Federal civil rights lawsuit against New York City and District Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr. will proceed, reversing a District Court's erroneous dismissal of the case on procedural "standing" grounds. You can review the Second Circuit's decision at: The Second Circuit ruled that Knife Rights' plaintiffs John Copeland, Pedro Perez, and Native Leather have the right to pursue their claims to end the unconstitutional manner in which the City and the DA have enforced state gravity knife law against honest individuals and businesses with regard to common folding knives.... Read More

Knife Rights Federal Civil Rights Lawsuit Against New York City and NYC DA Cyrus Vance, Jr.

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights is spearheading a Federal Civil Rights lawsuit, originally filed in June 2011, against New York City and New York County District Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr. over their wrongful harassment of knife owners, retailers and manufacturers.  As this lawsuit works its way forward, we will post newsworthy events and links to articles, motions and other relevant information here (Click on "Read More >>>>" below for links). Lawsuit Summary: The lawsuit challenges New York City’s and District Attorney Vance’s attempt to criminalize as contraband the most widely-owned pocket knives in America -- one-hand opening and assisted opening folding knives -- under state laws prohibiting switchblades and gravity knives. The case seeks a judicial determination that the New York State laws regarding switchblades and gravity knives are unconstitutionally vague as applied by NYC and the DA to these common pocket knives (which are distinct from gravity knives and switchblades because of their bias towards closure). Knife Rights' lawsuit intends to stop New York City officials from abusing this vague state law to make bogus arrests of law-abiding citizens carrying common pocket knives, and from coercing knife retailers into making huge payments to avoid prosecution.(Click on "Read More >>>>" below for links to background articles) Status Summary as of June 10, 2016: Attorneys representing Knife Rights' plaintiffs and the defendants New York City and District Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr. will square off in Federal Court in Manhattan on Thursday morning, June 16. The oral argument portion of the trial on the merits will finally be held before U.S. District Court Judge Katherine B. Forrest five years after our federal civil rights lawsuit was originally filed. The public is welcome to attend. Click here to read article with full details.... Read More

New York Knife Laws

. Legislative Updates

Below you will find the actual text of the New York State Penal Code and the New York City Municipal Code related to knives. Included are some notes to clarify how the laws are interpreted. The key issue is that until such time as Knife Rights prevails in its federal civil rights lawsuit against New York City and District Attorney Vance, it doesn’t matter that nobody except them believe that common folding knives with a bias towards closure are illegal Gravity Knives, … Continued... Read More

Richard Grant Receives Knife Rights 2013 Freedom’s Voice™ Award

. Legislative Updates

Richard Grant received Knife Rights' 2013 Freedom's Voice award at BLADE Show in Atlanta, Georgia. Grant was honored for his article published in Mother Jones magazine titled "Blade Runners," that was also published online as "Move Over, NRA. Meet the Knife Lobby." Knife Rights' Freedom's Voice award honors a journalist or journalistic team in general or non-knife-industry media that has demonstrated a commitment to fair, accurate and insightful coverage on an issue involving knife ownership Knife Rights Chairman Doug Ritter remarked, "I would never have expected to be making this award for an article that was published by Mother Jones, one of the most adamant anti-Second Amendment media sources in the country. It is a testament Richard's journalistic integrity and excellent writing that even Month Jones' editors couldn't do much more that come up with an incendiary headline and illustration."... Read More

Benchmade’s Les & Roberta DeAsis Receive Knife Rights Freedom’s Guardian™ Award

. Legislative Updates

Benchmade CEO Les DeAsis Challenges Fellow Knifemakers to "Step Up" and Support Knife Rights Knife Rights is pleased to announce that Les and Roberta DeAsis, founders and owners of Benchmade Knife Company, are the recipients of Knife Rights' 2013 Freedom's Guardian™ Award which was presented during BLADE Show in Atlanta, Georgia. Upon receiving the award, Mr. DeAsis challenged his colleagues in the knife industry to support Knife Rights, saying, "We need to protect our future. Our needs and desires are all aligned. The money is a small price to pay for protection of our future, our children, our employees, our is absolutely critical that we step up. The bottom line is that I ask everybody to reach into your hearts, reach into your conscience, then reach into your wallets and make this go. Doug is working his tail off. He is committed, they are successful. There is absolutely no excuse for those people in this room and this industry not to support this organization because they are insuring that we can continue to do what we love to do... It is ensuring the future of this industry. It is critical that you stand up, that you reach into your pockets. Join Benchmade in supporting Knife Rights." View the video of Mr. DeAsis' complete remarks at: Read More

Knife Rights is Getting It Done™ 2013 Legislative Successes in Review

. Legislative Updates

2013 has been our most productive year yet, building upon our prior successes to create an even Sharper Future™. With your help: Knife Rights passed FIVE more Pro-Knife Bills this year! Knife Rights passed Knife Ban Repeals in FOUR more states this year! Knife Rights passed Knife Law Preemption in THREE more states this year! Some naysayers argued that political reaction to the Newtown tragedy would make it impossible for us to make headway this year, but we were not convinced. Turns out we were right! For full details on our five-year record of extraordinary success, click on "Read More >>>>"... Read More

Knife Rights Freedom’s Steel™ – 2012

. Legislative Updates

Freedom’s Steel™ Knife Rights’ Extraordinary Custom Collaboration Knife Supporting NRA-ILA and the Second Amendment! A Historically Significant,One-of-a-Kind Custom Knife Crafted by Acclaimed Artisans Incorporating Wood from a Tree Planted by George Washington! (Click images and links for higher resolution photographs.) Knife Rights has donated Freedom’s Steel™, an extraordinary custom knife collaboration,to the National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA) in appreciation for their assistance and support of Knife Rights’ … Continued... Read More

Knives and the Second Amendment

. Legislative Updates

The first ever scholarly analysis of knives and the Second Amendment has been accepted for publication by the University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform. Researched and written by highly respected Second Amendment legal scholars David Kopel, Clayton Cramer and Joseph Edward Olson, the article makes the case that "Knives are clearly among the 'arms' which are protected by the Second Amendment." This supports one of the foundations for Knife Rights' efforts to protect our rights, "Essential Tools - Essential Rights."... Read More

The Making of Freedom’s Steel II – Never Forget

. Legislative Updates

The Making of Freedom’s Steel™ II – Never Forget™ Click here for the full details of Freedom’s Steel II – Never Forget. Photo by Buddy Thomason Click here for the full details of Freedom’s Steel II – … Continued... Read More

Texas Sept. 1 Automatic (Swithblade) Knife Alert

. Legislative Updates

July 24, 2013: Knife Rights has recently received numerous emails and calls seeking clarification of the new Texas law (HB1862) repealing the ban on automatic (switchblade) knives that Knife Rights passed this year. This new law goes into effect on September 1. The Texas Legislature will be back is session in 2015 and Knife Rights will be there working to remove the remaining restrictions and to get Knife Law Preemption passed. In the meantime there are still limitations that Texas owners of automatic knives must be aware of. Click on "Read More >>>>" for all the critical details.... Read More

Terminally Spineless Administration (TSA) Caves – No Small Knives on Planes

. Legislative Updates

Common sense has once again fallen victim to overheated, hyperbolic and emotionally charged politics. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has caved to political pressure from flight attendants unions and others and has renounced its previously announced change in policy that would have allowed small knives on passenger aircraft. Despite all the commonsense and rational arguments in favor of the change, TSA Administrator John Pistole said, "after extensive engagement with the Aviation Security Advisory Committee, law enforcement officials, passenger advocates, and other important stakeholders, TSA will continue to enforce the current prohibited items list."... Read More

Alaska Gov. Parnell Signs Knife Rights Bill

. Legislative Updates

June 21, 2013: After two years of effort, Alaska Governor Sean Parnell has signed HB33, Alaska's Knife Rights Act, which enacts sweeping reform of Alaska's knife laws. HB33 legalizes the possession, transfer and carrying of automatic knives (switchblades). It also enacts knife law preemption repealing all local knife laws as well as preventing new ones from being enacted. The effective date of HB33 is September 18, 2013. At the invitation of Governor Parnell, Knife Rights Director of Legislative Affairs, Todd Rathner (far right in photos), attended the signing ceremony in Palmer, Alaska. Knife Rights would like to thank Governor Parnell for recognizing and expanding the rights of everyday Alaskans as well as the millions who visit Alaska every year to hunt, fish and recreate. We would also like to thank the sponsors of the HB33, Representative Mark Neumann and Senator Fred Dyson, for sponsoring this important legislation.Knife Rights would also like to thank Pro-Tech Knives for their support in helping to pass this legislation. With Governor Parnell's signature, all of Knife Rights legislation passed this year has now been signed into law. Alaska becomes the 7th state to enact Knife Rights' signature Knife Law Preemption. Knife Rights Scorecard This Year: FIVE more Pro-Knife Bills! Knife Ban Repeals in FOUR more states this year! Knife Law Preemption in THREE more states this year!... Read More

Gun Free Zones –>> Knife Free Zones – NJ UPDATE

. Legislative Updates

February 22, 2013: New Jersey Assembly bill A1387, which would permit municipalities to establish huge swaths of "weapons free zones" around schools, parks and "public facilities" within which possession of "any dangerous knife" would be prohibited, under penalty of fine and imprisonment, was passed by the full Assembly, along with a package of 19 other anti-gun bills, by decidedly partisan votes. We do know that your emails and calls were heard, but the steamroller in the Assembly was unstoppable. HOWEVER, THIS BILL HAS NOT YET BECOME LAW. The bill now moves to the NJ Senate, a somewhat more deliberative body where all indications are that there is no desire to steamroll the bill package that passed in the Assembly. A1387 will face brand new scrutiny and a full committee hearing in the Senate, if it is even moved forward there at all. Not all the bills passed by the Assembly yesterday will even get a hearing in the Senate. In any case, we will have a better chance to remove the "any dangerous knife" language during a hearing process, which was bypassed in the Assembly. We will alert you to act if and when the bill begins moving in the Senate process and it is time to write and call NJ's senators about this insanity.... Read More

Vermont Knife Law Preemption Bill Hearing – CALL/WRITE Chairman TODAY!

. Legislative Updates

Feb. 5 2014: Knife Rights' Todd Rathner testified today at the Vermont House Government Operations hearing on H.128, a Knife Rights' Knife Law Preemption bill sponsored by Rep. Patrick Brennan. The next step is up to the Committee Chairman, Rep. Donna Sweaney, who must hold a vote on the bill. If you live, work or travel in Vermont, please contact Chairman Sweaney and ask her to please bring up H.128 for a vote. Contact Rep. Sweaney at: or call: 802-674-5175... Read More

Indiana Knife Rights Switchblade Ban Repeal Signed Into Law

. Legislative Updates

May 13, 2013: Indiana Governor Mike Pence has signed HB1563 which repeals the state's irrational ban on switchblade knives. The new law takes effect on July 1, 2013. Please note that this repeal did not include Knife Law Preemption, we're going to see about that next time around, so any local laws banning switchblades are still in effect. Thanks again to Senators Jim Tomes and Johnny Nugent for their tireless efforts working with Knife Rights to pass this repeal.... Read More

Knife Rights Founder Doug Ritter Receives Bill of Rights Award

. Legislative Updates

Oct. 3, 2012: Knife Rights Founder and Chairman Doug Ritter was given the 2012 Bill of Rights Award by the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms on September 29, at the Gun Rights Policy Conference in Orlando, Florida. The unexpected honor was presented by CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. Gottlieb said, "Doug Ritter's pioneering efforts in defense of our Second Amendment knife rights are making a real difference, as out of control government bureaucrats in places like New York City are discovering. After seeing other countries demonize knives and severely restrict citizens' rights, Doug had the foresight to found Knife Rights now, to prevent that from happening here. This award is given in recognition and appreciation of Doug's passionate and tireless efforts pursuing an aggressive agenda of litigation and legislation in an arena that he has popularized as the Second Front in Defense of our Second Amendment." Ritter said, "I am deeply honored to receive this award. Our work would not be possible without the strong support of many individuals and organizations. This award belongs equally to all those who have provided financial, legislative and personal support, with special appreciation for my wife, Sue, without whom none of this would be possible." The Award acknowledges Ritter's "powerful public defense of the constitutionally-protected…fundamental right to keep and bear arms…" For full text of the award and photos, click on "Read More >>>>"... Read More

Freedom’s Sporting Steel Benefiting Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation

. Legislative Updates

Freedom’s Sporting Steel™A Knife Rights Custom Knife CollaborationSupporting America’s Sporting Heritage & FreedomsDonated to Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation Knife Rights has donated Freedom’s Sporting Steel™, a custom knife collaboration, to the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation in support of America’s sporting heritage and freedoms. ™. Freedom’s Sporting Steel™ was conceived of, and sponsored by, … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Switchblade Ban Repeal and Knife Preemption Bill Filed in Pennsylvania

. Legislative Updates

July 11, 2012: Knife Rights is pleased to announce the filing of Pennsylvania HB2548 which would repeal the Keystone State's ban on the possession of automatic knives and enact Knife Rights' signature Knife Preemption Law. The legislation was drafted by Knife Rights Director of Legislative Affairs, Todd Rathner, and was introduced by Rep Michelle Brooks (R-17). Bipartisan Co-sponsors include Rep. Marc Gergely (D-35) and Rep. Jeff Pyle (R-60). Addition co-sponsors can be found on the bill's sponsor page.... Read More

Once Again a WSJ Article Features a Knife That Could Get You Arrested in NYC

. Legislative Updates

Doubly ironic, once again the New York City-based Wall Street Journal features a one-hand-opening lock blade folder, a knife that could get a WSJ reader arrested in New York City, in an article titled “Blades of Glory” about knifemaker Thomas McGuane Jr. The pictured knife (lower in the photo) is a common folding knife (one-hand opening, locking blade), typical of 80% of the pocket knives sold in the U.S. … Continued... Read More

Ironic WSJ Article Features Knives NYC Citizens Can’t Buy

. Legislative Updates

May 14, 2011: How incredibly ironic that the May 14 edition of the Wall Street Journal, a New York City based newspaper, ran a piece in their "Off Duty" section titled "Stay Sharp." It commends to its readers five one-hand opening pocket knives, every one of which would be falsely deemed an illegal gravity knife by NYC District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. Click to go to that article onlineorclick to view a photo of article as it appeared in the newspaper. To read Knife Rights Chairman Doug Ritter's letter to the editor, click on "Read More >>>>" below. We need your help to fight DA Vance. Donate today to support Knife Rights Sharper Future™ Legal Fund.... Read More

2012 Sharper Future™ Award Winners

. Legislative Updates

Doug Ritter, Chairman of Knife Rights, presented the Third Annual Sharper Future™ Awards at BLADE Show in Atlanta, Georgia, June 9, 2012. Georgia State Senator William "Bill" Heath was the recipient of the Freedom's Edge™ award given to honor a local, state or national elected representative who has demonstrated their commitment to a Sharper Future™ by leadership in the fight to protect or enhance our knife rights. Mike "Mikey" Vellekamp was the recipient of the Freedom's Point™ award to honor an individual citizen or citizens who demonstrated their commitment to a Sharper Future™ by leadership in the fight to protect or enhance our knife rights. Blaine Smith, an associate editor at America's 1st Freedom Magazine, was the recipient of the Freedom's Voice™ award given to honor a journalist or journalistic team in general media that has demonstrated a commitment to fair, accurate and insightful coverage on an issue involving knife ownership. Roger Claunch is the recipient of the Freedom's Guardian™ Award given to honor a production knife manufacturer or industry partner that has demonstrated their commitment to a Sharper Future™ by their support of the fight to protect or enhance our knife rights. Jason Hobbs is the recipient of the inaugural Carry a Knife - Save a Life™ Award which is to be given annually to honor an individual citizen who has used their every-day-carry (EDC) knife to save a life, demonstrating the practical advantages to always carrying a knife in order to be prepared for situations when a knife is invaluable, up to and including saving lives. For full details, please click on "Read More >>>>" link below.... Read More

Knife Rights Receives Blade Magazine 2012 Industry Achievement Award

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights was presented with a 2012 Industry Achievement Award by Blade Magazine at the annual Blade Magazine Knife-Of-The-Year Awards Banquet at BLADE Show in Atlanta, Georgia.  Knife Rights was recognized for its "diligence in working to have pro-knife legislation passed in a number of states this year," said Blade Magazine editor, Steve Shackleford.  Managing Editor Joe Joe Kertzman noted, "the legislative offensive mounted... this year has been nothing short of historic." Doug Ritter, Knife Rights chairman, said, "Knife Rights is honored to be recognized for our achievements in defending knife owners' rights. We sincerely appreciate the support from individuals and industry that has allowed us to make great strides this year."... Read More

Freedom’s Steel™ III – Shall Not Infringe – Supporting NRA-ILA and the 2nd Amendment

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights has donated Freedom’s Steel™ III – Shall Not Infringe, an extraordinary custom knife collaboration, to the National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA) in appreciation for their assistance and support of Knife Rights’ legislative efforts in fighting the Second Front in Defense of the Second Amendment™. Freedom’s Steel™ III – Shall Not Infringe will be a featured auction item at the NRA-ILA Dinner and Auction to be held at the NRA Annual Meeting in Indianapolis, … Continued... Read More

The Making of Freedom’s Steel™

. Legislative Updates

The Making of Freedom’s Steel™ Click here for the full details of Freedom’s Steel. Photos taken by knifemaker David Broadwell during the making of Freedom’s Steel – December, 2011 through February, 2012. Chad Nichols’ stainless Damascus billet. It is an unusual Wedged Ladder pattern.Note the upside down “V” … Continued... Read More

George Washington Diary Page – April 2, 1788

. Legislative Updates

Below is a slightly cleaned-up version, for easier reading, of the archival copy of the April 2, 1788 page from George Washington’s diary. The original can be found on the Library of Congress web site. Wood from the last of these 13 horse chestnut trees planted by George Washington in 1788, as noted on this diary page, was used in the handle of Freedom’s Steel, … Continued... Read More

Freedom’s Steel™ V – Liberty’s Heritage Bowie™ – Knife Rights’ Collaboration Benefiting NRA-ILA!

. Legislative Updates

Freedom’s Steel™ V – Liberty’s Heritage Bowie™ Knife Rights’ Extraordinary Custom Collaboration Knife Supporting NRA-ILA and the Second Amendment! A One-of-a-Kind Custom Knife Crafted by Acclaimed Artisans (Click images and links for higher resolution photographs. Photos by Caleb Royer) Knife Rights has donated Freedom’s Steel™ V – Liberty’s Heritage Bowie, a one-of-a-kind 22-inch Mosaic Damascus Bowie knife by Master Smith Kyle Royer with Jim Small engraving, … Continued... Read More

2013 Ultimate Steel™ Knives, Guns & More Spectacular! Donation Thank You

. Legislative Updates

Thank You for Your DonationtoKnife Rights L • If your donation was $60 or more, your membership materials will be sent within 60 days. Memberships are entered manually, so expect a 24-72 hours delay before you can log in. • If your donation is eligible for a Bonus Donation Knife, please allow 60 days for your knife to ship. Click here to return to the 2013Ultimate Steel™ Knives, … Continued... Read More

Raffle Donation Only Page

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 2012 Ultimate Steel Benefit Logo WHEN YOU DONATE to Knife RightsWE ALL WIN! … Continued... Read More

TicketSale test Page #2

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Your E-Mail Address: (for email receipt)       Donation   Premium       $1   TEST TEST TEST       $20   … Continued... Read More

Tickets Sale Test Page

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Your E-Mail Address: (for email receipt)       Donation   Premium       $1   TEST TEST TEST       $20   … Continued... Read More

S. E. Cupp Supports Knife Rights

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights is very pleased to welcome political commentator, author and columnist S.E. Cupp to our community. S.E first wrote on the subject of New York DA Cyrus Vance, Jr’s persecution of knife owners and retailers in a column back in July. She recently became a Knife Rights member and encourages others to join and support Knife Rights: “A knife is more than just a utility tool. … Continued... Read More

Model Letter to Boston Mayor Tom Menino

. Legislative Updates

November 16, 2011: Please email and call Mayor Menino at and 617-635-4500 to express your opposition to this ordinance. Dear Mayor Menino, I am writing to ask you to VETO Docket #1366 An Ordinance Requiring The Licensing Of Certain Stores That Sell Certain Knives recently passed by the Boston City Council. This ordinance should be vetoed for the following reasons: It violates the Massachusetts Constitution’s prohibition against ordinances, … Continued... Read More

Get Latest Knife Rights News via Facebook and Twitter

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Be the first to know. Get the latest Knife Rights updates:      And, sign up for our FREE News Slice™ Newsletter for more news you need to know. Sign up for FREE News Slice™ Newsletter » Sign up NOW! … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights National Knife Law Preemption Campaign

. Legislative Updates

Over the years many local political jurisdictions (towns, cities and counties, etc.) have enacted laws banning the sale, possession, use, and/or manufacture of certain types of knives. This includes knives that the average citizen would consider common pocketknives. In most cases, these local restrictions are more restrictive than state law and they often contradict state law. The resulting patchwork of ordinances and rules serve to confuse or entrap those traveling within or through a state. … Continued... Read More

Membership and Donation Winners Drawn

. Legislative Updates

Winners have been drawn in the latest Membership and Donation drawings: Spirit of Steel Knife Show: Don Lentz USN Gathering: Mark Berube & Barbara Thropp Thanks to everyone who joined, renewed or made a donation for their support of Knife Rights! … Continued... Read More

Raffle Form

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Your E-Mail Address: (for email receipt)     $10   1 ENTRY       $20   2 ENTRIES       $30   4 ENTRIES (1 Free)   … Continued... Read More

National Knife Law Preemption Campaign

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights national state knife law preemption campaign was launched in 2010 in Arizona. Preemption protects knife owners, knife collectors and those in the knife industry from a confusing patchwork of local knife ordinances and rules. Preemption is a key component of Knife Rights’ national legislative agenda to protect knife owners’ rights. The bipartisan passage of Knife Rights Arizona knife preemption law now serves as a model for preemption efforts in other states whose citizens are subject to a similar patchwork of local knife laws with attendant civil rights issues. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights Launches Facebook Page

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights has launched a Facebook page to raise awareness of Knife Rights and the very real threats knife owners face. The greater Knife Rights’ reach, the more supporters we gain, the more success we will have in achieving a Sharper Future for all Americans. You can help by spreading the word, starting by going to … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights Fundly Donation Page – Mutltiply Your Donation

. Legislative Updates

This Fundly powered donation page allows you to multiply the value of your donation to Knife Rights Foundation through social media. By also “donating” an update to your Facebook or Twitter pages, you encourage your friends to join you in supporting Knife Rights and a Sharper Future™ for all Americans. You will also gain facebook awards as your friends contribute.      How do I make a donation to Knife Rights?First, … Continued... Read More

Membership, News Slice & Hinderer Giveaway Winners Drawn

. Legislative Updates

Winners of our 2011 NRA Annual Meeting and BLADE Show Membership Giveaway and the Knife Rights 2011 BLADE Show Fundraising Knife have been contacted and their prizes shipped. Our News Slice Email Newsletter Signup Giveaway winners were presented their prizes at BLADE Show. Click below on "Read More >>>>" for a list of the winners.... Read More

2011 Sharper Future™ Award Winners

. Legislative Updates

Doug Ritter, Chairman of Knife Rights, presented the Second Annual Sharper Future™ Awards at BLADE Show in Atlanta, Georgia, June 11, 2011. Utah State Representative Ryan D. Wilcox was the recipient of the Freedom's Edge™ award given to honor a local, state or national elected representative who has demonstrated their commitment to a Sharper Future™ by leadership in the fight to protect or enhance our knife rights. Cam Hughes and Jim Brown were the recipient of the Freedom's Point™ award to honor an individual citizen or citizens who demonstrated their commitment to a Sharper Future™ by leadership in the fight to protect or enhance our knife rights. Claire Wolfe, a columnist for SWAT Magazine, was the recipient of the Freedom's Voice™ award given to honor a journalist or journalistic team in general media that has demonstrated a commitment to fair, accurate and insightful coverage on an issue involving knife ownership. Rod and Peggy Bremer are the recipients of the inaugural Freedom's Guardian™ Award given to honor a production knife manufacturer or industry partner that has demonstrated their commitment to a Sharper Future™ by their support of the fight to protect or enhance our knife rights. For full details, please click on "Read More >>>>" link below. You can view the award presentations in the video.... Read More

Knife Rights Sues New York City

. Legislative Updates

June 9, 2011: Knife Rights has filed a federal civil rights lawsuit to stop New York City from arresting law-abiding citizens carrying common pocket knives. The lawsuit challenges New York State law on "gravity knives" and switchblades, and New York City District Attorney Cyrus Vance's attempt to mischaracterize the most widely-owned pocket knives in America as contraband. The case seeks a judicial determination that the law is unconstitutionally vague as applied to these ordinary pocket knives. "District Attorney Vance is trying to advance his political career by exploiting a vague state law to demonize common pocket knives," said Knife Rights Chairman Doug Ritter. "In the process, hundreds of law abiding knife owners are being arrested and Vance has extracted nearly $2 million from retailers to avoid prosecution on bogus charges. This lawsuit intends to put a stop to Vance's abusive and unconscionable civil rights violations." "One-hand opening pocket knives are legal tools, used and carried every day by millions of law-abiding citizens for work, recreation and self-defense," said Ritter. "Shame on D.A. Vance for demonizing common tools and turning honest citizens into criminals for purely political ends." If you are a retailer or individual who has been targeted for the sale or possession of so-called illegal knives (one-hand opening and assisted opening knives inappropriately claimed to be gravity knives or switchblades), we urge you to immediately contact Knife Rights at: email or call toll-free: 1-866-889-6268. Click below on "Read More >>>>" for additional details and a link to the Federal Complaint as filed.... Read More

Ironic WSJ Article Features Knives NYC Citizens Can’t Buy

. Legislative Updates

May 14, 2011: How incredibly ironic that the May 14 edition of the Wall Street Journal, a New York City based newspaper, ran a piece in their "Off Duty" section titled "Stay Sharp." It commends to its readers five one-hand opening pocket knives, every one of which would be falsely deemed an illegal gravity knife by NYC District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. Click to go to that article onlineorclick to view a photo of article as it appeared in the newspaper. To read Knife Rights Chairman Doug Ritter's letter to the editor, click on "Read More >>>>" below. We need your help to fight DA Vance. Donate today to support Knife Rights Sharper Futureâ„¢ Legal Fund.... Read More

Knife Rights USN Gathering Fundraising Event

. Legislative Updates

THIS EVENT IS NOW CLOSED. Winners listed below Win these terrific prizes when you Join Knife Rights or Make a Donation. 1. Busse Custom Shop Bushwacker Mistress Satin finish (steel is INFI .220" thickness) with Black G-10 bolster and 2 toned desert ironwood handle with custom sheath by David Brown (generously contributed to Knife Rights by Busse Combat Knife Company and David Brown)       Won by Mark Berube (Click image for larger photo) 2. Set of KA-BAR Zombie Knives (generously contributed to Knife Rights by... Read More

Sandy Froman

. Legislative Updates

Sandy Froman, past president of the National Rifle Association and one of the nation’s foremost Second Amendment activists, will be the keynote speaker at Knife Rights’ Second Annual Sharper Futureâ„¢ Awards Breakfast to be held June 11th during BLADE Show in Atlanta, Georgia. (Purchase tickets below.) Froman will speak on “How To Win a Knife Fight–Lessons Learned in the Crucible of the Second Amendment” Sandy Froman was President of the National Rifle Association of America (“NRA”) from 2005-2007. … Continued... Read More

Federal Switchblade Act as Amended 2009

. Legislative Updates

Federal Switchblade Act as Amended by Congress and signed into law by President Obama on October 28, 2009. The amendment added exception (5), shown in red below, which specifically allows for one-hand opening and assisted opening knives: U.S. Code Chapter 29 – Manufacture, Transportation, or Distribution of Switchblade Knives Section 1241. Definitions As used in this chapter – (a) The term “interstate commerce” means commerce between any State, … Continued... Read More

Support the Second Front Legslative Campaign

. Legislative Updates

Every penny we receive will be used to support this fight for YOUR Knife Rights. Knife Rights directors are all volunteers. PLEASE SUPPORT KNIFE RIGHTS!Please make your contribution here.... Read More

Knife Rights and Knife Rights Foundation Individual Donor Appeal

. Legislative Updates

You Can Make a Difference! Second Front™ Legislative CampaignIndividual Giving Levels Supports National Knife Law Preemption Campaign and legislative initiatives to decriminalize knife possession and restrictive knife laws. Sentinel ( $1,000 ) Defender ( $500 ) Sentry ( $350 – LESS than $1/Day!) Steward ( $250 ) Protector ( $100 ) Keeper ( $50 ) Booster ( $25 ) Supporter ( $10 ) OR Enter Donation Amount(Whole Numbers Only – No Cents) $ Knife Rights, Inc. is a an Arizona non-profit corporation with IRS 501(c)(4) tax-exempt status. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights 2010 Appeal Letter

. Legislative Updates

Dear Knife Enthusiast: Today, in many parts of the world, knife ownership and carry is severely restricted. In many so-called civilized nations the one-hand opening, lock blade pocket knives that represent 80% of the knives sold in the U.S. today are either outlawed entirely or their carry is illegal except in very restricted circumstances. Even simple non-locking traditional pocketknives are illegal in some places or their length severely restricted. If you don’t believe that these sorts of restrictions common elsewhere in the world cannot come to the U.S. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights & Knife Rights Foundation Major Donor Options

. Legislative Updates

Second Front™ Legislative CampaignMajor Donor Giving Levels Supports National Knife Law Preemption Campaign and legislative initiatives to decriminalize knife possession and restrictive knife laws. Platinum ( $30,000 ) Gold ( $20,000 ) Silver ( $15,000 ) Tungsten ( $10,000 ) Titanium ( $7,500 ) Bronze ( $5,000 ) Guardian ( $2,500 ) Sentinel ( $1,000 ) Defender ( $500 ) Knife Rights, Inc. is a an Arizona non-profit corporation with IRS 501(c)(4) tax-exempt status. Contributions to Knife Rights, Inc. are not tax deductible because of its political and legislative advocacy. … Continued... Read More

New York Update – First Test Case

. Legislative Updates

Oct. 18, 2010: We now have our first test case! Knife Rights is proud to come to the aid of an honest citizen accused of unlawfully possessing a Gerber folding pocketknife. The Gerber is alleged by DA Vance to be a gravity knife and the charge carries a potential one year in jail. We will have a good deal more to say on this in the near future. … Continued... Read More

Sharper Future Legal Fund

. Legislative Updates

The Knife Rights Foundation Sharper Future Legal Fund™ will be used to pursue litigation in support of knife owner civil rights, initially aimed at stopping New York County (Manhattan) District Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr’s illegitimate assault on one-hand opening and assisted opening knives in New York City. Knife Rights Foundation salutes these industry leaders who have stood up to protect the civil rights of their customers. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights Foundation Legal Fund to Fight New York Persecution

. Legislative Updates

The Knife Rights Foundation has successfully launched its Knife Rights Sharper Future Legal Fund™ with contributions from twelve industry leaders plus other donors, some anonymous. . The Fund will be used to pursue litigation in support of knife owner civil rights, initially aimed at stopping New York County (Manhattan) District Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr's illegitimate assault on one-hand opening and assisted opening knives in New York City. Sign up for FREE eBlast Updates » JOIN NOW "This initial backing by leaders of the knife industry recognizes that knife owners do not take their civil rights lightly, that we have the will, and the means, to fight back," said Knife Rights chairman Doug Ritter. "I applaud these industry leaders who stepped up, as true leaders will in times of crisis, to jump-start the Fund." Platinum-level $30,000 donors include Benchmade Knife Co., Blue Ridge Knives, Taylor Brands and United Cutlery. Gold $20,000 doors are Buck Knives and Columbia River Knife & Tool Silver $15,000 donors are and Wenger NA. Smokey Mountain Knife Works is a Titanium donor at $7,500. Bronze donors Ethan Becker and KA-BAR Knives each gave $5,000. Additional money has been donated anonymously, including a $10,000 donation from an Internet knife retailer. Said Knife Rights Chairman Doug Ritter, "Litigation is only one aspect of our efforts to protect your civil rights. With your continued support, you can be sure that Knife Rights will forge ahead with our legislative initiatives to enhance protections for knife owners in New York and throughout the U.S., with efforts to clarify or do away with restrictive knife laws and through our National Knife Law Preemption Campaign. Read prior articles on the NYC DA Vance's persecution of Knife Onwners:      Manhattan District Attorney Shakes Down Honest Knife Retailers      Knife Rights Contests DA's Claims, Tactics in Knife Retailer Shakedown      Will DA Vance Arrest Stephen Colbert?      New Yorker Gives Thanks to Knife Rights Foundation Please help us stop this insanity. Make a Contribution to our fight against the DA's assault on our pocket knives.... Read More

ALERT! Knife Retailers and Individuals in New York City

. Legislative Updates

If you are a retailer or individual who finds yourself targeted for the sale or possession of so-called illegal knives (one-hand opening and assisted opening knives inappropriately claimed to be gravity knives or switchblades), we urge you to immediately contact Knife Rights at: email or call toll-free: 1-866-889-6268. You have a constitutional right to seek help and counsel. … Continued... Read More

NYC Outrage Latest Update

. Legislative Updates

Will DA Vance Arrest Stephen Colbert for Switchblade Possession? August 29: Given New York District Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr.'s campaign to shakedown and prosecute those selling or possessing so-called "illegal knives" (locking one-handed and assisted openers) in New York, one has to wonder when his goons will show up on Stephen Colbert's doorstep to arrest the self-proclaimed liberal TV satirist. On the August 18 Colbert Report, which is produced in New York City, Colbert flicked open a Benchmade Barrage assisted opening knife, which would be a switchblade according to DA Vance's self-serving distortion and abuse of New York State's switchblade and gravity knife statute. Click here to watch Colbert demonstrate his knife skill (at the 38 second point of the video segment). We aren't holding our breath for that to happen, however. Vance clearly operates to a double standard when it comes to his prosecutions and your civil rights. Which explains why Paragon Sports in NYC is still displaying and selling its hundreds of thousands of dollars of custom knives, many or most of which are locking one-hand openers that operate exactly the same as the lower cost production knives that Paragon handed over to Vance when they paid a six-figure "contribution" to Vance to avoid prosecution for selling so-called "illegal gravity knives." Apparently it's only illegal to sell these so-called "illegal knives" when the customers are just plain working folks. If you are wealthy enough to afford a high-end custom knife from Paragon, then that's fine. The hypocrisy is apparently lost on Paragon which seems perfectly comfortable with the DA's double standard on civil rights. NYC Knife Persecution Developments Ace Hardware has apparently been targeted by Vance and in furtherance of another one of those deferred prosecution agreement shakedowns, has sent a memo to all of its dealers and co-op members in New York State, not just New York City, requiring that they "must remove all one-handed opening knives from their shelves." They will no longer ship such knives to their dealers and co-op members in New York State. When I spoke to Ace Hardware's attorney at their headquarters, he didn't argue that Vance's interpretation of New York law was flawed, but rather he noted that they were protecting their many independent dealers and co-op members, a unique business model compared to others Vance has shaken down, none of which could have stood up to Vance had he attacked them each independently. He declined to explain why they agreed to restrict one-hand openers from the entire state, which clearly falls outside Vance's jurisdiction. Once again, Vance's mafia-like shakedown scheme scores a win because the major retailers will not risk the potential for harassment by Vance and his goons. Knife sales simply do not represent enough business to be worth it to them. In this case, his reach outside the city itself to take a swipe at your rights is even more troubling. DA Vance's assault on folders has also driven the 32-year-old New York Custom Knife Show out of New York City. It's moved across the river to Secaucus, New Jersey. For more information: Read prior articles on this issue:      Manhattan District Attorney Shakes Down Honest Knife Retailers      Knife Rights Contests DA's Claims, Tactics in Knife Retailer Shakedown... Read More

CC Test

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Sign up for FREE eBlast Updates » JOIN NOW … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights on Independence Day

. Legislative Updates

It is Independence Day. A day we celebrate throwing off the chains of tyranny for liberty and the many freedoms we hold so dear. A day to celebrate with family and friends, a day of parades, picnics and fireworks. It is also a day of reflection, a day to consider how precious those freedoms are, a day to remember that those freedoms are not free. Our freedoms were paid for in blood by America’s founders. … Continued... Read More

What SCOTUS Decision in McDonald v. Chicago Means for Knife Owners

. Legislative Updates

Yesterday's decision by the Supreme Court in McDonald v. Chicago incorporating the Second Amendment to the states is an important victory in the fight to protect the individual right to keep and bear arms. Congratulations are in order to the Second Amendment Foundation, who was the prime sponsor of the effort on behalf of the litigants, to attorney Alan Gura who developed the case and the strategy and then along with the NRA argued the case before the court, and to all who submitted supporting briefs. From the perspective of knife owners, this decision, like Heller before it, includes a reference to knives in support of the majority opinion. In this case, it is reference to the abrogation by states of the civil rights of African Americans after the Civil War, prohibiting their possession of a number of named arms, including "dirk or bowie knife." There is no question that this decision gives those of us fighting for our knife rights another arrow in our quiver, one with a nice sharp point. It sets the stage for further advancements via both legislation and the courts. With the Second Amendment confirmed now as both an individual right and the law of the land, it becomes easier to make the argument in legislatures and elsewhere to remove unreasonable restrictions on knives. The key issue is the term "reasonable."... Read More

Knife Rights Contests DA’s Claims, Tactics in Knife Retailer Shakedown

. Legislative Updates

June 20: New York District Attorney Vance's dramatic press conference on Thursday was quite a show with a very impressive array of so-called gravity knives and switchblades displayed, but political grandstanding doesn't change the fact that the claims made by Vance had little basis in truth. Knife Rights Chairman Doug Ritter said, "the outrageous claims made by Vance to rationalize his shakedown of honest knife retailers during his press conference were all deliberate misrepresentations or half-truths, if not outright lies. If the general media in attendance wasn't so unfortunately uninformed of the issues and the law, as well as the technical aspects of folding knives, he might have had a more difficult time getting them to swallow the unmitigated fabrications he was dishing out." Sign up for FREE eBlast Updates » JOIN NOW Since the industry's numbers put the pocket knife-carrying population in the area of forty million, and 80% of the knives sold in America are one-handed openers of one design or another, for certain the majority of these millions understand just how absurd the DA's claims are when they see a display of the same knives they carry and use everyday deemed to be illegal. The increased practicality and safety of these commonly used tools over more traditional pocket knives accounts for their widespread popularity. Said Ritter, "It's hard to imagine how Vance could be further out of touch with both the law and mainstream America." Ritter goes on into detail on the misleading information from the DA.... Read More

Manhattan District Attorney Shakes Down Honest Knife Retailers

. Legislative Updates

New Yorkers Being Deprived of Popular Pocket Knives June 17: The New York County (Manhattan) District Attorney's office appears to be engaged in a shakedown of local businesses, forcing them to pay six-figure so-called "contributions" or risk unwarranted criminal penalties, in a move more like that of organized crime than the agency charged with protecting citizens, said a national group representing the rights of Americans who own and use pocket knives. Knife Rights Chairman, Doug Ritter, said, "the New York County District Attorney, Cyrus Vance, Jr. appears to have targeted legitimate, honest knife dealers, accused them of selling illegal 'gravity knives,' and threatening criminal prosecution if they don't pay up. The so-called "gravity knives" in question appear to be conventional one-handed and assisted-opening knives, which represent 80 percent of the pocket knives sold in the U.S. today." Some of the major retailers have reported agreed to six-figure settlements and have netted the DA millions of dollars. Knife Rights was instrumental in passing legislation last summer, in response to a misinterpretation of law by U.S Customs and Border Protection, that specifically excepted these common pocket knives used daily by millions of Americans from the definition of a switchblade under the Federal Switchblade Act. The legislation was supported by Customs and was passed by U.S. Congress, with strong bipartisan support, and signed into law by President Obama on October 28, 2009. Ritter said, "Given the passage of this legislation, the DA is attacking people who sell knives that were clearly defined by Congress as simple pocket knives, legislation that was supported by leading Democratic lawmakers such as Henry Waxman (D-CA), Charles Rangel (D-NY), David Obey (D-WI) and others. This action is not only unethical; it places Mr. Vance at odds with even liberal urban lawmakers and outside the mainstream on this issue." Among the dozen or so businesses that have reported to have been targeted in New York City are Eastern Mountain Sports, Orvis, Paragon Sports, Lowe's and Home Depot. At least one out-of-state Internet retailer has been targeted. You can view one of a number of news articles and images of the DA's Thursday afternoon news conference (held after this initial Knife Rights new release was sent out) here: The six-figure so-called "contributions" are being made to a "public education fund" controlled by the DA in order to secure "deferred prosecution" agreements to avoid threatened criminal charges. Additional outrageous and over-reaching demands have also apparently been made to avoid prosecution. Said Ritter, "This appears to be little more than extortion on the part of a District Attorney who appears determined to shake down honest businesses and remove from the New York market common tools used daily by New Yorkers in their homes, in business and while recreating. These are simple pocket knives, legitimate tools used every day by millions of law-abiding Americans."... Read More

Paul Currier Wins Ken Onion Eros BLADE Show Raffle Knife

. Legislative Updates

At 2:00 on Sunday at BLADE Show, knifemaker Ken Onion drew the winning ticket for the Custom Eros Gentleman's Tactical Folder that he generously donated for Knife Rights' Blade Show Raffle. Paul Currier, who purchased his raffle ticket at BLADE Show, is the winner. Congratulations Paul, a lot of folks coveted that awesome custom folder, but it's all yours now. Thanks to everyone who bought raffle tickets or joined or renewed their membership and got their raffle tickets that way, as Paul did. Your support helps us work towards a Sharper Futureâ„¢ for us all.... Read More

Sharper Futureâ„¢ Awards Presented at BLADE Show

. Legislative Updates

Doug Ritter, Chairman of Knife Rights, presented Sharper Futureâ„¢ Awards to three recipients at the inaugural Sharper Futureâ„¢ Awards Breakfast at BLADE Show in Atlanta, Georgia. New Hampshire State Representative Jenn Coffey was the recipient of the inaugural Freedom's Edgeâ„¢ award given to honor a local, state or national elected representative who has demonstrated their commitment to a Sharper Futureâ„¢ by leadership in the fight to protect or enhance our knife rights. Evan Nappen was the recipient of the inaugural Freedom's Pointâ„¢ award to honor an individual citizen who has demonstrated their commitment to a Sharper Futureâ„¢ by leadership in the fight to protect or enhance our knife rights. Sarah Buduson, a reporter for KPHO (CBS affiliate) in Phoenix, Arizona, was the recipient of the inaugural Freedom's Voiceâ„¢ award given to honor a journalist or journalistic team in general media that has demonstrated a commitment to fair, accurate and insightful coverage on an issue involving knife ownership.... Read More

Knife Rights Appoints Todd Rathner as Director of Legislative Affairs

. Legislative Updates

June 5, 2010: Knife Rights chairman Doug Ritter today announced the appointment of Todd Rathner as Director of Legislative Affairs at Knife Rights’ Sharper Future™ Awards Breakfast at the BLADE Show in Atlanta. Ritter said, "It is indicative of our priorities to protect and expand knife owners' rights that our first paid position is one to coordinate our aggressive legislative agenda. Todd proved his effectiveness this year in the successful passage of the Arizona Knife Preemption Law in Arizona, which launched our National Knife Law Preemption Campaign."... Read More

Knife Rights Donation Page

. Legislative Updates

To make a donation to Knife Rights, select the donation amount below: Donations $10 Donation $10.00$25 Donation $25.00$50 Donation $50.00$100 Donation $100.00$500 Donation $500.00$1000 Donation $1,000.00 Knife Rights, Inc. is a an Arizona non-profit corporation with IRS 501(c)(4) tax-exempt status. Contributions to Knife Rights, Inc. are not tax deductible because of its political and legislative advocacy. or Send a Check or Money Order (please do not send cash) and Name, … Continued... Read More

Arizona Knife Law Premption

. Legislative Updates

(Final text of the law with the Governor’s requested amendments incorporated) Section 1. Title 13, chapter 31, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended by adding section 13-3120, to read: 13-3120. Knives regulated by state; state preemption; definitions A. Except as provided in subsections C and D, a political subdivision of this state shall not enact any ordinance, rule or tax relating to the transportation, possession, carrying, sale, transfer, purchase, gift, … Continued... Read More

National Knife Law Preemption Raffle – Winners Drawn

. Legislative Updates

Winners Have Been Notified and prizes shipped (except firearms waiting arrival of documentation). Congratulations to the winners and thank you to everyone who bought tickets for your support! Click here for winners and prizes.... Read More

Doug Ritter Testimony before the Arizona House Committee on Government

. Legislative Updates

Prepared Testimony by Knife Rights Chairman Doug Ritter before the Arizona House Committee on Government, March 16, 2010 Mr. Chairman, members of the committee, my name is Doug Ritter and I am Chairman of Knife Rights and a resident of Gilbert, Arizona. Knife Rights is an Arizona based, national 501(c)(4) GRASSROOTS member organization dedicated to preserving and enhancing the rights of Knife Owners. We started Knife Rights in 2006 after a highly inaccurate article appeared in the Wall Street Journal railing against so-called Tactical Knives and I had an epiphany. … Continued... Read More

New Hampshire Knife Rights Raffle

. Legislative Updates

New Hampshire Knife Rights Raffle WINNERS • 1st Prize Winner: Rocky Bostrom • 2nd Prize Winner: Robert Letourneau • 3rd PrizeWinner: Jeff Creem • 4th Prize Winner: Michael James Fitzgerald • 5th Prize Winner: Gilles Montruing • 6th Prize Winner: Robert Gebo Winners have been notified. Thank you to everyone, both our generous prize donors and those who purchased tickets, … Continued... Read More

URGENT ACTION ALERT – Write House Members Now!

. Legislative Updates

Time for the Final Push to stop Customs Pocket Knife Grab. We need you to write NOW! BUT, not all of you… We have a targeted list of leaders of the House committees that will be involved in the Conference Committee that will decide if Amendment 1447 is included in the final bill. We need you to write ONLY if you are from their state, OR if you travel to their states for work or recreation (hunting, … Continued... Read More

UK Scouts Ban Knives

. Legislative Updates

It’s a sad day for Scouts in Britain as all knives are officially banned in virtually all circumstances, “neither Scouts nor their parents should bring penknives to camp except in ‘specific’ situations.” Here’s a very scarey quote from the article linked below: Last night a Scouts spokesman defended its policy, saying: ‘Scouting helps to prepare young people with valuable life skills, while keeping them safe by not carrying knives.’ … Continued... Read More

Follow Knife Rights on Twitter

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Follow Knife Rights on Twitter and receive the latest updates and notices as soon as they occur: … Continued... Read More

Explanation of Amendment 1447

. Legislative Updates

We have received numerous requests to explain how Amendment 1447 would solve the problem with Customs & Border Protection’s proposed revocations and rulemakings along with their novel interpretation of what a switchblade is. We have laid out the reasoning below. This just covers these particular issues. The new exception may also offer additional salutatory benefits to knife owners that we will examine at a later point. There are two issues to be reviewed. … Continued... Read More

Help Us Fight for Your Knife Rights

. Legislative Updates

Every penny we receive will be used to support this fight for YOUR Knife Rights. Knife Rights Foundation directors are all volunteers. PLEASE SUPPORT KNIFE RIGHTS FOUNDATION!Please make your TAX DEDUCTIBLE contribution here.... Read More


. Legislative Updates

NOTE: Progress is being made on this issue. For the very latest news please click here for more information. U.S. Customs & Border Protection (CBP) has proposed revoking earlier rulings that assisted opening knives are not switchblades. The proposed new rule would not only outlaw assisted opening knives, its broad definition of a switchblade would also include all one-handed opening knives and could be easily interpreted to cover most other pocket knives, … Continued... Read More

Knife Industry Statistics

. Legislative Updates

The American Knife and Tool Instsitute (AKTI), the knife industry’s advocacy group, has compiled the statistics below. U.S. Sporting Knife Industry – $5.9 Billion Economic Impact on U.S. Economy 3,881 direct U.S. Employees at 61 Companies 19,405 Ancillary Support Jobs in other industries $986.87 Million Gross Revenues (2007) at manufacturer/importer level $5.921 Billion Total Economic Impact on U.S. Economy Source: 2007 Report – The AKTI State of the Sporting Knife Industry Anglers and Hunters Spend Nearly $65 Billion Annually 30 Million people fished in 2006 (16 and older) Anglers spent $42 Billion 12.5 Million people hunted in 2006 Hunters spent $22.9 Billion Source: U.S. … Continued... Read More

Model Letter to Customs and Border Protection

. Legislative Updates

NOTE: Progress is being made on this issue. For the very latest news please click here for more information. The letter has been deleted as it is no longer necessary. Below is a Model Letter to U.S. Customs & Border Protection (CBP). VERY IMPORTANT: You’ll note there is no email listed. CBP has made it perfectly clear they are NOT ACCEPTING EMAIL COMMENTS. Clearly they are trying to discourage comments by making this more difficult than it needs to be. … Continued... Read More

Model Letter to Congress

. Legislative Updates

NOTE: Progress is being made on this issue. For the very latest news please click here for more information. The letter has been deleted as it is no longer necessary. Below is a Model Letter to Members of Congress. VERY IMPORTANT: PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE review Knife Rights’ Communicating with Congress page for important suggestions on maximizing the impact of your letter. Please follow carefully the Do’s and Don’ts on that page. … Continued... Read More

Communicating with Congress

. Legislative Updates

First of all, your Representatives and Senators do want to hear from you. The majority of their D.C. staff’s time is spent reviewing and answering constituent mail. How much of an impact your communication has can be significantly impacted by how and what you write. Our aim here is to provide guidelines to maximize your impact. It does take a little extra effort to do it right, but since so much is at stake, we hope you will agree it is worth the effort. … Continued... Read More

Knife Arrest! How Knife Owners Can Protect Themselves

. Legislative Updates

By Evan F. Nappen, Attorney at Law A trial is still an ordeal by battle. For the broadsword there is the weight of evidence; for the battle-ax, the force of logic; for the sharp spear, the blazing gleam of truth; for the rapier, the quick and flashing knife of wit.            --Lloyd Paul Stryker You have NO need to read this article because it could never happen to you. Right? This article must have been written for knife-wielding thugs or street-gang members. Right? Why would law enforcement authorities ever come after you? Right? WRONG! Merely because you possess or carry a knife, anti-knife law enforcers may try to justify their existence by turning you into an accused "law abiding" criminal. Even though you are a careful, honest knife owner, with no intent to do anything wrong and would never knowingly break the law, this can easily happen to you. I have plenty of criminal case files chock full of examples of innocent, unsuspecting, law abiding folks having to fight their way though the justice system to "prove their innocence." New York City WARNING! Never carry your knife clipped to your pocket in New York City. Even when covered by a jacket, simply moving the jacket aside to get to a wallet has been enough to get folks arrested. NYC administrative code requires that a knife be completely concealed at all times. If you are arrested for possession of an "illegal knife" in New York, please contact Knife Rights at: Read More

The Parker Decision – Should Knife Owners Celebrate?

. Legislative Updates

On Friday, March 9th, 2007, in the case of Parker v. Washington, D.C., a three judge panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to keep and bear arms. This has been seen as a major victory for Second Amendments supporters. While the case involved handguns, knives also are "arms" and the decision is equally of interest to knife owners. We asked attorney David Wong, author of Knife Laws of the Fifty States: A Guide for the Law-Abiding Traveler, to review this decision and put it into perspective for knife owners:... Read More

test subscription

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test the $1 subscription with the buttons below {memberplan:20} … Continued... Read More

Offline Payment Form Download

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If you would prefer to either Fax or mail your membership application, please click here to download the Membership Application Form: Download Adobe PDF Reader for FREE: … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights Memberships Plans

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights offers range of Memberships in several categories. There's one that will suit you perfectly. Every penny you provide in membership dues is an investment that helps ensure A Sharper Future! Please note that memberships are limited to U.S. residents.   Annual Individual Membership $32/year. Includes a membership card and window decal {memberplan:22} Annual Benefactor Individual Membership $54/year. Includes membership card, window decal and Knife Rights premium quality cap. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights & Knife Rights Foundation Mission Statements

. Legislative Updates

Here are the mission statements of Knife Rights, the 501(c)(4) membership advocacy organization, and the 501(c)(3) Knife Rights Foundation: Knife Rights is dedicated to: Providing knife and edged tool owners an effective voice to influence public policy and to oppose efforts to restrict the right to own, use and carry knives and edged tools; Encouraging safe, responsible and lawful use of knives and edged tools through education and outreach, … Continued... Read More

SHOT Show 2007 Media

. Legislative Updates

Thank you for visiting Knife Rights' SHOT Show Media Page.  Below please find links to copies of all our SHOT Show 2007 Press Releases and images. Documents are in Word format.  If you have any questions, contact: Doug Ritter602-476-2702 Email:    ZIP file of all SHOT Show Press Releases and Images – 4.4 MB Knife Rights Promises a Sharper Future Knife Rights Promises a Sharper Future NRA President Lends Support to Knife Rights Companies and Individuals Support Knife Rights Launch  Knife Rights Charter Members Can Win Custom Knives  Rick_Hinderer_XM-18.JPG  Darrel_Ralph_Venturi_VIII_ Balisong_Open.jpg  Darrel_Ralph_Venturi_VIII_ Balisong_Wing.jpg  Darrel_Ralph_Venturi_VIII_ Balisong_Closed.jpg  Trace Rinaldi_Tactical_Utility_Knife.jpg  Ken_Steigerwalt_Folder.jpg  Knife Rights New Name for Former USKTA  Knife Rights Adopts Compelling Slogans … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights Officers & Directors

. Legislative Updates

Below you will find the current Officers and Directors of Knife Rights, Inc. and Knife Rights Foundation, Inc. Except where specifically noted, Officers and Directors serve on boards of both organizations, but each is operated independently. Doug Ritter – Founder, Chairman and CEO Douglas S. Ritter is an award-winning journalist and authority in the areas of survival and survival equipment. Mr. Ritter served as a contributing editor to The Aviation Consumer and Aviation Safety for over a decade and was also Safety and Survival Editor for Practical Sailor and Powerboat Reports. … Continued... Read More

Help Spread the Word about Knife Rights

. Legislative Updates

Add a sig line to your email or forum signatures promoting Knife Rights or a button or banner to your web page, MySpace  or anywhere you are active online  Click here for sig lines, buttons and banners you can use for FREE.... Read More

Cornerstone Founding Members

. Legislative Updates

I'd like to acknowledge those who shared my vision and generously opened their wallets to make Knife Rights a reality, our Cornerstone Founding Members:Al Mar Knives – Gary FaddenColumbia River Knife & Tool – Rod BremerEssential Gear – Robert Walker & Susan MartinEthan BeckerKA-BAR Knives – John StittLone Wolf Knives – Jim WehrsOntario Knife Company – Nick Turbrvic, Jr.Tops Knives – Mike FullerWenger Swiss Army KnivesBrownells – Pete BrownellRowen Mfg. – Shon Rowen... Read More


. Legislative Updates

Earn Free Annual Membership with the Knife Rights Member-Get-A-Member program!... Read More

Become a Charter Member and Win One of These Custom Knives

. Legislative Updates

Charter Members of Knife Rights who join by March 10, 2007 will be entered to win one of a number of custom knives contributed by some of the world’s best knife makers.  These extraordinary knives are valued starting at almost $400 and go up from there. These custom knives are works of art, made from exotic and beautiful materials such as titanium, carbon fiber, Damascus steel, stag’s antler and mother of pearl.  Some are eminently practical and meant to be used, … Continued... Read More

Why You Should Join Knife Rights

. Legislative Updates

The recent Wall Street Journal article titled, "How New, Deadly Pocketknives Became a $1 Billion Business," has served as a wake up call to knife owners everywhere who see in this a desire by "anti-everything" forces to quite literally take away our knives (read the WSJ article in PDF format (1 MB download) or in standard web format as published in another paper) The one knife used to illustrate the original WSJ article, … Continued... Read More


. Legislative Updates

Please Read These Terms Carefully Before Using This Site Your use of the Web Site constitutes your agreement to all such terms, conditions, and notices included herein without modification. If you do not agree to abide by these terms and conditions, do not use the site or download materials from the site. Additionally, the Web Site may contain additional terms that govern particular features or offers (for example, sweepstakes or forum areas). … Continued... Read More

What is Knife Rights

. Legislative Updates

Every year the anti's introduce laws that would further restrict the knives you can own and carry. The knife industry started the American Knife and Tool Institute (ATKI) a few years ago to help combat these efforts and they have done a pretty good job up to now. However, ATKI has evolved into pretty much an industry organization and while it offers memberships to individuals, "ambassadors" as they refer to them, it offers the individual members not much more than that title. … Continued... Read More

What happened to U.S. Knife & Tool Association?

. Legislative Updates

Same organization, new name. The U.S. Knife & Tool Association name was a quick response to a developing situation when we first came up with the idea for this organization. We needed a better name; one that was more marketable, one that had a memorable domain name (that was available), and one that wouldn't be confused with the industry organization, AKTI. Knife Rights more clearly identifies what we are all about, the domain is easy to remember and it won't be confused with AKTI. … Continued... Read More

Reasons to Join

. Legislative Updates

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Suspendisse nunc ipsum, blandit sed, tincidunt vitae, rhoncus ac, metus. Etiam id metus vitae orci commodo fermentum. Integer nulla sem, interdum at, sodales vitae, vestibulum dignissim, risus. Ut eget neque nec lectus commodo sagittis. Sed in dolor. Proin ornare volutpat ante. Curabitur posuere risus vitae sem. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer vitae eros. Curabitur in elit. Nunc velit risus, congue id, sagittis nec, sagittis eget, ipsum. Donec congue, … Continued... Read More

Privacy Policy Statement

. Legislative Updates

This is the web site of Knife Rights, Inc. and Knife Rights Foundation, Inc. The publisher can be reached via email We believe that electronic privacy is crucial for the ongoing success of the Internet as a service, commercial and entertainment medium. For each visitor to our Web pages, our Web server automatically recognizes only the visitor's domain name (where possible), but not the email address. We collect only the domain name, … Continued... Read More


. Legislative Updates

Why did you form Knife Rights? We organized Knife Rights in December of 2006 as a result of an article that appeared in the Wall Street Journal article (read the WSJ article in PDF format (1 MB download) or in standard web format as published in another paper). This article served as the catalyst that focused our attention on the threat. We recognized that those with an anti-knife agenda strategically planted the seeds for this article with a reporter they knew would likely end up writing it with the slant they were looking for. … Continued... Read More