Knife Rights’ Ohio Knife Law Reform UPDATE

. Legislative Updates

UPDATE:  The Ohio legislature kicked the State Budget can down the road 17 days with a Budget Extension that maintains the status quo and continues funding state government. Senate and House leadership still appear far apart on certain critical parts of the budget. For now, not much to do but wait and see what happens. As far as Knife Rights’ knife law reform language included in the Senate version goes, it’s anybody’s guess until they sort out much bigger issues. … Continued... Read More

Carry a Knife – Save a Life!™ – Young Hero Saves Child with his EDC Pocketknife

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On Tuesday afternoon, June 25, Logan Simmons (age 19), who works in a Chick-Fil-A branch in Flowery Branch, Georgia, spotted a six-year-old child choking in his seatbelt in a nearby car and immediately rushed to help. Climbing through the drive-in window, Simmons pulled out his pocketknife and cut the boy free, saving his life. “You could see he was turning red and losing pigmentation in his face,” he told WSB-TV. A huge “WELL DONE” … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Ohio Knife Law Reform Bill Passes Senate

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Admittedly this gets a bit confusing, but bear with us here, it is all good… As noted previously, the key language in Knife Rights’ Ohio knife law reform bill, SB 140, was included in the Senate’s amendment to the State Budget, which passed the Senate last week and which is currently in a Senate/House Conference Committee. If it is retained in the final budget bill, then it would go to the governor as part of the budget. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Ohio Knife Law Reform Passes Senate as Budget Amendment

. Legislative Updates

Ohio State Senator Joe Uecker, sponsor of Knife Rights’ Ohio knife law reform bill, SB 140, negotiated to include the key bill language from SB 140 in the Senate’s amendment to the State Budget, which passed the Senate yesterday. The bill will now be taken up in conference committee next week. Knife Rights has been working on this bill in various forms for six years now. Knife Rights Director of Legislative Affairs Todd Rathner attended hearings in Columbus last week and was there to work for passage of the bill again this week.  … Continued... Read More

New York Gravity Knife Update Comments, Cautions and Clarification

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After receiving numerous inquires about the changes in New York law as a result of the enactment of A5944 repealing the state’s gravity knife ban, a few comments, cautions and further clarification on one point of law: Yes, there are numerous places where you can purchase antique true gravity knives, German paratrooper knives, and similar gravity knives. And, yes, true gravity knives are now being developed and produced. As an example, … Continued... Read More

ACTION ALERT: Knife Rights’ Ohio Knife Law Reform Bill Passes Senate Committee – EMAIL TODAY!

. Legislative Updates

The Ohio Senate Committee on Government Oversight and Reform passed Knife Rights’ Ohio knife law reform bill, SB 140, by a vote of 9 – 1.  The next action will be a vote of the full Senate, which could come as early as next week. If you live, work or travel to Ohio, please use Knife Rights’ Legislative Action center to email your Senator and ask the Senator vote YES on SB140: Knife Rights has been working on this bill in various forms for six years now. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights Denied Cert by SCOTUS – Nevertheless HUGE WIN FOR KNIFE RIGHTS & NYC!

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The Supreme Court of the United States denied Plaintiff’s petition for a Writ of Certiorari, ending eight years of Knife Rights’ federal civil rights litigation against New York City and District Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr. The Court’s denial would be more disappointing had the strong possibility of being granted Cert not been a major factor pushing Governor Cuomo to sign A5944 just a couple weeks ago, repealing the state’s gravity knife ban. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights Supported Bill to Strengthen Texas Preemption Law Signed by Governor

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A Texas bill that strengthens the state’s preemption statute, HB 3231, has been signed by Governor Abbott. HB3231 enhances the state’s firearm and knife law preemption statute by adding a provision that prevents local governments from restricting firearms and knife sales through the use of zoning and other local ordinances. It also further clarified and strengthened the statute by adding “possession, wearing, carrying” and “storage” of firearms and knives to the preemption statute. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights Michigan Knife Law Reform Bill Introduced

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Michigan State Representative Steven Johnson has once again introduced a bill to remove from Michigan statute all the knives prohibited from concealed carry, HB 4722.  Rep. Johnson previously introduced an identical bill last year. Reps. Beau LaFave and Matt Hall are co-sponsors. We will let you know when it is time to contact your legislators in Michigan. HB 4722 would remove Sec. 227. (1) entirely from Michigan’s penal code: “A person shall not carry a dagger, … Continued... Read More

DA & NYC Throw Hail Mary Mootness Argument in Knife Rights’ SCOTUS Case    

. Legislative Updates

In a counter to Plaintiff’s responsive brief to their mootness letter, New York City and DA Vance have hurled a Hail Mary brief at SCOTUS in an effort to defend their mootness claim. It would appear to fail on all accounts. They claim we did not challenge the MTA regulations in the original or amended complaint. However, that fails because we did challenge the definition of a gravity knife on which any enforcement would necessarily be based and which is the essence of the case. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Plaintiffs Respond to DA & NYC SCOTUS Mootness Argument

. Legislative Updates

As expected, shortly after NY Governor Cuomo signed A5944 into law repealing NY’s gravity knife bans, New York City and DA Vance submitted a letter to the U.S. Supreme Court claiming that the new law mooted the case. They claim that the new law removing the gravity knife bans means that our case is no longer relevant and therefore should not be considered by the Court. As previously noted, … Continued... Read More

NYC Mayor de Blasio’s NYPD Promises Continued Gravity Knife Enforcement on Subways!

. Legislative Updates

After our huge win last week repealing New York State’s ban on Gravity Knives in order to stop the flagrantly discriminatory arrests and prosecutions in New York City of those who carry common folding knives, over 70,000 to date and disproportionately minorities, unrepentant Mayor Bill de Blasio and his New York Police Department, who strongly opposed the bill, have announced that they are unwilling to stop. Grasping at straws in their apparent resentment over being thwarted, … Continued... Read More

A Hard Earned Knife Rights Victory! Freedom (Finally) Wins in New York!

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Nine years of hard work and effort, including eight years of costly Federal litigation and the threat of losing big time at the U.S. Supreme Court (see below), has finally convinced New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to sign  A5944, repealing the state’s bans on Gravity Knives. Cuomo previously vetoed two similar bills which Knife Rights Director of Legislative Affairs, Todd Rathner, also worked on tirelessly in Albany. Although the bill leaves the definition of a gravity knife intact, … Continued... Read More

Texas Bans on Clubs (Tomahawks) and Knuckles Repealed!

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Knife Rights supported HB 446, repealing the ban on carry of clubs (including tomahawks) and possession of knuckles (including trench knives and the like) has been signed by Texas Governor Abbot.  It will be effective on September 1, 2019. NOTE: A Trench Knife with a blade over 5.5-inches will be considered a Location Restricted Knife and is banned from carry at some specific locations. In 2013 Knife Rights’ … Continued... Read More

Texas Bills Update – Email Gov. Abbott TODAY!

Knife Rights supported HB 446, repealing the ban on clubs (including tomahawks) and knuckles (including trench knives and the like), passed the legislature and was transmitted to Governor Abbot for action. If you are a Texas resident, CLICK HERE to use Knife Rights’ Legislative Action Center to contact Governor Abbot and ask him to sign HB 446. Knife Rights’ companion “Location-Restricted Knife” Law Reform bills, SB 2381 and HB 2342, … Continued... Read More

Plaintiff’s Reply Brief Filed with SCOTUS in NYC Gravity Knife Case

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In response to New York City’s and District Attorney Cyrus Vance’s opposition briefs filed last week, Plaintiffs submitted their Reply Brief today.  CLICK HERE to read the Reply Brief. The Reply Brief points out to the Court that the City and DA take the same approach in their opposition briefs that they have taken through this lawsuit. They ignore the substance of the case and instead employ misdirection to distract from review of the actual issues. … Continued... Read More

Pennsylvania Permitless Carry Bill Would Also Repeal Switchblade Ban

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Pennsylvania House Bill 1412 is a constitutional (permitless) carry bill that includes repeal of the state’s ban on switchblade knives. It would remove from Section 2. Section 908(c) of Title 18 Prohibited offensive weapons, “dagger, knife,razor or cutting instrument, the blade of which is exposed in an automatic way by switch, push-button, spring mechanism, or otherwise.” HB 1412 is sponsered by Representatives Aaron Bernstine, Francis Ryan, Greg Rothman, Russ Diamond, George Dunbar, … Continued... Read More

NYC & DA Respond to Cert Petition in Knife Rights’ NYC Gravity Knife Case

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In conformity with the U.S. Supreme Court’s direction that they respond to Plaintiff’s Petition for Writ of Certiorari in our long-running Gravity Knife case, New York City and DA Cyrus Vance, Jr. filed opposition briefs Monday, May 13. Both briefs continue the Defendants’ campaign of misdirection and obfuscation. They repeatedly mischaracterize the nature of the claim and draw upon irrelevancies to raise alleged defects in the petition that are not there. … Continued... Read More

NY Senate Unanimously Passes Bill to Stop Arrests in NYC – But, Will Gov Sign it?

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Is the third time the charm? The New York State Senate has unanimously passed A5944, in a floor vote that substituted the already unanimously passed companion Assembly bill for S4863. These Gravity Knife Ban Repeal bills were sponsored by our longtime allies Assemblyman Dan Quart and Senator Diane Savino. This is yet another “stab” by our friends in the NY legislature  to address the bogus arrests and prosecutions on unconstitutionally vague Gravity Knife charges of knife owners carrying common folding knives in New York City. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Ohio Knife Law Reform Bill Introduced

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After a number of years working with our good friend Ohio State Senator Joe Uecker, SB 140 has been introduced that would reform Ohio knife law. SB 140 repeals Sec. 2923.20(A)(6), the state’s ban on the manufacture and sale to civilians of switchblade knives, springblade knives and gravity knives, as well as  brass knuckles, cestus, billy, blackjack, sandbag or any similar weapon In addition, SB 140 creates an exception to Sec. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Texas “Location-Restricted Knife” Reform Bill Passes Senate

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After intense lobbying by Knife Rights Director of Legislative Affairs, Todd Rathner, working closely with sponsor Senator Bryan Hughes and our friends in Austin, the Texas Senate on Monday passed Knife Rights’ “Location-Restricted Knife” Reform Bill, SB 2381, by a bipartisan vote of 19-12. The bill’s co-author is Sen. Pat Fallon. The bill has been transmitted to the House where the House companion bill, HB 2342, sponsored by Rep. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ TX “Location-Restricted Knife” Reform Bill Passes Senate Committee

. Legislative Updates

Todd Rathner, Knife Rights Director of Legislative Affairs, spent his fifth week in Texas this year working to get SB 2381 out of the Texas Senate Criminal Justice Committee. It was passed out by a vote of 4-2. SB 2381 would remove from statute a number of places where Location-Restricted Knives are banned. The locations being removed includes restaurants and bars that derive 51% of their income from sale or service of alcoholic beverages, … Continued... Read More

Clock Runs Out on WA “Spring Blade” Knife Ban Repeal This Year

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The Washington “Spring Blade” Ban Repeal bill, SB 5782, was up against the clock yesterday and the House failed to take it up for a vote before time ran out. The Washington legislature was tied up with a number of major issues as the deadline for action approached and our bill was one of many that simply wasn’t acted upon in time. The good news is that the Washington legislature works on a two-year session and SB 5782 is still alive. … Continued... Read More

Signing Ceremony for Knife Rights’ MT Switchblade Ban Repeal & Knife Law Preemption Bill

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Tuesday afternoon in Helena, Montana Governor Steve Bullock held a signing ceremony for Knife Rights’ Montana Switchblade Ban Repeal and Knife Law Preemption bill, HB 155. Knife Rights Board member Ethan Becker attended representing Knife Rights. Ethan presented the Governor his first ever automatic knife, a specially inscribed Protech SBR, as an award in recognition of his signing of the bill. We’d like to acknowledge our good friend Dave Wattenberg, … Continued... Read More

NY Assembly Passes Bill to Stop Unconstitutional Arrests in NYC

. Legislative Updates

The New York State Assembly unanimously passed Assemblyman Dan Quarts’ bill, A5944, another effort by our longtime ally to address the bogus arrests and prosecutions on illegal Gravity Knife charges of knife owners carrying common folding knives in New York City. Governor Cuomo has twice vetoed similar bills. A5944 would remove “gravity knife” from all New York criminal statutes, while leaving the existing definition of a Gravity Knife intact. While Cuomo admitted in one veto message that, … Continued... Read More

Washington “Spring Blade” Ban Repeal Bill Passes House Committee

. Legislative Updates

The Washington State “Spring Blade” Ban Repeal bill, SB 5782, was voted out of the House Civil Rights & Judiciary Committee 10-2 with a “do pass” recommendation. The bill was amended to limit blade length to 3.5 inches. The existing exemption for manufacturing and sales of these knives to first responders that was enacted with Knife Rights critical lobbying support in 2012 was reinstated so that they can continue to do so for knives with blades over 3.5 inches. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights MT Switchblade Ban Repeal & Preemption Bill Signed Into Law

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Montana Governor Steve Bullock has signed Knife Rights’ Montana Switchblade Ban Repeal and Knife Law Preemption bill, HB 155.  It is effective IMMEDIATELY! We sincerely thank Governor Bullock for signing HB155. With the repeal of the state’s prior restriction on switchblades, automatic knives are now completely legal in Montana. Montana is the 16th state to repeal its ban on switchblade (automatic) knives since Knife Rights started in 2010. With Knife Law Preemption enacted, … Continued... Read More

Problematic Knife Transport Bill Reported Out of Senate Commerce Committee

. Legislative Updates

The Senate Commerce Committee today reported problematic S.542 the Interstate Transport Act of 2019, out of committee. Sponsored by Senator Mike Enzi (R-WY) with primary co-sponsor Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR), S.1092 attempts to protect knife owners traveling interstate with knives. This bill is a weaker and problematic version of Knife Rights’ Knife Owners’ Protection Act (KOPA – H.R. 88). S.542 would theoretically provide safe harbor to someone traveling with knives where it is lawful for the knives to be possessed at both the points of origin and destination, … Continued... Read More

NYPD Takes Notice of Gravity Knife Ruling to No Good Effect!   

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As we previously reported, New York City’s abuse of the state gravity knife ban to unconstitutionally arrest tens of thousands of innocent knife owners took a hit in a Federal District Court ruling last week when Judge Paul A. Crotty issued a narrow ruling finding the state’s gravity knife law to be unconstitutionally void for vagueness as applied to the plaintiff’s circumstances. At the time we posted this WARNING which we reiterate here: At this time, … Continued... Read More

NYC Gravity Law Takes a Hit, But Still Standing and Dangerous

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New York City’s abuse of the state gravity knife ban to unconstitutionally arrest tens of thousands of innocent knife owners took a hit in a Federal District Court ruling on Wednesday, but the actual impact on the City and DA’s arrests and prosecutions is expected to be small, depending in part on how the City and DA react. In a narrow ruling, Federal District Court Judge Paul A. Crotty found the state’s gravity knife law to be unconstitutionally void for vagueness as applied to the plaintiff’s  circumstances. … Continued... Read More

Virginia Governor Vetoes Knife Rights Switchblade Commerce Bill

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Despite passage with bipartisan support, Democratic Virginia Governor Ralph Northam vetoed Knife Rights’ Virginia Switchblade Commerce bill, SB1251. Signing this bill would have brought in millions of dollars in commerce, significant numbers of new jobs and revenue gains to one of the most economically disadvantaged areas of the state. His veto message displays a regrettable view of switchblades still rooted in the myths and social attitudes of the 1950’s. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Montana Switchblade Ban Repeal & Knife Law Preemption Bill Passed

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The Montana Senate voted unanimously to pass Knife Rights’ Montana Switchblade Ban Repeal and Knife Law Preemption bill, HB 155. HB 155 was earlier passed by the House 99-1. It now goes to Governor Steve Bullock for his consideration. Bill sponsor Rep. Casey Knudsen worked closely with Knife Rights’ Director of Legislative Affairs, Todd Rathner, on HB155, and deserves our gratitude for his significant efforts which resulted in the bill’s passage with but a single nay vote. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Texas “Location-Restricted Knife” Reform Bills Introduced

. Legislative Updates

Longtime Texas Knife Rights sponsor Representative Harold Dutton and Senator Bryan Hughes have introduced companion bills, HB 2342 and SB 2381, that would remove from statute a number of places where Location-Restricted Knives are banned. The locations being removed includes restaurants and bars that derive 51% of their income from sale or service of alcoholic beverages, amusement parks and places of religious worship. In 2013 Knife Rights’ … Continued... Read More

Tenacious Dems in NY Again Working to Stop Arrests in NYC – Gov Shows No Inclination to Alter Opposition

. Legislative Updates

Longtime Knife Rights friend New York State Assembly Member Dan Quart and Senator Robert Jackson have introduced companion bills, A5944 and S3898, in another effort to address the bogus arrests and prosecutions on illegal Gravity Knife charges of knife owners carrying common folding knives in New York City. Governor Cuomo has twice vetoed similar bills. A5944/S3898 would remove “gravity knife” from all New York criminal statutes, while leaving the existing definition of a Gravity Knife intact. … Continued... Read More

Washington “Spring Blade” Ban Repeal Bill Passes Senate

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The Washington “Spring Blade” Ban Repeal bill, SB 5782, was passed by the Senate 46-1. SB 5782 would repeal the ban on sales and civilian possession of “spring blade” knives, as well as specifically exclude them from the definition of “dangerous weapon.” The bill now moves to the House for consideration. The unanimous “do pass” recommendation from the Senate Committee on Law & Justice paved the way for the bill’s overwhelming passage. … Continued... Read More

SCOTUS Directs NYC & DA to Respond to Plaintiffs’ Cert Petition

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The U.S. Supreme Court has directed New York City and District Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr. to respond to plaintiffs’ petition for Writ of Certiorari in Knife Rights’ nearly eight-year-old civil rights lawsuit over New York City’s persecution of pocket knife owners. The City and DA had waived their response, but at least one Justice has indicated a desire to hear from the Respondents before the petition is considered by the full court at a conference of the Justices. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Virginia Switchblade Commerce Bill Passes

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Knife Rights’ Virginia Switchblade Commerce bill, SB1251, has passed the Virginia General Assembly with a bipartisan House vote of 57-42 and by a bipartisan concurrence vote in the Senate of 25-15. The bill was amended in committee, but the changes do not impact the effect of the bill. The bill now moves to the Governor for action. Knife Rights will let you know when it is appropriate to engage the Governor to support SB 1251. … Continued... Read More

Washington “Spring Blade” Ban Repeal Bill Passes Out of Committee

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The Washington “Spring Blade” Ban Repeal bill, SB 5782, was voted out of the Senate Committee on Law & Justice by a unanimous vote.  SB 5782 would repeal the ban on sales and civilian possession of “spring blade” knives, as well as specifically exclude them from the definition of “dangerous weapon.” Thanks to all of you who emailed the members of the Committee in support of this bill. Your contacts make a difference! … Continued... Read More

URGENT ACTION ALERT: Email in Support of Washington “Spring Blade” Ban Repeal Bill

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Knife Rights Director of Legislative Affairs Todd Rathner was in Olympia, Washington this week to testify on SB 5782 before the Senate Committee on Law & Justice. It would repeal the ban on sales and civilian possession of “spring blade” knives, as well as specifically exclude them from the definition of “dangerous weapon.” Also testifying were Knife Rights’ friends Mike Vellekamp of V Nives, Spencer Frazer from SOG Knives and Jeffery Swanson from Blade Gallery, … Continued... Read More

3 Amicus Briefs Filed Supporting Petition to U.S. Supreme Court in Knife Rights’ NYC Gravity Knife Case

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Three amicus curiae (friend of the court) briefs have been filed in support of plaintiffs’ petition for Writ of Certiorari to the Supreme Court of the United States in Knife Rights’ nearly eight-year-old civil rights lawsuit over New York City’s persecution of pocket knife owners Knife Rights Chairman Doug Ritter said, “we are thrilled to have three really strong amicus briefs from a diverse group of parties supporting our effort to get the U.S. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Vermont Knife Law Preemption & Switchblade Ban Repeal Bills Introduced

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Longtime Knife Rights friend Vermont Representative Patrick Brennan has filed a Knife Law Preemption bill, H.49. The bill would simply add “knives” to the existing Vermont firearms preemption statute. Rep. Brennan along with Rep. Seth Chase have also introduced H.124, which would repeal Vermont’s ban on switchblade knives with a blade length 3 inches or more.    Switchblades with a blade 3 inches or more in length are the only knives outlawed in Vermont.  … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Mississippi Knife Law Reform Bill Introduced

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At the request of Knife Rights, Mississippi Representative Gary Staples has introduced HB 950 to remove “Bowie knife, dirk knife, butcher knife and switchblade knife” from the deadly weapons statutes in Mississippi. It is time for Mississippi to join the majority of other Southern states and allow their residents to carry the knife of their choice. Knife Rights will let you know when it is appropriate to engage your legislators to support SB 950. … Continued... Read More

Virginia Repeal of Weapons Ban in Places of Worship Passed Senate

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SB 1024, which would repeal Virginia’s ban on carrying “a gun, pistol, bowie knife, dagger, or other dangerous weapon” to a “place of worship while a meeting for religious purposes is being held,” passed the Virginia Senate by a vote of 21-19. It now moves to the House. If enacted, this bill would clearly allow carry of any Virginia legal knife in a place of worship. Knife Rights will let you know when it is appropriate to engage your legislators to support SB 1024. … Continued... Read More

Washington State “Spring Blade” Ban Repeal Bill Introduced

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Led by the efforts of 2012 Knife Rights Freedom’s Point Award winner Mike Vellekamp of V Nives, a bipartisan “Spring Blade” Ban Repeal bill, SB 5782, has been introduced by Washington State Senator Hans Zeiger. It would repeal the ban on sales and civilian possession of “spring blade” knives, as well as specifically exclude them from the definition of “dangerous weapon.”  The bill is co-sponsored by Senators Fortunato, Takko, Padden, and Palumbo. … Continued... Read More

Montana House Passes Knife Rights’ Switchblade Ban Repeal & Knife Law Preemption Bill 99-1

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Knife Rights’ Montana Switchblade Ban Repeal and Knife Law Preemption Bill, HB 155 sponsored by Rep. Casey Knudsen, has passed the Montana House by a nearly unanimous vote of 99 – 1. This effort follows up on 2017’s repeal of the prohibition against concealed carry without a CCW of “a knife with blade 4 or more inches in length” as well as removing Dirks, Daggers, Sword Canes, razors, “billy” and “knuckles” … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights Virginia Switchblade Commerce Bill Passes Senate

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Knife Rights’ Virginia Switchblade Commerce bill, SB1251, has been passed by the full Senate  by a bipartisan vote of 25-15. If enacted, SB1251 would allow a manufacturer, distributor, or retailer to possess or sell switchblade knives, and parts thereof, so long as they are sold or exported outside of the Commonwealth of Virginia. SB1251 now moves to the House. Enactment of SB1251 would create jobs and provide a much needed revenue boost to the commonwealth. … Continued... Read More

Petition for Writ of Certiorari Filed with Supreme Court in Knife Rights’ NYC Gravity Knife Case

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Plaintiffs’ petition for Writ of Certiorari to the Supreme Court of the United States in Knife Rights’ nearly eight-year-old civil rights lawsuit over New York City’s persecution of pocket knife owners was filed today. The petition requests that the Supreme Court review the Second Circuit’s decision against our plaintiffs in this case. Click here to read the petition. Knife Rights Chairman Doug Ritter said, “It is unfortunate that we are forced to appeal to the Supreme Court in order to gain justice for knife owners in, … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Virginia Switchblade Commerce Bill Passed Out of Committee

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Knife Rights’ Virginia Switchblade Commerce bill, SB1251, has been reported out of the Senate Committee for Courts of Justice by a bipartisan vote of 9-4. If enacted, SB1251 would allow a manufacturer, distributor, or retailer to possess or sell switchblade knives, and parts thereof, so long as they are sold or exported outside of the Commonwealth of Virginia. SB1251 now is up for a vote in the full Senate. Enactment of SB1251 would create jobs and provide a much needed revenue boost to the commonwealth. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Montana Switchblade Ban Repeal & Knife Law Preemption Bill Introduced

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At the request of Knife Rights, Montana State Representative Casey Knudsen has introduced HB 155 which would repeal the state’s switchblade ban and enact Knife Law Preemption. This effort follows up on 2017’s repeal of the prohibition against concealed carry without a CCW of “a knife with blade 4 or more inches in length” as well as removing Dirks, Daggers, Sword Canes, razors, “billy” and “knuckles” from the items prohibited from concealed carry. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Knife Owners’ Protection Act Re-Introduced in Congress

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Originally conceived and authored by Knife Rights in 2010 and first introduced in 2013, the Knife Owners’ Protection Act of 2019, H.R. 88, (“KOPA”) was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives on the first day of Congress by Arizona Representative Andy Biggs. KOPA will remove the irrational restrictions on interstate trade in automatic knives that are legal to one degree or another in 44 states, while also protecting the right of knife owners to travel throughout the U.S. … Continued... Read More

Repeal of Weapons Ban, Including Knives, in Places of Worship Filed in Virginia

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In response to the multiple instances of attacks in churches and other places of worship, Senator Richard Black has introduced SB 1024 that would repeal Virginia’s ban on carrying “a gun, pistol, bowie knife, dagger, or other dangerous weapon” to a “place of worship while a meeting for religious purposes is being held.” If enacted, this bill would clearly allow carry of any Virginia legal knife in a place of worship. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Switchblade Commerce Bill Introduced in Virginia

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At the request of Knife Rights, Virginia State Senator Bryce Reeves introduced SB1251 which, if enacted, would allow a manufacturer, distributor, or retailer to possess or sell switchblade knives, and parts thereof, so long as they are sold or exported outside of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Enactment of SB1251 would create jobs and provide a much needed revenue boost to the commonwealth. … Continued... Read More

Attention Knife Retailers, Manufacturers and Makers: Google Class Action Lawsuit Pending – Sign Up NOW!

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If you or your business was prevented from using Google AdWords/AdSense because you violated Goggle’s “dangerous products or services policy” by selling knives or knife parts (or guns, gun parts, etc), you are being invited to join a class action lawsuit that is now pending in federal court in California. You or your business does not need to be based in California, it can be located anywhere in the United States. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ NYC Gravity Knife Case Appeal Headed To U.S. Supreme Court

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Knife Rights is going forward with an appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States of the Second Circuit’s decision in favor of New York City and District Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr. in our long running civil rights lawsuit over their persecution of pocket knife owners. While our lawsuit against New York City and DA Vance centers on their abusive enforcement of New York State’s gravity knife ban against owners of common pocket knives, … Continued... Read More

Motion for Reargument in NY Assisted-Opener = Switchblade Case Denied

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As previously reported, New York State’s highest court, in a ruling that caught us and others by complete surprise, upheld the conviction of a person who possessed an assisted-opening knife as being an illegal switchblade. Knife Rights submitted a motion for reargument based on ineffective counsel, but it was denied. Owners of assisted-opening knives in New York State are now put in legal jeopardy. Based on reports from a number of defense attorneys, … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights Featured in Sunday Washington Post

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Knife Rights was featured in a front page story in Sunday’s Washington Post in an article by Todd C. Frankel that was widely republished by other media outlets. The reporter was fascinated with our success as a Second Amendment organization that in almost every instance enjoys bipartisan support as we have repealed knife bans in 21 states. It is a generally favorable article from a paper not known for its love of the Second Amendment. … Continued... Read More

En Banc Rehearing Petition Rejected by Second Circuit in NYC Gravity Knife Lawsuit

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The United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit has rejected Plaintiff-Appellants’ petition for a rehearing by the full Court known as “en banc.” Despite conflict with four well-establish U.S. Supreme Court and Second Circuit precedents, the full court will not reconsider the badly flawed three-judge panel’s decision in favor of New York City and DA Cyrus Vance Jr. in Knife Rights’ long-running federal civil rights case. At issue is the City’s policy of treating any locking blade folding knife that can be “wrist flicked” … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Louisiana Switchblade Ban Repeal Effective August 1

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August 1st is Switchblade Freedom Day in Louisiana when Knife Rights’ Switchblade Ban Repeal bill, HB 892, goes into effect. HB 892 repealed the total ban on switchblade knives in Louisiana and allows for the possession of a switchblade knife provided it is not “intentionally concealed on one’s person.” That provision was necessary to gain the neutrality of the Sheriffs and the State Police. Manufacture and sale of automatic knives are also now legal. … Continued... Read More

Law Professor Amicus Brief Filed in Support of NY Assisted Opener Case

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Another Amicus Curiae (friend of the court) brief has been filed in support of Defendants/Appellant’s Motion for Reargument to New York’s highest court which upheld the conviction of the defendant for having an illegal switchblade, when in fact he had an assisted opening knife, Filed by a group of seven law professors led by Yale law professor Gideon Yaffe, the brief highlights how this case is even more problematic because it does not require the state to prove that a person knows an assisted opening knife is an illegal switchblade for that person to be subject to arrest and prosecution. … Continued... Read More

Knife Owners’ Protection Act Including Federal Switchblade Act Repeal Introduced in Senate

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Senator Roger Wicker (R-MS) has introduced S.3264, the Knife Owners’ Protection Act of 2018 (KOPA) including repeal of the Federal Switchblade Act. This is a companion to the House KOPA bill, H.R.84, introduced last year. Originally conceived and authored by Knife Rights in 2010 and first introduced in 2013, KOPA will remove the irrational restrictions on interstate trade in automatic knives that are legal to one degree or another in 44 states, … Continued... Read More

Legal Aid Society Amicus Supports Knife Rights’ En Banc Rehearing Petition in NYC Gravity Knife Lawsuit

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Legal Aid Society has filed an Amicus Curiae (friend of the court) brief in support of Knife Rights’ petition for a rehearing en banc (by the full court), in Knife Rights’ long-running federal civil rights case against New York City and District Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr. At issue is the City’s and DA’s policy of treating any locking blade folding knife that can be “wrist flicked” open as a prohibited gravity knife. … Continued... Read More

Motion for Reargument Filed in NY Assisted Opener Case – Knife Rights Helps Defendant Who had Ineffective Counsel

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

In response to the unfortunate decision last month by New York’s highest court which upheld the conviction of a defendant for having an illegal switchblade, when in fact he had an assisted opening knife, a Motion for Reargument and an Amicus Curiae Brief were both filed Monday. The motion for reargument notes that the defendant’s pro bono attorneys provided ineffective counsel, at least in part due to their own ignorance of the differences between an assisted opening (spring assisted) knife and a switchblade. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights Files En Banc Rehearing Petition with Second Circuit in NYC Gravity Knife Lawsuit

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Knife Rights has filed its petition for a rehearing by the full Court, known as “en banc,” after a three judge panel of The United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit ruled in favor of New York City and District Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr. in Knife Rights’ long-running federal civil rights case. At issue is the City’s policy of treating any locking blade folding knife that can be “wrist flicked” … Continued... Read More

Problematic Knife Transport Bill Voted Out of U.S. Senate Committee

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

The Senate Commerce Committee today reported problematic S.1092, the Interstate Transport Act of 2018, out of committee. Sponsored by Senator Mike Enzi (R-WY), S.1092 attempts to protect knife owners traveling interstate with knives. This bill is a weaker and problematic version of Knife Rights’ Knife Owners’ Protection Act (KOPA). S.1092 would theoretically provide safe harbor to someone traveling with knives where it is lawful for the knives to be possessed at both the points of origin and destination, … Continued... Read More

Federal Appeals Court Panel Upholds NYC’s Unconstitutional Gravity Knife Arrests – Knife Rights to Seek Rehearing by the Full Court

. Legislative Updates

On Friday, June 23rd, a three judge panel of The United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit ruled in favor of New York City and District Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr. in Knife Rights’ long-running federal civil rights case challenging the City’s policy of treating any locking blade folding knife that can be “flicked” open as a prohibited gravity knife. Knife Rights intends to petition for review of this erroneous decision by the full Court — … Continued... Read More

Federal Appeals Court Panel Upholds NYC’s Unconstitutional Gravity Knife Arrests – Knife Rights to Seek Rehearing by the Full Court

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

On Friday, June 23rd, a three judge panel of The United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit ruled in favor of New York City and District Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr. in Knife Rights’ long-running federal civil rights case challenging the City’s policy of treating any locking blade folding knife that can be “flicked” open as a prohibited gravity knife. Knife Rights intends to petition for review of this erroneous decision by the full Court — … Continued... Read More

URGENT New York State WARNING – Are Assisted-Openers Now Illegal Switchblades?

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

As if New York wasn’t already a confusing legal and regulatory nightmare for honest, law-abiding knife owners, the highest court in the state just upheld, in a one paragraph opinion, the conviction of a 36-year-old mail-room worker with no priors in possession of an assisted opening (spring-assisted) folding knife that he used in his work under the theory that it was an illegal switchblade knife under New York law. The decision was overwhelming, … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Louisiana Switchblade Ban Repeal Bill Signed!

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ bill to repeal Louisiana’s antiquated ban on the possession of switchblade knives, HB 892, was signed today by Governor Edwards! Switchblade Freedom Day in Louisiana will be August 1, 2018, when the new law goes into effect. We’d like to acknowledge Representative Mark Wright for his sponsorship and leadership and Senator Bodi White for shepherding the bill through the Senate. Thanks to all of you who called and emailed your legislators and Governor Edwards to ask them to support the bill. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Louisiana Switchblade Ban Repeal Bill Passes Senate – CALL/EMAIL Gov. Edwards TODAY!

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ bill to repeal Louisiana’s antiquated ban on the possession of switchblade knives, HB 892, passed in the Senate on Wednesday, May 9, 2018, by a vote of 21-11, sending the bill to Governor Edwards! We’d like to acknowledge Representative Mark Wright for his sponsorship and Senator Bodi White for shepherding the bill through the Senate. If you live or work in Louisiana, please contact Governor Edwards and ask him to sign HB 892: Click here to EMAIL Governor Edwards using Knife Rights Legislative Action Center. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Louisiana Switchblade Ban Repeal Bill Passes Senate – CALL/EMAIL Gov. Edwards TODAY!

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ bill to repeal Louisiana’s antiquated ban on the possession of switchblade knives, HB 892, passed in the Senate on Wednesday, May 9, 2018, by a vote of 21-11, sending the bill to Governor Edwards! We’d like to acknowledge Representative Mark Wright for his sponsorship and Senator Bodi White for shepherding the bill through the Senate. If you live or work in Louisiana, please contact Governor Edwards and ask him to sign HB 892: Click here to EMAIL Governor Edwards using Knife Rights Legislative Action Center. … Continued... Read More

Colorado Springs Repeals Switchblade & Gravity Knife Ban

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Colorado Springs recently repealed their local ban on switchblades and gravity knives. Click here to read the ordinance that was passed. Knife Rights would like to congratulate our good friend Air Force Master Sgt. (Ret) John Bloodgood for this notable accomplishment. When Knife Rights was able to help repeal Colorado’s ban on switchblades and gravity knives last year, that bill did not include preemption which would have nullified all local bans. … Continued... Read More

Colorado Switchblade Ban Repeal Enactment Ceremony

. News

Many thanks to our good friends at Spyderco in Golden, Colorado, for graciously hosting an enactment ceremony last week where Knife Rights presented awards to the Colorado Switchblade Ban Repeal bill’s sponsors and others who assisted in making it happen. In presenting an award to USAF MSgt. (Ret.) John Bloodgood (right), Knife Rights Chairman Doug Ritter said, “they say one person can make a difference, and in this case that person is John Bloodgood. … Continued... Read More

U.S. Supreme Court Decision Bolsters Knife Rights NYC Gravity Knife Lawsuit

. Legislative Updates

Monday’s Supreme Court decision in Sessions v. Dimaya, striking down a statute as void for vagueness, bolsters Knife Rights’ Federal Civil Rights lawsuit against New York City and District Attorney Cyrus, Vance, Jr. As with our lawsuit, the key issue in that decision was that even though some conduct is clearly covered by the statute, it would be largely impossible for anyone to predict what was illegal in every instance. Plaintiff’s attorney has submitted a 28.j Notice of Supplemental Authority to the Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit notifying them of this important relevant decision. … Continued... Read More

U.S. Supreme Court Decision Bolsters Knife Rights NYC Gravity Knife Lawsuit

. Legislative Updates

Monday’s Supreme Court decision in Sessions v. Dimaya, striking down a statute as void for vagueness, bolsters Knife Rights’ Federal Civil Rights lawsuit against New York City and District Attorney Cyrus, Vance, Jr.  As with our lawsuit, the key issue in that decision was that even though some conduct is clearly covered by the statute, it would be largely impossible for anyone to predict what was illegal in every instance. Plaintiff’s attorney has submitted a 28.j Notice of Supplemental Authority to the Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit notifying them of this important relevant decision. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights Louisiana Switchblade Ban Repeal Bill Passes House Unanimously!

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ bill to repeal Louisiana’s antiquated ban on the possession of switchblade knives, HB 892, was unanimously passed by the House today by a vote of 83-0. The bill now moves to the Senate for consideration. Thanks to all of you who called and wrote your representative to ask them to support the bill. This unanimous vote in the House is testament to the hard work by Knife Rights Director of Legislative Affairs, … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights Louisiana Switchblade Ban Repeal Bill Passes House Unanimously!

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ bill to repeal Louisiana’s antiquated ban on the possession of switchblade knives, HB 892, was unanimously passed by the House today by a vote of 83-0. The bill now moves to the Senate for consideration. Thanks to all of you who called and wrote your representative to ask them to support the bill. This unanimous vote in the House is testament to the hard work by Knife Rights Director of Legislative Affairs, … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights Louisiana Switchblade Ban Repeal Bill Passed Committee – CALL or EMAIL TODAY!

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ bill to repeal Louisiana’s antiquated ban on the possession of switchblade knives, HB 892, passed a critical hurdle today. The bill passed the House Administration of Criminal Justice committee 12-2 with bipartisan support.  (Note that HB 892 is the new bill number replacing HB 200 after the amendment was made to get it passed in committee) Knife Rights Director of Legislative Affairs, Todd Rathner, was at the Louisiana state house lobbying for the past few days and testified in support of the bill. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights Louisiana Switchblade Ban Repeal Passed Committee – CALL/EMAIL TODAY!

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ bill to repeal Louisiana’s antiquated ban on the possession of switchblade knives, HB 892, passed a critical hurdle today. The bill passed the House Administration of Criminal Justice committee 12-2 with bipartisan support.  (Note that HB 892 is the new bill number replacing HB 200 after the amendment was made to get it passed in committee) Knife Rights Director of Legislative Affairs, Todd Rathner, was at the Louisiana state house lobbying for the past few days and testified in support of the bill. … Continued... Read More

Mom of Son Murdered with Banned Knife Wants to Reinstate Same Ban that Killer Ignored

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

On March 5, 2018, the Texas Tribune newspaper featured an article about Lori Brown, whose son Harrison was tragically murdered on the University of Texas campus last year by an individual who had previously been involuntarily committed to a mental institution, but who was inexplicably released. The murderer used a knife that at the time was prohibited from being carried. Now Brown is calling for the reinstatement of that same knife ban that didn’t prevent her son’s senseless murder. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights Louisiana Switchblade Ban Repeal Bill Introduced

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

Louisiana Representative Mark Wright has introduced HB 200, Knife Rights’ bill to repeal R.S. 14:95(A)(4) which outlaws “the manufacture, ownership, possession, custody or use of any switchblade knife, spring knife or other knife or similar instrument having a blade which may be automatically unfolded or extended from a handle by the manipulation of a button, switch, latch or similar contrivance.” HB 200 also repeals the exception provided for so-called “rescue knives” which becomes redundant with repeal of the switchblade ban. … Continued... Read More

VIDEO: VICE News on HBO Reports on Knife Rights

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VICE News Tonight on HBO reports on Knife Rights, focusing on its fight against New York City’s abuse of the state gravity knife law to arrest and prosecute thousands of people for carrying a common folding knife. (Note: Knife Rights’ lawsuit against NYC & DA Vance began back in 2011. There are a few other unfortunate technical errors in the video, but by and large it is a positive video about our efforts) I would especially like to thank Brady Miller of Monkey Edge and Journeyman Bladesmith Mike Tyre of Mike Tyre Custom Knives. … Continued... Read More

Virginia House Bill to Repeal Ban on Weapons in Places of Worship Passes in Committee – CALL/EMAIL TODAY

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

The companion bill to SB 372 that has passed the Virginia Senate, Delegates Dave LaRock and Mark Cole’s Knife Rights supported bill, HB 1180, that would repeal Virginia’s ban on carrying “a gun, pistol, bowie knife, dagger, or other dangerous weapon” to a “place of worship while a meeting for religious purposes is being held” has been reported from the House Militia, Police and Public Safety Committee by a vote of 12-9. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights Michigan Knife Law Reform Bill Introduced – CALL/EMAIL TODAY!

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

On the heels of last year’s enactment of Knife Rights’ switchblade ban repeal in Michigan, Representative Steven Johnson has introduced HB 5512 to removed all the knives prohibited from concealed carry in Michigan statute. Sec. 227. (1) would be removed entirely from Michigan’s penal code: “A person shall not carry a dagger, dirk, stiletto, a double-edged nonfolding stabbing instrument of any length, or any other dangerous weapon, except a hunting knife adapted and carried as such, … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights Celebrates Texas Knife Law Reform with Bowie Presentations

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

Doug Ritter, Knife Rights Chairman, and Todd Rathner, Knife Rights’ Director of Legislative Affairs, were in Austin, Texas, this week to celebrate last year’s enactment of HB 1935. That bill eliminated from Texas statute the prohibition against carrying “illegal knives,” including throwing knives, daggers, dirks, stilettos, poniards, swords, spears and most notably, Bowie knives, as well as blades over 5.5 inches except in a few locations (Click for full details). … Continued... Read More

Virginia Bill to Repeal Ban on Weapons in Places of Worship Passes in Senate

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

Senator Ben Chafin’s Knife Rights supported bill, SB 372, that would repeal Virginia’s ban on carrying “a gun, pistol, bowie knife, dagger, or other dangerous weapon” to a “place of worship while a meeting for religious purposes is being held” has passed the Senate by a vote of 21 to 18.   This bill is a reaction to the Texas church shooting last year and will allow citizens to carry effective weapons for self-defense. We will let you know when it’s time to contact your legislator again on this bill. … Continued... Read More

Virginia Bill to Repeal Ban on Weapons in Places of Worship Passes in Senate:

. Legislative Updates

Senator Ben Chafin’s Knife Rights Supported bill, SB 372, that would repeal Virginia’s ban on carrying “a gun, pistol, bowie knife, dagger, or other dangerous weapon” to a “place of worship while a meeting for religious purposes is being held” has passed the Senate by a vote of 21 to 18.   This bill is a reaction to the Texas church shooting last year and will allow citizens to carry effective weapons for self-defense. We will let you know when it’s time to contact your legislator again on this bill. … Continued... Read More

VA Bill to Repeal Ban on Weapons in Places of Worship Advances – EMAIL Your Senator TODAY!

. Legislative Updates

Senator Ben Chafin’s Knife Rights supported bill, SB 372, that would repeal Virginia’s ban on carrying “a gun, pistol, bowie knife, dagger, or other dangerous weapon” to a “place of worship while a meeting for religious purposes is being held” was heard on Thursday, It reported out of the Courts of Justice Committee by a vote of 9 to 6. This bill is a reaction to the Texas church shooting and will allow citizens to carry effective weapons for self-defense. … Continued... Read More

Oral Argument Report for Knife Rights’ New York City Gravity Knife Lawsuit Appeal

. Legislative Updates

Oral Argument in the second appeal in our long-running Federal civil rights lawsuit against New York City and District Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr. was held yesterday. The three-judge panel included two judges who sat on the first appeal which we won unanimously. All three judges asked questions indicating they understood the case, which is always a good place from which to start. Plaintiffs’ attorney, Daniel Schmutter with Hartman & Winnicki, P.C., … Continued... Read More

Oral Argument Report for Knife Rights’ New York City Gravity Knife Lawsuit Appeal

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Oral Argument in the second appeal in our long-running Federal civil rights lawsuit against New York City and District Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr. was held yesterday. The three-judge panel included two judges who sat on the first appeal which we won unanimously. All three judges asked questions indicating they understood the case, which is always a good place from which to start. Plaintiffs’ attorney, Daniel Schmutter with Hartman & Winnicki, P.C., … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Mississippi Knife Law Reform Bill Introduced

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Mississippi Representative Gary Staples has introduced HB 924, Knife Rights’ bill to to remove “Bowie knife, dirk knife, butcher knife and switchblade knife” from the deadly weapons statutes in Mississippi. We will be working with the sponsor and the committee chair to further improve the bill to the advantage of Mississippi knife owners as it moves through the legislative process. As soon as it is appropriate, we’ll let you know to contact your legislators … Continued... Read More

Washington Fixed Blade Concealed Carry Bill Introduced

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

In Washington, HB 2600, a Knife Rights supported bill to allow concealed carry of “a fixed blade knife having a blade of six inches or less in length,” has been introduced by lead sponsor Representative Morgan Irwin with bipartisan cosponors. Knife Rights is monitoring this bill and will let you know of any progress and when it’s time to contact your legislators. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Virginia Switchblade Ban Repeal Bill & Bill to Repeal Ban on Weapons in Places of Worship Introduced

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

At the request of Knife Rights, Virginia Representative Michael Webert has introduced HB 890 that would allow the possession of switchblade knives with a CCW permit. Given the difficult political situation in Virginia at this time, this bill is not expected to move anytime soon. Filing at this time ensures the bill is in the queue, ready to go. If and when circumstances change, there will be an amendment to improve some troublesome language that was inadvertently included. … Continued... Read More

Kansas Knife Ban Bill Introduced

. Legislative Updates

The enemies of freedom never sleep. While we are continuing to work on bills to repeal knife prohibitions in numerous states, unfortunately we also must keep an eye out for bad bills that would cause problems for knife owners. This week saw just such a bill filed in Kansas. In 2013 our Kansas Comprehensive Knife Rights Act removed all knife prohibitions in Kansas statutes and enacted Knife Rights’ signature Knife Law Preemption. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights Ohio Switchblade Ban Repeal Bill Introduced

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Ohio State Senator Frank LaRose today introduced, Senate Bill 242, Knife Rights’ bill to repeal Ohio’s irrational ban on the manufacture and sale of “switchblade, springblade, and gravity knives.” Ohio statutes allow for the possession and carry of these knives, but they cannot be manufactured or sold in the state. Ohio loses out on jobs and tax revenue as Ohioans spend their money outside the state’s borders. Co-sponsors include Senate President Larry Obhof and Senators Joe Uecker, … Continued... Read More

Oral Argument Scheduled for Knife Rights’ New York City Gravity Knife Lawsuit

. Legislative Updates

Oral Argument has been scheduled for January 18, 2018, in our long-running Federal civil rights lawsuit against New York City and District Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr., which is currently under appeal. Oral Argument before a three-judge panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit is the last step before a ruling in the appeal of U.S. District Court Judge Katherine B. Forrest’s tortured decision against the plaintiffs. … Continued... Read More

Oral Argument Scheduled for Knife Rights’ New York City Gravity Knife Lawsuit Appeal

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Oral Argument has been scheduled for January 18, 2018, in our long-running Federal civil rights lawsuit against New York City and District Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr., which is currently under appeal. Oral Argument before a three-judge panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit is the last step before a ruling in the appeal of U.S. District Court Judge Katherine B. Forrest’s tortured decision against the plaintiffs. … Continued... Read More

DA Vance Submits Disingenuous 28(j) Letter in Knife Rights NYC Lawsuit

. Legislative Updates

After New York Governor Cuomo vetoed Knife Rights’ Gravity Knife Law Reform bill, focus shifted back to our long-running Federal civil rights lawsuit against New York City and District Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr., which is currently under appeal. Last week, the DA submitted a Rule 28(j) letter to the Appeals Court. Under Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure, Rule 28(j), it is allowed for counsel to advise the court of a “pertinent and significant” … Continued... Read More

DA Vance Submits Disingenuous 28(j) Letter in Knife Rights’ New York City Gravity Knife Lawsuit – Plaintiffs Respond

. Legislative Updates

After New York Governor Cuomo vetoed Knife Rights’ Gravity Knife Law Reform bill, focus shifted back to our long-running Federal civil rights lawsuit against New York City and District Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr., which is currently under appeal. Last week, the DA submitted a Rule 28(j) letter to the Appeals Court. Under Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure, Rule 28(j), it is allowed for counsel to advise the court of a “pertinent and significant” … Continued... Read More

NY Gov. AGAIN Vetoes Knife Rights’ Gravity Knife Law Reform

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has AGAIN vetoed Knife Rights’ Gravity Knife Reform Bill, once again effectively giving the finger to New York’s legislature that overwhelmingly passed the bill that specifically addressed Cuomo’s concerns with last year’s bill. The bill passed in the Assembly 128-1 and in the senate 61-1. Despite valiant last-minute efforts by bill sponsor Assemblyman Dan Quart to come up with a workable compromise, the Governor simply would not sign a clean bill. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ NY Gravity Knife Law Reform Bill to Gov. Cuomo CALL TODAY!

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ Gravity Knife Law Reform Bill,  A.5667-A, has been transmitted to Governor Cuomo. If you live, work or travel in New York, or plan to,  CALL the Governor TODAY and STOP the OUTRAGEOUS arrests and prosecutions in New York City! The Governor now has 10 days (excluding Sunday) to sign or veto the bill, or allow it to become law without his signature. The sponsors, Assemblyman Dan Quart and Senator Diane Savino, … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Michigan Switchblade Ban Repeal Effective Oct. 10

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ Michigan Switchblade Ban Repeal bill, SB 245, becomes effective today, October 10, 2017. Sponsored by Senator Rick Jones, SB 245 repealed Section 226a (switchblade ban) of the Michigan penal code originally enacted in 1952. SB245 was the culmination of years of effort by Knife Rights and our friends in Michigan including Senator Mike Green, the original sponsor of the bill. Note that double-edged blades, including those in an automatic (switchblade) knife, … Continued... Read More

Plaintiffs’ Reply Brief Filed in Knife Rights’ New York City Gravity Knife Lawsuit

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

The Plaintiffs have filed their reply brief in our federal civil rights lawsuit against Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance, Jr. and the City of New York. The reply brief is Plaintiffs’ response to the outrageously misleading briefs submitted by the Defendants. While they once again attempted to steer the Court away from the main issue in the case, which is that no one can ever test a knife using the challenged “wrist flick test” … Continued... Read More

DA & NYC Appeal Briefs Filed in Knife Rights’ New York City Gravity Knife Lawsuit

. Legislative Updates

The Defendants have filed their appeal briefs in our federal civil rights lawsuit against Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance, Jr. and the City of New York. The Defendants once again attempt to steer the Court away from the main issue in the case, which is that no one can ever test a knife using the challenged “wrist flick test” and conclude that it is legal. This is because the Wrist Flick Test only identifies an illegal knife. … Continued... Read More

DA & NYC Appeal Briefs Filed in Knife Rights’ New York City Gravity Knife Lawsuit

. Legislative Updates

The Defendants have filed their appeal briefs in our federal civil rights lawsuit against Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance, Jr. and the City of New York. The Defendants once again attempt to steer the Court away from the main issue in the case, which is that no one can ever test a knife using the challenged “wrist flick test” and conclude that it is legal. This is because the Wrist Flick Test only identifies an illegal knife. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Texas “Illegal Knives” Repeal Effective Sept. 1st

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

Texas HB 1935, that was passed overwhelmingly by the legislature and signed into law by Governor Greg Abbott, takes effect September 1.  The new law eliminates from Texas statute the prohibition against carrying “illegal knives,”  including daggers, dirks, stilettos, poniards, swords, spears and most notably, Bowie knives. This allows them to be carried throughout the state with the exception that knives with blades over 5.5 inches are now restricted from carry in a limited number of locations. … Continued... Read More

POSTPONED! Knife Rights BYOB: Bring Your Own Bowie at The Alamo

. Legislative Updates

    The devastation wrought by Hurricane Harvey has affected many Knife Rights members and supporters in south Texas. Many of our members and friends throughout Texas are also involved in rescue, recovery and support operations. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those who are suffering from the wrath of Hurricane Harvey and for the safety of all those working to support those impacted by this extraordinary natural disaster. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Illinois Switchblade Ban Repeal Signed! Effective Immediately

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ bill to mostly repeal Illinois’ switchblade ban, SB 607, was signed late on Friday by Governor Bruce Rauner. It was effectively immediately upon signing. SB 607 allows possession, including carry, both open and concealed, of automatic knives by those who have a Firearm Owner’s Identification (FOID) Card, which allows the individual to purchase firearms and ammunition. This is not a possession with CCW law, as some have suggested. … Continued... Read More

Colorado Switchblade Ban Repeal Effective August 9th

. Front Page . Legislative Updates
Governor Signs Colorado

Colorado’s switchblade and gravity knife ban repeal takes effect on Wednesday, August 9th. Knife Rights was pleased to be able to support Senator Hill and Representative Lebsock in moving this bill through the legislature and delivering more freedom for Colorado knife owners. Knife Rights’ Director of Legislative Affairs, Todd Rathner, traveled to Denver to lobby the bill at the invitation of the sponsors, overcoming objections raised by some legislators. Knife Rights would also like to recognize Sen. … Continued... Read More

Michigan Switchblade Ban Repeal Bill Signed by Governor

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ Michigan Switchblade Ban Repeal bill, SB 245, was signed today by Governor Rick Snyder. SB 245, sponsored by Senator Rick Jones, simply repeals Section 750.226a (switchblade ban) of the Michigan penal code originally enacted in 1952. SB245 is the culmination of years of effort by Knife Rights and our friends in Michigan including Senator Mike Green, the original sponsor of the bill. SB245 becomes effective in 90 days on October 10, … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Michigan Switchblade Ban Repeal Bill Sent to Governor – CALL/EMAIL Today!

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ Michigan Switchblade Ban Repeal bill, SB 245, has been sent to Governor Rick Snyder.  The governor must sign or veto the bill  within 14 days or it becomes law without his signature. If you live, work or travel in Michigan, please contact Governor Snyder and politely ask him to “please sign SB 245.”  That’s all you need to do, short and simple. SEND AN EMAIL to Gov. … Continued... Read More

High-Powered D.C. Lobbyists Turbocharge Knife Rights’ Federal Agenda

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Knife Rights is pleased to announce that we have engaged the bipartisan government relations firm Capitol Hill Consulting Group (CHCG) to lobby for us in Washington, D.C. They will be working with our friends and allies in the capital to help us pass the Knife Owners’ Protection Act including repeal of the Federal Switchblade Act (KOPA – H.R. 84).    A few weeks ago Todd Rathner and I were in D.C. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ New York Gravity Knife Law Reform Bill Passes

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Knife Rights’ New York Gravity Knife Law Reform Bill passed the Senate by a vote of 61-1.  The identical Assembly version,  A.5667A, was substituted for S.4769A and was the version passed. We’d like to express our sincere appreciation to Senator Diane Savino for her extraordinary efforts and perseverance as the Senate sponsor that finally resulted in this bill being brought to the floor for a vote. Our Assembly sponsor, Assemblyman Dan Quart worked very hard to get this done. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Michigan Switchblade Ban Repeal Bill Passes House – CALL/EMAIL Governor

. Legislative Updates

The Michigan House passed Knife Rights’ Switchblade Ban Repeal bill, SB 245,  with an non-substantive amendment by a vote of 106-1. The amendment simply provides for a 90-day delay in taking effect after enactment. The bill now goes back to the Senate, where it passed 36-1, for a perfunctory concurrence vote. After that, it goes to Governor Rick Snyder. If you live, work or travel in Michigan, please contact Governor Snyder and politely ask him to “please sign SB 245.”  That’s all you need to do, … Continued... Read More

NY Senate Holding Up Gravity Knife Law Reform Bill – CALL/EMAIL Today!

. Legislative Updates

Once again, the New York Senate is playing politics with our Gravity Knife Law Reform Bill, S.4769A. There are only 4 days left in the session. Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan can bring the bill to the floor for a vote as early as today if he wants to.  If you live work or travel in New York, CALL or EMAIL Leader Flanagan TODAY and politely ask him to bring S.4769A to the floor for a vote.  … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Texas Knife Law Reform Bill Signed! Bowie Knives to be Legal to Carry!

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

As we were in Washington, D.C. yesterday lobbying on our Knife Owners’ Protection Act including repeal of the Federal Switchblade Act we received the welcome news that Texas  Governor Greg Abbott signed into law Knife Rights’ bipartisan Texas Knife Law Reform Bill, HB 1935, that repeals all “illegal knives” in Texas statute.  We must once again express our gratitude to our House sponsors, Primary Author, Rep. Frullo, Joint Authors, … Continued... Read More

Two Amicus Briefs Filed in New York City Federal Civil Rights Lawsuit

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Two amicus curiae (friend of the court) briefs have been filed in support of Knife Rights’ Appeal in its federal civil rights lawsuit against New York City and District Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr. The first brief, filed by a group of 17 law professors led by Yale law professor Gideon Yaffe, highlights how the gravity knife law is even more problematic under the Constitution because it does not require the state to prove that a person knows a knife is illegal for that person to be subject to arrest and prosecution. … Continued... Read More

Federal Switchblade Act Repeal Introduced – Knife Owners’ Protection Act Protects Knife Owners

. Legislative Updates

Originally conceived and authored by Knife Rights in 2010 and first introduced in 2013, the Knife Owners' Protection Act of 2017 (KOPA), H.R. 84, now includes repeal of the archaic 1958 Federal Switchblade Act and has been introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives by Rep. Andy Biggs (AZ-05). KOPA will remove the irrational restrictions on interstate trade in automatic knives that are legal to one degree or another in 40 states, while also protecting the right of knife owners to travel throughout the U.S. without fear of prosecution under the myriad patchwork of state and local knife laws.... Read More

Appeal Brief Filed in Knife Rights’ New York City Lawsuit

. Legislative Updates

The plaintiffs’ appeal brief in our federal civil rights lawsuit against New York City and District Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr., has been filed in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in response to U.S. District Court Judge Katherine B. Forrest’s tortured 35-page decision in the case. CLICK HERE to read the Appeal Brief.  In her decision, Judge Forrest fundamentally re-characterized the case in a way that did not reflect the case presented. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Texas Knife Law Reform Bill Passed! Call Governor Today!

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ bipartisan Texas Knife Law Reform Bill, HB 1935, to repeal “illegal knives” in Texas statute, was passed yesterday evening as the deadline approached on the Senate Local and Uncontested Calendar. Thanks to everyone who responded to our Alert and called the Lt. Governor yesterday evening. It is now off to Governor Greg Abbott for his action.  Our thanks to our Senate sponsor Sen. John Whitmire for his efforts on our behalf. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ MI Switchblade Ban Repeal Passes House Comm. CALL/EMAIL TODAY!

. Legislative Updates

The Michigan House Judiciary Committee has passed out Knife Rights’ Michigan Switchblade Ban Repeal bill, SB 245, with a “Do Pass” recommendation.  If you live, work or travel in Michigan, please contact your Representative TODAY and politely ask them to “please vote “YES” on SB 245.”  That’s all you need to do, short and simple. SEND AN EMAIL to your Representative using Knife Rights Legislative Action Center. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Texas Knife Law Reform Bill Passed Senate Committee

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ bipartisan Texas Knife Law Reform Bill, HB 1935, to repeal “illegal knives” in Texas statute, was passed out of the Senate Criminal Justice Committee by a unanimous vote. It now goes to the floor on the Local and Uncontested Calendar. Keep your fingers crossed.  Knife Rights Director of Legislative Affairs, Todd Rathner, has been in Austin again for another full week working to get this bill passed. HB 1935, … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ IL Switchblade Ban Repeal Passed Call/Email Gov. Today!

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Knife Rights’ bill to mostly repeal Illinois’ switchblade ban, SB 607, was passed today in the House by a vote of 61-45. It now goes to Governor Rauner for his consideration. If you live, work or travel in Illinois, please email or call the Governor and ask him to sign SB 607. Click here to Email the Governor via Knife Rights Legislative Action Center. Click here to Phone the Governor via Knife Rights Legislative Action Center Congratulations to our sponsor Rep. … Continued... Read More

New York Gravity Knife Reform Bill Passes Assembly

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ New York Gravity Knife Law Reform Bill, A.5667 passed in the Assembly by a vote of 128-1. This is the fourth year in a row that the Assembly has passed a bill to stop the abuse of the state’s gravity knife statute by New York City. Last year’s bill passed the Assembly 117-12. Now the Senate will consider their identical version of the bill, S.4769. Last year the bill passed in the Senate 61-1. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Texas Knife Law Reform Bill Passed by House

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ bipartisan Texas Knife Law Reform Bill, HB 1935,to repeal “illegal knives” in Texas statute, was passed yesterday by the House 131-1. Although somewhat anticlimactic after the difficult fight to save the bill and to get it amended and through Second Reading on Monday, with the tragic stabbing at the University of Texas still fresh in everyone’s minds, it was never a foregone conclusion. The bill now moves to the Senate where we still have our work cut out for us to get this passed. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights Illinois Switchblade Ban Repeal Passes House Committee

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ bill to partially repeal Illinois’ switchblade ban, SB 607, was passed out of the House Judiciary – Criminal Committee unanimously with a “do pass” recommendation. The bill iis now eligible to be voted on by the full House.  It was earlier passed unanimously by the Senate. Knife Rights Chairman Doug Ritter gave testimony at the hearing. Thanks to the 240 of you who took the time to submit a Witness Slip in support of the bill. … Continued... Read More

Texas “Illegal Knife” Reform Bill Advances

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ bipartisan Texas Knife Law Reform Bill, HB 1935, to repeal all “illegal knives” in Texas statute, passed a critical milestone in the Texas House of Representatives in an unrecorded “Second Reading” vote today. With the tragic stabbing at the University of Texas, right in the state capital of Austin, and still fresh in everyone’s minds, the timing could not have been worse. Knife Rights Director of Legislative Affairs, … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Georgia Knife Law Reform Signed by Governor

. Front Page . Legislative Updates
Georgia Knife Law Reform Passes Senate

Georgia Governor Nathan Deal today signed HB 292 that includes the language from Knife Rights’ Georgia Knife Law Reform bill, SB 49. This new law increases the legal carry length of a knife blade in the state from 5 inches to 12 inches (see Section 3 of HB 292). The new 12-inch length limit was effective immediately upon signing. Having enacted Knife Rights’ signature Knife Law Preemption in Georgia in 2012, … Continued... Read More

Illinois Switchblade Ban Repeal Hearing Tuesday – ACT TODAY!

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ bill to partially repeal Illinois’ switchblade ban, SB 607, is being heard next Tuesday by the House Judiciary – Criminal Committee. If you live, work or travel in Illinois, please fill out a Witness Slip form supporting the bill. First, CLICK HERE to go to the Committee Hearing page. Once on the Committee Hearing page, SCROLL DOWN to “Items Posted To Hearing” … Continued... Read More

Montana Knife Law Reform Becomes Law

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

Montana Governor Steve Bullock has allowed HB 251 to become law without his signature. HB 251 removes the prohibition against concealed carry without a CCW of “a knife with blade 4 or more inches in length” The bill also removed Dirks, Daggers, Sword Canes, razors, “billy” and “knuckles made of any metal or hard substance” from the items prohibited from concealed carry. Congratulations to sponsor Representative Kirk Wagoner.  The bill passed by large margins in the Senate (38 – … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Michigan Switchblade Ban Repeal Passes Senate – CALL or EMAIL House Judiciary Committee TODAY!

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

The Michigan Senate has passed Knife Rights’ Michigan Switchblade Ban Repeal bill, SB 245, by a vote of 36-1.  Congratulations to our sponsor, Sen. Rick Jones, on getting it passed in the Senate. The bill has now moved over to the House where it has been assigned to the Judiciary Committee. If you live, work or travel in Michigan, please contact the Judiciary Committee members TODAY and politely ask them to “please vote “YES” … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Texas “Illegal Knife” Repeal Bill Passed by Committee

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ bipartisan Texas Knife Law Reform Bill, HB 1935, that would repeal the ban on ALL “illegal knives” in Texas statutes, has passed out of the House Criminal Jurisprudence Committee by a unanimous vote and is now headed to the Calendars Committee. HB 790, the other knife law reform bill that only repeals the ban on daggers, also passed out of the Committee. Thanks to everyone who called or emailed the Committee Members. … Continued... Read More

ACTION ALERT: Knife Rights’ Texas “Illegal Knife” Repeal Bill Vote

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ bipartisan Texas Knife Law Reform Bill, HB 1935, that would repeal the ban on all “illegal knives” in Texas statutes could be voted on by the House Criminal Jurisprudence Committee as early as Monday April 17th. It is important to call and email the members of the committee so that they are aware of the importance of this bill to the public. If you live, work or travel in Texas, … Continued... Read More

Illinois Switchblade Ban Repeal Bill Advances

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

The bill to partially repeal Illinois’ switchblade ban, SB 607, has passed the Senate by a unanimous vote. This bill allows possession of automatic knives by those who have a Firearm Owner’s Identification (FOID) Card, which allows the individual to purchase firearms and ammunition. This is not a possession with CCW bill, as some have suggested. The bill also allows for manufacture and sale of automatic knives by those not holding a FOID card. … Continued... Read More

Virginia Switchblade Ban Repeal Veto Override Fails

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

An effort yesterday to override Virginia Governor McAuliffe’s veto of House Bill 1432 failed. That bill would have repealed Virginia’s switchblade ban including, for the most part, allowing concealed carry. This was the unfortunately predictable outcome based on our assessment of the politics in the Virginia legislature. Even if the override had somehow succeeded in passing the House, despite the odds against it, the effort would certainly have failed in the Senate. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Minnesota Switchblade Ban Repeal Bill Introduced

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Knife Rights’ bill to remove the ban on switchblade (automatic) knives in Minnesota, HF2567, has been introduced by Representative Joe Hoppe. The bill would remove “a switch blade knife opening automatically” from Minnesota statute 609.66(1). Knife Rights will keep you posted on the bill’s progress and let you know when it is time to take action. Knife Rights is rewriting knife law in America™. Knife Rights has repealed switchblade bans in Alaska, … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Georgia Knife Law Reform to Governor

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

The Georgia House has overwhelmingly passed HB 292 that includes the language from Knife Rights’ Georgia Knife Law Reform bill, SB 49. It is now headed to the Governor for action. This bill would increase the legal carry length of a knife blade in the state from 5 inches to 12 inches (see Section 3 of HB 292). HB 292 is this year’s “omnibus” gun bill in Georgia. If you live, … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Vermont Knife Law Preemption Bill Introduced

. Legislative Updates . Front Page
Vermont Knife Law Preemption Bill Introduced

Knife Rights’ Vermont Knife Law Preemption bill, H 276, has been introduced by Rep. Patrick Brennan. The bill simply adds “knives” to the existing Vermont Firearms preemption statute. Knife Law Preemption repeals and prevents local ordinances more restrictive than state law which only serve to confuse or entrap law-abiding citizens traveling within or through the state. Preemption ensures citizens can expect consistent enforcement of state knife laws everywhere in a state Knife Rights is rewriting knife law in America™. … Continued... Read More

ACTION ALERT: Knife Rights’ Texas “Illegal Knife” Repeal Bill Hearing

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ bipartisan Texas Knife Law Reform Bill, HB 1935, that would repeal the ban on all “illegal knives” in Texas statutes, has been scheduled for a hearing on Monday in the House Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence. If you live, work or travel in Texas, please contact the committee members TODAY and politely ask them to “please vote “YES” on HB 1935.”  That’s all you need to do, short and simple. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Michigan Switchblade Ban Repeal Passed Committee

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ Michigan Switchblade Ban Repeal bill, SB 245, was approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee 5 – 0. The bill now heads to the Senate floor for a vote. The bill would repeal Michigan’s outright ban on possession and sale of automatic (switchblade) knives. Knife Rights has repealed switchblade bans in Alaska, Colorado, Indiana, Kansas, Maine, Missouri, New Hampshire, Nevada, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas and Wisconsin. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Georgia Knife Law Reform Passes Senate

. Legislative Updates
Georgia Knife Law Reform Passes Senate

By a vote of 37 to 16, the Georgia Senate has passed HB 292 that includes the language from Knife Rights’ Georgia Knife Law Reform bill, SB 49. This would increase the legal carry length of a knife blade in the state from 5 inches to 12 inches (see Section 3 of HB 292). HB 292 is this year’s “omnibus” gun bill in Georgia which had previously passed in the House. It was amended in the Senate, … Continued... Read More

CALL TODAY! Knife Rights’ Michigan Switchblade Ban Repeal Bill Hearing

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ Michigan Switchblade Ban Repeal bill, SB 245, has been scheduled for a hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, March 28, at 3 PM. SB 245 would repeal Michigan’s outright ban on possession and sale of automatic (switchblade) knives. Since the sponsor of the bill, Senator Rick Jones, is also the Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, we are hopeful that the bill will pass. However it would still be helpful if those who live, … Continued... Read More

Governor Signs Colorado Switchblade & Gravity Knife Ban Repeal

. Front Page . Legislative Updates
Governor Signs Colorado

Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper today signed SB 17-008, the bill to repeal Colorado’s switchblade and gravity knife ban. Congratulations to sponsors Sen. Owen Hill and Rep. Steve Lebsock for their effective leadership in moving this bipartisan bill thorough the legislature with overwhelming votes in both houses. Thanks to everyone who called or emailed the Governor urging him to sign the bill. Knife Rights was pleased to be able to assist the sponsors in moving this bill through the legislature. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ West Virginia Preemption Bill Advances – CALL/EMAIL TODAY!

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ West Virginia Knife Law Preemption bill, HB 2209, sponsored by Delegate Rupert Phillips, has passed the House Political Subdivisions committee on a voice vote. HB 2209 now moves to the House Judiciary Committee for another hearing. If you live, work or travel in West Virginia, please CALL or EMAIL the Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, Delegate John Scott at: (304) 340-3252 or and politely request that he “Please schedule HB 2209 for a hearing as soon as possible.” … Continued... Read More

New York Gravity Knife Reform Bills Filed–Again!

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ Gravity Knife Law Reform Bills, A.5667 and S. 4769 have been introduced in the New York Assembly. This is the fourth year in a row that bills have been introduced to stop the abuse of the state’s gravity knife statute by New York City. In response to New York Governor Cuomo’s New Year’s Eve veto overruling the New York Legislature that passed last year’s bills by overwhelming margins, … Continued... Read More

New York Gravity Knife Reform Bills Filed–Again!

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ Gravity Knife Law Reform Bills, A.5667 and S. 4769 have been introduced in the New York Assembly. This is the fourth year in a row that bills have been introduced to stop the abuse of the state’s gravity knife statute by New York City. In response to New York Governor Cuomo’s New Year’s Eve veto overruling the New York Legislature that passed last year’s bills by overwhelming margins, … Continued... Read More

Docs Filed in Knife Rights Appeal in New York City Gravity Knife Lawsuit

Following up on the Notice of Appeal in our federal civil rights lawsuit against New Your City filed last month, the next set of required preliminary papers has been filed. Our Pre-Argument Statement (Form C) is a required filing that includes Addendum A and B which lay out the basics of the case, with a “Description of the Nature of the Action” and “Issues to be Raised on Appeal.” This provides the foundation upon which the actual appeal brief of District Court Judge Katherine B. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Texas “Illegal Knife” Repeal Bill Introduced

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

Knife Rights' Texas Knife Law Reform Bill, HB 1935, that would repeal the ban on all "illegal knives" in Texas statutes, has been introduced by Rep. John Frullo. HB 1935 would complete Knife Rights' efforts to bring knife freedom to Texas by removing entirely the definition of "illegal knife" in Section 46.01(6) of the Penal Code. This includes the prohibition on double edge blades, Bowie knives and the 5.5-inch carry limit.... Read More

Docs Filed in Knife Rights Appeal in New York City Gravity Knife Lawsuit

Once again the Plaintiffs in our federal civil rights lawsuit against New York City and District Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr., have filed a Notice of Appeal following U.S. District Court Judge Katherine B. Forrest’s tortured 35-page decision in the case. In the prior appeal of Judge Forrest’s initial outrageous dismissal of the case, the Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit ruled unanimously in favor of the Plaintiffs. … Continued... Read More

Federal Court Upholds Unconstitutional and Discriminatory Gravity Knife Arrests

Knife Rights Will Appeal Tortured Decision Last Friday U.S. District Court Judge Katherine B. Forrest ruled in favor of New York City and District Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr. in Knife Rights’ long-running federal civil rights case challenging the City’s policy of treating any locking blade folding knife that can be “flicked” open as a prohibited gravity knife. In a tortured 35-page decision, the Court fundamentally re-characterized the case in a way that did not reflect the case presented. … Continued... Read More

NY Governor Vetoes Knife Rights’ Knife Law Reform Bill!

December 31, 2016: Waiting until the last possible moment, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has vetoed Knife Rights’ Gravity Knife and Switchblade Reform Bill, effectively giving the finger to New York’s Legislature that passed the bill by overwhelming margins, 61-1 in the Senate and 117-12 in the Assembly, and the large coalition of organizations, many part of his own constituency, which supported the bill. Despite the thousands who called and emailed the Governor to sign the bill, … Continued... Read More

WARNING: New York City Knife Law Enforcement & Administrative Code

. Evergreen . Legislative Updates

WARNING: NYC has interpreted the state law against gravity knives such that if an officer can “wrist flick” the knife blade open and the knife blade locks open, that knife is an illegal gravity knife. NYC takes this position even if it requires multiple tries and use of exaggerated arm thrust or motion. It does not matter that you cannot “wrist flick” the knife open; if an officer or prosecutor can do so, and they may well be stronger and/or more skilled than you at doing so, … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ NY Knife Law Reform Bill to Gov. Cuomo – CALL TODAY!

. Legislative Updates

LET’S GET THIS DONE! Regardless of your personal views of Governor Cuomo or his politics on any other issue, if you live, work or travel in New York, or plan to, please CALL Governor Cuomo TODAY and simply deliver the message that you are “calling to respectfully request that Governor Cuomo please sign S6483-A/A9042-A,” and then thank him. Please be POLITE and RESPECTFUL and REMAIN ON POINT. This is not the time to berate the Governor about... Read More

2016 Prelaunch Test

. Legislative Updates

We have assembled an incredible array of prizes for this Ultimate Steel™ Spectacular with over $200,000 in custom, limited edition and production knives, celebrity signed knives, guns and more. Every prize has been generously donated, so 100% of the proceeds supports Knife Rights’ pro-knife legislative initiatives. Knife Rights is the One Getting it Done™ – Rewriting Knife Law in America™ WITH YOUR HELP!... Read More

Freddie Gray’s Knife Finally Revealed

. Legislative Updates

The Baltimore City State's Attorney's Office, as a result of a Public Information Act request from WBAL TV-11 in Baltimore, finally released the evidence photos of the knife for which Freddie Gray was arrested, leading to his subsequent death while in custody. This knife was repeatedly mentioned at the trials of the officers charged and then acquitted in Gray's death, but until Monday, the public had never seen the knife in question.... Read More

Clinton vs. Trump vs. Your Knife Rights

. Legislative Updates

As a nonpartisan organization with members and supporters of all political persuasions we have made it our policy not to endorse candidates, but we still have an interest in politicians being friendly to knives and our interests. Shortly, one of the most critical presidential elections in our lifetimes will be held. The outcome could affect knife owners on many levels. As such, I think I owe it to our members and supporters that we review the two major party presidential candidates' stances on two issues that will likely impact many Americans' knife rights. Regardless of who wins the election, Knife Rights will continue to fight for a Sharper Future™ for all Americans. And, I realize that for many of you reading this neither candidate is a particularly appealing choice, but this election is too important to sit out. One of these two candidates is going to be the next president. Whoever is your choice, however reluctant that choice may be, be sure to vote. Your future, and because the next president will appoint two or three Supreme Court Justices, that of future generations is at stake. These stances may or may not weigh into your decision, but you deserve to understand where they stand in this regard and what are, in my opinion, the potential consequences for knife owners. I will state the facts regarding these issues as I know and understand them, knowing all too well that some folks will take offense, regardless. If you really feel the need to vent, just send an email to me at: I will endeavor to promptly answer your emails.... Read More

Clinton vs. Trump vs. Your Knife Rights

. Legislative Updates

What are the candidates’ views on your knife rights? As a nonpartisan organization with members and supporters of all political persuasions we have made it our policy not to endorse candidates, but we still have an interest in politicians being friendly to knives and our interests. Shortly, one of the most critical presidential elections in our lifetimes will be held. The outcome could affect knife owners on many levels. … Continued... Read More

Clinton vs. Trump vs. Your Knife Rights

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

As a nonpartisan organization with members and supporters of all political persuasions we have made it our policy not to endorse candidates, but we still have an interest in politicians being friendly to knives and our interests. Shortly, one of the most critical presidential elections in our lifetimes will be held. The outcome could affect knife owners on many levels. As such, I think I owe it to our members and supporters that we review the two major party presidential candidates' stances on two issues that will likely impact many Americans' knife rights. Regardless of who wins the election, Knife Rights will continue to fight for a Sharper Future™ for all Americans. And, I realize that for many of you reading this neither candidate is a particularly appealing choice, but this election is too important to sit out. One of these two candidates is going to be the next president. Whoever is your choice, however reluctant that choice may be, be sure to vote. Your future, and because the next president will appoint two or three Supreme Court Justices, that of future generations is at stake. These stances may or may not weigh into your decision, but you deserve to understand where they stand in this regard and what are, in my opinion, the potential consequences for knife owners. I will state the facts regarding these issues as I know and understand them, knowing all too well that some folks will take offense, regardless. If you really feel the need to vent, just send an email to me at: I will endeavor to promptly answer your emails.... Read More

Knife Rights Provides Free Knife Check for 2,600 NRA Members at NRA-ILA Leadership Forum

. Legislative Updates

May 21, 2016 – Louisville, KY: Knife Rights was proud to be able to assist 2,600 knife-carrying NRA members at the NRA Annual Meeting by providing a Free Knife Check for those attending Friday’s NRA-ILA Leadership Forum. Because the event featured presumptive Republican Presidential Nominee Donald Trump, the Secret Service instituted security checks for all who attended, including metal detector screening.   In cooperation with NRA and with the able assistance of Leaders and Scouts from the Lincoln Heritage Council, … Continued... Read More

NYCLU & NAACP LDF Write NY Governor in Support of Gravity Knife Reform Bill

. Legislative Updates

October 12, 2016: The New York Civil Liberties Union, the state's ACLU affiliate, and the NAACP's Legal Defense and Education Fund have sent New York Governor Cuomo letters in support of Knife Rights' Gravity Knife and Switchblade Reform Bill, S6483-A/A9042-A. Knife Rights Chairman Doug Ritter said, "this is a terrific example of how organizations across the political spectrum can collaborate for criminal justice reform and secure basic fairness for all people." Click for letters: NYCLU - NAACP LDF NYCLU and NAACP LDF join the Legal Aid Society, Brooklyn Defender Services; the Office of Court Administration, a number of unions, the NRA, as well as the New York Times Editorial Board, in support of this bill.... Read More

Rewriting Knife Law In America™ – Map and List of Accomplishments

. Legislative Updates

Rewriting Knife Law In America™2010-2016 Click map for larger image 21 PRO-KNIFE BILLS PASSED IN 15 STATES! Alaska ● Arizona ● Georgia ● Indiana ● Kansas ● Maine ● Missouri ● Nevada New Hampshire ● Oklahoma ● Tennessee ● Texas ● Utah ● Washington ● Wisconsin 8 ANTI-KNIFE BILLS STOPPED! Florida ● Maryland ● … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights Was Born 10 Years Ago Today! …

. Legislative Updates

10 Years Ago Wall Street Journal Article Ignited Knife Owners’ Civil Rights Movement July 25, 2016: Knife Rights was born ten years ago today after I read an outrageous and highly inflammatory article headlining the Wall Street Journal, entitled “How New, Deadly Pocketknives Became a $1 Billion Business” demonizing so-called “tactical knives.” A discredit to the Journal, the overwrought and sensationalist article was filled with distortions, … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights Was Born 10 Years Ago Today!

. Legislative Updates

10 Years Ago Wall Street Journal Article Ignited Knife Owners' Civil Rights Movement July 25, 2016: Knife Rights was born ten years ago today after I read an outrageous and highly inflammatory article headlining the Wall Street Journal, entitled "How New, Deadly Pocketknives Became a $1 Billion Business" demonizing so-called "tactical knives." A discredit to the Journal, the overwrought and sensationalist article was filled with distortions, misrepresentations, innuendo, outright lies and cherry-picked quotes pushing a transparent rabid anti-weapon and anti-freedom agenda. But, the story didn't quite spark the anti-knife response the reporter probably hoped for -- in fact, it had precisely the opposite effect. Reading that article I became incensed at the blatant, misguided attack on our everyday tools. I realized that there was no NRA for knife owners. There was no aggressive, proactive grassroots organization working to stop the U.S. from sinking into the anti-knife, anti-freedom pit that already exists in Europe and the U.K. That article ignited a new civil rights movement. Over the past decade Knife Rights has literally rewritten knife law in America. More knives and more freedom couldn't have been further from his objective, but that's exactly what he got. Thank you, Wall Street Journal.... Read More

WSJ Test

. Legislative Updates

TUESDAY, JULY 25, 2006   B1 How New, Deadly Pocketknives Became a $1 Billion Business By Mark Fritz (Click here to view a PDF of the original article printed in the Wall Street Journal) A decade ago, Jim Ray brought together a champion martial artist, a former Navy Seal and a police-weapons specialist to draft designs for what he hoped would be the perfect pocketknife. … Continued... Read More

Wall Street Journal – July 25, 2006 – How New, Deadly Pocketknives Became a $1 Billion Business

. Legislative Updates

TUESDAY, JULY 25, 2006   B1 How New, Deadly Pocketknives Became a $1 Billion Business By Mark Fritz (Click here to view a PDF of the original article printed in the Wall Street Journal)   A decade ago, Jim Ray brought together a champion martial artist, a former Navy Seal and a police-weapons specialist to draft designs for what he hoped would be the perfect pocketknife. … Continued... Read More

Finally! After 5 Years Knife Rights’ Day in Court to End Bogus NYC Gravity Knife Arrests

. Legislative Updates

After five years, Knife Rights finally got its day in court in its Federal Civil Rights lawsuit against New York City and District Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr. Last Thursday’s oral argument wrapped up the actual trial in our long-running battle against New York City’s unconstitutional enforcement of the state’s gravity knife law against owners of common folding knives. This was likely the first time a federal judge ever handled a true gravity knife (a German paratrooper knife) in any federal courtroom. … Continued... Read More


. Legislative Updates

Attending BLADE Show? Knife Rights invites you to The SMOKE PIT to celebrate a decade of Knife Rights Rewriting Knife Law in America! Sponsored by Benchmade Knife Co. and KnifeWorks – Friday & Saturday 7:00 – 11:00 PM. Cigars and Accessories sponsored by Arturo Fuente, Asylum, La Flor Dominicana & Xikar – CASH BAR – Same prices as The Pit! Free Admission ONLY with BLADE Show ID/Pass … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights Welcomes The Legal Aid Society’s Amicus Brief in NYC Federal Civil Rights Lawsuit

. Legislative Updates

May 12, 2016: The Legal Aid Society, the oldest and largest private non-profit legal services agency in the nation and New York's primary public defender, yesterday filed an Amicus Curiae (Friend of the Court) Brief in support of Knife Rights' long-running Civil Rights Lawsuit against New York City and District Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr. Knife Rights Chairman Doug Ritter said, "The Legal Aid Society's well-reasoned and eloquently written brief compellingly tells the stories of individuals who have fallen victim to defendants' unconstitutional practices and ties directly into the key elements of the defendants' continued sordid prosecutions of innocent knife owners. The Society has succeeded in adding additional human faces to the injustice these prosecutions have visited on tens of thousands of law-abiding knife owners, highlighting the serious constitutional issues at stake here."... Read More

Illinois Switchblade Ban Repeal Passes House Committee

. Legislative Updates

May 10, 2016: The Illinois House Judiciary - Criminal Committee passed the Knife Rights supported switchblade ban repeal bill, SB2294, out of the committee with a unanimous "Do Pass" recommendation. The bill has already been passed by the Senate. Knife Rights is working closely with our friends on the ground in Springfield to keep the bill moving in the House. The City of Chicago is working to stop the bill from moving to the floor, to nobody's surprise. In the coming days we may ask you to contact members of the Illinois House. Please pay attention to our alerts in case we need your help!... Read More

Knife Rights to Argue Legality of Non-Locking Folding Knives at California Supreme Court

. Legislative Updates

Stock Photo April 1, 2016: Nearly a year ago, Knife Rights and the Second Amendment Foundation filed a "friend of the court" (amicus) brief in a case that asks the California Supreme Court to rule that common, non-locking Swiss Army Knives and similar pocketknives are not illegal "dirks" or "daggers" when carried concealed with the blade open. This coming Wednesday the attorney who wrote the brief, George M. Lee, a partner at the San Francisco law firm of Seiler Epstein Ziegler & Applegate, will join the Defendant and Appellant's attorney, Raymond Mark DiGuiseppe, in arguing the case in front of the California Supreme Court. Attorney DiGuiseppe offered to share some of his limited time in front of the Justices to our attorney in view of the exceptional merit of our arguments included in our amicus brief. We are certainly appreciative of this opportunity to defend the rights of knife owners in California.... Read More

Knife Rights Working to Improve Proposed Switchblade Bill in Louisiana

. Legislative Updates

March 30, 2016: Louisiana Senator Gary Smith has introduced SB 97 which would allow the possession and carry of switchblade knives by concealed carry handgun permit holders. Knife Rights has been working closely with Sen. Smith’s staff to improve the bill by removing the ban on the possession of switchblades altogether, which is exactly what we did in Wisconsin earlier this year. While many state legislatures are already wrapping up their sessions, … Continued... Read More

Lady Liberty’s Steel™ – Fires of Perseverance™ Work In Progress Photos

. Legislative Updates

Lady Liberty’s Steel™ – Fires of Perseverance™Work In Progress Photos Master Smith Audra Draper Work in Progress Photos by Mike Draper. Scroll down to view all images. The purchaser of Lady Liberty’s Steel™ – Fires of Perseverance™ will receive a USB Drive with all the Work in Progress photos, plus the Eric Eggly studio photographs of the finished knife.This is just a sampling of these fascinating WIP photos. … Continued... Read More

2015 Lady Liberty’s Steel™ – Freedom’s Flame™

. Legislative Updates

Lady Liberty’s Steel™ – Freedom’s Flame™ Knife Rights’ Extraordinary Custom Dagger Supporting NRA Women’s Leadership Forum A One-of-a-Kind Custom Knife Crafted by Audra Draper, the World’s First Woman Master Smith (Click images and links for higher resolution photographs.) Knife Rights has donated Lady Liberty’s Steel™ – Freedom’s Flame™a stunning one-of-a-kind 21.5-inch Mosaic Damascus dagger by acclaimed Master Smith Audra Draper, … Continued... Read More

“Knives” Stripped from Maryland Bill that would have Outlawed All Knives on College Campuses

. Legislative Updates

March 4, 2016: On Friday in Maryland the “Weapon-Free Higher Education Zones” bill, HB 1002, was passed out of the House Appropriations Committee with a favorable recommendation, but with an amendment that stripped “Knives” from the bill. The original bill would have prohibited the carry or possession of ANY and ALL knives, as well as guns and deadly weapons, anywhere on the property of public institutions of higher education in Maryland. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights Georgia Knife Reform Bill Introduced

. Legislative Updates

February 19, 2016: Georgia State Senator Bill Heath has introduced Knife Rights’ Georgia Knife Law Reform bill, SB 405, that would increase the legal carry length of a knife blade in the state from 5.5 inches to 12 inches. Sen. Heath was the sponsor of Knife Rights’ Georgia Knife Law Preemption bill that was enacted in 2012. Efforts to completely eliminate the carry length limit have been stymied due to the manner in which a knife is defined in Georgia Law. … Continued... Read More

WV Permitless Carry incl. Knives Passed – Knife Rights’ Preemption Bill Stalled

. Legislative Updates

March 6, 2016: Governor Tomblin's veto of the Knife Rights supported West Virginia Permitless (Constitutional) Carry bill, HB 4145, that was vetoed by the governor was overridden by the legislature this past weekend. According to guidance provided by West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey, the new law is effective May 24, 2016. The new law allows West Virginians 21 years old and older, who are not prohibited persons, to carry a concealed "deadly weapon," including knives, without a permit. That includes switchblades (automatics), balisongs and gravity knives. However, knife carriers may still face local restrictions on their right to carry a knife. West Virginia's existing preemption law protects firearms owners only. WARNING: Persons 18 years old but less than 21 years old may obtain a license to carry a concealed handgun BUT that license DOES NOT include concealed carry of a knife or any other "dangerous weapon." The penalties for anyone under 21 carrying a concealed knife illegally have been made far tougher. It is now a felony! Anyone who is younger than 21 should be very careful to abide by West Virginia's 3.5-inch concealed carry limit and the total prohibition on concealed carry of switchblades (automatics), balisongs and gravity knives. Knife Rights will be working in West Virginia next year to try and fix this absurd change in the law that adversely impacts those under age 21. With all the oxygen sucked out of the state capitol by HB 4145, it will be a challenge to get Knife Rights' bipartisan West Virginia Knife Law Preemption bill, HB 4541, passed this year in the remaining days left in the session. HB 4541 would ensure that knife carriers don't face local restrictions on their right to carry a knife under HB 4145.... Read More

Mississippi Knife Law Preemption Bill Passed House – Senate Next

. Legislative Updates

Mar. 2, 2016: Knife Rights' Mississippi Knife Law Preemption bill, HB 1294 that is sponsored by Rep. Herb Frierson has been passed by the House on a vote of 101-16. The bill now moves to the Senate for consideration. Knife Law Preemption repeals and prevents local ordinances more restrictive than state law which only serve to confuse or entrap law-abiding citizens traveling within or through the state. Preemption ensures citizens can expect consistent enforcement of state knife laws everywhere in a state. Knife Rights passed the nation's first Knife Law Preemption bill in Arizona in 2010 and has since passed preemption bills in Alaska, Georgia, Kansas, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and Wisconsin.... Read More

ACTION ALERT: Knife Rights Maryland Knife Law Preemption Bill – CALL & EMAIL TODAY!

. Legislative Updates

Mar. 2, 2016: Knife Rights' bipartisan Maryland Knife Law Preemption bill, SB 653 has been heard by the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee. No vote was held at the time, that is the next step. If you live, work or travel in Maryland, please CALL or EMAIL the Committee Members TODAY and ask them to please vote Yes on SB 653.  That's all you need to do, keep it simple and polite. CONTACTS for the Judicial Proceedings Committee after the break.... Read More

Knife Rights’ Oklahoma Knife Law Reform Effective November 1st

. Legislative Updates

Oct. 31, 2016: Knife Rights' Oklahoma Knife Law Reform bill, SB 1159, becomes effective November 1st. SB 1159 removes dagger, bowie knife, dirk knife and sword cane from the items prohibited from carry in Oklahoma, and finishes the job Knife Rights began last year with the repeal of the ban on carrying switchblade (automatic) knives and with the passage of Knife Law Preemption in Oklahoma. Since Knife Law Preemption is already the law in Oklahoma, the revised law will be immediately effective statewide on November 1st This represents the culmination of three years of effort by Knife Rights in Oklahoma so that knife owners there can enjoy the freedom to own and carry the knife they choose. Oklahoma's knife law reform is more proof that Knife Rights is the one getting it done™ for knife owners in America. Getting it done means having the perseverance to come back to a state's legislature as many times as necessary to finish the job. We can now count 21 pro-knife bills passed in 15 states in six years. No other organization even comes close to that record.... Read More

Ivory & Mammoth Ivory Bans Summary – Updated 1/28/2016

. Legislative Updates

WARNING:  Knife Rights Foundation provides this summary for informational purposes only and cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information. Knife Rights Foundation does not offer legal advice. You should not rely on the information provided in this summary as an alternative to legal advice from a licensed attorney. Generally (below):  Illegal to import, sell, offer for sale, purchase, barter or possess with the intent to sell – Generally interpreted to also include working on or with ivory including knifemaking and scrimshaw or repairs using ivory (including mammoth ivory where indicated) California (legislative AB96) Effective: July 1, … Continued... Read More

Kentucky Preemption and Knife Ban Repeal Bill Introduced

. Legislative Updates

January 24, 2016: Kentucky state Senator Robin Webb has introduced a Knife Law Preemption nd Knife Ban Repeal bill, S 112. This bill is the result of months of work by Knife Rights and Senator Webb and her staff. To accomplish Knife Law Preemption, the bill simply adds knives to the existing proven Kentucky firearms preemption statute. The bill will also remove "any knife other than an ordinary pocket knife or hunting knife" from Kentucky's definition of a "Deadly Weapon" which limits concealed carry to CCW holders. That phrase, "ordinary pocket knife or hunting knife," has been, and could in the future be, subject to abuse from adverse interpretations by law enforcement, prosecutors and judges. In a 2003 appeals court decision (Stout v. Commonwealth), the judge held that a 5-inch "locked-blade" folding knife was NOT an "ordinary pocket knife," even though the vast majority of pocket knives sold then and now have locking blades and knives with blades 5-inches and longer are not unusual.... Read More

Report: National Humane Society Snubs New Jersey Pets

. Legislative Updates

Washington, D.C. – December 16, 2015: Today released a new report showing the Humane Society of the United States shockingly shortchanges pet shelters in New Jersey. In 2014, HSUS raised over $100 million from Americans and yet only gave 1% of this money to local pet shelters—and didn’t operate a single pet shelter itself—despite having fundraising appeals full of cats and dogs. In New Jersey, … Continued... Read More

Bit of Good Knife Deregulation News for Our Mates Down Under

. Legislative Updates

December 14, 2015: Congratulations to our mates down under as new Australian customs regulations go into effect that removes “flipper knives” from the list of knives (in Schedule 13 – table item 14)) that are banned from import into the country. This was the regulation cited in recent years by Customs inspectors to prohibit many one-hand opening knives from being imported into Australia. While “assisted opening” knives remain banned, … Continued... Read More

Wisconsin Appeals Court Upholds Second Amendment Argument in Switchblade Possession Case

. Legislative Updates

November 25, 2015: Applying the Second Amendment to knives as arms and the groundbreaking Heller U.S. Supreme Court decision, the Wisconsin Court of Appeals reversed a lower court decision that it was illegal for someone to possess a switchblade (automatic) knife in their home. The court concluded that the Second Amendment protects knives as well as guns, one of Knife Rights' foundational principles. You can read the court's decision here: As such, this decision, albeit narrow as was required by Wisconsin law, held that at least with regards to switchblades at home, Wisconsin's ban is unconstitutional. Knife Rights believes such bans are entirely unconstitutional. Having said that, Knife Rights Wisconsin Knife Law Reform bill, AB 142, would remove this prohibition altogether, as well as enact Knife Law Preemption, resolving the issue entirely. AB 142 has passed the House and awaits a vote in the Senate. The case arose when Cory Herrmann, the defendant, was injured in his home. Showing his switchblade knife to a friend, Herrmann dropped the knife and cut his femoral artery. After 911 was called, officers responding to the scene seized the switchblade and subsequently Herrmann was charged with illegal possession.... Read More

Vote “NO” on S3416 Email to Senators

. Legislative Updates

TO:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, SUBJECT: Please Vote NO on S3416 Copy and Paste the text below into the body of the email. Dear Senator, Please vote “NO” on S3416. S3416 has severe unintended consequences on the general public and New Jersey. … Continued... Read More

New Jersey Governor Christie Vetoes Two Draconian Bills!

. Legislative Updates

January 19, 2016: Two draconian bills that would have dramatically harmed knifemakers and knife owners were vetoed by New Jersey Governor Chris Christie on January 19. The two closely related bills, S3146/A3773 and S3416/A4808, would have outlawed, with extraordinarily tough civil and felony criminal penalties, mere possession or transportation via New Jersey of parts or products from over 1,200 species of threatened and endangered species. Elephant, stingray, gator, mollusks (mother of pearl) and many other species whose parts have traditionally been used by knifemakers would have been included, putting makers and collectors in legal jeopardy. Knife Rights worked tirelessly for months to lead the opposition to these bills with our good friends at the Elephant Protection Association and with support from a number of hunting organizations. While testimony and position papers were provided at legislative hearings, resulting in the bills being amended down from over 12,000 species to 1,200 species (see below), there was never any question that these still appalling bills would pass the Democratic controlled New Jersey legislature where freedom and common sense go to die. Our only hope for defeating these bills was that Governor Christie would recognize them for the terrible bills they were, both for New Jersey and its citizens, and for the country as a whole. Our legislative lobbying efforts set the stage for Governor Christie's veto, with most Republican legislators voting "no" or abstaining. Knife Rights is also grateful to numerous friends and organization leaders from around the country who participated in the effort to defeat these outrageous and draconian measures. As a result of the team effort, New Jersey will not become the poster child for the nation's most radical anti-hunting advocates who would have dealt a serious blow to law-abiding knifemakers and knife owners as collateral damage. Click here to read our position papers opposing S3146/A3773 and S3416/A4808.... Read More

ACTION ALERT – HEARING Monday! NJ “Big 5 Ban” Bill Will Make Felons of Hundreds of Thousands

. Legislative Updates

ACTION ALERT – HEARING Monday! “Big 5 Ban” Bill Will Make Felons of Hundreds of Thousands of New Jerseyans Who Own Items With Ivory, Mother of Pearl, Exotic Leather and Much More! A hearing is being held Monday, November 9, at 1:00 PM in Trenton on S3416, an outrageous and draconian bill that bans mere POSSESSION of not only ivory, but also anything made from over 11,000 species of wildlife! … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights Submits Comment Opposing Federal Ivory Ban – Still Plenty You Can Do To Help Stop Ban

. Legislative Updates

Sept. 29, 2015: Knife Rights' comment opposing the irrational and abusive federal Ivory Ban was submitted yesterday. Click here to read the comment with its attachments. Thanks to everyone who submitted a comment to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service opposing the Ivory Ban. The Introduction and the Conclusion (Click "Read More>>>>" below) sums up the serious federal law violations and other practical issues with this proposed Ivory Ban rule. Knife Rights abhors the poaching of all species. The proven solution is to attack poaching at the source and in the primary destinations for the illegal ivory, not punish lawful ivory owners in the U.S. who cannot have any effect on poaching in Africa. Successful anti-poaching programs in Africa have demonstrated that an integrated comprehensive approach that support law-enforcement in the field and encourages the locals to fight poaching does work to save elephants. Illegally stealing the investments of millions of Americans will not save a single elephant in Africa. To read the Introduction and the Conclusion of Knife Rights' comment AND what YOU can do NOW to hell stop the ban, click on "Read More>>>>" below.... Read More

Knife Rights Speaks Out Against Ivory Ban at Federal Advisory Council, Urges Respect for Rule of Law

. Legislative Updates

Sept. 26, 2015: A Knife Rights representative attended the August 24 meeting of the Federal Advisory Council on Wildlife Trafficking in Washington, DC to speak out against the Council's continued support for the Administration's irrational proposed ivory ban rule that will hurt many knifemakers, collectors and millions of Americans. Knife Rights abhors poaching of all species and supports science-based conservation efforts that have succeeded in posting significant GAINS in some elephant populations in recent years. We support practical efforts to defend elephants in the field that have resulted in MARKED DECLINES IN POACHING in recent years, as well as lawful enforcement activities that directly target illegal black-market trade in ivory. We support targeting poachers, not abusing law-abiding Americans in violation of long-held American principles. A key point we make is to note that the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) published a study, "Monitoring the Illegal Killing of Elephants (MIKE) UPDATE ON ELEPHANT POACHING TRENDS IN AFRICA TO 31 DECEMBER 2014" that evaluates relative poaching levels based on the Proportion of Illegally Killed Elephants (PIKE). The latest report published last year clearly shows that the illegal killing of elephants peaked back in 2011 and declines and levels off thereafter. The report also notes that illegal killing of elephants in Eastern Africa has dropped for the last four years and these populations are now at sustainable levels. Southern Africa herds have been at sustainable levels for all the years monitored, 2002 -2014. Where elephant herds in Africa are protected from poaching, the herds are proven to be sustainable.... Read More

Ivory Expert Exposes Myth of Illegal U.S. Ivory Market – Rebukes FWS for Misrepresenting His Work

. Legislative Updates

Aug. 27, 2015: Dr. Daniel Stiles, an internationally acknowledged expert on African Elephants and the illegal ivory trade, has rebuked the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service for misrepresenting his research and misleading the American public about illegal ivory in America, submitting a stinging opposition comment in response to its proposed ivory ban. Click here to read Dr. Stiles' Comment. This misrepresentation is a serious violation of the 1946 Administrative Procedure Act (APA) because the proposed rule is "arbitrary and capricious, an abuse of discretion or otherwise not in accordance with law" (5 U.S.C. 706(2)(A)) and FWS has not articulated a reasonable basis supported by reliable and accurate data for its decision to promulgate this rule, as well as the 2001 Federal Data Quality Act (AKA Information Quality Act) because the data upon which FWS has based its decision to promulgate this rule is either entirely nonexistent, or in the alternative, has been seriously misconstrued. FWS' clear violation of these laws and regulations in misrepresenting Dr. Stiles work means that the proposed rule is inherently flawed and should be withdrawn. PLEASE SUBMIT A COMMENT TODAY asking that this proposed rule be withdrawn. Knife Rights abhors poaching of all species and supports science-based conservation efforts that have succeeded in posting significant GAINS in some elephant populations in recent years. We support practical efforts to defend elephants in the field that have resulted in MARKED DECLINES IN POACHING in recent years, as well as lawful enforcement activities that directly target illegal black-market trade in ivory. We support targeting poachers, not abusing law-abiding Americans in violation of long-held American principles. For details on Dr. Stiles' rebuke of FWS, a link to submit a comment and a Model Comment to submit, click on "Read More>>>>" below.... Read More

Proposed Federal Ivory Ban Rule Punishes Americans for Chinese Supported Poaching

. Legislative Updates

July 29, 2015: After over a year's delay, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's proposed regulation that would virtually ban the interstate trade in ivory, including knives with ivory handles and embellishments, has been published in the Federal Register. Knife Rights Chairman Doug Ritter explained, "Knife owners, knifemakers, scrimshaw artists and suppliers will all be hit hard if the rule is allowed to go into effect as it is proposed. While there are some exceptions allowed in this proposed ivory ban, they are very narrow and the overall impact is as bad as expected for honest owners of decades-old legal ivory." A 60-day comment period is provided. Knife Rights abhors the poaching of all species. The proven solution is to attack poaching at the source, not punish lawful ivory owners in the U.S. who cannot have any effect on poaching in Africa. Successful anti-poaching programs have demonstrated that an integrated comprehensive approach that encourages the locals to fight poaching does work. This is the sort of solution that should be expanded and encouraged by the U.S. and by all who really want to end poaching. Knife Rights is working with our partners in the many organizations opposed to this rule to develop effective, well-reasoned and coherent arguments against this rule that we'll ask you to submit as comments over the next two months. That will take some time to put together.   The most important thing concerned citizens can do right now is to contact your U.S. Representative and Senators to ask them to co-sponsor the African Elephant Conservation and Legal Ivory Possession Act of 2015 which would protect honest U.S. ivory owners while providing for additional conservation and anti-poaching efforts in Africa. Click for more information. For additional details on this proposed Federal Ivory Ban, click on Read More >>>>... Read More

New York Machete Ban Bill Defeated

. Legislative Updates

June 23, 2015: With the adjournment of the New York legislature, the Machete Ban bill, S. 3199, has failed to pass this year after a strong lobbying effort by Knife Rights. It was initially passed by the Republican led Senate without proper consideration, but was never voted out of committee in the Democratic controlled Assembly. The bill would have added "Machete" to the same list of outlawed "Deadly Weapons" in which you will find Switchblades, Daggers and the like. Potential penalties for violations would be up to a year behind bars. A machete, like a kitchen knife, or any other knife, is simply a common tool used daily by many New Yorkers at home, work and recreation. It is the height of insanity to try and blame the tool for a criminal's misuse of that tool to commit a violent crime. Use of any inanimate object, tool or otherwise, to commit violence on another person is already a crime in New York. Knife Rights is pleased we were able to work with our friends in the Assembly to successfully stop this absurd bill from passing.... Read More

Outrageous & Draconian New York Ivory Possession and Transportation Ban Defeated

. Legislative Updates

June 23, 2015: The most extreme and draconian effort to date to punish honest, law-abiding ivory owners, including owners of ivory handled knives, New York Senate Bill 4686, failed today with the adjournment of the New York legislature after a strong lobbying effort by Knife Rights and our alliance of organizations from across the political spectrum opposed to the ivory bans. This bill would have banned the mere POSSESSION and TRANSPORTATION, … Continued... Read More

Two Victories in New York, But the Fight for Justice Continues

. Legislative Updates

June 23, 2015: With the adjournment of the New York Legislature, Knife Rights and knife owners can chalk up two wins and one disappointing loss. Both the proposed Machete Ban and the Draconian Ivory Possession and Transportation Ban were defeated. The “fix” to the gravity knife statute that would end bogus New York City knife arrests did not pass when Senate Republicans refused to vote on the bill already passed overwhelmingly by the Democratic controlled Assembly (for the second year in a row). … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Knife Owners’ Protection Act Clears Critical Hurdle in U.S. Senate

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights' Knife Owners' Protection Act, S. 1315 (KOPA), passed a critical hurdle yesterday when it was voted out of the the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee. Passage by the Commerce Committee sets the measure up for consideration by the full Senate.  KOPA protects travelers from a patchwork of conflicting state knife laws.     The result of five years of effort, Knife Rights conceived, drafted and developed the Knife Owners' Protection Act as the first proactive pro-knife federal legislation introduced in the nation's history.  The Senate version of the bill is sponsored by Senators Mike Enzi (R-UT) with co-sposnors Senators. Ron Wyden (D-OR), Mike Lee (R-UT), Joe Manchin (D-WV), John Thune (R-SD) and Martin Heinrich (D-NM).  Knife Rights Chairman Doug Ritter noted, "This legislation will solve a real and growing problem that faces every knife owner traveling throughout America--the threat of arrest and prosecution under misguided local laws merely for possessing knives during lawful travel."  KOPA will protect law-abiding knife owners traveling throughout the U.S. from a patchwork of restrictive state and local laws. As long as possession of the particular knife is legal where the journey starts and ends, and provided the knife is secured in accordance with KOPA, a knife owner would no longer be threatened with arrest simply for traveling from one place to another.... Read More

MEDIA RELEASE: President Obama Declared Freddie Gray’s Knife NOT a Switchblade in 2009

. Legislative Updates

President Obama Declared Freddie Gray’s Knife NOT a Switchblade in 2009 by Knife Rights’ Doug Ritter with Evan F. Nappen, Esq. May 7, 2015 – Gilbert, AZ: Freddie Gray was charged by Officer G. Miller with violating Baltimore’s “Switch-blade knives” City Code which was originally passed in 1950. Freddie Gray’s knife was described by the officer, under penalty of perjury, as “…found to be a spring assisted, … Continued... Read More

MEDIA RELEASE: President Obama Declared Freddie Gray’s Knife NOT a Switchblade in 2009

. Legislative Updates

May 7, 2015 – Gilbert, AZ: Freddie Gray was charged by Officer G. Miller with violating Baltimore’s “Switch-blade knives” City Code which was originally passed in 1950. Freddie Gray’s knife was described by the officer, under penalty of perjury, as “…found to be a spring assisted, one hand operated knife…” (link to Charging Document) In other words, the officer swore that it was a spring-assisted knife. In response to Customs’ … Continued... Read More

Freddie Gray Falsely Arrested on Illegal Knife Charge – Update on the Freddie Gray Knife Arrest

. Legislative Updates

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - May 1, 2015 - Gilbert, AZ: In the case of the arrest on a knife charge and subsequent death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore, Baltimore City State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby charged that Freddie Gray was falsely arrested and that the knife in his pocket was not an illegal switchblade. Mosby is filing murder charges against one officer while others are being charged with crimes including manslaughter and assault.... Read More

Christian Science Monitor asks, “Should it really be illegal to carry a knife in the city?”

. Legislative Updates

April 27, 2015: Patrik Jonsson, a writer for the Christian Science Monitor, asked a very insightful question in an April 22 story on the recent questionable death of Freddie Gray while in custody of the Baltimore police: "Should it really be illegal to carry a knife in the city?" It should come as no surprise that Knife Rights Chairman Doug Ritter's response is, "no, it should not be illegal to carry any knife, only actual use of a knife for criminal purposes should be illegal." Doug is quoted several times in the article that explores the absurdity of knife bans and the adverse consequences that often result. Click here to read the article. UPDATE 5/1/2015: State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby has indicated that Freddie Gray was falsely arrested and that the knife in his pocket was not illegal. Mosby said she will file murder charges against one officer and manslaughter and other charges against others. According to news reports, Freddie Gray was arrested after a police officer supposedly found a "switchblade" in his pocket. But, the court documents reveal something else: "The officer noticed a knife clipped to the inside of his front right pants pocket. The defendant was arrested without force or incident," the documents say. "The knife was recovered by this officer and found to be a spring-assisted, one-hand-operated knife." (Emphasis added.) Note that the officer did not refer to the knife as a "switchblade." Click "Read More >>>>" below for additional details on the arrest and differences between a legal assisted-opening knife and a switchblade.... Read More

2015 Sharper Future Awards Breakfast Thank You

. Legislative Updates

Thank Your For Supporting Knife Rightsand A Sharper Future™ PRINT OUT YOUR EMAILED PAYPAL RECEIPT – YOU MUST PRESENT YOUR RECEIPT FOR ENTRY. A physical ticket will not be sent to you. Please check in at the registration table upon arrival. Breakfast starts PROMPTLY at 7:30 AM and will be done no later than 8:45, before the show opens at 9:00. Breakfast location is the Waverly Renaissance Hotel, 2450 Galleria Parkway, … Continued... Read More

Michigan Knife Law Preemption Bill Passes Senate – On to House

. Legislative Updates

June 9, 2015: Knife Rights' Michigan Knife Law Preemption bill, SB 305, has been passed by the Senate 27-10. It now moves over to the House for consideration, most likely not until after the Summer break. Knife Law Preemption repeals and prevents local ordinances more restrictive than state law which only serve to confuse or entrap law-abiding citizens traveling within or through the state. Preemption ensures citizens can expect consistent enforcement of state knife laws everywhere in a state. We will advise when it is time to contact your Representative about this bill.... Read More

California Supreme Court Affirms “Swiss Army Knife” NOT an Illegal Dagger

. Legislative Updates

In a unanimous decision, the California Supreme Court yesterday affirmed a lower court ruling which held that a common slipjoint folding knife, in this case specifically a “Swiss Army Knife,” was not a “dirk or dagger,” prohibited under California law when carried in the open position and concealed. Click here to read the decision. The case arises from a 2012 arrest of a man in San Diego, California, after a traffic stop. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Wisconsin Knife Law Reform Signed by Governor

. Legislative Updates

February 8, 2016: Knife Rights' Wisconsin Knife Law Reform Bill including Knife Law Preemption, AB 142, was signed on February 6th by Governor Scott Walker. Wisconsin is the eleventh state in which Knife Rights has repealed a switchblade ban and the ninth in which we have passed Knife Law Preemption. The new law was enacted when it was officially published on February 7, 2016. The signing ceremony was held during the annual meeting of Wisconsin FORCE, the state NRA affiliate. Wisconsin FORCE and Executive Director Jeff Nass played a critical role in passage of the bill and Knife Rights is appreciative of their support for our efforts to forge a Sharper Future for all Americans. At the signing, Knife Rights Chairman Doug Ritter presented Governor Walker with a Pro-Tech TR-4 automatic (switchblade) knife specially engraved with the state seal and his name and dedication during the signing ceremony (photo after the break).... Read More

Nevada Model Ivory Ban Letter

. Legislative Updates

Subject: VOTE NO on SB 398 Dear Senator _________________________, I am writing to respectfully request that you please VOTE NO on SB 398, the Ivory Ban Bill. I, like all Americans, find the out-of-control poaching of African elephants appalling. Unfortunately, instead of going after poachers, smugglers and traders of illicit ivory, this bill only attacks innocent Nevada residents and visitors by passing an absurd Ivory Ban that will not save a single living elephant. … Continued... Read More

Connecticut Model Ivory Ban Letter

. Legislative Updates

Subject: VOTE NO on HB 6955 Dear Representative _________________________, I am writing to respectfully request that you please VOTE NO on HB 6955, the revised Ivory Ban Bill. I, like all Americans, find the out-of-control poaching of African elephants appalling. Unfortunately, instead of going after poachers, smugglers and traders of illicit ivory, this bill only attacks innocent Connecticut residents by passing an absurd Ivory Ban that will not save a single living elephant. … Continued... Read More

Illinois Ivory Ban Bill Defeated

. Legislative Updates

March 28, 2015: The Illinois Senate Environment and Conservation Committee defeated Senate Bill 1858 by a 6-4 vote. SB 1858 was a draconian bill that would have banned the sale or purchase of any ivory, including mammoth ivory, in the state with no exceptions whatsoever. This is the fourth ivory ban bill defeated so far this year (Maryland, Virginia and Washington previously). The defeat came after an alliance of organizations opposed to the bill, … Continued... Read More

Oregon Ivory Ban Hearing – Attend or Contact Committee Members

. Legislative Updates

March 17, 2015: A hearing on an Oregon bill that would ban the sale or purchase of any ivory in the state, including 10,000-year-old mammoth ivory, SB 913, is scheduled for hearing before the Senate Committee on Judiciary on March 24th at 8:00 am. This draconian legislation includes a ban on mammoth ivory, contains no commercial use exemptions for knives, firearms, musical instruments, antiques or other items and criminalizes "possesses with intent to sell," a phrase that is easily abused by prosecutors. If you are an Oregon resident or travel or work in Oregon, we encourage you to attend and testify against this bill that will only serve to punish law-abiding citizens of Oregon and which won't save a single living elephant. If you cannot attend the hearing, please email or call the members of the Judiciary Committee. Click on "Read More>>>>" for a model letter and contacts for the committee members.... Read More

Oregon Model Ivory Ban Letter

. Legislative Updates

Subject: OPPOSE SB 913 Dear Senator _________________________, I am writing to respectfully request that you please OPPOSE SB 913, the Ivory Ban Bill that will be heard in Juciary on March 24, 2015. I, like all Americans, find the out-of-control poaching of African elephants appalling. Unfortunately, instead of going after poachers, smugglers and traders of illicit ivory, this bill only attacks innocent Oregonians by passing an absurd Ivory Ban that will not save a single living elephant. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Texas Knife Law Preemption Takes Effect Sept. 1

. Legislative Updates

Sept. 1, 2015: Today is the effective date for Knife Rights' signature Knife Law Preemption bill in Texas. Several Texas cities will see their restrictive knife laws voided today. The new law invalidates all municipal and county knife ordinances more restrictive than state law, creating uniform knife laws throughout the Lone Star State. The new law also ensues that Knife Rights' repeal of the state's ban on switchblade (automatic) knives that was passed in 2013 will now have effect throughout the state. The two Texas cities that made Knife Rights' "10 Worst Anti-Knife Cities in America" list for 2014, San Antonio at number four and Corpus Christi at number nine, have now been removed. Knife Rights Chairman Doug Ritter said, "Removing two of the nation's worst anti-knife cities from our list in a single act is an example of what can be done when we all work together towards greater freedom in America."... Read More

Freedom’s Steel™ Damascus Pistol WIP

. Legislative Updates

Freedom’s Steel™ Damascus Pistol Re-Discovering the Lost Art of the Damascus Barrel Crafted by Master Bladesmith & Master Gunsmith Steve Culver Work in Progress Photos by Steve Culver Scroll down to view all images. The purchaser of Freedom’s Steel™ Damascus Pistol will receive a USB Drive with hundreds of Work in Progress photos, plus the studio photographs of the finished knife., plus videos, including vidoe of the test firing. This is just a sampling of these facinating WIP photos. … Continued... Read More

Freedom’s Steel™ Damascus Pistol

. Legislative Updates

Freedom’s Steel™ Damascus Pistol Re-Discovering the Lost Art of the Damascus Barrel Supporting NRA-ILA and the Second Amendment! A One-of-a-Kind Custom Percussion Damascus Barrel Pistol Crafted by Master Bladesmith & Master Gunsmith Steve Culver Incorporating Historically Significant Materials (Click images for higher resolution photographs.) Knife Rights has donated Freedom’s Steel™ Damascus Pistol to the National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA) in appreciation for their support of Knife Rights’ … Continued... Read More

Freedom’s Steel™ IV – The Jefferson Bowie

. Legislative Updates

Freedom’s Steel™ IV – The Jefferson Bowie™ Knife Rights’ Extraordinary Custom Collaboration Knife Supporting NRA-ILA and the Second Amendment! A One-of-a-Kind Custom Knife Crafted by Acclaimed Artisans Incorporating Historically Significant Materials (Click images and links for higher resolution photographs.) Knife Rights has donated Freedom’s Steel™ IV – The Jefferson Bowie, … Continued... Read More

Freedom’s Steel™ III – Shall Not Be Infringed – 2014

. Legislative Updates

Freedom’s Steel™ III – Shall Not Be Infringed™ Knife Rights’ Extraordinary Custom Collaboration Knife Supporting NRA-ILA and the Second Amendment!   SOLD for $33,000! A One-of-a-Kind Custom Knife Crafted by Acclaimed Artisans Incorporating Historically Significant Materials (Click images and links for higher resolution photographs.) Knife Rights has donated Freedom’s Steel™ III – … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Idaho Knife Law Preemption Bill Passes Senate – Moves to House – Call & Write TODAY!

. Legislative Updates

March 17, 2015: Knife Rights' Idaho Knife Law Preemption bill, SB 1092, was passed by the Senate 25-10. SB 1092 now moves the House. SB 1092 would repeal all existing local knife regulations and prohibit any future knife regulations, making state knife law supreme over the entire state. Our research discovered numerous local ordinances that restrict knives in Idaho, but we were especially taken aback by the prohibition on concealed carry (without a permit) of a "buck knife" in Twin Falls (Chapter 2, 6-2-1(B)). That’s particularly ironic given that Buck Knives is headquartered in Idaho. If you live, work or travel in Idaho, please contact your state Representative or the Representative where you work or travel and ask them to please support SB 1092. CLICK HERE to find your Idaho Representative.... Read More

Washington Ivory Ban Bills Fail – Another Victory for Common Sense

. Legislative Updates

March 2, 2015: Another irrational state Ivory Ban effort has failed, this time in Washington State. Once a bright light was shone on the lies and deceit of the Ivory- banners, the bills (HB 1131 and SB 5241) proved unable to move forward by legislative deadlines Washington now joins Virginia this year in rejecting the emotionally charged, but factually deficient arguments put forth by promoters of these Ivory Ban bills. Knife Rights Chairman Doug Ritter said, "Knife Rights and all who we represent abhor the poaching of elephants in Africa. However, these ivory ban bills won't save a single living elephant, while taking hundreds of millions of dollars from millions of honest law-abiding Americans. It makes no sense to unfairly penalize Americans for the illegal and immoral activities that continue to threaten elephants, and which these proposed ivory bans do nothing to ameliorate. These ivory ban bills are 'Feel Good - Do Bad' legislation at its worst."... Read More

Lady Liberty’s Steel™ – Freedom’s Flame™ Work In Progress Photos

. Legislative Updates

Lady Liberty’s Steel™ – Freedom’s Flame™Work In Progress Photos Master Smith Audra Draper Work in Progress Photos by Mike Draper. Scroll down to view all images. The purchaser of Lady Liberty’s Steel™ – Freedom’s Flame™ will receive a USB Drive with 598 Work in Progress photos, plus the Terrill Hoffman studio photographs of the finished knife.This is just a sampling of these facinating WIP photos. … Continued... Read More

Lady Liberty’s Steel™ II – Fires of Perseverance™ – Knife Rights’ Collaboration Benefiting NRA WLF!

. Legislative Updates

Lady Liberty’s Steel™ II – Fires of Perseverance™Knife Rights’ Extraordinary Custom DaggerSupporting NRA Women’s Leadership Forum A One-of-a-Kind Custom KnifeCrafted by Audra Draper, the World’s First Woman Master Smith (Click images and links for higher resolution photographs.) Knife Rights has donated Lady Liberty’s Steel™ … Continued... Read More

Indiana Knife Law Preemption Bill Introduced

. Legislative Updates

Feb 25, 2015: Indiana Representative Peggy Mayfield has introduced Knife Rights’ Knife Law Preemption bill, HB 1635. The bill has been assigned to the House Committee on Public Policy where the Committee Chairman, Rep. Thomas Dermody (R-20), has indicated that he is not been inclined to hear the bill. Your help is needed to convince the Chairman to hear the bill. If you live, … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Nevada Knife Law Reform Bill Signed Governor

. Legislative Updates

June 2, 2015: Knife Rights' Nevada Knife Law Reform Bill, SB 176, was signed by Governor Sandoval on June 1st. This act repeals existing bans on switchblade knives (longer than 2-inches), dirks, daggers and belt buckle knives and becomes effective on July 1, 2015. Unfortunately, because preemption was dropped from the bill, citizens and travelers will still have to be wary of local regulations more restrictive than the new state law. Nevada is the tenth state, the third this year, where Knife Rights has repealed knife bans. Knife Rights would like to express our sincere appreciation to our bill sponsor, Nevada State Senator James Settelmeyer, who guided this bill through a difficult legislative process.... Read More

Mississippi Knife Law Preemption Bill Introduced

. Legislative Updates

Jan. 30, 2015: Mississippi Representative Herb Frierson this week introduced Knife Rights’ Knife Law Preemption bill, House Bill 552. Knife Rights has been working to pass Knife Law Preemption in Mississippi since Rep. John Moore introduced our bill last year. We are very pleased to be working with Rep. Frierson this year to rid the state of its patchwork of local laws more strict than state law. … Continued... Read More

Maryland Ivory Ban Bill Defeated

. Legislative Updates

March 16, 2015: The Maryland House Judiciary Committee has voted to give an unfavorable report on HB 713, a draconian bill that would have banned the sale or purchase of any ivory, including mammoth ivory, in the state. The unfavorable report came after an alliance of organizations opposed to the bill, including Knife Rights, helped make it clear to the committee members that it was terribly problematic for honest, law-abiding Marylanders, stealing millions in value from them, and that it would not save a single living elephant in Africa. We would especially like to thank David, an 8-year-old student and avid fossil collector, for testifying in opposition to HB 713, showing off parts of his impressive collection of shark's teeth and mammoth ivory fossils that would be rendered valueless by this ill-considered bill, which would have also prevent him from continuing to collect many of the fossils he prizes most. When we are allowed the opportunity to explain the facts involved and the reality of the illicit trade in elephant ivory, in which Americans have virtually no involvement whatsoever, we have a good chance of changing the minds of those who have been mislead by emotionally charged, politically and financially motivated efforts to ban legal elephant ivory that's been in the country for decades and mammoth ivory that's 10,000 years old. The bright light of the truth and facts can carry the day given half a chance. Like all Americans, we find the poaching of African elephants appalling and reprehensible. Unfortunately, instead of going after poachers, smugglers and traders of illicit ivory, Ivory Ban bills only attack innocent Americans without any likelihood of having an impact on the poaching problem.... Read More

Model Ivory Ban Letter to Maryland Legislators

. Legislative Updates

Subject: OPPOSE HB 713 Dear Delegate _________________________, I am writing to respectfully request that you please OPPOSE HB 713, the Ivory Ban Bill just introduced. I, like all Americans, find the out-of-control poaching of African elephants appalling. Unfortunately, instead of going after poachers, smugglers and traders of illicit ivory, this bill only attacks innocent Washingtonians by passing an absurd Ivory Ban that will not save a single living elephant. … Continued... Read More

Zeeland, MI, Cops Misleading Students About Knife Law?

. Legislative Updates

There was once a time in America when just about every kid attending school carried a pocket knife. Few kids would be caught without one. Times have changed and most schools have strict "zero tolerance" (zero common sense) policies on knives. It now appears that in at least one instance, a Zeeland, Michigan, police officer presenting a class in school may actually be misinforming students about knife law.   Knife Rights was recently alerted to a school in Zeeland, Michigan, that may have intentionally misled its students about the knife laws in Michigan. What is worse is that it appears to be the result of a program run by the Michigan State Police that does not require the use of a standardized lesson plans and study sheets, which means that this may just be one instance of a wider problem in Michigan schools. Did the Zeeland cop mislead students? Is this Michigan State Police program inherently flawed because it allows individual police officers to make up their own curriculum with no controls? Click on "Read More >>>>" below for the rest of the story.... Read More

Knife Rights’ Kentucky Knife Law Preemption Bill Introduced – CALL & WRITE TODAY!

. Legislative Updates

Kentucky State Senator Robin Webb has introduced Knife Rights' Knife Law Preemption bill, SB 146. SB 146 would repeal all existing local knife regulations and prohibit any future knife regulations, making state knife law supreme over the entire state. It also specifically provides that parties may sue to enjoin any violations of the new preemption law and be awarded reasonable attorney's fees and costs. If you live, work or travel in Kentucky, please contact your state Senator or the Senator where you work or travel and ask them to please support SB 146. CLICK HERE to find your Kentucky Senator.... Read More

Knife Rights’ Vermont Knife Law Preemption Bill Introduced – CALL & WRITE TODAY!

. Legislative Updates

Feb. 10, 2015: Vermont State Representative Patrick Brennan,Co-Chairman of the Vermont Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus, has introduced a Knife Rights requested bill H.165 that would enact Knife Law Preemption in Vermont. H.165 has been assigned to the House Committee on Fish, Wildlife and Water Resources. If you live, work or travel in Vermont, please contact your Representative AND the Committee Members and ask them to support H.165. Click the link to locate your Legislator and/or the Legislator who represents where you work or travel: Click "Read More >>>>" below for the contacts of the Committee Members. Vermont already has pretty reasonable knife laws, but preemption prevents a patchwork of local ordinances more restrictive than state law which only serve to confuse or entrap law-abiding citizens traveling within or through the state. Preemption ensures citizens can expect consistent enforcement of state knife laws everywhere in a state. Knife Rights passed the nation's first Knife Law Preemption bill in Arizona in 2010 and has since passed preemption bills in Alaska, Georgia, Kansas, New Hampshire, Tennessee and Utah.... Read More

African Elephant Conservation and Legal Ivory Possession Act of 2015 – CALL & WRITE TODAY!

. Legislative Updates

July 16, 2015: Senators Steve Daines (MT) and Lamar Alexander (TN) have introduced S. 1769, the African Elephant Conservation and Legal Ivory Possession Act of 2015. This is companion legislation to HR 697 in the House of Representatives. These bills would end the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's unilateral moratorium on the trade in lawfully owned ivory, including ivory handled knives. It also strengthens measures to stop elephant poaching in Africa and punishes countries that smuggle illicit ivory. Please CALL or EMAIL your Representative and Senators and ask them to Co-Sponsor the African Elephant Conservation and Legal Ivory Possession Act of 2015 (H.R. 697 or S.1769, respectively) to protect both elephants and Americans. You can find your U.S. legislators and send them all an email here: This bill is carefully tailored to allow the Administration to combat African elephant poaching and criminal organizations that sell illicit ivory in China. The bill protects innocent Americans who have complied with existing import prohibitions on ivory and the large stocks of ivory that have been in the United States for over 25 years. It protects the owners of knives, firearms, musical instruments, canes and a multitude of other items that include this decades-old legal ivory. For additional details, click on Read More >>>>... Read More

Illinois Bill Would Allow Switchblades with CCW License – CALL or WRITE TODAY!

. Legislative Updates

February 5, 2015: Illinois State Senator Tim Bevins has introduced legislation, SB 711, that would legalize switchblade (automatic) knives for anyone who holds an Illinois concealed carry license, as well as for peace officers. It includes legalization to manufacture and sell to these individuals. Given the long-standing prohibitionist environment in Illinois where weapons bans have been the legislature’s solution to every crime problem, … Continued... Read More

Rewriting Knife Law In America™ – Knife Rights 2016 Legislative Agenda

. Legislative Updates

Federal: Knife Rights’ Knife Owners’ Protection Act Re-Introduced – CALL/WRITE TODAY! Federal: African Elephant Conservation and Legal Ivory Possession Act Re-Introduced – CALL/WRITE TODAY! Georgia: Knife Law Reform Illinois: Switchblade Ban Repeal – Passed Senate – in House Kentucky: Knife Ban Repeal & Preemption Louisiana: Switchblade w/ CCW Maryland: Knife Law Preemption Maryland: Knife Ban on College Campuses – “Knives” … Continued... Read More

Texas Knife Law Preemption Bill NEEDS YOUR HELP NOW!

. Legislative Updates

May 15, 2015: Knife Rights' Texas Knife Law Preemption bill, HB 905, that would rid Texas of its patchwork of local knife laws more strict than state law, has been assigned to the Senate Committee on Criminal Justice. Time is short and we need your help to get this bill heard and passed out of this committee. If you live, work or travel in Texas, we need you to ask Chairman Whitmire to hear HB 905 as soon as possible and we need you to also CALL and WRITE the committee members and politely ask them to support HB 905. Click on "Read More >>>>" below for a list of committee members with contacts.... Read More

Switchblade (Automatic) Knives Now Legal in Maine

. Legislative Updates

October 15, 2015: Maine' LD 264, "An Act To Restore the Right To Possess Certain Knives That Are Used by Many Citizens as Tools," repealing the state's ban on switchblade (automatic) knives is now in effect. Maine is the ninth state to allow switchblades since Knife Rights started it Sharper Future™ campaign six years ago. Automatic knives are now legal for civilians without restriction in 28 states, and legal with various restrictions in 10 more. Nine of those 28 states have been added by Knife Rights since 2010. Knife Rights passed the nation's first repeal of a automatic knife ban in 2010 in New Hampshire and has since passed repeal of automatic knife bans (and repealed other knife restrictions) in Alaska, Indiana, Kansas, Maine, Missouri, Nevada, Tennessee and Texas. In Oklahoma,this year Knife Rights' legalized concealed carry of an switchblade (automatic) knife which goes into effect on November 1st.... Read More

Ivory Ban Bill Defeated in VA – WA Hearings Report: Call & Write TODAY!

. Legislative Updates

Jan. 30, 2015: The Virginia Senate Committee for Courts of Justice voted 13-0 to strike the recently introduced Ivory Ban bill, SB 1215, at the request of sponsor Senator Adam Ebbin (D-30). Ebbin made the request after an alliance of organizations opposed to the bill, including Knife Rights, helped make it clear to the committee members that it was terribly problematic for honest, law-abiding Virginians, stealing millions in value from them, and that it would not save a single living elephant in Africa. Earlier this week Knife Rights' Director of Legislative Affairs, Todd Rathner, was in Olympia, Washington, to testify at hearings on two draconian Ivory Ban bills, House Bill 1131 and Senate Bill 5241. Both hearings were well attended and numerous individuals and organizations were present from our side to oppose the bills. Nothing in either bill would save a single living elephant, but both would do serious harm to honest, law-abiding Americans. We were encouraged by the questions and reactions of the committee members and hope that their obvious skepticism will lead to major changes in the text of the bills or their outright defeat. Please contact the members of both committees and politely urge them to oppose House Bill 1131 and Senate Bill 5241. Click here for contact information for bill sponsors, members of both committees and a model letter.... Read More

Knife Rights’ Oklahoma Knife Law Preemption and Switchblade Carry Bills Take Effect Today!

. Legislative Updates

November 1, 2015: Knife Rights' Oklahoma Knife Law Preemption bill, HB 1460, takes effect today. Combined with Knife Rights' Oklahoma Switchblade Carry Ban Repeal bill, HB 1911, that also takes effect today, preemption ensures that switchblade (automatic) knife carriers will not have to deal with local restrictions on automatics and that possession of all knives will be legal throughout the state. Knife Law Preemption repeals and prevents local ordinances more restrictive than state law which only serve to confuse or entrap law-abiding citizens traveling within or through the state. Preemption ensures citizens can expect consistent enforcement of state knife laws everywhere in a state. Daggers, Bowie knives and dirks are still prohibited from general carry in Oklahoma. Knife Rights still has some clean-up work to do in Oklahoma, but enactment of these two bills this year is a huge step forward for Oklahomans.... Read More

Washington Ivory Ban Hearings Contact List

. Legislative Updates

Click here for a model letter opposing HB 1131 and SB 5241 Toll-Free Legislative Hotline:1-800-562-6000 Senate Natural Resources and Parks Committee: Senator Kirk Pearson, Chair (R-39)Email(360) 786-7676 Senator Brian Dansel (R-7), Vice ChairEmail(360) 786-7612 Senator Brian Hatfield (D-19)Email(360) 786-7636 Senator Maralyn Chase (D-32)Email(360) 786-7662 Senator Mike Hewitt (R-16)Email(360) 786-7630 Senator Rosemary McAuliffe (D-1)Email(360) 786-7600 Senator Judy Warnick (R-13)Email(360) 786-7624 Sponsors of SB 5241 Email Senator Joe Fain Email Senator Jamie Pedersen Email Senator Brian Hatfield Email Senator Steve Litzow Email Senator Christine Rolfes Email Senator Carolyn Schaefer House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee: Representative Brian Blake, … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Knife Owners’ Protection Act Introduced in U.S. House

. Legislative Updates

Jan. 21, 2015: Knife Rights' Knife Owners' Protection Act, H.R.419 (KOPA), has been re-introduced for the new session of Congress in the U.S. House of Representatives by sponsor Rep. Matt Salmon (R-AZ). Knife Rights Chairman Doug Ritter explained, "KOPA will protect law-abiding knife owners traveling throughout the U.S. from the vagaries of restrictive state and local laws. As long as possession of the particular knife is legal in the state where the journey starts and ends, and provided the knife is secured in accordance with KOPA, a knife owner would no longer be threatened with arrest simply for traveling from one place to another." KOPA is the first proactive pro-knife federal legislation introduced in the nation's history. TAKE ACTION TODAY! Getting this bill introduced is only the first step. We need your help to gain additional co-sponsors. Please call or email your Representative TODAY and urge them to co-sponsor this commonsense legislation. You can find your Representative at: Or, you can use the Open Congress website at: Here's a model email that you can use. We strongly suggest you keep it simple and to the point: I support H.R.419, the Knife Owners' Protection Act of 2015. I urge you to become a co-sponsor of this commonsense legislation that will protect my rights and the rights of all knife owners to travel throughout the U.S. without fear of prosecution under the myriad of state and local knife laws. For complete details, click on "Read More>>>>" below.... Read More

Anti-Ivory Groups Take Aim at WA, IA & CA (Mammoth Ivory Included) + Fed Update

. Legislative Updates

Anti-Ivory forces are hard at work trying to enact more draconian state Ivory Bans. With the success we have had to date slowing down the publication of a Federal Ivory Ban (see below) and with at least the possibility we may get something done in Congress to stop the Feds completely, Clintons, HSUS, et al, have turned to the states. They passed draconian Ivory Bans in NY and NJ last year (which also included Mammoth Ivory - something the Feds aren't touching). Bill have already filed this year in Washington, Iowa and California (For full details, click on "Read More>>>>" below).... Read More

Model Ivory Ban Letter to Iowa Legislators

. Legislative Updates

Subject: OPPOSE Senate File 30 Dear Senator _____________, I am writing to respectfully request that you please OPPOSE Senate File 30, the Ivory Ban Bill just introduced. I, like all Americans, find the out-of-control poaching of African elephants appalling. Unfortunately, instead of going after poachers, smugglers and traders of illicit ivory, Senate File 30 only attacks innocent Iowans by passing an absurd Ivory Ban that will not save a single living elephant. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ South Carolina Preemption Bill Passes House 88-0! Now on to Senate

. Legislative Updates

March 31, 2015: Knife Rights' South Carolina Knife Law Preemption bill, H.3115, has passed the SC House by a vote of 88-0! It now moves to the Senate. South Carolina already has pretty reasonable knife laws, but preemption prevents a patchwork of local ordinances more restrictive than state law which only serve to confuse or entrap law-abiding citizens traveling within or through the state. Preemption ensures citizens can expect consistent enforcement of state knife laws everywhere in a state. Knife Rights passed the nation's first Knife Law Preemption bill in Arizona in 2010 and has since passed preemption bills in Alaska, Georgia, Kansas, New Hampshire, Tennessee and Utah . If you live, work or travel in South Carolina, please contact your Senator and ask them to support H.3115. Click here to locate your Senator and/or the Senator who represents where you work or travel.... Read More

Busy Week in New York Battleground for Knife Rights

. Legislative Updates

This week Knife Rights was busy fighting New York City’s persecution of knife owners on two fronts. Oral argument in the appeal of Knife Rights’ Federal Civil Rights case against New York City and District Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr., which was dismissed on standing grounds, was held on January 13 in New York City. At the same time, Knife Rights was working with Manhattan Assemblyman Dan Quart to introduce legislation that could go a long way towards addressing the problem in New York City. … Continued... Read More

New York Gravity Knife and Switchblade Reform Bill Passes Senate – Next to Governor

. Legislative Updates

June 15, 2016: Knife Rights' Gravity Knife and Switchblade Reform Bill, S6483-A/A9042-A, passed the New York Senate today on a unanimous vote of 61-0. Knife Rights' Director of Legislative affairs, Todd Rathner, has spent many weeks on the ground in Albany this session working closely with our friends there to shepherd this bill through politically treacherous territory. All that extraordinary personal attention has paid off with this unanimous vote. The Assembly previously passed this bill 99-12. However, it is not over yet. S6483-A/A9042-A still needs to be signed by Governor Andrew Cuomo. The Governor will not officially receive the bill for his consideration until it is transmitted. Transmission of the bill could take a few weeks, so please be patient with the process. When the time is ripe, we'll ask for your help, but until then there's no benefit to contacting the Governor about this bill. Knife Rights would like to thank the following people who played a key role in helping to get this legislation through the legislature. Assembly Member Dan Quart (D) our primary sponsor in the Assembly, Senator Diane Savino (D) our primary sponsor in the Senate, Senator Michael Nozzolio (R) who made passing this bill a priority this session and Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan (R) whose staff worked closely with us to get the bill to the floor for a final vote. Knife Rights would also like to acknowledge the invaluable assistance and support of The Legal Aid Society of New York, as well as the many other organizations that supported this bill. We'd also like to thank all of you who called or emailed Leader Flannigan asking for a vote on this bill. Your calls and emails make a difference.... Read More

Model Ivory Ban Letter to Washington State Legislators

. Legislative Updates

Subject: OPPOSE [SB 5231 or HB 1131 – as appropriate] Dear [Senator or Representative – as appropriate]_________________________, I am writing to respectfully request that you please OPPOSE [SB 5231 or HB 1131], the Ivory Ban Bill just introduced. I, like all Americans, find the out-of-control poaching of African elephants appalling. Unfortunately, instead of going after poachers, smugglers and traders of illicit ivory, this bill only attacks innocent Washingtonians by passing an absurd Ivory Ban that will not save a single living elephant. … Continued... Read More

The FORCE is with Knife Rights! An Extraordinary Record of Success!

. Legislative Updates

December 29, 2014: With 2014 fading away, we look forward to the new year with great anticipation. In the waning months of this year we’ve been working hard getting ready for the 2015 legislative session. The coming weeks and months will see a record number of Knife Rights bills filed, building on the momentum we have achieved in the past six years. Knife Rights’ … Continued... Read More

The FORCE is With Knife Rights! Continuing to Forge a Sharper Future™ in 2015

. Legislative Updates

December 29, 2014: With 2014 fading away, we look forward to the new year with great anticipation. In the waning months of this year we’ve been working hard getting ready for the 2015 legislative session. The coming weeks and months will see a record number of Knife Rights bills filed, building on the momentum we have achieved in the past six years. Knife Rights’ … Continued... Read More