Vermont Switchblade Ban Repeal Passed by Senate

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Knife Rights’ Vermont Switchblade Ban Repeal bill has been incorporated into the Committee on Judiciary’s “Court procedure; criminal procedure; miscellaneous amendments” bill, S 109, which has now passed the Senate. This committee bill now moves to the House for action.  We sincerely appreciate the efforts of longtime Knife Rights friend Senator Patrick Brennan who we have supported for over a decade as he has worked to repeal the state’s ban on switchblade (automatic knives) knives three inches or more in length. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights Idaho Debanking Protection Bill to Governor!

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Knife Rights’ first in the nation bill to prevent banks from discriminating against persons and companies involved in “the manufacture, distribution, wholesale, supply, or retail of…knives,” SB 1027, has passed and is off to Governor Brad Little. Knife Rights is taking the lead in protecting the knife industry from the adverse effects of anti-knife sentiment that unfortunately exists among some banks in this country. We sincerely appreciate the efforts of our good friend Senator Carl Bjerke to amend the Transparency in Financial Services Act  to include knives at Knife Rights’ … Continued... Read More

NC Concealed Carry Ban Repeal Bill Filed

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North Carolina HB 439 has been filed by Knife Rights’ good friend Rep. Keith Kidwell. This bill would clarify the state’s previously vague statute so that a folding knife that is not a switchblade and is under 6″ in blade length may be carried concealed by anyone including those under age 18. It would also allow adults who are not prohibited persons to carry concealed a “bowie [SIC] knife, a dirk, … Continued... Read More

Washington “Spring Blade” Ban Repeal Passes Senate!

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Knife Rights Director of Legislative Affairs, Todd Rathner, was in Olympia, Washington, on Wednesday to lobby for SB 5534, the the bipartisan “Spring Blade” Ban Repeal bill, which went on to pass the Senate by a vote of 46-2. It’s now off to the House. SB 5534 would repeal the ban on sales and civilian possession of “spring blade” (automatic) knives, as well as specifically exclude them from the definition of “dangerous weapon.” We sincerely appreciate the efforts by our bipartisan bill sponsors, … Continued... Read More

Arkansas Knife Law Preemption Signed!

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After over a decade of Knife Rights’ efforts, Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders signed HB 1418 that enacts Knife Rights’ signature Knife Law Preemption in the state, becoming Act 161. The bill adds “Knives” and “Knife-making components” to the state’s existing Firearms Law Preemption statute. The new law is effective 91 days after the session ends, scheduled for April 11, but the session can be extended. Knife Law Preemption is a Knife Rights’ criminal justice reform effort that repeals and prevents local ordinances more restrictive than state law which only serve to confuse or entrap law-abiding citizens traveling within or through the state. … Continued... Read More

Put Up or Shut Up! FTC Invites Comment on Social Media Censorship

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The single most common questions and complaints I get revolve around social media censorship. Under newly appointed Chairman Andrew N. Ferguson, the Federal Trade Commission just issued a “Request for Public Comment Regarding Technology Platform Censorship.”  Friends, it’s time to put up or shut up! Here is your chance to make a difference and tell your story. You are being given the opportunity we have all been asking for. … Continued... Read More

Arkansas Knife Law Preemption Passes – To Gov.

. Legislative Updates

The Arkansas Senate passed HB 1418 that would enact Knife Rights’ signature Knife Law Preemption in the state by a vote of 28-1. The bill adds “Knives” and “Knife-making components” to the state’s existing Firearms Law Preemption statute. This bill already passed the House. Congratulations and our thanks to Rep. Joey Carr and Sen. Terry Rice for their support and successful sponsorship of this important bill.  Thanks to all who used our Legislative Action center to hep move this bill forward. … Continued... Read More

Draconian Hawaii Knife Ban Bill Stopped!

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That draconian Hawaii Knife Ban bill, SB 433, has been stopped, failing to receive a hearing by deadline! Knife Rights Director of Legislative Affairs, Todd Rathner, flew to Hawaii and lobbied at the Capitol, explaining to Senators just how badly this proposed bill would impact ordinary Hawaiians. SB 433 would have absolutely banned carry, open or concealed, of most knives, and all knives in many public places in Hawaii! We are very appreciative of the support we received from a number of our good friends in Hawaii. … Continued... Read More

Vermont Switchblade Ban Repeal Bill Introduced

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Longtime Knife Rights friend Vermont Senator Patrick Brennan has filed SB 61 that would repeal the state’s ban on switchblade knives three inches or more in length. Switchblades (automatic knives) with a blade three inches or more in length are the only knives specifically outlawed in Vermont. Vermont has Constitutional (Permitless) Carry so, you can carry any legal firearm open or concealed and you can carry any knife open or concealed except a switchblade with a blade 3 inches or longer. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights Takes Lead Protecting Knives from Debanking!

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We are pleased to once again take the lead in protecting the knife industry from the adverse effects of anti-knife sentiment that unfortunately still exists among some in this country. Idaho SB 1027, a bill to enact the Transparency in Financial Services Act, was amended to add “knives” at Knife Rights’ request by our good friend Senator Carl Bjerke. Sen. Bjerke was the sponsor of our Idaho Knife Law Preemption bill that was enacted last year.  … Continued... Read More

Washington “Spring Blade” Ban Repeal Passes Committee

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This week Knife Rights Director of Legislative Affairs, Todd Rathner, spent a good deal of time in airports, airliners and hotels traveling to two committee hearings in Washington and then Arkansas just days apart. Our record of 50 bills enacted in 31 states is testament to the effectiveness of showing up at the state houses and doing the work on the ground, despite the high cost of travel. Your continued support is what allows us to get this done. … Continued... Read More

Arkansas Knife Law Preemption Passes House

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This week Knife Rights Director of Legislative Affairs, Todd Rathner, spent a good deal of time in airports, airliners and hotels traveling to two committee hearings and sessions in Washington and then Arkansas just days apart. Our record of 50 bills enacted in 31 states is testament to the effectiveness of showing up at the state houses and doing the work on the ground, despite the high cost of travel. Your continued support is what allows us to get this done. … Continued... Read More

Trump Issues Executive Order “Protecting Second Amendment Rights”

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On Friday, February 7, President Trump issued an extraordinary Executive Order “Protecting Second Amendment Rights.” While the EO is focused on firearms, as we often have to remind folks, the Second Amendment doesn’t say “firearms,” it simply says “arms,” and that includes knives. The EO’s Plan of Action encompasses efforts that may be directly applicable to Knife Rights’ specific interests: Sec. 2. Plan of Action. (a) Within 30 days of the date of this order, … Continued... Read More

ACTION ALERT! Arkansas Preemption Bill Hearing – EMAIL TODAY!

. Legislative Updates

Arkansas HB1418, a bill that would enact Knife Rights’ signature Knife Law Preemption, is up for a hearing on February 12th before the House Committee on City, County & Local Affairs. The bill adds “Knives” and “Knife-making components” to the state’s existing Firearms Law Preemption statute. Knife Law Preemption is a Knife Rights’ criminal justice reform effort that repeals and prevents local ordinances more restrictive than state law which only serve to confuse or entrap law-abiding citizens traveling within or through the state. … Continued... Read More

ACTION ALERT: WA “Spring Blade” Ban Repeal Hearing

. Legislative Updates

A bipartisan “Spring Blade” Ban Repeal bill, SB 5534, has again been introduced in Washington, this year by Senators Phil Fortunato and T’wina Nobles. HB 1224 would repeal the ban on sales and civilian possession of “spring blade” knives, as well as specifically exclude them from the definition of “dangerous weapon.” In 2012 we helped change the law to allow civilian possession and carry of assisted-opening knives and the manufacture and distribution of automatic knives and expanded possession and carry to first responders and military members. … Continued... Read More

Arkansas Knife Law Preemption Bill Introduced

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Arkansas Representative Joey Carr and Senator Terry Rice have introduced HB1418, a bill that would enact Knife Rights’ signature Knife Law Preemption in the state. This comes after many years of behind the scenes work by Knife Rights and our friends in the Arkansas legislature. The bill adds “Knives” and “Knife-making components” to the state’s existing Firearms Law Preemption statute. Knife Law Preemption is a Knife Rights’ criminal justice reform effort that repeals and prevents local ordinances more restrictive than state law which only serve to confuse or entrap law-abiding citizens traveling within or through the state. … Continued... Read More

Appeal Filed Re: Absurd Court Decision on Switchblades in CA

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Plaintiffs in our lawsuit challenging California’s ban on switchblade (automatic) knives with a blade 2-inches and greater on Second Amendment grounds have filed their Opening Brief on appeal with the infamously anti-2A United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. As we saw recently in Teter, the Hawaii Butterfly Knife case, that doesn’t necessarily mean we get a final victory in the Ninth Circuit, … Continued... Read More

Opposition/Reply Brief Filed in Federal Switchblade Act Lawsuit

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Plaintiffs in Knife Rights’ federal lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of portions of the Federal Switchblade Act under the Second Amendment have filed their Response to the DOJ’s Motion to Dismiss and their Reply in Further Support of Plaintiffs’ Motion for Summary Judgment. The very short version is that at the same time that the Department of Justice continues its claim that none of the Plaintiffs are under any threat of prosecution, … Continued... Read More

Extreme Hawaii Knife Ban Bill Filed!

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Only months after celebrating the repeal of Hawaii’s bans on butterfly, switchblade and gravity knives, and more, legislators have filed a bill, SB 433, that would absolutely ban carry, open or concealed, of most knives, and all knives in many public places in Hawaii! The proposed bans are unquestionably unconstitutional under the Bruen Second Amendment precedent, but the Ninth Circuit just gave another middle finger to the Supreme Court’s guidance. … Continued... Read More

En Banc 9th Circuit Vacates Hawaii 2A Bali Win!

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Even when you win a Second Amendment case decisively in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, you may lose in court in the end, having won a battle, but not the war. Which is annoying as all get out, but we’ll take our wins as best we can, even as the war continues (see above). As you will recall, in the case of Teter v. Lopez, the three-judge appeals court panel gave us a decisive and masterfully written Second Amendment win that declared butterfly knives to be arms protected by the Second Amendment and voiding Hawaii’s ban. … Continued... Read More

Celebrating 50 Bills in 31 States in 16 Years!

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With the signing of the Ohio Preemption Enhancement bill last week, Knife Rights reached a significant milestone: 50 bills enacted in 31 states in just 16 years! Knife Rights is fundamentally reshaping the legal landscape for knife owners across America. From repealing and preventing knife bans to passing and strengthening Knife Rights’ signature Knife Law Preemption, we are proud to lead the charge for freedom and the rights of knife owners nationwide. … Continued... Read More

DOJ Responds in Knife Rights’ Federal Switchblade Act Lawsuit

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The Department of Justice has filed its Reply Brief and Motion to Dismiss in Knife Rights’ federal lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of portions of the Federal Switchblade Act under the Second Amendment. The bottom line; it doesn’t look a whole lot different than the first time around, despite Plaintiffs addressing all the issues raised and the Court’s ridiculous dismissal rationale. Beyond the same old claim that Plaintiffs have no standing because the Act is not enforced, … Continued... Read More

Missouri Knuckles Ban Repeal Bill Introduced

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Missouri Representative Bryant Wolfin has introduced Knife Rights supported HB 446 which would repeal the state’s ban on “knuckles,” including Trench Knives, karambits and similar knives that have a ringed handle. Although knuckles ban repeal bills and the like are not core knife bills, they do affect many knife owners and a segment of the knife community that we care about. Given the opportunity to repeal these bans, we’ll gladly support the effort, … Continued... Read More

Ohio Governor Signs Enhancement to Preemption Statute

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Knife Rights supported Ohio SB 58, which enhances the protections provided by the state’s preemption statute, was signed into law by Governor Mike DeWine last Wednesday. The revised statute, while primarily enhancing firearms law preemption, also included knives at Knife Rights’ request. It prohibits jurisdictions from requiring a fee for the possession of a knife. Knife Rights’ Director of Legislative Affairs,Todd Rathner, has been working with primary bill sponsors Senator Terry Johnson and Theresa Gavarone since 2023 to assure this bill protected you and your knives. … Continued... Read More

Arkansas Knife Law Preemption 2025

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After a many years of behind the scenes work by Knife Rights’ Director of Legislative Affairs, Todd Rathner, and our friends in the Arkansas legislature, preliminary steps have been taken to enact Knife Rights’ signature Knife Law Preemption in Arkansas. These steps are a prelude to getting the bill introduced in the 2025 legislative session in Arkansas. Knife Rights would like to thank Representatives Jeff Wardlaw and Joey Carr, and Senator Ben Gilmore for their efforts to enact Knife Law Preemption so Arkansas can join the other 16 states in which we have done so. … Continued... Read More

Celebrating a Sharper Future: 2024 Year-End Review

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As you can see below, this year has been extremely successful for Knife Rights because of your support. Without it, we can’t accomplish anything. With it, we’ve gotten more done this year than any prior election year. Thank you for being part of this success. We are set up to have a banner year in 2025, but we need your continued generous donations so we can get out there and work our tails off for you. … Continued... Read More

Motion for Summary Judgement Filed in Federal Switchblade Act Lawsuit

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Knife Rights and its fellow plaintiffs have filed their Motion for Summary Judgement in their federal lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of portions of the Federal Switchblade Act (Title 15 Chapter 29 §1241) under the Second Amendment. The Plaintiffs have requested that the Court issue an order finding the Federal Switchblade Act is unconstitutional and that the challenged aspects of the law involving restrictions on interstate commerce and on Native American reservations, … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Knife Owners’ Protection Act Reintroduced

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Originally conceived and authored by Knife Rights in 2010 and introduced in 2013 as the first proactive pro-knife federal legislation in the nation’s history, Knife Rights’ Knife Owners’ Protection Act of 2024, H.R. 10178 and S. 5358. (KOPA), was introduced today by Representative. Andy Biggs and Senator Mike Lee. KOPA would protect law-abiding knife owners traveling throughout the U.S. from the vagaries of restrictive state and local laws. … Continued... Read More

SCOTUS Chops Maryland’s Requested Extension in Key 2A Case

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Maryland was initially granted a 30-day extension to respond to the Petition for Writ of Certiorari to the Supreme Court in the case of Snope v Brown in which Knife Rights has filed an Amicus Curiae (Friend of the Court) Brief in support of petition. As reviewed below, this is a critical Second Amendment case. When Maryland sought an additional 30-day extension, SCOTUS denied them the full 30 days, … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights Sues, AGAIN, to End Unconstitutional Federal Switchblade Act

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Knife Rights has filed a new federal lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of portions of the Federal Switchblade Act (Title 15 Chapter 29 §1241). Knife Rights’ original lawsuit was dismissed on absurd standing grounds back in June. As the deadline for filing for reconsideration or an appeal approached, we decided that it would be better to go with a fresh lawsuit. That decision was based an effort to, hopefully, minimize the total litigation time, … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights Sues Minnesota over Unconstitutional Switchblade Ban

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Knife Rights has filed a federal lawsuit challenging Minnesota’s complete ban on switchblades (automatically opening knives). Despite the Supreme Court’s binding Second Amendment precedent, the State of Minnesota virtually completely prohibits the manufacture, transfer and possession of common automatically opening knives.  The sole exception to this ban is for possession “by museums or collectors of art or for other lawful purposes of public exhibition.” The State’s ban denies individuals who reside in or visit Minnesota their fundamental, … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights at FREE Gun Rights Policy Conference – San Diego 9/27-29th FREE Livestreaming!

. News

We are looking forward to seeing our friends at the Gun Rights Policy Conference in San Diego, California, September 27th through September 29th. ATTENDANCE is FREE! The event is brought to you by The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and Second Amendment Foundation. Stop by our table to say “hi” and get a chance to win one of three automatically opening knives (switchblades) generously donated by Benchmade, … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights Files Amicus Brief to U.S. Supreme Court

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Knife Rights has filed an Amicus Curiae (Friend of the Court) Brief in support of the Petition for Writ of Certiorari to the Supreme Court in the case of Snope v Brown (formerly Bianchi v. Frosh). The petition seeks review of the en banc Fourth Circuit’s incredibly flawed decision that so-called “assault weapons” are not “arms” protected by the Second Amendment despite being owned by millions of Americans and being the most popular rifle in the U.S. … Continued... Read More

Social Media vs. Knives

. News

One of the most common questions I get is, “can’t you do something about Meta/Facebook/Instagram?” The unfortunate answer is, “no.”  The knife community is hardly the only one impacted by the social media giant’s oppressive and self-righteous censorship. Nobody hates these woke busybodies more than do I.  Along with many in the knife community and the Second Amendment advocacy community, we are shadow- banned to the point where I often wonder why I even bother posting on Facebook or Instagram.  … Continued... Read More

Harris vs Trump vs Your Knife Rights

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Germany’s Interior Minister recently announced that she wants to ban carry of knives 6cm/2.34 in. and longer. That would ban the traditional Swiss Army Knife, so I expect their Swiss neighbors have already been in touch. However, if she changes her proposal to accommodate the SAK’s 62.5mm/2.46 in. blade, they’ll likely be mollified. Oh joy, another 2.5 mm longer…  And, earlier this year Victorinox CEO Carl Elsener commented on the likelihood of more knifeless Swiss Army multi-tools joining their existing TSA-legal Jetsetter knifeless model. … Continued... Read More

Notice of Appeal Filed in CA Switchblade Ban Case

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Plaintiffs in our lawsuit challenging California’s ban on switchblade (automatic) knives with a blade 2-inches and greater on Second Amendment grounds have filed a Notice of Appeal of the Court’s terribly flawed decision against us. This is the first procedural step in the process of appealing that decision. It was always inevitable that this case was going up to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. … Continued... Read More

Two Great Articles About the Recent 2A Knife Court Rulings

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The recent diametrically opposed decisions in Second Amendment cases involving switchblades continues to generate interest. Below please find two articles, one by a leading 2A journalist and the other by an exceptional 2A scholar. The first article published on Ammoland is by Dean Weingarten who provides a layman’s explanation of the decisions and a warning for us all. Two Courts Disagree on Knives Under the Second Amendment The second article published on The Volokh Conspiracy is by noted constitutional law scholar David Kopel. … Continued... Read More

HUGE Switchblade Second Amendment Win in Massachusetts!

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Never say never! In a criminal case involving illegal carry of a switchblade, Commonwealth v. Canjura, that challenged the constitutionality under the Second Amendment of Massachusetts’ ban on carry of a switchblade (with a blade over 1.5 inches), the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court has struck down the state’s ban! Click here to read the Court’s decision. NOTE: Carry of a stiletto, dagger, dirk knife or any knife having a double-edged blade, … Continued... Read More

Court in California Hands Down Decision for National Knife Day!

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Yesterday afternoon I had my National Knife Day post ready to go when the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California issued its decision in our lawsuit challenging California’s ban on switchblade (automatic) knives with a blade 2-inches and greater on Second Amendment grounds. We’re celebrating the freedom most of us in America enjoy to possess and carry whatever knife we want and the Court decides to issue a decision in an important knife related Second Amendment case challenging a ban on knives. … Continued... Read More

2nd Notice of Supplemental Authority Filed in California Switchblade Case

. Legislative Updates

The recent pro-Second Amendment decision by a panel of the Eighth Circuit in Worth v. Jacobson bears on our lawsuit challenging California’s ban on switchblade (automatic) knives with a blade 2-inches and greater on Second Amendment grounds. Plaintiffs have filed a second Notice of Supplemental Authority with the District Court hearing the case. As with our first Notice of Supplemental Authority, this one deals with the key issue raised by the State, … Continued... Read More

Idaho Knife Rights Preemption Bill Takes Effect

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Knife Rights’ bill that enacts our signature Knife Law Preemption, H0620, takes effect today, July 1st. Preemption eliminates local ordinances more restrictive than state law which only serve to confuse or entrap law-abiding citizens traveling within or through the state. Preemption ensures citizens can expect consistent enforcement of state knife laws everywhere within a state. Knife Rights passed the nation’s first Knife Law Preemption bill in Arizona in 2010 and has since passed preemption bills in Alaska, … Continued... Read More

Federal Switchblade Act Lawsuit Update

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With the deadline for filing motions approaching, we are moving forward on Knife Rights’ federal lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of significant portions of the Federal Switchblade Act on Second Amendment grounds. The court previously dismissed this lawsuit on standing grounds “without prejudice.” The court made that decision based on testimony by the Feds that they have not enforced the act through prosecutions since 2010, but it turns out that there has been enforcement action taken very recently. … Continued... Read More

Notice of Supplemental Authority Filed in California Switchblade Case

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The recent decision by the Supreme Court of the United States in United States v. Rahimi bears on our lawsuit challenging California’s ban on switchblade (automatic) knives with a blade 2-inches and greater on Second Amendment grounds. Plaintiff’s have filed a Notice of Supplemental Authority with the District Court hearing the case. As you may recall, during our recent hearing, the Court was focused on the baseless argument put forth by the State that in interpreting the plain text of the Second Amendment’s “the right to keep and bear arms,” … Continued... Read More

Delaware Switchblade Ban Repeal Bill Introduced

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Delaware Senate Bill 323 has been introduced by Senator David L. Wilson that would repeal the state’s ban on sale and possession of a switchblade (automatic) knife. House Representative Daniel B. Short is an Additional Sponsor. The bill has five Co-Sponsors (Senators Gerald Hocker, Dave Lawson, Brian Pettyjohn and Bryant Richardson and Representative Timothy Dukes). SB 323 has been assigned to the Senate Judiciary Committee Knife Rights will let you know if its time to use our Legislative Action Center to contact Delaware legislators. … Continued... Read More

Court Opines Feds Won’t Enforce the FSA and Dismisses Knife Rights’ Case

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Knife Rights’ federal lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of significant portions of the Federal Switchblade Act on Second Amendment grounds was dismissed because the named federal agencies- the U.S. Attorney General and Department of Justice-declared they do not enforce the Act, and haven’t done so since 2010, and the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas opined that the Act is a moribund (dying/obsolescent) statute with no “credible threat of future enforcement.” … Continued... Read More

Ultimate Steel Launched – Donate & You Could Win!

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DONATE NOW for EXTRA PRIZES in the EARLY BIRD BONUS Drawing – DOUBLE CHANCES to WIN! DONATE at Additional Prizes are Still Being Pledged and Received! WINNER’S CHOICE! Winners IN EACH DRAWING SELECT THEIR CHOICE of available prizes! FREE Donation Bonus Knives when you Donate* – ONLY While LIMITED SUPPLY Lasts! DON’T MISS OUT! Click to DONATE TODAY! … Continued... Read More

Louisiana Knife Law Preemption Bill Signed

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Louisiana SB 194, that includes Knife Rights’ signature Knife Law Preemption language, was signed into law today by Governor Jeff Landry. The new law becomes effective on August 1, 2024. This is the 15th Knife Law Preemption bill by Knife Rights. The bill also enhanced existing firearms preemption law. Signing of this bill represents the final step in our complete overhaul of Louisiana’s knife laws that was started back in 2018 with the repeal of the state’s ban on switchblades. … Continued... Read More

Hawaii Legalizes Butterfly, Switchblade & Gravity Knives & More!

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Hawaii Governor Josh Green has signed HB2342 into law as Act 021. The new law repeals the bans on manufacture, sale, transfer, possession, and transportation of Butterfly Knives (Balisongs), Switchblades and Gravity Knives as well as Brass Knuckles (including Trench Knives and Karambits), Swords and Spears. The new law is effective immediately. WARNING: Hawaii’s bans on concealed carry of these knives is retained. These knives should only be open carried. … Continued... Read More

Iowa Knife Law Preemption Enhancement Bill Signed

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Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds signed Knife Rights supported HF 2556 which provides penalties for the violation of Iowa’s long-existing weapons preemption law that includes knives. This will allow individuals to collect monetary damages in any lawsuit seeking enforcement of the state’s weapons preemption statute. Knife Rights applauds Representative Bill Gustoff and Senator Scott Webster for sponsoring HF 2556 and the Governor for signing the bill into law. Please note that the new law doesn’t take effect until January 1, … Continued... Read More

Hearing Held in Knife Rights’ California Switchblade Ban Challenge

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The very first hearing on one of our post-Bruen lawsuits challenging a knife ban on Second Amendment grounds was held yesterday before District Court Judge James E. Simmons, Jr., in San Diego. The lawsuit challenges California’s ban on switchblade (automatic) knives with a blade 2-inches and greater. The court had clearly given significant thought to the voluminous filings in the case. The state continued to hammer their position that switchblades were not not arms under the plain text of the Second Amendment because they were “not commonly used for self-defense.” … Continued... Read More

Louisiana Knife Law Preemption Bill to Governor

. Legislative Updates

Louisiana SB 194, that includes Knife Rights’ signature Knife Law Preemption language, received a bipartisan concurrence vote by the Senate and is now headed to the governor for his action. Knife Rights would like to thank Dan Zelenka, President of the Louisiana Shooters Association, for his multi-year, multi-session commitment to assisting all our efforts in Louisiana. He has been a major factor in all our success there. We’d also like to thank Senator Blake Miguez who has sponsored a number of Knife Rights bills in Louisiana, … Continued... Read More

Louisiana Knife Law Preemption Bill Passed by House

. Legislative Updates

Louisiana SB 194, that includes Knife Rights’ signature Knife Law Preemption language, has passed the House by a bipartisan vote of 73-25. A minor technical amendment means it must go back to the Senate for a concurrence vote. Knife Law Preemption is a Knife Rights’ criminal justice reform effort that repeals and prevents local ordinances more restrictive than state law which only serve to confuse or entrap law-abiding citizens traveling within or through the state. … Continued... Read More

Dueling Reply Briefs Filed in CA SWB Ban Lawsuit – Hearing Changed to May 8th

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Reply Briefs have been filed by both sides in Knife Rights’ federal lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of California’s complete ban on common automatic knives 2-inches and greater that the State prohibits as illegal “switchblades.” Plaintiffs’ reply brief continues to hammer Defendants for their bizarre interpretations of the Bruen decision and the utterly irrelevant history cited by its experts. Plaintiffs’ Attorney John W. Dillon of the Dillon Law Group, said of the Defendant’s opposition brief, … Continued... Read More

Louisiana Preemption Bill to House Floor – Bad Bill Amended

. Legislative Updates

Louisiana SB 194, that includes Knife Rights’ signature Knife Law Preemption language and that was previously passed by the Senate, has passed out of the House Committee on Administration of Criminal Justice by a vote of 8 – 4. Knife Rights Director of Legislative Affairs, Todd Rathner, was in Baton Rouge to lobby and testified in support of SB 194. Our good friend Dan Zelenka, President of the Louisiana Shooters Association, … Continued... Read More

Louisiana Knife Law Preemption Bill Passes Senate

. Legislative Updates

Louisiana SB 194, that includes Knife Rights’ signature Knife Law Preemption language, has passed out of the Senate by a vote of 28-11. It now moves to the House. Knife Law Preemption is a Knife Rights’ criminal justice reform effort that repeals and prevents local ordinances more restrictive than state law which only serve to confuse or entrap law-abiding citizens traveling within or through the state. Preemption ensures citizens can expect consistent enforcement of state knife laws everywhere within a state. … Continued... Read More

Dueling Opposition Briefs Filed in Cali Switchblade Ban Lawsuit

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Opposition Briefs have been filed by both sides in Knife Rights’ federal lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of California’s complete ban on common automatic knives 2-inches and greater that the State prohibits as illegal “switchblades.” Plaintiffs’ opposition brief dismantles, point by point, California’s fanciful interpretations of the Bruen decision and the utterly irrelevant history cited by its experts. Plaintiffs’ Attorney John W. Dillon of the Dillon Law Group, said or the Defendant’s opposition brief, … Continued... Read More

Hearing Scheduled for CA Switchblade Ban Lawsuit – DATE CHANGE: 5/8

. Legislative Updates

The very first hearing on one of our post-Bruen lawsuits challenging a knife ban on Second Amendment grounds has been scheduled. The hearing on Knife Rights’ lawsuit challenging California’s ban on switchblade (automatic) knives with a blade 2-inches and greater will be on DATE CHANGE: May 8th at 2:00 PM before District Court Judge James E. Simmons, Jr., in Courtroom 4B of the Edward J. Schwartz United States Courthouse in San Diego (Click for directions). … Continued... Read More

West Virginia Preemption Enhancement Bill Signed by Governor

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In West Virginia, where we helped to get knives added to the state’s existing preemption law for firearms in 2020, Governor Jim Justice signed HB 4782 expanding preemption to prevent municipalities from targeting protected businesses with planning and zoning ordinances more restrictive than those placed upon other businesses. It becomes effective on May 30, 2024. Preemption prevents enforcement of existing local knife ordinances, and prohibits new ordinances, more restrictive than state law which only serve to confuse or entrap law-abiding citizens traveling within or through the state. … Continued... Read More

Idaho Governor Signs Knife Rights Preemption Bill

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In a victory nine years in the making, Governor Brad Little yesterday signed H0620, Knife Rights’ bill that will enact Knife Rights’ signature Knife Law Preemption in Idaho. It becomes effective on July 1st, 2024. Thanks to Governor Little for his support of our freedoms. This represents the fourteenth state in which we have eliminated local ordinances more restrictive than state law which only serve to confuse or entrap law-abiding citizens traveling within or through the state. … Continued... Read More

WA Gov. Signs Bill Effectively Banning Knives on Public Transportation

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Washington Governor Jay Inslee yesterday signed blatantly unconstitutional anti-knife (and anti-gun) SB 5444. The new law goes into effect on June 6th, 2024. From that date it will be illegal to possess ANY knife at a “transit station” including bus, train and trolley stops! As such, unless you manage to board and get off public transport somewhere other than a “transit station,” it will be impossible to legally carry a knife on public transit. … Continued... Read More

LA Preemption Bill Passes Senate Comm – House Preemption Bill Filed

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Louisiana SB 194, that includes Knife Rights’ signature Knife Law Preemption language, has passed out of the Senate Committee on Judiciary C by a vote of 5-1. Knife Rights Director of Legislative Affairs, Todd Rathner, was in Baton Rouge to lobby and testified in support of SB 194. Our good friend Dan Zelenka, President of the Louisiana Shooters Association, also testified in support of the bill. Sponsor Senator Blake Miguez has worked hard to move this bill and we appreciate his resolve and efforts. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights Idaho Preemption Bill Passed – Off to Governor

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ bill that would enact Knife Rights’ signature Knife Law Preemption in Idaho, H0620, was passed by the Senate with a vote of 27 – 7. The bill now heads to Governor Brad Little for his action. Representative Jordan Redman’s efforts to introduce and pass H0620 are sincerely appreciated. Thanks also to Senator Carl Bjerke who so ably advocated on behalf of the bill on the Senate floor. Knife Law Preemption is a Knife Rights’ criminal justice reform effort that repeals and prevents local ordinances more restrictive than state law which only serve to confuse or entrap law-abiding citizens traveling within or through the state. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights Idaho Preemption Bill Passed by Senate Committee

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ bill that would enact Knife Rights’ signature Knife Law Preemption in Idaho, H0620, was voted out of the Senate State Affairs Committee with a unanimous bipartisan vote. The bill now moves to the Senate floor. We sincerely appreciate Representative Jordan Redman’s continued efforts to get this bill passed with his testimony. He was joined in testifying in support of H0620 by Knife Rights Director of Legislative Affairs, Todd Rathner. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights Idaho Preemption Bill Passed by House

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ bill that would enact Knife Rights’ signature Knife Law Preemption in Idaho, H0620, was passed by a vote of 56 – 13 in the House. The bill now moves to the Senate. We sincerely appreciate the efforts of our sponsor, Representative Jordan Redman, to get this done in the House. Knife Rights will let you know if we need you to contact your Idaho lawmakers to support H0620. … Continued... Read More

Dueling Summary Judgment Motions Filed in CA Switchblade Ban Case

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Motions for Summary Judgement have been filed by both sides in Knife Rights’ federal lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of California’s complete ban on common automatic knives 2-inches and greater that the State prohibits as illegal “switchblades.” The Plaintiffs’ motion sets out the indisputable facts under the standard laid out by the U.S. Supreme Court in New York State Rifle & Pistol Ass’n v. Bruen. These facts include those confirmed by California’s own experts during deposition. … Continued... Read More

Louisiana Knife Law Preemption Bill Filed

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Louisiana State Senator Blake Miguez has filed SB 194 that includes Knife Rights’ signature Knife Law Preemption. Knife Rights will let you know as soon as it is appropriate to contact your Louisiana lawmakers to support SB 194. We sincerely appreciate our good friend Dan Zelenka, President of the Louisiana Shooters Association, for his relentless efforts in helping us pursue knife law reform in Louisiana. Knife Law Preemption would complete our reform efforts in the Pelican State. … Continued... Read More

Rehearing En Banc Granted for HI Butterfly Knife Win

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

The Ninth Circuit announced that it has scheduled oral arguments in June for a rehearing en banc that could overturn the 3-0 panel decision in Teter v. Lopez that Hawaii’s ban on Butterfly Knives is unconstitutional under the Second Amendment. That decision was a huge win not just for owners of Butterfly Knives in Hawaii, but for all pro-Second Amendment supporters. It was stayed while Hawaii appealed. Now a larger panel of 11 9th Circuit judges presided over by the chief judge will decide the case. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights Idaho Preemption Bill To House Floor

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ bill that would enact Knife Rights’ signature Knife Law Preemption in Idaho, H0620, was voted out of the House State Affairs committee with a Do Pass recommendation. Todd Rathner, Knife Rights Director of Legislative Affairs, testified in Boise in support of the bill. Sponsored by Representative Jordan Redman, Knife Rights would especially like to extend our thanks to Chairman Brent Crane for expeditiously hearing our bill. Knife Law Preemption is a Knife Rights’ criminal justice reform effort that repeals and prevents local ordinances more restrictive than state law which only serve to confuse or entrap law-abiding citizens traveling within or through the state. … Continued... Read More

WA House Committee Passes Knife Ban Bill – Fight Continues

. Legislative Updates

Voting along party lines, members of the House Civil Rights and Judiciary Committee passed SB 5444 7-4, declining to amend the bill to remove “knives.” As passed out of committee, this bill would make it illegal to possess ANY knife at a “transit station” including bus, train and trolley stops! It would be illegal to carry a knife on public transit, period, since you can’t board without going through a transit station! SB 5444 is now on the fast track to passage and being signed by the governor. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights Idaho Knife Law Preemption Bill Introduced

. Legislative Updates

Idaho Representative Jordan Redman has introduced H0620, a bill that would enact Knife Rights’ signature Knife Law Preemption in the state. Knife Law Preemption is a Knife Rights’ criminal justice reform effort that repeals and prevents local ordinances more restrictive than state law which only serve to confuse or entrap law-abiding citizens traveling within or through the state. Preemption ensures citizens can expect consistent enforcement of state knife laws everywhere within a state. … Continued... Read More


. Legislative Updates

Today, Knife Rights Director of Legislative Affairs, Todd Rathner, gave testimony asking the House Civil Rights and Judiciary Committee to amend SB 5444 to remove “knives.” As it stands the bill would make it illegal to possess ANY knife at a “transit station” including bus, train and trolley stops! This would make it illegal to carry a knife on public transit, period, since you can’t board without going through a transit station! We need your URGENT help to get “knives” … Continued... Read More


. Legislative Updates

Please help stop a BAD Washington KNIFE BAN Bill! SB 5444 would BAN Knives on PUBLIC TRANSIT in Washington! The bill would make it illegal to possess ANY knife at a “transit station” including bus, train and trolley stops! This would make it illegal to carry a knife on public transit, period since you can’t board without going through a transit station! We need your URGENT help to get “knives” amended out of this BAD BILL! … Continued... Read More

URGENT ACTION ALERT! EMAIL TODAY to Support Washington “Spring Blade” Ban Repeal Bill in House!

. Legislative Updates

Having passed in the Senate, Knife Rights’ bill that would repeal Washington’s ban on “spring blade” (automatic) knives,SB 5860, is now assigned to the House Civil Rights & Judiciary Committee. We need your help to encourage the Chair to schedule the bill for a hearing and to urge committee members to vote Yes on SB 5860. Use our Legislative Action Center to easily email the Committee Members. … Continued... Read More

Washington Senate Passes “Spring Blade” Ban Repeal Bill! House Up Next

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Your emails helped make it happen! The Washington Senate just passed Knife Rights’ bill that would repeal Washington’s ban on “spring blade” (automatic) knives, SB 5860, with a bi-partisan vote of 45-3! We sincerely appreciate our good friend Senator Phil Fortunato for his efforts shepherding this bill through the Senate. We know from speaking to our sponsor that your hundreds of emails over the course of the last month made a huge difference. … Continued... Read More

VERY, VERY URGENT ACTION ALERT! EMAIL WA Senators TODAY to Support “Spring Blade” Ban Repeal

. Legislative Updates

Once again to get this done in the Senate! If you are a Washington resident, once again we need your help! Knife Rights’ bill that would repeal Washington’s ban on “spring blade” (automatic) knives,SB 5860, is ready for a floor vote in the Senate. We need your help TODAY to get that vote! If you live in Washington state, CLICK HERE to go to our Legislative Action Center to send your emails. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights Mississippi Knife Law Preemption Bill Introduced

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Mississippi Senator Joseph “Mike” Seymour has introduced SB 2269, a bill that would enact Knife Rights’ signature Knife Law Preemption in the state. Co-sponsors are Senators Kevin Blackwell and Charles Younger. Knife Law Preemption is a Knife Rights’ criminal justice reform effort that repeals and prevents local ordinances more restrictive than state law which only serve to confuse or entrap law-abiding citizens traveling within or through the state. Preemption ensures citizens can expect consistent enforcement of state knife laws everywhere within a state. … Continued... Read More

URGENT ACTION ALERT! Email Washington Senators to Support “Spring Blade” Ban Repeal Bill

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ bill that would repeal Washington’s ban on “spring blade” (automatic) knives,SB 5860, was voted out of the Senate Committee on Law & Justice. Thanks to all of you who signed in to support the bill in committee. The bill now moves towards the full Senate with a stop at the Rules Committee. We now need your help to urge the Senate President to place SB 5860 on the floor for a vote and to also urge Senators to vote YES on the bill. … Continued... Read More

URGENT ACTION ALERT! Sign In TODAY to Support WA “Spring Blade” Ban Repeal Bill!

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ bill that would repeal Washington’s ban on “spring blade” (automatic) knives,SB 5860, is set for a hearing Monday before the Senate Committee on Law & Justice. Sponsor Sen. Phil Fortunato has requested that we encourage our folks to sign in to support the bill. Unfortunately, you cannot use our Legislative Action Center to do this, you must go to the state’s online page, fill out the form and then submit it. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Washington “Spring Blade” Knife Ban Repeal Bill Filed

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ good friend Washington State Senator Phil Fortunato has filed SB 5860 that would repeal the state’s ban on “spring blade” knives. In 2012, with a strong bipartisan effort, Knife Rights worked to get the state’s law changed to allow civilian possession and carry of assisted-opening knives and the manufacture and distribution of automatic knives and expanded possession and carry to first responders and military members. For the past decade we have worked to eliminate the remaining ban on “spring blade” knives with bipartisan support, … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Opposition & Reply Brief Filed in Federal Switchblade Act Case

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

Knife Rights has filed a consolidated Opposition & Reply Brief to the Fed’s Motion for Dismissal and Opposition to our Motion for Summary Judgement in our federal lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of portions of the Federal Switchblade Act. Click to read Plaintiffs’ Consolidated Opposition and Reply Brief Click to read Plaintiff’s Declarations in Support of our Brief In their own consolidated brief, … Continued... Read More

Ultimate Steel Year End Launched! DONATE and You Could WIN BIG!

. Legislative Updates

Our good friends at Sig Sauer, Silencer Shop and Hogue Knives have donated some great prizes (HINT! HINT!) for us to use as a year-end fundraiser to support our ongoing Second Amendment litigation efforts, including against the case against the unconstitutional Federal Switchblade Act. DONATE by Midnight, December 31, 2023, to be eligible to win some SUPER prizes donated by Sig Sauer, Silencer Shop and Hogue Knives!  … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Virginia Concealed Carry Ban Repeal Filed!

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

Following up on repeal in 2022 of Virginia’s ban on automatic knives and this year’s repeal of the state’s ban on concealed carry of these same knives, Knife Rights’ good friend Delegate Lee Ware has introduced HB 11 that would remove dirk, bowie [sic] knife, stiletto knife and razor from the list of weapons that cannot be carried concealed. Knife Rights will let you know next year when it is appropriate to contact your Virginia legislators to support HB 11. … Continued... Read More

ACTION ALERT: Please Email OH Speaker and Committee to Move Knife Rights Supported Bill!

. Legislative Updates

In 2021 Knife Rights successfully lobbied to enact knife law reform in Ohio that eliminated a number vague knife laws and eliminated state knife bans. In 2022 we saw Knife Rights’ Signature Knife Law Preemption bill enacted, adding “knives” to the state’s firearms preemption statute, eliminating local bans. Some anti-2A jurisdictions around the country have enacted onerous liability insurance and fee requirements for simply possessing a weapon in one’s home. Senators Theresa Gavarone and Terry Johnson are working to pass Knife Rights supported SB 58 that would add a prohibition on what is, … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights Files Amicus Brief in MA Supreme Court Switchblade Case

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

Knife Rights has filed an Amicus (Friend of the Court) Brief with the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court in a criminal case involving illegal carry of a switchblade. In Commonwealth v. Canjura the Appellant has challenged the constitutionality under the Second Amendment of Massachusetts’ ban on carry of a switchblade. A decision in favor of the Appellant could strike down the Commonwealth’s ban on carry of switchblades. Click to read the Amicus Brief. … Continued... Read More

Brief Filed Opposing Rehearing En Banc to Overturn Ruling that HI’s Butterfly Knife Ban is Unconstitutional

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

While we were at BLADE Show West last week, attorneys for the Appellants filed their response brief opposing Hawaii’s petition to the Ninth Circuit for a rehearing En Banc in an attempt to overturn the recent 3-0 panel decision in Teter v. Lopez that Hawaii’s ban on Butterfly Knives is unconstitutional under the Second Amendment. Click to read the Appellants’ Response to Defendants’ Petition for Rehearing and Rehearing En Banc. … Continued... Read More

Motion For Summary Judgment Filed in Lawsuit to End Unconstitutional Federal Switchblade Act

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Knife Rights today filed a Motion for Summary Judgment in its federal lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of portions of the Federal Switchblade Act. A motion for summary judgment asks the court for a judgment on the merits of the case before the trial where there is no dispute of material facts and only a question of law needs to be decided. Knife Rights’ motion sets out the indisputable facts under the standard laid out last year by the U.S. … Continued... Read More

17 Attorneys General File Amicus Brief in Support of Petition for Rehearing En Banc to Overturn Ruling that HI’s Butterfly Knife Ban is Unconstitutional

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Led by California Attorney General Rob Bonta, 17 Attorneys General have filed an amicus (Friend of the Court) brief supporting Hawaii’s petition to the Ninth Circuit for a rehearing En Banc in an attempt to overturn the recent 3-0 panel decision in Teter v. Lopez that Hawaii’s ban on Butterfly Knives is unconstitutional under the Second Amendment. This amicus brief by 17 anti-Second Amendment AGs just adds an exclamation point to how important this knife-related 2A case is in the larger battle for the Second Amendment. … Continued... Read More

HI Petitions for Rehearing En Banc to Overturn Decision Butterfly Knife Ban Unconstitutional

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Hawaii has petitioned the Ninth Circuit for a rehearing En Banc in an attempt to overturn the recent 3-0 panel decision in Teter v. Lopez that Hawaii’s ban on Butterfly Knives is unconstitutional under the Second Amendment.  As explained in our original post, That was a huge win not just for owners of Butterfly Knives in Hawaii, but for all pro-Second Amendment supporters. Knife Rights filed an important amicus (friend of the court) brief in support of the appellants in that case. … Continued... Read More

Ninth Circuit Holds Hawaii’s Butterfly Knife Ban Unconstitutional!

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Today, a panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit held that Hawaii’s ban on butterfly knives violates the Second Amendment. Knife Rights filed an important amicus (friend of the court) brief in support of the appellants in the case of Teter v. Lopez. In its decision, the Court reversed the district court’s judgment in favor of Hawaii and remanded the case back to the district court “for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.” The Court also denied the appellees’ request to remand the case for further factual or historical development in light of New York State Rifle & … Continued... Read More

Worst Anti-Knife City in America Caves to Knife Rights!

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

Second Amendment Knife Freedom Rings in Philadelphia! In 2014 Knife Rights published a list of the Ten Worst Anti-Knife Cities in America. At that time, New York City was number one, but we fixed New York City’s “gravity knife arrests” problem in 2019, moving Philadelphia up to the number one Worst Anti-Knife City spot. Now Knife Rights has accepted Philadelphia’s offer of judgment in Knife Rights, Inc. v. Outlaw, our federal Second Amendment lawsuit that sought to declare unconstitutional and enjoin Philadelphia’s laws that ban the possession and carry of ANY bladed arms (knives) in public. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ LegalBlade™ App 3.0 Launched!

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

LegalBlade™ 3.0, the latest iteration of Knife Rights Foundation’s groundbreaking LegalBlade™ Knife Laws in America™ App, is now available in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. As before, LegalBlade™ provides guidance at your fingertips to the knife laws of all 50 states, the District of Columbia and over 40 cities. Knowledge of the law is the first step in avoiding an unfortunate arrest, loss of your knife or other legal complications. … Continued... Read More

Who Gets Arrested When Vermont Tries to Sell an Illegal Switchblade?

Who gets arrested when the state of Vermont tries to sell an illegal switchblade? The answer is…nobody. But, this is just too damn rich to ignore and perfectly illustrates how idiotic is Vermont’s switchblade length restriction. For years we have been working with our good friend, Vermont Rep. Pat Brennan, to repeal the state’s irrational under 3-inch length limit for switchblade (automatic) knives, including this year’s HB13 bill. Even more outrageous is that the ban on switchblades 3-inches and over is the ONLY restriction on knives in the state!  … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights Celebrates July 1 Enactment for Knife Law Bills in VA, FL & TN

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

Knife Rights Celebrates July 1st Enactment Day for Knife Law Bills in Virginia, Florida and Tennessee. Virginia: Switchblade Concealed Carry Legalized As of July 1st, concealed carry of automatic knives is legal in Virginia. This follows on from our repeal last year of Virginia’s ban on switchblades (automatic) knives that did not include repeal of the ban on concealed carry. NOTE: Dirks, stilettos and daggers remain prohibited from concealed carry in Virginia. … Continued... Read More

Philly Proposes to Concede 1 Unconstitutional Knife Carry Ban, But Not Their Equally Unconstitutional 2nd

. Legislative Updates

The defendants have made an offer of judgment to the plaintiffs in the case of Knife Rights, Inc. v. Outlaw, our federal lawsuit seeking to declare unconstitutional and enjoin Philadelphia’s laws that ban the possession and carry of bladed arms in public. While the City has offered to agree to injunctive relief regarding the ordinance currently codified at Philadelphia Code 10-820, this offer of judgment does not fully resolve the Knife Rights case. The Knife Rights complaint seeks, … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights Sues to End Unconstitutional Federal Switchblade Act

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

Knife Rights has filed a federal lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of portions of the Federal Switchblade Act (Title 15 Chapter 29 §1241), originally enacted in 1958, that restricts the introduction into interstate commerce of common automatically opening (“switchblade”) knives. It also challenges the ban on their possession on Native American reservations and in U.S. territories. The definition of a “switchblade knife” includes gravity knives and butterfly knives. Joining Knife Rights in the case are members Russell Arnold and Jeffery Folloder and retailer members RGA Auction Services d.b.a. … Continued... Read More

Louisiana Constitutional Carry Bill Including Knives Passes Senate Committee with Amendment

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

Knife Rights supported Louisiana Constitutional Carry bill, HB 131, which includes knives, was passed by the House by a bipartisan vote of 71-39. All “weapons,” including knives, are covered by the bill. Unfortunately, the bill was amended to exclude adults under the age of 21 and to apply only to residents of the state. Knife Rights opposes the amendment. The age restriction is likely unconstitutional after the Supreme Court’s Bruen decision last year, … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights Opposes Ohio Knife Law Preemption Repeal

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Anti-Second Amendment forces are trying to repeal Preemption in Ohio. SB 78 is a dangerous bill that if passed would repeal the entirety of Ohio’s preemption law, including Knife Law Preemption which was just enacted last year after six years of Knife Rights’ efforts. The initial Sponsor’s Hearing on the bill was held today before the Senate Veterans and Public Safety Committee. No action was taken. Repeal of knife law preemption would leave millions of knife owners living in and traveling through Ohio vulnerable to the whims of local county, … Continued... Read More

Texas Knife Law Reform Dies – Internecine Politics Kills 100s of Bills

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ Texas Knife Law Reform Bill, HB 1311, died in the Senate again this year, once again the victim of Texas politics having nothing to do with our bill or its subject matter. It’s not much solace, but ours was just one of hundreds of bills in both houses of the legislature failed to move as a result of this political infighting and power plays. We thank our bill authors, … Continued... Read More

Louisiana Constitutional Carry Bill Including Knives Passes House

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Knife Rights supported Louisiana Constitutional Carry bill, HB 131, which includes knives, was passed by the House by a bipartisan vote of 71-39. All “weapons,” including knives, are covered by the bill. The bill now moves to the Senate. We thank the primary sponsors for ensuring this bill covers all weapons, including knives. We work tirelessly to persuade legislators that Constitutional and Permitless Carry isn’t just about firearms or handguns. … Continued... Read More

Texas Knife Law Reform Bill Passes House

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Knife Rights’ Texas Knife Law Reform Bill, HB 1311, was passed today by the full House with a unanimous bipartisan vote. We thank our bill sponsors, Representatives Harold Dutton and Ryan Guillen, for their efforts, and all of you who emailed to get this bill out of committee. HB 1311 now moves to the Senate for action. Knife Rights will let you know as soon as it is appropriate to contact your Texas Senators to support HB 1311. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights Sues Philadelphia to End Unconstitutional Knife Ban

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

Knife Rights has filed a federal lawsuit challenging the City of Philadelphia’s ban on “use or possess(ion of) any cutting weapon upon the public streets or upon any public property at any time,” as well as within 100 ft. of any school. Joining Knife Rights in the case are Knife Rights members Keith Fetsurka and Scott Mele. They are represented by attorneys John W. Dillon at the Dillon Law Group and William Sack. Named as defendants are Philadelphia Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw and the City of Philadelphia. … Continued... Read More

Texas Knife Law Reform Passes House Committee

. Legislative Updates

After intense lobbying and your hundreds of emails, Knife Rights’ Texas Knife Law Reform Bill, HB 1311, was voted out of the House Criminal Jurisprudence Committee by a bipartisan 9-0 vote. A floor vote is soon expected. We thank Chairman Joe Moody for bringing the bill to a vote. HB 1311 would create an exception for two commonly visited places where Location-Restricted Knives (knives over 5 1/2 inches) are banned. … Continued... Read More

Nebraska Constitutional Carry Including Knives Signed by Governor

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

Knife Rights supported Nebraska Constitutional Carry bill, LB 77 which covers knives and includes Knife Law Preemption, has been signed by Governor Jim Pillen. Gov. Pillen said, “this bill fulfills the promise I made to voters to uphold our Second Amendment rights and the ability of all law-abiding Nebraskans to defend themselves.” NOTE: The new law does not take effect until 90 days after the legislature adjourns. With an expected June 9th adjournment, … Continued... Read More

TX ACTION ALERT! Email Committee Members TODAY!

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ Texas Knife Law Reform Bill, HB 1311, was heard yesterday by the House Criminal Jurisprudence Committee. Knife Rights Director of Legislative Affairs, Todd Rathner, testified in support of the bill. If you are a Texas resident, please use Knife Rights’ Legislative Action Center to easily email committee members to vote YES on HB 1311: HB 1311 would remove two commonly visited places where Location-Restricted Knives (knives over 5 1/2 inches) are banned. … Continued... Read More

NE Constitutional Carry Including Knives Passes – On to Governor

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights supported Nebraska Constitutional Carry bill, LB 77 which includes knives and preemption, was passed today by a bipartisan 33-14 vote of Nebraska’s unicameral legislature. It now moves to Governor Jim Pillen for his action. We sincerely appreciate that the sponsors ensured that this Constitutional Carry bill covers all weapons, including knives, and the expanded “weapons” preemption statute would also include Knife Law Preemption. Thanks to all of you who used Knife Rights’ … Continued... Read More

TN Knife Carry at Polls Bill Signed by Governor

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Since 2013 Knife Rights has worked to Rewrite Knife Law in Tennessee starting with our signature Knife Law Preemption. In 2014 we worked with our legislative friends and Tennessee Sheriffs to repeal the state’s ban on switchblade (automatic) knives and carry of knives with blades over 4 inches. Yesterday, Governor Bill Lee signed Knife Rights supported SB 172 that repealed the ban on carry of pocket knives by adults voting on school grounds on an election day. … Continued... Read More

Florida Permitless Carry Bill (Including Knives) Signed by Governor

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Knife Rights supported Florida Permitless Carry bill, HB 543, which includes knives, has been signed by Governor DeSantis. Once in effect, concealed carry in Florida without a permit will no longer be limited to a “pocket knife.” NOTE: Permitless Concealed Carry does not become effective until July 1st. Because there is not yet Knife Law Preemption in Florida, local laws may still limit what knives can be carried and how. … Continued... Read More

Florida Permitless Carry Bill (Including Knives) Passes – Off to Gov.

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights supported Florida Permitless Carry bill, HB 543, which includes knives, was passed by the Senate 27-13. The bill is now off to Governor DeSantis, who has previously said he supported the bill. Thanks to all who used Knife Rights’ Legislative Action Center to contact members to support this bill. Knife Rights supports Constitutional and Permitless Carry and particularly bills such as this that rid the state of its ban on concealed carry of knives (other than a “pocket knife”) without a permit. … Continued... Read More

Virginia Switchblade Concealed Carry Ban Repeal Signed by Governor

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin yesterday evening signed HB 2298 that removes switchblades from the list of weapons that cannot be carried concealed in the state. NOTE: Repeal does not become effective until July 1st. Until that date, concealed carry of automatic knives remains illegal in Virginia. We sincerely appreciate Delegate Lee Ware for sponsoring this bill. We also must acknowledge the support for this effort from our good friends at the Virginia Citizens Defense League and especially, … Continued... Read More

Florida Permitless Carry Bill (Including Knives) Passes House

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights supported Florida Permitless Carry bill, HB 543, which includes knives, was passed by the House on Friday by a vote of 76-32. The bill now moves to the Senate. Governor DeSantis has pledged to sign the bill if it passes. We thank primary sponsors Rep. Chuck Brannan and Sen. Jay Collins for ensuring this bill covers all weapons, including knives. Thanks also to all of you who used Knife Rights’ … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights Sues California to End Unconstitutional “Switchblade” Ban

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Knife Rights today filed a federal lawsuit challenging California’s complete ban on common automatic knives 2-inches and greater that the State prohibits as illegal “switchblades.” Joining Knife Rights in the case are Knife Rights members James Miller, Garrison Ham, and Eliot Kaagan and knife retailer members North County Shooting Center and Poway Weapons and Gear. They are represented by attorney John W. Dillon at the Dillon Law Group. Named as defendants are California Attorney General Rob Bonta and other government officials. … Continued... Read More

EMAIL TODAY! Nebraska Constitutional Carry (incl Knives) Vote

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights supported Nebraska Constitutional Carry bill, LB 77 which includes knives and preemption, will be up for a vote in Nebraska’s unicameral legislature shortly, possibly before the end of this week. If you are a Nebraska resident, please use Knife Rights’ Legislative Action Center TODAY to email members to support LB 77: Knife Rights supports Constitutional Carry and particularly bills such as this that cover knives. … Continued... Read More

Virginia Switchblade Concealed Carry Ban Repeal Passed – Off to Governor

. Legislative Updates

Virginia HB 2298 that would remove switchblades from the list of weapons that cannot be carried concealed in the state is now off to Governor Youngkin for his action. The House concurred on the Senate amended bill by the same 61-32 bipartisan vote as originally passed the bill. As we noted previously, the Senate amendment added “stiletto” to the list of items that cannot be carried concealed. This is essentially superfluous because prior court decisions in Virginia have held that a stiletto and dagger are “of like kind” … Continued... Read More

Amended VA Switchblade Concealed Carry Ban Repeal Passes Senate

. Legislative Updates

Virginia HB 2298 that would remove switchblades from the list of weapons that cannot be carried concealed in the state has passed the Senate unanimously with the amended text that added “stiletto” (undefined) to the list of items that cannot be carried concealed. This amendment is essentially superfluous because prior court decisions in Virginia have held that a stiletto and dagger are “of like kind” to a “dirk,” which has long been prohibited from concealed carry. … Continued... Read More

VA Switchblade Concealed Carry Ban Repeal Passes Senate Committee

. Legislative Updates

Virginia HB 2298 that would remove switchblades from the list of weapons that cannot be carried concealed in the state has passed the Senate Judiciary Committee unanimously. Unfortunately, the bill was amended to add “stiletto” (undefined) to the list of items that cannot be carried concealed. The bill now moves to the full Senate. We will be working with our friends in Virginia, including Virginia Citizens Defense League, to hopefully remove “stiletto” … Continued... Read More

Florida Permitless Carry Bill Passes House Subcommittee

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights supported Florida Permitless “Constitutional” Carry bill, HB 543, which includes knives, was passed out of the House Constitutional Rights, Rule of Law & Government Operations Subcommittee by a vote of 10-5. Seven proposed adverse amendments were voted down. The bill now moves to the full committee. Thanks to all who used Knife Rights’ Legislative Action Center to email subcommittee members. We will let you know as soon as it is appropriate to contact your Florida lawmakers again to support HB 543 Knife Rights supports Constitutional Carry and particularly bills such as this that rid the state of its ban on concealed carry of knives (other than a “pocket knife”) without a permit. … Continued... Read More

VA Switchblade Concealed Carry Ban Repeal Passes House

. Legislative Updates

Virginia HB 2298 that would remove switchblades from the list of weapons that cannot be carried concealed in the state has passed the House of Delegates with a bipartisan vote of 66-32. The bill now moves to the Senate. Our repeal last year of Virginia’s ban on switchblades (automatic) knives did not include repeal of the ban on concealed carry. This bill takes care of that. Thanks to our good friends Delegate Lee Ware and Virginia Citizens Defense League. … Continued... Read More

VA Switchblade Concealed Carry Ban Repeal Passes Committee

. Legislative Updates

Virginia HB 2298 that would remove switchblades from the list of weapons that cannot be carried concealed in the state has passed out of the House Courts of Justice Committee by a bipartisan vote of 16-4. This is a good first step towards the bill being passed.Our repeal last year of Virginia’s ban on switchblades (automatic) knives did not include repeal of the ban on concealed carry. This bill takes care of that. … Continued... Read More

ACTION ALERT – EMAIL TODAY! Florida Constitutional Carry Bill Hearing

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights supported Florida Constitutional Carry bill, HB 543, which includes knives, will be heard by the House Constitutional Rights, Rule of Law & Government Operations Subcommittee on Tuesday, February 7th. If you are a Florida resident, please use Knife Rights’ Legislative Action Center to email committee members to support HB 543 Knife Rights supports Constitutional Carry and particularly bills such as this that rid the state of its ban on concealed carry of knives (other than a “pocket knife”) without a permit. … Continued... Read More

Florida Constitutional Carry Bill Includes Knives

. Legislative Updates

A Knife Rights supported Florida Constitutional Carry bill, HB 543, has been introduced that includes knives. We thank primary sponsors Rep. Chuck Brannan and Sen. Jay Collins for ensuring this bill covers all weapons, including knives. Knife Rights will let you know as soon as it is appropriate to contact your Florida lawmakers to support HB 543 Knife Rights supports Constitutional Carry and particularly bills such as this that rid the state of its ban on concealed carry of knives (other than a “pocket knife”) without a permit. … Continued... Read More

Virginia Switchblade Concealed Carry Ban Repeal Bill Moving

. Legislative Updates

Virginia HB 2298 that would remove switchblades from the list of weapons that cannot be carried concealed in the state has passed out of the House Courts of Justice – Subcommittee #2 by a bipartisan vote of 7-1. This is a good first step towards the bill being passed.Our repeal last year of Virginia’s ban on switchblades (automatic) knives did not include repeal of the ban on concealed carry. … Continued... Read More

Amazon Smile No Longer Gives

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

On February 20th, Amazon is ending its Amazon Smile donation program for non-profits that has been a very successful program for the Knife Rights Foundation. Doing so will likely save them millions and, perhaps as important, allow them to donate to programs they prefer and for which donations they can gain more publicity for themselves and their preferred causes. It no doubt annoyed them no end to fund numerous 501(c)(3) organizations which were anathema to their woke culture. … Continued... Read More


. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ Mississippi bill to enact knife law preemption, SB 2383, sponsored by Sen. Mike Seymour, is stalled in committee. The deadline for a hearing is Tuesday! ACT RIGHT NOW! If you are a Mississippi resident, or work or travel in the state, please use Knife Rights’ Legislative Action Center to email or call Lieutenant Governor Delbert Hosemann, Senate Judiciary Committee Division A Chair Brice Wiggins and Subcommittee Chair Nicole Boyd to request they hold a hearing on SB 2382 before the deadline Tuesday, … Continued... Read More

North Dakota Knife Law Reform Bill Introduced

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

North Dakota Representative Claire Cory has introduced HB 1479 that would remove “switchblade or gravity knife, machete, scimitar, stiletto, sword, dagger, or knife with a blade of five inches [12.7 centimeters] or more” from the definition of a “dangerous weapon.” It would also enact Knife Rights’ signature Knife Law Preemption in the state. Knife Law Preemption is a Knife Rights’ criminal justice reform effort that repeals and prevents local ordinances more restrictive than state law which only serve to confuse or entrap law-abiding citizens traveling within or through the state. … Continued... Read More

Mississippi Knife Law Preemption Bill Introduced

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Mississippi Senator Joseph “Mike” Seymour has introduced SB 2383, a bill that would enact Knife Rights’ signature Knife Law Preemption in the state. Knife Law Preemption is a Knife Rights’ criminal justice reform effort that repeals and prevents local ordinances more restrictive than state law which only serve to confuse or entrap law-abiding citizens traveling within or through the state. Preemption ensures citizens can expect consistent enforcement of state knife laws everywhere within a state. … Continued... Read More

Virginia Switchblade Concealed Carry Ban Repeal Bill Introduced

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Our repeal last year of Virginia’s ban on switchblades (automatic) knives did not include repeal of the ban on concealed carry. Our good friend Delegate Lee Ware, who sponsored the first attempt at repealing Virginia’s switchblade ban in 2017 (vetoed by Gov. McAuliffe), has introduced HB 2298 that would remove switchblades from the list of weapons that cannot be carried concealed. Knife Rights will let you know when it is appropriate to contact your Virginia legislators to support HB 2298. … Continued... Read More

Texas Knife Law Reform Bill Introduced

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Longtime Knife Rights Texas bill sponsor, Representative Harold Dutton, has introduced HB 1311, a bill that would remove two commonly visited places where Location-Restricted Knives (knives over 5 1/2 inches) are banned. Those locations are restaurants and bars that derive 51% of their income from sale or service of alcoholic beverages and amusement parks. Knife Rights will let you know as soon as it is appropriate to contact your Texas lawmakers to support HB 1311. … Continued... Read More

Pennsylvania Switchblade Ban Repeal Takes Effect

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Repeal of Pennsylvania’s ban on possession and carry of Switchblade Knives takes effect today. Manufacture and sale of automatic knives in the state is also now legal. WARNING: Without knife law preemption in Pennsylvania, cities and towns can still prohibit automatic (and other) knives, and many do. To find local knife restrictions go to: or download Knife Rights’ LegalBlade App. WARNING: Concealed carry of an automatic knife “…with the intent therewith unlawfully and maliciously to do injury to any other person…” remains illegal in Pennsylvania. … Continued... Read More

Repeal of Alabama Knife Restrictions Takes Effect

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

The repeal of restrictions on the carrying of a Bowie knife or a concealed knife in Alabama take effect today with enactment of Constitutional Carry in the state. WARNING: Local jurisdictions may still restrict or ban knives. Knife Rights looks forward to working to enact its signature Knife Law Preemption going forward in Alabama. This would void those restrictions and bans and prevent any being put in place in the future. To find local knife restrictions go to: or download Knife Rights’ LegalBlade App. … Continued... Read More

A New Year To Continue Forging a Sharper Future

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

All of us at Knife Rights would like to wish you and yours a happy, healthy and sharp new year. Our record of 40 bills enacted repealing knife bans in 26 states and over 150 cities and towns since 2010 is proof of our commitment and effectiveness. After a near record 2022, with that significant momentum we are hard at work on our 2023 legislative agenda. With your sustained support, … Continued... Read More

Last Week to Make a TAX-DEDUCTIBLE Donation to Knife Rights

. News

All of us at Knife Rights hope you have been having a wonderful holiday season. As we close out 2022, please consider making a TAX-DEDUCTIBLE donation before the calendar turns to 2023. This is the last week to make your TAX-DEDUCTBLE donation to our 501(c)(3) Knife Rights Foundation.To claim it as a charitable deduction in 2022, you must donate by Midnight on December 31st.  Your donation will help us continue to Forge a Sharper Future and to Rewrite Knife Law In America.  … Continued... Read More

2022 Roundup – An Awesome Year in Review!

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

2022 has been a very good year for Knife Rights and our supporters. If you consider your support for Knife Rights as an investment, we are giving you an excellent return on that investment. More on that below. If you are looking to make a tax-deductible donation before year’s end, our 501(c)(3) Knife Rights Foundation could sure use your support as we look forward to another busy year ahead (Click here and select Knife Rights Foundation). … Continued... Read More

FAIL: MD AG Defends “Assault Weapon” Ban, Cites 1800s Bowie Ban

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh has acknowledged in a brief to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit that knives are “arms” covered by the Second Amendment. Unfortunately for him, he tried to use a ban on Bowie knives from the 1800s as an argument that Maryland’s ban on “assault weapons” is legal. It’s an argument that just doesn’t make the cut. As background, when the U.S. Supreme Court recently issued its Bruen opinion upholding the right to carry firearms and setting strict scrutiny as the test, … Continued... Read More

New Jersey Assembly Committee Amends Bill that Targeted Knife Owners

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

Conforming their bill with the already amended Senate version, the New Jersey Assembly Judiciary Committee has amended A4769 that originally targeted knife (and other tool and sports equipment) carriers with felony level offenses. The amended bill removes the prohibition on “weapons” (which included knives) in an expansive list of “sensitive places” from the bill (click for original alert for full details). This is a huge victory for knife owners in the state. … Continued... Read More

Founder Doug Ritter: Celebrating 40 Bills in 26 States in 13 Years!

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

With last week’s repeal of Pennsylvania’s switchblade ban (effective January 2, 2023) we now count 40 bills repealing knife bans signed into law in 26 states since 2010! WOW! When I started Knife Rights in 2006, most folks I spoke with told me I was crazy and there wasn’t a snowball’s chance in hell that I’d ever repeal a knife ban. A few were supportive, even if they had doubts about my sanity. … Continued... Read More

Pennsylvania Switchblade Ban Repeal Signed! Effective 1/2/2023

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf today signed House Bill 1929, repealing Pennsylvania’s ban on automatic knives! The repeal is effective on January 2, 2023. Until then possession of automatic knives (except as a curio) remains illegal in Pennsylvania. We still have work to do in Pennsylvania; without knife law preemption, cities and towns can still prohibit automatic (and other) knives, and many do. Download our LegalBlade App 2.0 to find your local knife laws. … Continued... Read More

New Jersey Senate Committee Amends Bill that Targeted Knife Owners

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

The New Jersey Senate Law and Public Safety Committee yesterday amended S3214 that originally targeted knife (and other tool and sports equipment) carriers with felony level offenses. The amended bill removes “weapons” (which included knives) from the bill (click for original alert for full details). This is a huge victory for knife owners in the state. The bill is expected to move to another committee and will eventually move to the Senate floor for a vote. … Continued... Read More

Pennsylvania Switchblade Ban Repeal Passes – On to Gov.

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

House Bill 1929, repealing Pennsylvania’s ban on automatic knives, passed the Senate today unanimously (50-0). The bill previously passed the House 202-1. HB 1929 now moves to Governor Wolf for his action. We will let you know when it is time to take further action. Knife Rights has worked diligently to get HB 1929 through the Senate and onto the Senate floor for final passage since it was voted unanimously out of the Senate Judiciary Committee over a month ago. … Continued... Read More

ACTION ALERT! NJ Bills Target Knife Owners – EMAIL TODAY!

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Felony Level Offense for Simple Knife Carry Carry an otherwise legal pocket knife in New Jersey and become a felon! If you live or work in New Jersey, please email your legislators today: Links at the end of this article. The expected knee-jerk responses by anti-gun rights states and cities to the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent Bruen decision upholding the right to carry “arms” for self-defense continues as New Jersey tries to one-up New York and California. … Continued... Read More

Pennsylvania Switchblade Ban Repeal Bill Passes Senate Committee

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

HB 1929, repealing Pennsylvania’s ban on automatic knives, today passed out of the Senate Judiciary Committee with a unanimous vote. The bill previously passed the House 202-1. It now moves to the Senate floor for second consideration. We would especially like to thank Judiciary Committee Chairwoman Lisa Baker, with whom we worked closely, for taking up HB 1929 in her committee and advancing it to the floor of the Senate. … Continued... Read More

Virginia Switchblade Ban Repeal Bill Effective July 1st

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Knife Rights’ Virginia Switchblade Ban Repeal Bill, SB 758, is effective July 1st, 2022. The possession, carry, sale, purchase and manufacture of automatic (switchblade) knives will be legal in the state. NOTE: The concealed carry knife bans in Virginia, including of switchblade (automatic) knives, will still remain in effect: “If any person carries about his person, hidden from common observation, (i) any dirk, bowie knife, switchblade knife, ballistic knife, … Continued... Read More

NH Bill Prohibiting Enforcement of Federal Knife Laws, Rules, or Exec. Orders Signed

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu on Friday signed Knife Rights supported HB 1178, a bill that prohibits the state from enforcing any federal statute, regulation, or Presidential Executive Order that restricts or regulates the right of the people to keep and bear arms, including, specifically, knives. This is the first such law to be enacted that specifically includes knives. The new law is effective immediately. In a week where the Supreme Court issued an historic opinion on the Second Amendment that affirms constitutional protections for the right to bear arms, … Continued... Read More

Louisiana Switchblade Concealed Carry Ban Repeal Signed – Effective August 1

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ bill to repeal Louisiana’s ban on the concealed carry of switchblades, HB 463, was signed Thursday by Governor John Edwards. NOTE: The new law does not go into effect until August 1st. Until then, concealed carry of a switchblade (automatic) knife remains illegal in Louisiana. In 2018 Knife Rights was able repeal Louisiana’s complete ban on switchblades,but in order to get it passed we had to compromise by including the restriction that the knife not be “intentionally concealed on one’s person.” Last year, … Continued... Read More

Supreme Court Second Amendment Decision a Win for Knife Owners

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Knife Rights is celebrating Thursday’s opinion by the Supreme Court of the United States affirming that the right to bear arms, which includes knives, exists outside the home. Moreover, that the states cannot unreasonably restrict this right to the point of effectively denying it to the majority of law-abiding persons. Knife Rights Chairman Doug Ritter said, “This is a huge win for the Second Amendment community and knife owners. The two pillars upon which Knife Rights stands are “Essential Tools – Essential Rights.” We cannot fully retain the former without the latter. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Ohio Knife Law Preemption Bill Signed!

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

(UPDATE 6/21 with Enactment Date) This morning Ohio Governor Mike DeWine signed Knife Rights’ Ohio Knife Law Preemption bill, SB 156, in a ceremony attended by Knife Rights Director of Legislative Affairs, Todd Rathner. This bill signing is the culmination of nearly seven years of our efforts in Columbus to eliminate all of Ohio’s terrible knife laws. Gov. DeWine told Todd “that he was happy to sign the bill because it’s good for business and good for Ohio.” … Continued... Read More

Louisiana Switchblade Concealed Carry Ban Repeal Bill Passes – Off to Governor

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Knife Rights’ bill to repeal Louisiana’s ban on the concealed carry of switchblades, HB 463, was passed unanimously by the Senate. It  previously passed the full House with overwhelming bipartisan support, 92-2. It now heads to Governor John Edwards for his action. Knife Rights sincerely appreciates the efforts of Dan Zelenka, President of the Louisiana Shooters Association, for his support of our legislative agenda in Louisiana. In 2018 Knife Rights was able repeal Louisiana’s complete ban on switchblades,but in order to get it passed we had to compromise by including the restriction that the knife not be “intentionally concealed on one’s person.” Last year, … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Ohio Knife Law Preemption Bill Passes – Off to Governor

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

The Ohio House yesterday passed Knife Rights’ Ohio Knife Law Preemption bill SB 156. A clarifying technical amendment was made to the bill in committee, so it also required a concurrence vote by the Senate, which concurred late yesterday. SB156 is the culmination of six years of work in Ohio and it is now on its way to Governor Mike DeWine for action. Use Knife Rights Legislative Action Center to ask Gov. … Continued... Read More

Louisiana Switchblade Concealed Carry Ban Repeal Bill Passes Senate Committee

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ bill to repeal Louisiana’s ban on the concealed carry of switchblades, HB 463, was reported out favorably by the Senate Judiciary C Committee by unanimous consent. It was previously passed by the full House with overwhelming bipartisan support, 92-2. It now moves to the Senate floor. We will let you know if you need to contact legislators in support of HB 463. In 2018 Knife Rights was able repeal Louisiana’s complete ban on switchblades,but in order to get it passed we had to compromise by including the restriction that the knife not be “intentionally concealed on one’s person.” Last year, … Continued... Read More

ACTION ALERT: MO Bill Cleaning Up Knife Law Advances

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

In Missouri a bill to enact firearms and weapons law reforms, HB1462, has passed the Senate Governmental Accountability and Fiscal Oversight Committee including further legalization regarding the possession of switchblade (automatic) knives. When Knife Rights worked to enact SB489 in 2012, repealing Missouri’s total ban on switchblades, we had to compromise and instead of a clean repeal, it was with the proviso that switchblades were prohibited if “in violation of federal law.” … Continued... Read More

Pennsylvania Switchblade Ban Repeal Bill Passes House

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

HB 1929, a bill to repeal Pennsylvania’s ban on automatic knives, passed the House by an overwhelming bipartisan vote of 202-1. Congratulations to our good friend sponsor Representative Martin Causer for his efforts that got this bill through the House with nearly unanimous bipartisan support. Knife Rights was pleased to be able to work with Rep. Causer as part of our comprehensive plan to see important criminal justice and knife law reform enacted in Pennsylvania. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Ohio Knife Law Preemption Bill Advances

. Legislative Updates

After testimony by Knife Rights Director of Legislative Affairs, Todd Rathner, Knife Rights’ Ohio Knife Law Preemption bill, SB 156, was reported favorably out of the House Government Oversight Committee at its third hearing by a vote of 8-4. This is the Senate version of the bill selected to move forward after identical versions were passed by both houses last year. A clarifying technical amendment was made to the bill in committee. Next step is a House vote. … Continued... Read More

Georgia Constitutional Carry Bill with Knife Ban Repeal Passes

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Knife Rights’ supported language in Georgia SB 319, that would enact Constitutional Carry in the Peach State, has been passed and is off to the Governor for his action. Governor Kemp has said he would sign a Constitutional Carry bill if passed. He is expected to sign the bill post haste, which would make Georgia the 25th state with Constitutional Carry. SB 319 would eliminate the existing 12-inch limit on carry of knives without a concealed carry permit. … Continued... Read More

Pennsylvania Switchblade Ban Repeal Bill Advances

. Legislative Updates

HB 1929, a bill to repeal Pennsylvania’s ban on automatic knives, has been advanced out of the House Judiciary Committee by a unanimous vote. Congratulations to our good friend sponsor Representative Martin Causer. It now moves to the House floor for a vote. Knife Rights is working with Rep. Causer to move this bill forward as part of our comprehensive plan to see important criminal justice and knife law reform enacted in Pennsylvania. … Continued... Read More

Louisiana Switchblade Concealed Carry Ban Repeal Bill Passes House

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Knife Rights’ bill to repeal Louisiana’s ban on the concealed carry of switchblades, HB 463 ,was passed by the full House with overwhelming bipartisan support, 92-2. It now moves to the Senate. We will let you know when it is time to contact legislators in support of HB 463. In 2018 Knife Rights was able repeal Louisiana’s complete ban on switchblades,but in order to get it passed we had to compromise by including the restriction that the knife not be “intentionally concealed on one’s person.” Last year, … Continued... Read More

Louisiana Switchblade Concealed Carry Ban Repeal Bill Advances

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ Director of Legislative Affairs, Todd Rathner, was in Baton Rouge last week for a hearing on HB 463, our bill to repeal Louisiana’s ban on the concealed carry of switchblades. It was voted out of the House Criminal Justice Committee unanimously. We will let you know when it is time to contact legislators in support of HB 463. In 2018 Knife Rights was able repeal Louisiana’s complete ban on switchblades,but in order to get it passed we had to compromise by including the restriction that the knife not be “intentionally concealed on one’s person.” Last year, … Continued... Read More

Michigan Knife Law Reform Bill Introduced

. Legislative Updates

Michigan Representative Ryan Berman and nine co-sponsors have introduced HB 5883, a bill that would repeal the state’s ban on concealed carry of “a dagger, dirk, stiletto, a double-edged nonfolding stabbing instrument of any length, or any other dangerous weapon” A “a hunting knife adapted and carried as such” is already excluded from the ban. We will let you know when it is time to contact your legislators to move HB 5883 forward. … Continued... Read More

Georgia Constitutional Carry Bill with Knife Ban Repeal Advances

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights supported Georgia HB 135, that would enact Constitutional Carry in the Peach State, passed the House 94-57 last week. HB 135 would eliminate the existing 12-inch limit on carry of knives without a concealed carry permit. The bill now moves to the Senate. Governor Kemp has said he will sign a Constitutional Carry bill if passed. We are pleased to be working with our friends at to get this bill passed. … Continued... Read More

Alabama Constitutional Carry Bill Repealing Knife Bans Signed!

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

Alabama Governor Kay Ivey signed Knife Rights supported HB 272, a bill enacting Constitutional Carry in the state. Restrictions on the carrying of a Bowie knife or a concealed knife in Alabama are repealed. Knife Rights deeply appreciates sponsor Representative Shane Singer’s including these knife ban repeals in this bill. Congratulations to Rep. Stringer and his 36 co-sponsors for their success in getting this bill enacted. NOTE: Constitutional Carry and repeal of these knife bans does not go into effect until January 1, … Continued... Read More

Virginia Switchblade Ban Repeal Bill Signed!

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ Virginia Switchblade Ban Repeal Bill, SB 758, that passed with broad bipartisan support, has been signed into law by Governor Glenn Youngkin. We sincerely appreciate Gov. Youngkin signing this bill after nearly 5 years of effort to repeal the ban. NOTE: Repeal does not become effective until July 1st. Until that date, possession of automatic knives remains illegal in Virginia. NOTE: The concealed carry knife bans in Virginia, … Continued... Read More

Louisiana Switchblade Concealed Carry Ban Repeal Bill Filed

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ bill to repeal Louisiana’s ban on the concealed carry of switchblades (with a CCW), HB 463, has been introduced by Rep. Alan Seabaugh. We will let you know when it is time to contact legislators in support of HB 463. In 2018 Knife Rights was able repeal Louisiana’s complete ban on switchblades,but in order to get it passed we had to compromise by including the restriction that the knife not be “intentionally concealed on one’s person.” Last year, … Continued... Read More

Virginia Switchblade Ban Repeal Bill Passes

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ Virginia Switchblade Ban Repeal Bill, SB 758, previously passed by the Senate unanimously, has now been passed by the House 96-3. Knife Rights’ record of bipartisan support for our non-partisan campaign to end irrational restrictions on knives continues to produce results. Now, it’s up to the Governor. Our sincere thanks and congratulations to sponsor Senator Todd Pillion for his efforts that have resulted in passage of SB 758. … Continued... Read More

Virginia Switchblade Ban Repeal Bill Passes House Committee

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ Virginia Switchblade Ban Repeal Bill, SB 758 previously passed the Senate unanimously. In another bipartisan effort, the bill has been voted out of the House Public Safety Committee 21-1. Next step will be a House floor vote. Knife Rights had led the effort to repeal switchblade bans or restrictions in 18 states, starting with New Hampshire in 2010. Repeals have since been enacted in Alaska, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, … Continued... Read More

Virginia Switchblade Ban Repeal Bill Passes Senate

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ Virginia Switchblade Ban Repeal Bill, SB 758, has been voted out of the Senate unanimously. Our sincere thanks and congratulations to sponsor Senator Todd Pillion for his efforts to pass SB 758 with a unanimous bipartisan vote. It now heads to the House. Knife Rights had led the effort to repeal switchblade bans or restrictions in 18 states, starting with New Hampshire in 2010. Repeals have since been enacted in Alaska, … Continued... Read More

Virginia Switchblade Ban Repeal Bill Out Of Committee

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ Virginia Switchblade Ban Repeal Bill, SB 758, has been voted out of the Senate Judiciary Committee 13-0. Knife Rights had led the effort to repeal switchblade bans or restrictions in 18 states, starting with New Hampshire in 2010. Repeals have since been enacted in Alaska, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Washington and Wisconsin. Altogether, Knife Rights’ efforts have resulted in 34 bills enacted repealing knife bans in 23 states and over 150 cities and towns since 2010. … Continued... Read More

Georgia Constitutional Carry Bill Would Repeal Knife Ban

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights supported Georgia HB 903, the Second Amendment Restoration and Protection Act, has been introduced to enact Constitutional Carry in the Peach State. HB 903 would eliminate the existing 12-inch limit on carry of knives without a concealed carry permit. Governor Kemp has said he will sign a Constitutional Carry bill if passed. We are pleased to be working with our friends at to get this bill passed. … Continued... Read More

Alabama Constitutional Carry Bill Would Repeal Knife Ban

. Legislative Updates

Alabama Representative Shane Stringer and 36 of his colleagues have introduced HB 272, a bill to enact Constitutional Carry in the state. Knife Rights supports Constitutional Carry and particularly bills such as this that rid the state of knife bans that we have long tried to repeal. We are pleased that HB 272 includes repeal of Alabama’s ban on concealed carry of a “bowie [sic] knife, or other knife or instrument of the like kind or description” … Continued... Read More

ACTION ALERT! WA Switchblade Ban Repeal Bill Moving

. Legislative Updates

NOTE:  Unfortunately, once again our efforts were thwarted as Feb 15th passed without a House vote on the bill. We will be back next session for another go at getting this done.  The Washington House Committee on Civil Rights & Judiciary voted 12-5 with a “do pass” recommendation for our bill to repeal Washington’s civilian ban on “spring blade” (automatic) knives, HB 1224. We appreciate Chairman Drew Hansen’s support in bringing this bill to a vote. … Continued... Read More

Virginia Switchblade Ban Repeal Bill Introduced

. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ Virginia Switchblade Ban Repeal Bill, SB 758, has been introduced by Senator Todd Pillion. Similar bills in 2017 and 2019 passed the legislature, but were vetoed by hostile governors. A new governor and legislative makeup gives us hope we can get it done this time. Knife Rights will let you know when it is time to contact your legislators to support SB 758. Knife Rights had led the effort to repeal switchblade bans or restrictions in 18 states, … Continued... Read More

ACTION ALERT! WA Switchblade Ban Repeal Bill

. Legislative Updates

The Washington House Committee on Civil Rights & Judiciary held a virtual hearing Tuesday on our bill to repeal Washington’s civilian ban on “spring blade” (automatic) knives, HB 1224. Knife Rights Director of Legislative Affairs, Todd Rathner, offered testimony in support of the bill. If you are a Washington resident, please use Knife Rights’ Legislative Action Center to email committee members to vote yes on HB 1224. To easily send an email go to: DO IT TODAY and help us push this bill forward! … Continued... Read More

Pennsylvania Switchblade Ban Repeal & Preemption Bill Introduced

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Pennsylvania Senator Sharif Street has introduced SB 1013, Knife Rights’ bill to repeal the Keystone State’s ban on switchblade (automatic) knives and enact Knife Rights’ signature Knife Law Preemptionn. This is a complimentary bill to the previously filed HB 1929 in the House. Co-sponsors at filing are Senators Maria Collett and Wayne Fontana. Knife Rights will let you know when it is time to contact your legislators to support SB 1013 and HB 1929. … Continued... Read More

Illinois FOID Card Repeal Bills Introduced

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

More Firearms Owners ID Act Repeal bills have been introduced in Illinois. These are identical to bills previously filed in the 2021-2022 session. The Prairie State allows multiple identical bills. Knife Rights supports these bills that would do away with the Illinois FOID card, including repealing the requirement that a person needs a FOID card in order to possess a switchblade (automatic) knife in the state. When Knife Rights repealed Illinois’ total ban on switchblades in 2017, … Continued... Read More

Virginia Place of Worship Carry Bills Introduced

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

A number of identical bills have been filed in Virginia to repeal the state’s ban on carry of “dangerous weapons,” including a “bowie” [sic] knife or dagger, “without good and sufficient reason” in a place of worship (§18.2-283). As we have in previous sessions, Knife Rights supports these efforts to allow persons to carry whatever knife they want, whether as a simple tool or for self-defense. Knife Rights will let you know when it is time to contact your legislators to repeal of this irrational ban in Virginia. … Continued... Read More

Washington “Spring Blade” Knife Ban Repeal Reintroduced

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Knife Rights’ bill to repeal Washington’s civilian ban on “spring blade” (automatic) knives, HB 1224, has been reintroduced. In 2012 the law was changed to allow civilian possession and carry of assisted-opening knives and the manufacture and distribution of automatic knives and expanded possession and carry to first responders and military members. For the past decade we have worked to eliminate the remaining ban on “spring blade” knives, getting very close on occasion, … Continued... Read More

Alabama Constitutional Carry Repealing State Knife Restrictions Enacted

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Alabama’s Constitutional Carry bill is now in effect, including repeal of restrictions on the carrying of a Bowie knife or a concealed knife. WARNING: Local jurisdictions may still restrict or ban knives. Knife Rights looks forward to working to enact its signature Knife Law Preemption going forward in Alabama. This would void those restrictions and bans and prevent any being put in place in the future. To find local knife restrictions go to: or download Knife Rights’ LegalBlade App. … Continued... Read More

Ohio House Passes Knife Law Preemption Bill

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

By a vote of 55 to 36 the Ohio House passed Knife Rights’ Ohio Knife Law Preemption bill, HB 243. Passage came only hours after HB 243 passed out of the Government Oversight Committee by a vote of 8 to 4 after five hearings! The Senate previously passed their version of this bill, SB 156. We’d like to congratulate HB 243 sponsor Rep. Al Cutrona on passage of this bill. We sincerely appreciate all the effort he’s put in getting the job done. … Continued... Read More

U.S. Supreme Court Second Amendment Case Oral Argument Summary

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Last week, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) heard oral argument in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen. This case involves New York’s “may issue” permitting system, a de facto ban on carrying a firearm outside the home for self-defense. Knife Rights Foundation signed on to an Amicus Curiae (Friend of the Court) brief supporting the plaintiff, NYSRPA. While the case obviously involves firearms, … Continued... Read More

Michigan Gov. Vetoes Bipartisan Knife Rights Act

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer has vetoed our bipartisan Michigan Knife Rights Act, HB 4066, that would have enacted Knife Rights’ signature Knife Law Preemption in the state. Strongly supported by both parties, enactment of the Michigan Knife Rights Act would have protected millions of Michiganders from harassment by police for carrying simple tools they use every day for work. Whitmer’s veto is evidence that she does not care about needless interactions between Michigan residents and law enforcement. … Continued... Read More

Listen to SCOTUS 2A Case Oral Arguments 11/3/2021

. Legislative Updates

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) will hear oral arguments in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen on Wednesday, November 3rd at 10:00 AM Eastern. This case involves New York City’s “may issue” permitting system, a de facto ban on carrying a firearm outside the home for self-defense. Knife Rights Foundation is party to an Amicus Curie (Friend of the Court) brief supporting the plaintiff, NYSRPA, in this case. … Continued... Read More

URGENT: Email Michigan Gov. to Sign Knife Rights Act!

. Legislative Updates

Our Michigan Knife Rights Act, HB 4066, that would enact Knife Rights’ signature Knife Law Preemption in the state, has been presented to Governor Whitmer. ACT NOW! If you are a Michigan resident, or work or travel in the state, please use Knife Rights’ Legislative Action Center to ask Governor Whitmer to sign HB 4066: Please use the Tell-A-Friend feature available through Knife Rights’ … Continued... Read More

Michigan Knife Rights Act Passed

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With a bipartisan vote of 66 – 38, the Michigan House voted final passage of our Michigan Knife Rights Act, HB 4066, that was passed by the Senate last week. This is Knife Rights’ signature Knife Law Preemption bill. Once the bill is enrolled, it will pass to the Governor for action. As soon as the bill makes it over to Governor Whitmer’s office we will ask you to contact the Governor using Knife Rights’ … Continued... Read More

Ohio Senate Passes Knife Law Preemption Bill

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

The Ohio Senate has passed Knife Rights’ Knife Law Preemption bill, SB 156, by a vote of 23-7. It now moves to the House where a companion bill, HB 243, is awaiting a vote by the House Government Oversight Committee, expected shortly. SB 156 Sponsor Senator Kristina Roegner said, “Ohioans carrying knives, whether for work or self-defense, face a confusing and impossible to follow patchwork of local ordinances. Currently, what is legal to carry and possess in one town may be a serious crime to possess in another. … Continued... Read More

Michigan Knife Rights Act Passed by Senate

. Legislative Updates

Our Michigan Knife Rights Act, HB 4066, was passed by the Senate with a bipartisan vote of 25-11. This is Knife Rights’ signature Knife Law Preemption bill which passed the House earlier this year. However, because the Senate made a minor change in the bill, it now goes back to the House for a concurrence vote.  Thanks to all who used our Legislative Action center to email the Senators. Knife Law Preemption is a Knife Rights’ … Continued... Read More


. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ Michigan Knife Rights Act, HB 4066, was “reported favorably” out out of the Senate Local Government Committee with a minor amendment. This is Knife Rights’ signature Knife Law Preemption bill which passed the House earlier this year. HB 4066 now moves to the full Senate for a vote. If you are a Michigan resident, please use Knife Rights’ Legislative Action Center to easily EMAIL Senators and ask them to vote YES on HB 4066: Knife Law Preemption is a Knife Rights criminal justice reform effort that nullifies existing ordinances and prevents new local ordinances more restrictive than state law which only serve to confuse or entrap law-abiding citizens traveling within or through the state. … Continued... Read More


. Legislative Updates

In Michigan, where our Michigan Knife Rights Act, HB 4066, passed the House earlier this year, the Senate hearing was held this week. Besides testimony from bill sponsor Rep. Andrew Fink and Knife Rights’ Todd Rathner, we were honored to have eight-year-old Remington Wilson (who I mentioned in our National Knife Day News Slice) testify in support of the bill (right in photo below with his father proudly looking on). … Continued... Read More

The 2021 Ultimate Steel Spectacular is CLOSED.

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Thanks for your generous support! The 2021 Ultimate Steel Spectacular is CLOSED. Winners in both the Tail End Bonus Drawing and Main Drawing will be drawn digitally the week of Oct. 4. Then we will begin the process of contacting each winner individually in the order they were drawn so that they can select their prize. Winners each have up to 48 hours to make their selection, so this can take weeks or months.Thanks for your patience as we complete the process. … Continued... Read More

PA Switchblade Ban Repeal Bill Filed

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Knife Rights’ good friend Representative Martin Causer today introduced HB 1929, a bill to repeal Pennsylvania’s ban on automatic knives. Rep. Causer is working with Knife Rights to move this bill forward as part of our comprehensive plan to see important criminal justice and knife law reform enacted in Pennsylvania. Knife Rights will let you know when it is time to contact your legislators to support HB 1929. Knife Rights is America’s grassroots knife owners’ organization; … Continued... Read More

First Ohio Knife Law Preemption Bill Senate Hearing Held

. Legislative Updates

With the August legislature recesses over, Knife Rights efforts are picking up again. On Tuesday, at a hearing of the Ohio Senate Veterans and Public Safety Committee, a substitute version of SB 156, Knife Rights’ Ohio knife law preemption bill, was introduced. The substitute version is the result of efforts by Prime Sponsor Senator Kristina Roegner’s office and our Director of Legislative Affairs, Todd Rathner, to address potential legal issues that were identified after the bill’s initial introduction. … Continued... Read More

Louisiana CCW Bill Including Most Knives Takes Effect

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

Louisiana HB 124, providing for the concealed carry of any “instrumentality customarily used or intended for use as a dangerous weapon” as long as the carrier has a concealed handgun permit, takes effect on today, August 1, 2021. This includes knives, except, unfortunately, switchblades. In 2018 Knife Rights was able repeal Louisiana’s complete ban on switchblades,but in order to get it passed we had to compromise by including the restriction that the knife not be “intentionally concealed on one’s person.” … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights Was Born 15 Years Ago Today!

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

10 Years Ago Wall Street Journal Article Ignited Knife Owners' Civil Rights Movement July 25, 2016: Knife Rights was born ten years ago today after I read an outrageous and highly inflammatory article headlining the Wall Street Journal, entitled "How New, Deadly Pocketknives Became a $1 Billion Business" demonizing so-called "tactical knives." A discredit to the Journal, the overwrought and sensationalist article was filled with distortions, misrepresentations, innuendo, outright lies and cherry-picked quotes pushing a transparent rabid anti-weapon and anti-freedom agenda. But, the story didn't quite spark the anti-knife response the reporter probably hoped for -- in fact, it had precisely the opposite effect. Reading that article I became incensed at the blatant, misguided attack on our everyday tools. I realized that there was no NRA for knife owners. There was no aggressive, proactive grassroots organization working to stop the U.S. from sinking into the anti-knife, anti-freedom pit that already exists in Europe and the U.K. That article ignited a new civil rights movement. Over the past decade Knife Rights has literally rewritten knife law in America. More knives and more freedom couldn't have been further from his objective, but that's exactly what he got. Thank you, Wall Street Journal.... Read More

Knife Rights Foundation Weighs In on Critical 2nd Amendment Case

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Knife Rights Foundation has joined with FPC American Victory Fund and a number of state Second Amendment advocacy groups submitting an Amicus Curie (Friend of the Court) brief to the Supreme Court of the United States in a critical Second Amendment case, New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. v. Bruen. This is the first Second Amendment case to be heard by SCOTUS in over a decade. Both that case, … Continued... Read More

U.S. Supreme Court Protects Knife Rights’ Donors

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

In a 6-3 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on July 1, 2021 that a California law requiring nonprofits to reveal the names of their major donors to the government is “facially unconstitutional.” Had that decision gone the other way, Knife Rights could have been compelled to release the names of its major donors to the state. Knife Rights supported the efforts to void California’s new law that may have exposed its donors to potential harassment and impacted our ability to raise funds. … Continued... Read More

Louisiana CCW Bill Including Most Knives Signed

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Louisiana HB 124, supported by Knife Rights, has been signed by Governor Edwards, providing for the carry of any “instrumentality customarily used or intended for use as a dangerous weapon” as long as the carrier has a concealed handgun permit. This would include knives, except, unfortunately, switchblades. The law does not go into effect until August 1, 2021. In 2018 Knife Rights was able repeal Louisiana’s complete ban on switchblades,but in order to get it passed we had to compromise by including the restriction that the knife not be “intentionally concealed on one’s person.” … Continued... Read More

House Passes MI Knife Law Preemption Bill

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Knife Rights’ Michigan Knife Rights Act, HB 4066, was passed today by the House with a bipartisan vote of 69-41. HB 4066 is Knife Rights’ signature Knife Law preemption bill. The bill will now move to the Senate. We’d like to express our thanks to our bipartisan sponsors, Representatives Andrew Fink, John Reilly, Steve Johnson, Steve Carra, Joseph Bellino, Brad Paquette, John Damoose, Beau LaFave, Gregory Markkanen, Matthew Maddock, Luke Meerman, … Continued... Read More

First Hearing for Ohio Knife Law Preemption Bill

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

The first hearing on Knife Rights’ Ohio Knife Law Preemption bill, HB 243, was held Thursday, June 17. The Government Oversight Committee sponsor’s hearing is the first of three hearings to be held on this bill. Sponsor Representative Al Cutrona introduced the bill and answered questions from committee members. Knife Rights Director of Legislative Affairs, Todd Rathner, had been in Ohio the week prior lobbying for this bill and its companion Senate bill, … Continued... Read More

Texas Politics Kills Knife Law Reform Bill HB 956

. News . Front Page

Knife Rights’ bipartisan Knife Law Reform bill, HB 956, which was passed by the Texas House by an overwhelming vote of 142 – 2 and which passed the Senate last session, was allowed to die in the Texas Senate without a vote as their regular session ended. HB 956 would have removed from statute a number of places where Location-Restricted Knives (having blades over 5 1/2 inches) are banned, including restaurants and bars that derive 51% of their income from sale or service of alcoholic beverages, … Continued... Read More

URGENT TEXAS ACTION ALERT: EMAIL TODAY! Urge Senate Committee Vote on TX Knife Law Reform DO IT TODAY!

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

If you are a Texas resident, use Knife Rights’ Legislative Action Center to urge members of the Texas Senate Committee on State Affairs to push for a vote on HB 956. Time is running out. Every indication is we have the BIPARTISAN votes needed to pass the bill in Committee and on the floor of the Senate, but the bill is stalled. Governor Abbott has indicated he would sign the bill. The Chairman has not allowed a vote to be held. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights STOPS Texas Knife Lockdown Bill!

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

We are very happy to announce that the Texas Knife Lockdown bill, HB 4415, has, for all practical purposes, died without a committee vote. All normal deadlines to move the bill have passed. To paraphrase, stick a knife in it, it’s done! This ill-conceived bill would have required broadly defined “retail establishments” in Texas, including knifemakers at knife shows, to only display knives “in a locked transparent case accessible only with the assistance of an employee of the establishment.” … Continued... Read More

Michigan Knife Rights Act Passed by House Committee

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Knife Rights’ Michigan Knife Rights Act, HB 4066, was passed out of the House Local Government and Municipal Finance Committee by a vote of 8-5. HB 4066 is Knife Rights’ signature Knife Law Preemption bill for Michigan. The bill will now be eligible for a vote by the full House. Knife Rights will let you know when it is time to contact your legislators to support HB 4066. Knife Law Preemption is a Knife Rights criminal justice reform effort that nullifies existing ordinances and prevents new local ordinances more restrictive than state law which only serve to confuse or entrap law-abiding citizens traveling within or through the state. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Texas Knife Law Reform Passed by House

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ bipartisan Texas Knife Law Reform Bill, HB 956, was passed by the Texas House of Representatives today by a vote of  142 to 2. It now moves to the Senate for their consideration. Thanks to all our Texas members and supporters who used Knife Rights’ Legislative Action Center to email their Representatives to support this bill. HB 956 would remove from statute a number of places where Location-Restricted Knives (having blades over 5 1/2 inches) are banned, … Continued... Read More


. Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ Texas Knife Law Reform Bill, HB 956, is set for a vote Monday, April 26th, on the floor of the House. Thanks for the hundreds of emails you sent to members of the House Calendars Committee. Now we need to do it again for the floor vote. HB 956 would remove from statute a number of places where Location-Restricted Knives (having blades over 5 1/2 inches) are banned, … Continued... Read More

URGENT ACTION ALERT: EMAIL TX House Calendars Committee to Set Floor Vote on HB 956

. Legislative Updates

If you are a Texas resident, use Knife Rights’ Legislative Action Center to urge members of the Texas House Calendars Committee to set Knife Rights’ Knife Law Reform Bill, HB 956, for a floor vote. HB 956 would remove from statute a number of places where Location-Restricted Knives (having blades over 5 1/2 inches) are banned. HB 956 would remove restaurants and bars that derive 51% of their income from sale or service of alcoholic beverages, … Continued... Read More

Ohio Knife Law Preemption Bill Introduced in Senate

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

At the SB 140 Enactment Celebration held at Rick Hinderer Knives on Tuesday, Ohio Senator Kristina Roegner, that bill’s sponsor, announced the filing of her Senate Knife Law Preemption bill, SB 156. This is a companion bill to HB 243, filed in the House by Representative Al Cutrona. These bills follow on SB 140 because, unfortunately, without knife law preemption, numerous cities and towns in Ohio are still able to ban many knives that are perfectly legal under Ohio’s statutes. … Continued... Read More

Ohio Knife Law Reform Celebration at Rick Hinderer Knives

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

On Tuesday, April 13, at the Rick Hinderer Knives factory in Shreve, Ohio, before a gathering of legislators and other advocates who helped make it happen, Rick assembled a prototype of his first automatic (switchblade) knife that is now legal to manufacture in Ohio with the enactment the day before of SB 140, Knife Rights’ Ohio Knife Law Reform bill. Rick Hinderer thanked the assembled legislators, Knife Rights and other advocates, … Continued... Read More


. Legislative Updates . Front Page

STOP the Texas Knife Lockdown! Texas HB 4415 would require “retail establishments” to display ALL knives “in a locked transparent case accessible only with the assistance of an employee of the establishment.” A committee hearing was held yesterday with emotional testimony from the family of a young man tragically murdered in a Corpus Christi Walmart last year. Knife Rights representatives and friends provided testimony in opposition to this well-intentioned, but ill-conceived and draconian bill. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Ohio Knife Law Reform Effective Today

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Today, April 12, is the enactment date for SB 140, Knife Rights’ Ohio Knife Law Reform bill. Effective today Ohio knife law is changed in the following manner: 1. The ban on manufacture and sale of “switchblade,” “spring blade” and “gravity” knives is repealed. Possession and open carry has always been legal and concealed carry was legal except for the jeopardy inherent in the extreme vagueness of Ohio’s concealed “deadly weapon” … Continued... Read More

Texas Knife Law Reform Bill Passes Out of Committee

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

The Texas House Criminal Jurisprudence Committee held a hearing yesterday for HB 956 that would remove from statute a number of places where Location-Restricted Knives (having blades over 5 1/2 inches) are banned. Knife Rights Director of Legislative Affairs, Todd Rathner, gave testimony on the bill at the hearing (photo below). This bill hearing and vote came about only after Todd spent weeks lobbying in Austin to gain support for the bill and to get the bill scheduled for a hearing. … Continued... Read More

Ohio Knife Law Preemption Bill Introduced

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Ohio Representative Al Cutrona has introduced HB 243 to enact Knife Rights’ signature Knife Law Preemption in Ohio. This bill follows on Gov. DeWine’s signing of Knife Rights’ Ohio Knife Law Reform bill, SB 140, earlier this year. Those reforms become law on April 12th. Unfortunately, without knife law preemption, numerous cities and towns in Ohio are still able to ban many knives that are perfectly legal under Ohio’s statutes. … Continued... Read More

Louisiana Concealed Carry Bill Would Cover Knives

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

A Louisiana bill, HB 124, has been prefiled that would allow carry of any “instrumentality customarily used or intended for use as a dangerous weapon” as long as the carrier has a concealed handgun permit. This would include all knives. In 2018 Knife Rights was able repeal Louisiana’s complete ban on switchblades, but in order to get it passed we had to compromise by including the restriction that the knife not be “intentionally concealed on one’s person.” … Continued... Read More

Texas Bill Would Restrict Retail Display of Knives

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

A Texas bill, HB 4415, has been introduced that would require “retail establishments” to display knives “in a locked transparent case accessible only with the assistance of an employee of the establishment.” For purposes of this bill,”knife” is very broadly defined as “any bladed hand instrument that is capable of inflicting serious bodily injury or death by cutting or stabbing a person with the instrument.” “Retail establishment” is also very broadly defined as “a place of business open to the general public for the sale of goods or services.” … Continued... Read More

Texas Bills Filed Protecting Knife Community Rights During Declared Disaster

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Two companion bills have been introduced in the Texas Senate and House, SB 18 and HB 2249, that would restrict the powers of state and local government to infringe on constitutional rights during declared emergencies. Among others whose rights would be protected, it would shield businesses which engage in the knife trade, as well as knife owners, from interference by the government at such times. In addition, two more bills with this Knife Rights-supported language have been filed. … Continued... Read More

Washington Switchblade Ban Repeal Bill Dies

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Unfortunately, despite thousands of emails sent via Knife Rights’ Legislative Action Center to Chairman Hansen and committee members, the clock has run out on the bipartisan Washington “Spring Blade” Ban Repeal bill, HB 1224. The House Civil Rights & Judiciary Committee didn’t hear the bill before deadline on Feb. 15th and as a result it is dead for this year. This means that Washingtonians must still live with an archaic ban making possession of simple automatic knives illegal while the residents of 44 other states have no such burden, … Continued... Read More

Hearing Held on North Dakota Concealed Carry Knife Reform Bill

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

Despite a 90-degree temperature swing from his home base to -20F (not including wind chill), Todd Rathner, Knife Rights Director of Legislative Affairs, was in North Dakota on Monday to testify and lobby in support of HB 1339, a bill to remove “switchblade, gravity knife, machete, scimitar, stiletto, sword [and] dagger” from the list of “dangerous weapons” that may not be carried concealed without a concealed weapon license. Knife Rights will always show up, … Continued... Read More

Minnesota Constitutional Amendment Protecting Knives Introduced

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Minnesota State Senator Paul Utke and Representatives Cal Bahr, Tim Miller, John Poston, Erik Mortensen, Eric Lucero and Donald Raleigh have introduced, respectively, SF 1026 and HF 824, Constitutional Amendment bills “providing for the right of the people to acquire, keep, possess, transport,​carry, transfer, and use arms including firearms, knives, or any other weapons and​ ammunition, components, and accessories for these arms.” Knife Rights appreciates our friends in Minnesota including knives in this proposed amendment. … Continued... Read More

Vermont Knife Law Preemption Bill Introduced

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Longtime Knife Rights friend Vermont Representative Patrick Brennan has filed H.254 to enact Knife Rights’ signature Knife Law Preemption in Vermont. The bill simply adds “knives” to the existing Vermont firearms preemption statute. Knife Law Preemption repeals and prevents local ordinances more restrictive than state law which only serve to confuse or entrap law-abiding citizens traveling within or through the state. Preemption ensures citizens can expect consistent enforcement of state knife laws everywhere in a state. … Continued... Read More

URGENT ACTION ALERT! Washington Switchblade Ban Repeal Bill

. Legislative Updates

The bipartisan Washington “Spring Blade” Ban Repeal bill, HB 1224, that would repeal the state’s ban on automatic knives is in danger of dying on the vine. If a hearing is not held by the end of the day on Monday, February 15, it will be dead for this session. The current hearing agenda does not include HB 1224! If you are a Washington resident, please use Knife Rights’ Legislative Action Center to ask House Civil Rights & … Continued... Read More

Vermont Switchblade 3″+ Ban Repeal Introduced

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Longtime Knife Rights friend Vermont Representative Patrick Brennan has filed H.201 that would repeal the state’s ban on switchblade knives three inches or more in length. Switchblades (automatic knives) with a blade 3 inches or more in length are the only knives outlawed in Vermont. Vermont has Constitutional (Permitless) Carry so, you can carry any legal firearm open or concealed and you can carry any knife open or concealed except a switchblade with a blade 3 inches or longer. … Continued... Read More

Michigan Knife Rights Act Introduced

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

The Michigan Knife Rights Act, HB 4066, Knife Rights’ signature knife law preemption bill, has been re-introduced. Last year the Act was passed by the House with a bipartisan vote of 71-36, but was never moved in the Senate due to the pandemic stopping most legislation from proceeding. Sponsors include author Rep. Steven Johnson, who has previously led the effort on this bill, as well as Representatives Andrew Fink, John Reilly, … Continued... Read More

Illinois FOID Card Repeal Bill Introduced

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

An Illinois bill to repeal the Firearm Owners Identification (FOID) Card Act, HB 150, has been introduced by Representative Joe Sosnowski. This is identical to HB 4067 that did not get a vote last year. Repeal would be a plus for those wishing to possess an automatic knife in Illinois. As background, when we got the state’s total switchblade ban repealed in 2017, we had to compromise to require a FOID card in order to possess an automatic knife (as opposed to requiring a CCW, … Continued... Read More

North Dakota Concealed Carry Knife Reform Bill Introduced

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

A North Dakota bill to remove “switchblade, gravity knife, machete, scimitar, stiletto, sword [and] dagger” from the list of “dangerous weapons” that may not be carried concealed without a concealed weapon license, HB 1339, has been introduced. The bill retains the under 5-inch limit for concealed carry of any knife without a CWL. The bill is sponsored by Representatives Luke Simons, Rick Becker, Cole Christensen, Sebastian Ertelt, Jeff Hoverson, Terry Jones, … Continued... Read More

Washington State “Spring Blade” Ban Repeal Bill Introduced

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

A bipartisan “Spring Blade” Ban Repeal bill, HB 1224, has been introduced by Washington State Representatives Kelly Chambers and Mike Chapman. HB 1224 would repeal the ban on sales and civilian possession of “spring blade” knives, as well as specifically exclude them from the definition of “dangerous weapon.” HB 1224 is identical to the bill that passed the Senate last year, but which never received a floor vote in the House before time expired. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Ohio Knife Law Reform Bill Signed!

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

Knife Rights’ Ohio Knife Law Reform Bill, SB 140, has been signed by Governor Mike DeWine. We sincerely thank Gov. DeWine for signing this important bill. Thanks, also, to all of you who used Knife Rights Legislative Action Center for the hundreds of emails and calls to the governor. NOTE: The new law does not take effect until April 12, 2021. Existing law is still in effect until then. NOTE: We have not yet passed Knife Rights signature knife law preemption in Ohio, … Continued... Read More

Bill Strengthening Knife Law Preemption in New Hampshire Introduced

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

The New Hampshire Second Amendment State Preemption Act, HB 307, has been introduced by Representatives Norman Silber, Michael Yakubovich, Barbara Comtois and Linda Gould. This bill adds teeth to the state’s existing preemption law for knives (as well as firearms and ammunition). HB 307 provides for significant penalties against those who violate the state’s preemption law in order deter infringement. We will let you know when it’s time to contact your legislators to help move this bill along. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights’ Knife Owners’ Protection Act Re-Introduced in Congress

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Originally conceived and authored by Knife Rights in 2010 and first introduced in 2013, the Knife Owners’ Protection Act of 2021, H.R. 60, (“KOPA”) was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives on the first day of Congress by Arizona Representative Andy Biggs. KOPA will remove the irrational restrictions on interstate trade in automatic knives that are legal to one degree or another in 44 states, while also protecting the right of knife owners to travel throughout the U.S. … Continued... Read More

Texas Location Restricted Knife Law Reform Bill Introduced

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Long time Texas Knife Rights sponsor Representative Harold Dutton has introduced HB 956 that would remove from statute a number of places where Location-Restricted Knives are banned. The locations being removed includes restaurants and bars that derive 51% of their income from sale or service of alcoholic beverages, amusement parks and places of religious worship. In 2013 Knife Rights’ repeal of Texas’ switchblade ban was enacted. In 2015 Knife Rights’ signature Knife Law Preemption was enacted, … Continued... Read More

Bills to Make Bowie Official Knife of Texas Introduced

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Texas Senator Drew Springer has introduced Senate Concurrent Resolution SCR7 that would designate the Bowie Knife as the official state knife of Texas. This is a companion resolution to the original he filed in the House, HCR1, as a Representative, prior to moving to the Senate. This is a corrected version of HCR 86 that passed with bipartisan support in 2019, but which Governor Abbott vetoed because it contained an obvious historical error. … Continued... Read More

South Carolina Knife Law Preemption Bill Introduced

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Long time Knife Rights friend South Carolina Representative Brian White has introduced Knife Rights’ signature knife law preemption legislation. H.3551 adds “knives” to South Carolina’s existing firearms preemption law. In 2015 this legislation passed the House unanimously, but got bogged down in the Senate over issues unrelated to the bill. We will let you know when it’s time to contact your legislators to help move this bill along. Preemption prevents a patchwork of local ordinances more restrictive than state law which only serve to confuse or entrap law-abiding citizens traveling within or through the state. … Continued... Read More

Senate Resolution to Make Bowie Official Knife of Texas Introduced

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

Texas Senator Drew Springer has introduced Senate Concurrent Resolution SCR7 that would designate the Bowie Knife as the official state knife of Texas. This is a companion resolution to the original he filed in the House, HCR1, as a Representative, prior to moving to the Senate. This is a corrected version of HCR 86 that passed with bipartisan support in 2019, but which Governor Abbott vetoed because it contained an obvious historical error. … Continued... Read More

Ohio Knife Law Reform Bill to Governor – CALL/EMAIL TODAY!

. Legislative Updates . Front Page

We are not yet done with 2020! Knife Rights’ Ohio Knife Law Reform Bill, SB 140, passed the House with a bipartisan vote of 59-23. SB140 previously passed the Senate 32-1. SB 140 now moves to Governor Mike DeWine for his consideration.  One last step.  We need your help NOW to push SB 140 over the line! If you live, work or travel in Ohio, please use Knife Rights’ … Continued... Read More

2020 – Year In Review

. Legislative Updates

All of us at Knife Rights offer our sincere empathy for what our friends and supporters have gone through this year. We’ll be thrilled to leave 2020 behind and hope and pray 2021 will turn into something resembling “normal” for all of us. Despite all the challenges we’ve all faced, Knife Rights has forged ahead to get important things done with the help of our supporters. As 2020 stutters to a close, … Continued... Read More

EMAIL TODAY! Ohio Knife Law Reform Bill Up For Vote

. Legislative Updates

We are not yet done with 2020! Knife Rights’ Ohio Knife Law Reform Bill, SB 140, could come up for a vote by the full House as soon as tomorrow (Tuesday). We need your help to push SB 140 over the line! SB 140 would change Ohio knife law by making two separate substantive changes: 1. Repealing the ban on manufacture and sale of “switchblade,” “spring blade” … Continued... Read More

2020 Year End Update – Make a Tax-Deductible Donation

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

I don’t think anyone will argue that 2020 has sucked. We tossed around a bunch of descriptives, but in the end Sue, Todd and I decided “sucked” works. For some it has sucked much worse than for others. For some, less sucky. But, everyone has coped with some degree of suckiness. All of us at Knife Rights offer our sincere empathy for what our friends and supporters have gone through. We’ll be thrilled to leave 2020 behind and hope and pray 2021 will turn into something resembling “normal” … Continued... Read More

Ohio Knife Law Reform Bill Passes House Committee – Call/Email TODAY!

. Legislative Updates

We are not yet done with 2020! Knife Rights’ Director of Legislative Affairs, Todd Rathner, has spent the better part of the past two weeks in Columbus, Ohio, lobbying hard to get our Ohio Knife Law Reform Bill, SB 140, out of committee. As a result of his efforts, SB 140 was just passed out of the House Criminal Justice Committee with a bipartisan vote of 7-4. SB140 already passed the Senate 32-1 in June of 2019. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights Chair Doug Ritter Speaking at Two Virtual Second Amendment Events

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

National Constitution Day Arizona Second Amendment Virtual Rally Wednesday Evening, September 16th This year’s National Constitution Day Arizona Second Amendment Rally will be held online the evening of Wednesday, Sept. 16th, starting at 6:00 PM Arizona (9:00 PM Eastern). Knife Rights Founder and Chairman Doug Ritter and his wife Sue are featured speakers. Hosted by Arizona state Rep. Tim Dunn (LD13) and headlined by Sen. Martha McSally, speakers supporting the Second Amendment will include Cheryl Todd of Gun Freedom Radio and Tiffany Shedd, … Continued... Read More

Amicus Brief Filed in Hawaii Butterfly Knife Second Amendment Case

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

While the COVID-19 pandemic has interrupted almost all legislative efforts this year, Knife Rights continues its efforts to serve our knife community and Rewrite Knife Law in America™. Knife Rights Foundation today announced the filing of an important Amicus Curiae (Friend of the Court) brief in a Second Amendment lawsuit currently before the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. The case, captioned Teter v. Connors, challenges the State of Hawaii’s outright ban on butterfly knives. … Continued... Read More

The Aftermath of Self-Defense – What to Do & What NOT to Do

. Evergreen . News . Front Page

In these disturbing times, the issue of self-defense and the aftermath are increasingly areas of concern for many who never previously gave it much thought. Politics, irrespective of facts or longstanding law, is increasingly affecting what happens in the aftermath, what happens to the person defending their life or that of loved ones. That is why Knife Rights teamed up with U.S. LawShield* which offers legal defense protection for those who have a justified self-defense or bogus weapons charge incident regardless of the legal weapon used. … Continued... Read More

Knife Rights Teams Up with U.S. LawShield – Legal Defense for Self-Defense & Carry

. Front Page . Evergreen

Knife Rights, America’s foremost advocacy organization for knife owners, is proud to team up with U.S. LawShield which offers legal defense protection for those who have a justified self-defense or bogus weapons charge incident regardless of the legal weapon used or carried; knife, gun, club, or any other. What if you used your knife for self-defense instead of, or back-up to, a firearm? What if a knife was the only legal choice available to carry for self-defense? … Continued... Read More

Kansas Knife Statute Held Unconstitutionally Vague

. Front Page . Legislative Updates

While not obviously applicable to most reading this, this is actually an important judicial victory for all knife owners. In an opinion dealing with felons in possession of weapons, the Kansas Supreme Court held a critical portion of the statute unconstitutionally vague. While the decision dealt specifically with this felon related statue, it is relevant to many statutes with similar vague language. While the precedent it sets in Kansas is limited to that state, it will be cited in cases in other states where similar catch-all phrases (technically, … Continued... Read More

LegalBlade™ Knife Law App 2.0 – Knife Laws in America™ Introduced

. News . Front Page

Knife Rights Foundation is excited to introduce LegalBlade™ Knife Law App 2.0 – Knife Laws in America™, the enhanced second generation of the world’s first and only knife law app. The improved LegalBlade™ App features an all new, easier to navigate user interface and it is now FREE compliments of sponsor Blade HQ. Knife Rights’ LegalBlade™ app provides guidance at your fingertips to the knife laws of all 50 states, the District of Columbia and over 40 cities. … Continued... Read More

West Virginia Knife Law Preemption Takes Effect May 31st

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West Virginia SB 96 that expands the state’s firearms preemption statute to include “deadly weapons,” including knives, goes into effect Sunday, May 31st. Preemption prevents enforcement of existing local knife ordinances, and prohibits new ordinances, more restrictive than state law which only serve to confuse or entrap law-abiding citizens traveling within or through the state. Knife Rights passed the nation’s first Knife Law Preemption bill in Arizona in 2010 and with West Virginia, … Continued... Read More

Amicus Brief Filed in NYC DA’s Effort To Vacate Gravity Knife Decision

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Today, Knife Rights Foundation filed an Amicus Curiae (Friend of the Court) brief opposing District Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr’s appeal and his reprehensible effort to now moot his own appeal and vacate the Federal District Court decision that ruled the “wrist flick test,” used by NYPD and prosecutors to determine if a knife is a gravity knife, was unconstitutional under some circumstances. Knife Rights had previously filed an Amicus brief opposing the DA’s motion to moot its appeal and vacate the decision and the U.S. … Continued... Read More

Knife Manufacturing and Distribution as “Essential Infrastructure?”

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The recent inclusion of “workers supporting the operation of firearm or ammunition product manufacturers, retailers, importers, distributors, and shooting ranges” in the Department of Homeland Security Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency’s (CISA) Guidance on the Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce  highlighted the challenges facing some knife manufacturers, retailers, importers and distributors in keeping their doors open in these challenging times. Recent COVID-19 related shutdowns are negatively impacting some knife manufacturers, retailers, importers and distributors, … Continued... Read More

West Virginia Knife Law Preemption Bill Signed by Governor

. Legislative Updates

West Virginia SB 96 that expands the state’s firearms preemption statute to include “deadly weapons,” including knives, was signed yesterday by Governor Jim Justice. We appreciate Gov. Justice’s support for removing these local barriers to law abiding citizens’ right to carry. WARNING: The new law does not becomes effective until May 31, 2020. Knife Rights appreciates the efforts of SB 96 sponsor Senator Charles Trump. We would like to thank the National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action and their lobbyist Art Thomm, … Continued... Read More

Michigan Knife Law Preemption Bill Passes House

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Knife Rights’ Michigan Knife Law Preemption bill, HB 5286, the “Michigan Knife Rights Act,” was passed by the House with a bipartisan vote of 71-36. It will now move to the Senate. Thanks to all who used Knife Rights’ Legislative Action Center to email their legislators.  We will let you know when it is time to again contact legislators on this bill. Sponsor Rep. Steven Johnson said, “One of the things my constituents sent me to Lansing to do is to clear up confusion in government. … Continued... Read More

URGENT ACTION ALERT: Michigan Knife Law Preemption Bill Passes House Committee

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Knife Rights’ Michigan Knife Law Preemption bill, HB 5286, the “Michigan Knife Rights Act,” was passed out of the House Judiciary Committee with a bipartisan vote of 12-1. It will now be eligible for a vote by the full House. If you are a Michigan resident, please use Knife Rights’ Legislative Action Center to ask House members to vote YES on HB 5286: DO IT TODAY and help us push this bill forward! … Continued... Read More

Washington “Spring Blade” Knife Ban Repeal Dies in House…Again

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Despite two years of hard work by all involved and numerous trips to Olympia by Knife Rights Director of Legislative Affairs Todd Rathner, including a last-minute “fire drill” this week to manage proposed floor amendments to the bill, the Washington State House of Representatives again failed to vote on SB 5782, the “Spring Blade” (Switchblade) Knife Ban Repeal bill, before the March 6 cutoff for bills originating in the Senate. Unfortunately, … Continued... Read More

URGENT ACTION ALERT Michigan Knife Law Preemption Bill Hearing

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Knife Rights’ Michigan Knife Law Preemption bill, HB 5286, the “Michigan Knife Rights Act,” was heard by the House Judiciary Committee today. Knife Rights’ Director of Legislative Affairs Todd Rathner testified in support of the bill.  He was able to answer all the members’ questions.   The Democrat minority Vice-Chair, Rep. David LaGrand, related a story about a knife possession case he defended as an attorney and then stated, “this is a good bill.” … Continued... Read More

West Virginia Knife Law Preemption Passed – On To Governor

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West Virginia SB 96 that would expand the state’s firearms preemption statute to include “deadly weapons,” including knives, was passed by the House 81-17. It now heads to Governor Jim Justice for his consideration. Preemption prevents enforcement of existing local knife ordinances, and prohibits new ordinances, more restrictive than state law which only serve to confuse or entrap law-abiding citizens traveling within or through the state. Knife Rights passed the nation’s first Knife Law Preemption bill in Arizona in 2010 and has since passed preemption bills in Alaska, … Continued... Read More

Washington “Spring Blade” Knife Ban Repeal Passed by House Judiciary Committee

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The Washington state “Spring Blade” (Switchblade) Knife Ban Repeal bill, SB 5782, was reported out the House Civil Rights & Judiciary Committee by a 12-3 vote with a  “do pass” recommendation.  Next step would be a vote by the full House. We will let you know when it is time to contact House members. Thanks to the hundreds of Washingtonians who used Knife Rights’ Legislative Action Center to email the committee members. … Continued... Read More